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Identification of Aquifer Layer Based on 2D Resistivity Data in Lhokseumawe Aceh-Indonesia zul Fadhli; Muhammad Syukri; Marwan Marwan
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 8, Number 3, September 2019
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v8i3.14518


Penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan air tanah dan kedalaman akuifer telah dilakukan di wilayah KEK Arun Lhokseumawe Provinsi Aceh dengan kondisi geologi daerah penelitian adalah batuan lanauan dan batuan lempung serta geomorfologinya berupa perkebunan dan sungai buatan. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode geolistrik resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger. Akuisisi data di lapangan menggunakan alat SuperSting R8 yang keseluruhannya mempunyai 4 lintasan pengukuran dengan lintasan 1 dan 2 memotong lintasan 3 dan 4, panjang masing-masing lintasan pengukuran tersebut adalah 400 m. Pemprosesan data Hasil akuisisi di lapangan menggunakan software Res2dinv untuk menampilkan model 2D bawah permukaan di lokasi penelitian. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan lintasan L1 pada kedalaman sampai dengan 70 m terdapat lempung berpasir, lanauan dan gravel. Terdapatnya pengaruh instrusi air laut pada kedalaman 25 m yang ditandai dengan nilai resistivitas 1 Ώm. Lapisan akuifer di identifikasi pada jarak bentangan 100 - 200 m dan pada kedalaman 60 m dengan nilai resistivitas 30 Ωm. Penampang lintasan 3 dan 4 tidak menunjukkan adanya lapisan akuifer yang layak untuk diexploitasi pada lintasan tersebut. Interpretasi lintasan L4 menunjukkan adanya intrusi air laut yang besar pada lapisan pertama. Terdapat 3 lapisan yang kontras yaitu lapisan lempung berpasir, gravel/lempung lanauan dan batuan dasar. Lapisan akuifer pada lintasan 4 diinterpretasikan berada pada kedalaman 70 m dengan nilai resistivitas 30 Ωm. Rekomendasi yang paling layak untuk lokasi pengeboran yaitu pada lintasan 4 pada jarak bentangan 180 m dengan jenis akuifer tertekan. The research to identified ground water and depth of aquifer was conducted in KEK Arun Lhokseumawe Aceh Province. The geology contained siltstone and clay with geomorphology area are plantation and artificial river. The 2D resistivity acquisition was using Supersting R8 equipment with Wenner-Schlumberger array. There are 4 survey lines that conducted in the area where line 1 and 2 were crossed with line 3 and 4. The length of each line is 400 m respectively. The data processing was using Res2dinv software to shows 2D subsurface model. The result shown that line 1 is sandy clay, siltstone and gravel at depths up to 70 m. It was influenced by sea water at depth 25 m with resistivity value of 1 Ωm. The aquifer layer was identified at depth 60 m with resistivity value of 30 Ωm. However, line 3 and 4 were presented that the area surveys are suitable for exploration which have not indicate the existence of an aquifer layer. In the last line, it shown sea water intrusion at the first layer. There are 3 layers that contained in line 4 which is clayey sand, gravel and bedrock. The aquifer layer at Line 4 was interpreted at depth 70 m with resistivity value of 30 Ωm. The most feasible recommendation for a drilling location is on Line L4 at a distance of 180 m with a confined aquifer type. Keywords: Aquifer, Resistivity, Lhokseumawe, ground water, sand
Geothermal Distribution Analysis of Geureudong Volcano Based On Satellite Data and Fault Fracture Density (FFD) Muhammad Isa; Zulfadhli Zulfadhli; Cut Fat Thahul; Dwiky Pobri Cesarian
Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ekw.v7i2.9728


