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Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan Vol 14, No 1 (2021): JIPTEK : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jiptek.v14i1.17662


Jaringan komputer merupakan mata kuliah yang umum terdapat dalam kurikulum pendidikan tingi bidang teknologi informasi. Pada mata kuliah jaringan komputer, mahasiswa dituntut memiliki kompetensi dalam mengoperasikan perangkat keras jaringan komputer. Pada umumnya, pembelajaran praktik untuk melatih ketrampilan motorik pada jaringan komputer selama ini hanya menggunakan software simulasi. Pada umumnya, mahasiswa belum memiliki ketrampilan dalam mengoperasikan perangkat jaringan secara langsung pada tingkat dasar ini. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah media belajar praktik untuk jaringan komputer dasar dalam bentuk perangkat keras trainer. Trainer tersebut digunakan sebagai media belajar praktik untuk mengoperasikan network device secara nyata. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kelayakan trainer jaringan komputer ketika digunakan dalam perkuliahan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk membuat trainer ini menggunakan model pengembangan Alessi dan Trollip. Hasil validasi dari ahli media dari segi kelayakan perangkat media belajar menunjukkan tingkat kelayakan trainer ini sebagai media belajar praktikum sebesar 80,7%. Sedangkan hasil validasi dari praktisi jaringan komputer menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelayakan materi trainer jaringan ini sebesar 89,4% jika digunakan sebagai suplemen untuk pembelajaran jaringan komputer dasar.
Analisis Implementasi Teknologi Cloud Computing pada Universitas Ditinjau dari Total Cost of Ownership Muhammad Jaelani; Puspanda Hatta; Febri Liantoni
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v4i3.55132


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perhitungan pembiayaan infrastruktur cloud computing ditinjau dari segi Total Cost of Ownership. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional, yaitu desain penelitian yang menekankan pada waktu pengukuran atau observasi data yang dilakukan pada variabel terikat maupun variabel bebas dalam satu kali pada satu waktu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Objek pada penelitian ini, yaitu keseluruhan device yang digunakan pada infrastruktur cloud computing dan non-cloud yang terdapat di ICT FKIP UNS dan UPT TIK UNS. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan ICT FKIP UNS dan UPTI TIK UNS mengeluarkan biaya lebih sedikit pada infrastruktur cloud computing dan biaya lebih besar pada infrastruktur non-cloud. Dan pengeluaran untuk infrastruktur cloud computing lebih murah dari pengeluaran untuk infrastruktur non-cloud, baik pada perhitungan dengan amortisasi maupun tanpa amortisasi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa perhitungan TCO pada infrastruktur cloud computing dan non-cloud menunjukkan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk infrastruktur cloud computing lebih murah daripada infrastruktur non-cloud, baik pada ICT FKIP UNS maupun UPT TIK UNS. Serta penggunaan amortisasi pada perhitungan model TCO tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil akhir perbandingan perhitungan karena baik dengan amortisasi maupun tanpa amortisasi, biaya untuk infrastruktur cloud computing tetap lebih murah daripada infrastruktur non-cloud.
Can the Use of Video Learning Increase Student’s Interest in Traditional Music? Septhea Pradina Mustofa; Endar S. Wihidayat; Puspanda Hatta
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.997 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v2i1.12998


Nowadays, video increasing its popularity and becomes alternatives media used for education. It's popularity in line with the extensive access to online video such as Youtube, Netflix, etc. This research aims to compare learning outcomes between textbook and video specifically at students interest to Indonesian traditional music, named Gamelan. Quasi-experimental Design method used to compare those two learning media. Three phases of activities are conducted in this study: 1) preparing the video learning media, 2) testing learning media on experimental class and control class 3) taking questionnaires and analyze the result. The number of samples was 182 students, chosen from local students at a vocational high school at Boyolali, a city in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The results showed both of learning media increase the student interest. But the video increase student interest more significant.  Using the textbook, we got 77,58% meaning "interested". And using the video, we got 83,76%, meaning "very interested".
Active Learning Strategies in Synchronous Online Learning for Elementary School Students Puspanda Hatta; Yusfia Hafid Aristyagama; Rosihan Ari Yuana; Septi Yulisetiani
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v4i2.46019


The Covid-19 pandemic gives an impact on education field. The face-to-face learning pattern in schools has shifted to distance learning which is carried out online. The implementation of online learning during the pandemic forces a digital transformation in education, causing several problems, two of which are technology and human resources. This article discusses the appropriate online learning strategies to use during a pandemic, especially for synchronous interaction models. Qualitative research with a narrative approach was used to explore teachers' experiences in learning, especially those related to the form of interaction between teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Active learning was chosen based on the results of observations and literature review through journal articles and proceedings that discuss interactive distance learning methods. Active learning strategies assisted by video conferencing applications that can be applied in online learning in elementary schools include: the use of Student Response Systems; Think Pair Share; One Minute Paper; Small Group Discussion; and Short Student Presentations.
Exploration of Critical Thinking Skills in Digital Citizenship Course Through Online Learning Titan Istiah Herwati; Basori Basori; Puspanda Hatta
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v4i1.44580


