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ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 7, No 01 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v7i01.3600


AbstrakKabupaten Lombok Utara adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat yang dikenal dengan keindahan destinasi wisatanya. Salah satunya adalah wisata air terjun Tiu Pituq yang resmi dibuka pada tahun 2017. Lokasi wisata ini merupakan ekowisata yang mengutamakan aspek lingkungan dan keindahan alam. Sebagai salah satu obyek wisata yang memiliki luas ± 2 hektar tentunya wisata air terjun Tiu Pituq memerlukan sign system yang informatif dan komunikatif untuk para wisatawan yang berkunjung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan desain sign system yang dapat menyampaikan informasi secara tepat dan memiliki ciri khas tradisional serta memiliki daya tarik tinggi sehingga para wisatawan yang mengunjungi dapat menemukan dan menikmati semua fasilitas atau spot-spot yang ada di air terjun Tiu Pituq. Guna mendukung peneliti dalam proses perancangan sign system di lokasi tersebut maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara, survei lapangan serta dokumentasi dari lokasi air terjun Tiu Pituq. Adapun hasil dalam Penelitian ini adalah karya desain sign system dengan penerapan konsep tradisional sign system, dengan suasana yang tetap menyatu dengan alam, dimana hal tersebut dapat membuat para pengunjung merasakan atau menikmati suasana alam sekaligus dapat mengetahui cerita rakyat yang terjadi di lokasi wisata tersebut. Kata Kunci: desain, ekowisata, traditional, sign system, tiu pituq  AbstractNorth Lombok Regency is one of the regencies in West Nusa Tenggara Province. It is known for the beauty of its tourist destinations. One of them is the Tiu Pituq waterfall tour, which officially opened in 2017. This tourist location is ecotourism that prioritizes environmental aspects and natural beauty. As one of the tourism objects that have an area of ± 2 hectares, of course, the Tiu Pituq waterfall tour requires an informative and communicative sign system for tourists who visit. The purpose of this research is to create a sign system design that can convey information accurately and has traditional characteristics and other than has a high attractiveness so that tourists who visit can find and enjoy all the facilities or spots in the Tiu Pituq waterfall. To support researchers in the process of designing sign systems at these locations, this study uses qualitative research methods by conducting interviews, field surveys, and documentation of the Tiu Pituq waterfall. The results of this study are the Sign System design work with the application of the concept of the traditional sign system, an atmosphere that still united with nature, where it can make visitors feel or enjoy the natural atmosphere while being able to know the folklore that occurs at the tourist site. Keywords: design, ecotourism, tiu pituq, traditional, sign system
PERANCANGAN SIGN SYSTEM PADA DESA SADE LOMBOK TENGAH Alfryan Tribuana P Repi; Sandi Justitia Putra; Danang Adi Wiratama
Narada : Jurnal Desain dan Seni Vol 7, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/narada.2020.v7.i3.007


Sade Village is an ecotourism atau ecotourism that is one of the tourism activities that is environmentally minded with the priority of nature conservation aspects, aspects of economic socio-cultural empowerment of local people as well as aspects of learning and education located in The Rembitan Village of Pujut Sub-District, Central Lombok. As one of the heritage attractions with an area of 5.5 hectares, Sade Village desperately needs the existence of a communicative and informative sign system for those who will assist wisatwan / visitors in accessing every facility in Sade Village. This research will design the work of sign system with the application of environtmental sign system concept with an atmosphere that remains authentic with Sade Village, which makes visitors still feel the rural atmosphere of sasak tribe. The design method used by the author is the design thinking method. The expected result in this study is the creation of environtmental sign system that makes visitors able to make the most of Sade Village facilities while traveling.
E-Alert Application in Facing Earthquake Disaster Apriani Apriani; Sandi Justitia Putra; Ismarmiaty Ismarmiaty; Ni Gusti Ayu Dasriani
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 19 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.738 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v19i2.670


