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EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 9 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2201.21 KB) | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v9i1.1141


ABSTRAK Dennis Rydarto Tambunan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perencanaan biaya transportasi dalam penyusunan anggaran dan pengendalian terhadap penetapan efisiensi tarif minimum antara gudang pengirim dan gudang penerima pada kegiatan angkutan regional beras di Dolog-Jabar. Perencanaan dalam penelitian ini meliputi perencanaan pengadaan persediaan beras, distribusi dan penyimpanan, catatan administrasi dan perhitungan. Selain itu, tujuan berikut adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perencanaan biaya transportasi terhadap sistem pengendalian intern persediaan, dan selanjutnya untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem pengendalian intern persediaan (dalam hal ini sistem pengendalian intern persediaan adalah sebagai variabel penengah atau intervening variable) terhadap penetapan efisiensi tarif minimum. Efisiensi tarif minimum diukur agar dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi manajemen DOLOG-Jabar. Pengukuran efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada pertimbangan antara anggaran biaya dengan realisasinya. Penggunaan realisasi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transportasi “Vogel Approximation Method”, untuk melihat seberapa besar efisiensi yang mungkin dicapai kalau metode ini diterapkan. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumentasi serta membagikan kuesioner kepada kepala-kepala departemen dalam hal ini disebut manajer unit (Ka-Sie). Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis skor dan analisis jalur. Kuesioner yang digunakan didasarkan pada kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh Roy A. Lindberg dan Theodore Chon, sedangkan struktur yang digunakan untuk analisis jalur didasarkan pada struktur yang dikembangkan oleh Ria R. Ariawati dan Harun Al Rasyid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan biaya transportasi dalam penganggaran secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif terhadap sistem pengendalian intern persediaan dengan koefisien jalur sebagai berikut : PY1X1=0.001010712; PY1X2=0.095176407; PY1X3=0.511393824, dan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar R2 Y1(X1,X2,X3)=0,31722743 atau 31.72%. Sistem pengendalian intern persediaan berpengaruh positif terhadap efektivitas dan efisiensi penetapan tarif minimum dengan koefisien jalur sebagai berikut: PY2Y1 = RY2Y1 = 0.041907, dan koefisien determinasi (R2) adalah R2Y2(Y1)=0.0017562 atau 0.17562%. Adapun rata-rata efektivitas dan efisiensi yang dicapai Dolog-Jabar selama periode 1997-1998 yaitu 0.93 atau 93% ABSTRACT Dennis Rydarto Tambunan : The Influence Of Planning Transportation's Cost In The Making And Controlling Of The Budget Toward Fulfillment The Efficiency Of Minimum Rate Between Sender's Warehouse And Receiver's Warehouse On The Activity Of Rice's Regional Freight In DOLOG-Jabar, under advisorship of of Prof. Hj Ria Ratna Ariawati, and H. Moch. Mansur, SE, MM, Ak. This research aim is to understand the influence of planning transportation's cost in the making and controlling of the budget toward fulfillment the efficiency of minimum rate between sender's warehouse and receiver's warehouse on the activity :f rice's regional freight in DOLOG-Jabar. Planning in this research covers of preparing rice's stock, distribution and storage, administration and calculation. On the other hand, the other objection is to know the influence of planning transportation's cost toward internal control of inventory's system, and further more to know the influence of internal control of inventory's system (in this case internal control of inventory's system acts as an intervening variable) toward it's fulfillment on the efficiency of minimum rate. The efficiency of minimum rate was being measured so that it can be use as a judgement for the management of DOLOG-Jabar. The measurement in this research is based on the comparison between the budget and it's realization. The implementation of this realization was being done by making use of transportation method "Vogel Approximation Method", to see how large the efficiency might be achieved if this method applied. The research was done by using survey method in each department which act as units in DOLOG-Jabar located in Jln. Soekarno Hatta. The data was collected through the study of documentation as well as distributing questioners to every departmental heads in which is called as unit manager (Ka-Sie). Data analysis was done by using score and path analysis. The questioner used was based on the questioner developed by Roy A. Lindberg and Theodore Chon, while the structure used for the path analysis is based on the structure developed by Ria R. Ariawati and Harun Al-Rasyid. The result of this research shows that : Planning of transportation's cost in budgeting gives positive influence toward internal control of inventory's system with the path coefficient as follow: PY1X1=0.001010712; PY1X2=0.095176407; PY1X3=0.511393824, and the coefficient (R2) is R2 Y1(X1,X2,X3)=0,31722743 or 31.72%. Internal control of inventory's system gives positive influence toward it's effectiveness and it's efficiency in fulfillment minimum rate with path coefficient as follow PY2Y1 = RY2Y1 = 0.041907, and the coefficient determination (R2) is R2Y2(Y1)=0.0017562 or 0.17562%. The average effectiveness and efficiency that was achieved by DOLOG-Jabar during 1997-1998 was 0.93 or 93%. Keywords : Planning Transportation Cost; Budget Controlling; Efficiency Minimum Rate
BIMA Journal (Business, Management, & Accounting Journal) Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/bima.1.2.84-95