Abstract: Geureudong Volcano area, Bener Meriah, has the potential to be developed as a renewable energy source. Analysis of the distribution of geothermal manifestations can be done with remote sensing techniques and direct measurement. Furthermore, information on geomorphological conditions, surface temperature, and geothermal potential distribution can be known based on the density value on the FFD (Fault Fracture Density) map and satellite image processing results. Data processing uses ArcGIS and ENVI software concerning geothermal manifestations. The analysis was performed by converting DEMNAS data to a hillshade for drawing straightness structures related to the fault. Image data processing to obtain vegetation density (NDVI), hydrological state (NDWI), and surface temperature distribution (LST). NDWI values are inversely proportional to NDVI. The LST value depends on the density of the vegetation; the higher the vegetation density, the lower the surface temperature. The FFD map is divided into three levels i.e. low (0-0.17 km/km2), moderate (0.17-0.47 km/km2) and high (0.47-1.2 km/km2). The distribution of geothermal potential is at medium and high-density levels, including the Silih Nara, Wih Pesam, and Pintu Rime Gayo areas. The straightness direction is in the north-south and southeast-northwest positions. Based on the NDVI, NDWI, and LST map analysis results, geothermal energy distribution has a rare to moderate vegetation density with surface temperatures ranging from 25.8oC-39.6oC. The result clearly shows that the Geureudong geothermal distribution is initial information before in situ exploration is carried out.Abstrak: Gunung berapi Geureudong, Bener Meriah, sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan terutama sebagai sumber energi terbarukan. Analisis sebaran manifestasi panas bumi dapat dilakukan dengan teknik penginderaan jauh dan pengukuran langsung. Informasi geomorfologi, temperatur permukaan dan sebaran potensi panas bumi dapat diketahui berdasarkan nilai densitas pada peta FFD (Fault and Fracture Density) dan hasil pengolahan citra satelit Landsat 8. Pemrosesan data menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcGIS dan ENVI yang terkait dengan manifestasi panas bumi. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengubah data DEMNAS menjadi hillshade untuk menggambar struktur kelurusan yang berhubungan dengan sesar. Pengolahan data citra untuk mendapatkan kerapatan vegetasi (NDVI), keadaan hidrologi (NDWI) dan distribusi suhu permukaan (LST). Nilai NDWI berbanding terbalik dengan NDVI. Nilai LST tergantung pada kerapatan vegetasi, semakin tinggi kerapatan vegetasi maka semakin rendah suhu permukaan. Peta FFD dibagi menjadi tiga tingkatan; rendah (0-0,17 km/km2), sedang (0,17-0,47 km/km2) dan tinggi (0,47-1,2 km/km2). Sebaran potensi panas bumi berada pada tingkat kepadatan sedang dan tinggi, meliputi kawasan Silih Nara, Wih Pesam dan Pintu Rime Gayo. Arah kelurusan berada pada posisi utara-selatan dan tenggara-barat laut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis peta NDVI, NDWI dan LST didapatkan bahwa sebaran energi panas bumi memiliki kerapatan vegetasi jarang hingga sedang dengan temperatur permukaan berkisar antara 25.8oC-39.6oC.Hasil yang diperolehkan menunjukkan bahwa sebaran panas bumi Geureudong dengan sangat jelas tergambar sebagai informasi awal sebelum dilakukan eksplorasi lapangan (in situ).
Aplikasi Metode Vertical Electrical Sounding untuk Pendugaan Kedalaman dan Ketebalan Lapisan Akuifer di Kota Langsa Sabrian Tri Anda; Nanda Firmanda; Zul Fadhli; Muhammad Syukri
TERAS JURNAL Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1, Maret 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i1.819