Disaster is a phenomenon that has a destructive effect and arises with or without predictions that always accompany human life. This damaging impact can be in the form of loss of life and / or property loss so that it disrupts the natural and social order. Lombok is one of the islands in the group of islands in West Nusa Tenggara. The island of Lombok is flanked by two large faults, the Flores Back Arc Thrust (FBAT) which extends north of Nusa Tenggara to Bali and Megathrust on the south of Lombok. Seeing from the great potential of earthquake disasters that can occur at any time on the island of Lombok, it is necessary to prepare disaster mitigation well in order to minimize the impact of earthquake disaster risk. From the problems outlined, the researchers plan to create a mobile-based earthquake e-standby application. This study aims to create a mobile-based earthquake e-alert application that can be used to view the latest earthquake information, information for determining the nearest evacuation location and educational media related to earthquake disaster awareness. The stages of the research use the prototype development method with stages, namely the study of literature, collection of needs, data collection, needs analysis, design, prototype implementation, prototype evaluation, implementation and testing and conclusions. The conclusion of this research is the construction of a mobile-based earthquake e-alert application. This application is useful for improving, understanding and public awareness of the risk of earthquake disasters and as an educational media to create disaster resilient communities
Perancangan Infografis Tentang Kesadaran Tertib Lalu Lintas di Kota Mataram Qaolan Jadid Subardan; Sandi Justitia Putra; I Nyoman Yoga Sumadewa
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 4 (2020): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v4i4.4035


The very high growth of vehicles in the City of Mataram is not matched by public awareness of the importance of a good and correct traffic order in accordance with applicable regulations. This problem is what makes traffic accidents occur every year and continue to grow. The need for appropriate and appropriate new media that is out of the box or unusual for the public. So through this dedication activity, the service team will create an infographic work by applying ambient media to be the right media to socialize orderly awareness in traffic by displaying data about traffic accidents in the previous year. This work uses a design thinking methodology. The conclusion is that this infographic work provides a memorable experience for road users and evokes feelings and moods for the target audience to feel comfortable and happy when interacting with the work of the infographic
Perancangan Komik Cerita Rakyat “Doyan Nada” untuk Melestarikan Cerita Tradisional Suku Sasak pada Kalangan Pemuda di Pulau Lombok Sandi Justitia Putra; Raden Fanny Printi Ardy; Hendi Herdianto
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 9, No 04 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v9i4.7125


AbstrakPulau Lombok memiliki kekayaan seni budaya khususnya cerita rakyat yang terancam punah yang semestinya wajib dilestarikan karena memiliki nilai pembelajaran moral untuk generasi muda Suku Sasak. Adanya serbuan cerita-cerita impor yang dikemas dengan menarik baik dari segi penceritaan dan visual menjadi salah satu alasan cerita rakyat mulai ditinggalkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melestarikan kembali cerita rakyat Lombok yaitu Doyan Nada melalui media komik. komik yang merupakan media yang mengunakan unsur storytelling dan visual diharapkan mampu  menjadi media yang tepat untuk cerita rakyat merupakan media yang tepat sebagai media komunikasi bagi generasi milenial di era society 5.0. Perancangan dilakukan dengan metode Design Thinking guna mendapatkan solusi pemecahan masalah yang tepat dalam merancang karya. Dalam perancangan karya komik ini, cerita Doyan Nada akan dibagi menjadi dua buku dimana akan memfokuskan pada development karakter dan pendekatan visual yang imajinatif  sehingga dapat menarik perhatian pembaca. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah komik yang berbasis cerita rakyat Doyan Nada untuk melestarikan cerita rakyat Lombok yang ditargetkan untuk pembaca usia remaja. Kata Kunci: cerita rakyat, Doyan Nada, komik, Lombok, suku sasak AbstractLombok Island has a wealth of cultural arts, especially endangered folklore, which must be preserved because they have moral learning value for the younger generation of the Sasak tribe. The invasion of imported stories which are packaged attractively both in terms of storytelling and visuals is one of the reasons why folklore is starting to be abandoned. Based on this problem, this design was created with the aim of preserving Lombok folklore, namely Doyan Nada, through comic media. Comics, which are media that use storytelling and visual elements, are expected to be the right media for folklore, which is the right media as a communication medium for the Millennial Generation in the Era of Society 5.0. This design is carried out using the Design Thinking method in order to obtain appropriate problem solving solutions in designing the work. In designing this comic work, the Story of Doyan Nada will be divided into two books which will focus on character development and an imaginative visual approach so that it can attract the reader's attention. The final result of this research is a comic based on the Doyan Nada folklore to preserve Lombok folklore targeted at teenage readers. Keywords: comic, Doyan Nada, folklore, Lombok, sasak tribe