Mengukur kualitas pelayanan serta pengaruh kualitas pelayanan (service quality) itu sendiri terhadap loyalitas nasabah di Bank Nusa. Segmen nasabah yang diteliti adalah nasabah deposito, tabungan dan giro, karena pada saat sekarang banyak penawaran dari Bank-bank pesaing yang menawarkan produk yang serupa dan seberapa jauh customer dapat menentukan pilihannya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survai, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan atau pendapat dari sebagian populasi yang bersangkutan terhadap objek penelitian. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar dan bahan evaluasi bagi pihak Bank Nusa Nasional dalam rangka meningkatkan loyalitas nasabah melalui kualitas pelayanan. Tanggapan responden terhadap kualitas pelayanan Bank BNN yang meliputi tangibles, emphaty, reliability, responsiveness, dan assurances pada umumnya relatif mendapat penilaian baik dari para nasabahnya. Tingkat kesesuaian antara harapan nasabah dan kualitas pelayanan Bank BNN secara keseluruhan relatif tinggi. Sedangkan Loyalitas nasabah cenderung belum terlalu tinggi. Dari hasil pengujian statistik ternyata bahwa kualitas pelayanan Bank BNN berpengaruh cukup tinggi terhadap loyalitas para nasabahnya. Dalam upaya meningkatkan loyalitas nasabah melalui kualitas pelayanan Bank, maka Bank Nusa Nasional Cabang Bandung perlu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya diantaranya melalui memperluas jaringan pelayanan meningkatkan keterampilan petugas customer services, melakukan riset tentang kepuasan nasabah secara periodik, dan melakukan program pengembangan loyalitas nasabah. 
Pelatihan Penataan Arsip Berbasis Paperless Office dan Pembuatan Monografi Heru Kreshna Reza; Melly Susanti; Kurniati Karim; Dennis Rydarto Tambunan; Iswidana Utama Putra
Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Kusuma Negara Business School

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Saat ini kelurahan merupakan bagian yang penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan dikarenakan kelurahan adalah jenjang pemerintah yang bersetuhan langsung dengan masyarakat terutama dalam pelayanan publik. Masalah yang ditimbul dan dihadapi adalah minimnya tingkat ketrampilan aparatur kelurahan dengan tuntutan masyarakat yang lebih dinamis serta sistem pengelolaan arsip masih bersifat konvensional yang memicu resiko tinggi. Sejalan dengan agenda reformasi dari KEPMANPAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi bahwa setiap individu dan organisasi dituntut untuk mengembangkan diri guna meningkatkan pelayanan masyarakat. Pengelolaan administrasi dan arsip yang konvensional harus diubah menjadi berbasis sistem dan digital. Selain itu sarana prasana yang sangat terbatas menghambat dalam mendukung proses pelayanan. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut, Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat memberikan solusi untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut dengan memberikan bantuan pelatihan pengelolaan administrasi dengan basis paperless office dan pembuatan monografi dengan software Birokrasi Maya. Selain dalam rangka peningkatan kemampuan dan ketrampilan aparatur kelurahan dengan memberikan workshop dan sosialisasi UU ASN tahun 2014. Tujuan pelaksanaan program ini adalah tertatanya pengelolaan administrasi yang telah berbasis digital dan monografi data yang update serta meningkatnya kemampuan dan ketrampilan apartur kelurahan. Sebagai hasil program berupa peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan publikasi ilmiah.
Menggali Potensi Usaha Kuliner Sebagai Peluang Peningkatan Keuangan Keluarga Suswati Nasution; Suwarni Suwarni; Ida Anggriani; Ermy Wijaya; Dennis Rydarto Tambunan
Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jdun.v2i1.3540