Abstrak Penyediaan sumber baku air bersih masih menjadi sebuah masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh pihak Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah (PDAM) Tirta Keumuneng Kota Langsa. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan sebuah studi sebagai acuan alternatif dalam penyediaan sumber baku air bersih di Kota Langsa berupa air tanah (groundwater). Studi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) untuk menentukan potensi air tanah yang ditandai dengan keberadaan lapisan akuifer. Metode ini dilakukan dengan menginjeksi arus ke bawah permukaan bumi sehingga parameter fisis berupa nilai resistivitas dapat diketahui, untuk pendugaan awal lapisan akuifer guna pengidentifikasian potensi sumber baku air bersih berupa air tanah. Pengukuran data lapangan dilakukan di beberapa titik yang tersebar di wilayah Kota Langsa. Dari hasil pengukuran lapangan, diketahui bahwa Kota Langsa memiliki potensi keberadaan air tanah yang ditandai dengan adanya lapisan akuifer diduga berada pada kedalaman 43 – 105 m di bawah permukaan dengan rentang nilai resistivitas sebesar 31 – 45 Ωm. Kata kunci: groundwater, akuifer, vertical electrical sounding, resistivitas  Abstract The provision of a raw source of clean water is still a significant problem faced by the Local Water Company in Langsa City therefore, a study was carried out as an alternative in order to provide raw source of clean water in Langsa City by exploring the existence of groundwater. The study was conducted using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method to determine the groundwater potential which is indicated by the presence of aquifer layers. The method is applied by injecting the electrical currents beneath the surface to calculate the physical parameters (resistivity) as the initial stage to estimate the aquifer layers in order to identify potential sources of groundwater. Field data measurements were carried out at several points across the Langsa City area. Based on the result, it was found that presence of groundwater exists in the study area, indicated by the presence of aquifer layer at depth of 43 – 105 m beneath the surface with resistivity value of 31 – 45 Ωm. Keywords: groundwater, aquifer, vertical electrical sounding, resistivity
Ground Surface Quality Assessment Using P-wave Velocity from 2-D Seismic Refraction Method Zul Fadhli; Sabrian Tri Anda; Muhammad Syukri; Moehammad Ediyan Raza Karmel; Alfi Sunny Tutifla; Purwandy Hasibuan; Rini Safitri
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.823 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.3.28818


A good strength level of the ground surface is the main concern in an area with rapid housing infrastructure development, such as Baitussalam district-Aceh Besar, Indonesia. A seismic refraction method was applied with three similar profile lines using PASI 16S – 24P equipment and 10 Hz vertical geophones to identify the sub-surface layer. The result was processed using Winsism software and Surfer 8. The results of seismic refraction were deduced and correlated with conventional geotechnical investigation obtained by a previous study. The results of 3 survey lines show that the area has two main layers. The first layer was interpreted as overburden (soil and clayey sand) with a compressional wave velocity (Vp) value of fewer than 1.8 km/s. The second layer produces a high velocity of more than 2 km/s. This second layer is interpreted as highly to moderately weathered rock. The results of seismic refraction surveys of the present study suggest a reasonably good correlation with the standard penetration test (SPT) and rock quality designation (RQD) obtained in the previous investigation. The strength level of the second layer showed  N-SPT of 65 and RQD of at least 50%.
Ground Surface Quality Assessment Using P-wave Velocity from 2-D Seismic Refraction Method Zul Fadhli; Sabrian Tri Anda; Muhammad Syukri; Moehammad Ediyan Raza Karmel; Alfi Sunny Tutifla; Purwandy Hasibuan; Rini Safitri
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.3.28818


A good strength level of the ground surface is the main concern in an area with rapid housing infrastructure development, such as Baitussalam district-Aceh Besar, Indonesia. A seismic refraction method was applied with three similar profile lines using PASI 16S – 24P equipment and 10 Hz vertical geophones to identify the sub-surface layer. The result was processed using Winsism software and Surfer 8. The results of seismic refraction were deduced and correlated with conventional geotechnical investigation obtained by a previous study. The results of 3 survey lines show that the area has two main layers. The first layer was interpreted as overburden (soil and clayey sand) with a compressional wave velocity (Vp) value of fewer than 1.8 km/s. The second layer produces a high velocity of more than 2 km/s. This second layer is interpreted as highly to moderately weathered rock. The results of seismic refraction surveys of the present study suggest a reasonably good correlation with the standard penetration test (SPT) and rock quality designation (RQD) obtained in the previous investigation. The strength level of the second layer showed  N-SPT of 65 and RQD of at least 50%.