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KEPUTUSAN PETANI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN STEVIA DI DAERAH PANGKUAN HUTAN (Kasus pada Kelompok tani Mulyasari Desa Cibodas Kecamatan Pasir Jambu Kabupaten Bandung) Yayat Sukayat; Hepi Hapsari; Pandi Pardian; Dika Supyandi; Rani Andriani BK
AGRIVET JOURNAL Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Kebutuhan gula pasir pada tingkat nasional menempati posisi kedua setelah beras (Maria, 2009).  Tahun 2016 kebutuhan gula pasir alami yang bersumber dari tanaman tebu (Sacharum Oficinarum L) untuk konsumsi dan industri mencapai 5,7 juta ton. Kebutuhan konsumsi sebanyak  2,7 juta ton jauh lebih banyak dari produksi nasional yang hanya mencapai 2,2 juta ton (Kemendag, 2017).  Masih di Tahun 2017, Pemerintah  membuka kran impor gula pasir sebanyak 3,22 juta ton untuk memenuhi kekurangan tersebut. Namun tetap masih kurang, sehingga ada indikasi industri makanan /minuman menggunakan gula sintetis. Alternatifnya dikembangkan pemanis alami berkalori rendah , berupa tanaman stevia (Budiarso,2008).  Suseno Amin dkk (2015)  melakukan rekayasa genetika stevia melalui induksi mutasi sinar gama, produksi daun basah di laboratorium dan dilapangan mencapai 0,08 kg per pohon atau 10 ton /ha setiap panen, yang bisa di penen 6 kali pertahun. Jawa Barat merupakan sentra pengembangan  Stevia, namun dari tahun 1984  sampai dengan tahun 2017 luasnya baru mencapai 10 Ha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan  keputusan petani menanam stevia dan Faktor sosial ekonomi yang mendukungnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif , desain kuantitatif dengan teknik survey. Hasil dari penelitian ini hanya 15 % petani yang ikut mengembangkan stevia, sisanya (85%) tidak dan keuntungan ekonomi yang menjadi pertimbangan.
Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Galuh Ciamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.792 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v6i1.2629


Agriculture is a very prestigious business sector, because it plays an important role in providing food for humanity. But apparently this does not automatically attract the attention of the community, especially the younger generation to pursue the field of agricultural business, especially graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture. Young people who choose a career in agriculture are required to have good entrepreneurial intelligence so that they can see an obstacle as a positive challenge. The purpose of this study was to determine entrepreneurial intelligence from graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture who chose a career as a business actor in agriculture. The research method in this study is a qualitative design. In-depth observation (Sugiyono, 2012) to see entrepreneurial intelligence possessed by graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture engaged in agribusiness. The results showed that graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture who are engaged in agriculture have entrepreneurial intelligence such as (1) having the courage to take risks, (2) being able to recognize their strengths or potentials, where they have a clear vision in life, (3) having emotional intelligence good, (4) Always oriented to the process and results, (5) Adaptive to change, which is always willing to learn, change and develop following changes in markets and the environment, (6) Never stop innovating in the course of its business, (7) Able to always collaborate with other parties and work together positively with each other so that all parties can develop and succeed together - (8) Always build a business network (friendship) with partners and stakeholders related to their business, (9) Getting used to always provide benefits to the environment, sharing and advancing together so that they always have a positive spirit for success.