The attractiveness of the culinary business lies in food and beverage products that have uniqueness, value and high selling power, with a variety of foods, man-made products which are objects that attract consumers to buy. And to make it now is not a difficult thing, there are many culinary recipes and examples that can be innovated and created into new things that attract people's interest to buy them. The community of Rt.31.Rw.07 which is on Jalan Merawan Sawah Lebar Bengkulu, is located very close to the Dehasen University Bengkulu campus, also close to several elementary and advanced schools. This can be used as motivation to open a business, because the location is busy and it would be great if you could work with the campus or school as a supplier of consumption in the form of snacks if there were school or campus activities. For this reason, we, the Campus Service Team, consist of five (5) service groups that for a full month held community service for the residents of RT.31 Rw.07, Jalan Merawan, Sawah Lebar Village, Ratu Agung District, Bengkulu City. Where one form of service provided is learning about entrepreneurship regarding exploring the potential of culinary businesses that already exist or are just about to start a business, with the aim of increasing knowledge and useful activities that lead to an increase in family finances. Keywords: Potential, business, Culinary
Village Community Satisfaction Index with Village Government Services Dennis Rydarto Tambunan; Heru Kreshna Reza
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v1i10.1668


According to Ministerial Regulation No. 14 of 2017 IKM is a tool to measure the level of community satisfaction as service users and improve the quality of public services. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of community satisfaction in the village. Calculation Method Satisfaction value is "weighted average value of each service element". The results showed that 9 indicators; Requirements have a very good value, Mechanisms and system procedures are not good, Time for completion of Kuang Good, Costs / Tariffs are very good, Product Specifications, Types of Service are very good, Competence of Implementers are very good, Behavior of Implementers is very good, Handling of complaints and suggestions is very good, facilities very good.
Pelatihan Penerapan Transformasi Digital Pada Usaha UMKM Briket Tempurung AL2 Bengkulu Kamelia Astuty; Aji Sudarsono; Dennis Rydarto Tambunan; Kiemas Tando Agung
Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Maret-Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (813.332 KB)


The application of Digital Transformation is a technological advancement that is increasingly dynamic and is expected to be well utilized by conventional business people. MSMEs as a sector that has been proven and can survive in a crisis, therefore MSMEs are encouraged to accelerate the digital transformation process that is right for every MSME business. There are several factors that cause this MSME business to not develop, one of which tends to only follow the steps of other transformation factors so as not to create the uniqueness of the MSME which will result in the loss of opportunities to have a competitive advantage over competitors. The AL2 Briquette Business is one of the SME's of Grilled Shell Briquettes with Bengkulu Province Production. But have not implemented the Digital Transformation properly. Therefore, our team of lecturers and students of the Unived Faculty of Economics provides training on the application of simple digital transformation, especially to get excellent digital skills in order to get partners for the AL2 Briquette MSME Business. The method used is delivery in the form of counseling, practice, discussion and assistance in implementing digital transformation. The results of this service are very helpful for the owner of the AL2 Briquette Business, which is expected to be able to contribute to academic understanding of technological science, especially in digital transformation related to developing old information systems to new information systems.