Low critical thinking skills cause students difficulty in solving problem, especially in learning. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of google classroom on critical thinking skills in Simulation dan Digital Communication. A total of 62 students participated in this research who were divided into two randomized treatments, namely 31 students in the experimental class and 31 students in the control class. In its implementation, it would compare using LMS google classroom by applying discussion groups to experimental class and control class that use google classroom, not in discussion groups. This research used a quasi experimental design with a pretest-posttest using a quantitative method. The data were collected through a critical thinking test. Before using multiple-choice pretest and posttest multiple-choice tests, instruments were tested first using validity tests and reliability tests. Google classroom as an independent variable and the dependent variable was critical thinking. Implementing learning with the help of google classroom through discussion and question features was an effort to effectively improve critical thinking skills in class. According to the result of the study, google classroom has effectiveness on critical thinking skills from the result in the experimental class of 45.609 Increased critical thinking skills in students cause students to analyze and solve problems.
Conceptual IoT Implementation in Post-Pandemic School Activities: A Case Study in Elementary Schools Septi Yulisetiani; Puspanda Hatta
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): (IJIE) Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijie.v5i2.57215


Many studies empirically discuss the use of technology in overcoming pandemics in education. Generally, research discusses the use of technology in online teaching and learning activities. When viewed from the information technology layer, these studies focus on discussing the use of the software layer. This study examines conceptually about the utilization of the hardware layer in information technology, especially Internet of Things infrastructure which is used to help the community in carrying out their daily activities in the new normal era. Conceptual ideas are applied by taking a case study in education, especially in the elementary school environment. The urgency is that there are many stakeholders in the elementary school environment, especially children who need extra attention and supervision in carrying out post-pandemic activities outside the house. These stakeholders are a group at risk of being exposed to the virus because the majority have not received protection in the form of vaccination and the level of adherence to health protocols is low. This creates a risk for vulnerable groups, namely children, families, and teachers. It is necessary to integrate cyber physical systems that help minimize these risks. This conceptual idea describes the concept of IoT technology to minimize the risk of virus transmission and the strategies that allow it to be applied in the elementary school environment. With a top-down approach, it describes how the IoT system protects children and teachers from going to school, doing activities in the school environment, participating in learning in class, to completing learning.
Otomatisasi Perangkat Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Ansible Pada Laboratorium Komputer M Rifki Affandi; Puspanda Hatta; Agus Efendi
SMARTICS Journal Vol 6 No 2: SMARTICS Journal (Oktober 2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/smartics.v6i2.4599


Network automation is a solution in implementing some complicated or repetitive work. The standard configuration method on network devices performs by entering a network device. That looks easy to configure one or two network devices. that will look not very easy if one must configure many network devices such as routers and servers. Ansible served as a network automation tool on a large and small scale on a computer network, and Ansible served to simplify configuring network devices.
Pemberdayaan Potensi Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Perdagangan, Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Lingkungan Desa Gedangan Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo Puspanda Hatta; Agus Budiarto; Imam Prasetyo; Putri Karimah; Abdillah Yusron
DEDIKASI: Community Service Reports Vol 3, No 2 (2021): DEDIKASI: Community Service Report
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/dedikasi.v3i2.49867


Gedangan is a village located in Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. In 2021, Gedangan Village will become one of the partners of the Sebelas Maret University Student Community Services Program (KKN). In this village, KKN activities were carried out using a hybrid system due to the pandemic. KKN is carried out through online and offline activities with the theme of empowering community potential through counselling in the fields of animal husbandry, education, social and creative industries. The work programs that have been implemented are "Literacy Lanterns", Catfish Cultivation in Buckets, composter making, educational posters, PHBS counselling, Reading Houses, and murals to attract the public. The implementation strategy includes socialization, teaching, and various trainings. With this KKN team work program, the people of Gedangan Village are able to optimize the local potential of the village, especially in the fields of Education, Social, and Creative Industries. This activity is supported by the village government and local communities from various backgrounds. This activity is useful for developing Gedangan Village in managing village potential and can help the community be more interested in developing Gedangan in the future.
Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Empon-Empon Sebagai Obat Tradisional Penambah Imun Sebagai Bentuk Pencegahan Agar Terhindar Dari Penyakit Covid-19 Pada Warga Desa Pondok, Kecamatan Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo Puspanda Hatta; Isna Safira
DEDIKASI: Community Service Reports Vol 3, No 2 (2021): DEDIKASI: Community Service Report
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/dedikasi.v3i2.49868


Mahasiswa yang telah mengenyam pendidikan di perguruan tinggi mengemban tugas penting untuk bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Salah satu kegiatan yang memberikan gambaran daya guna mahasiswa kepada masyarakat yaitu melalui kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). Kegiatan tersebut, merupakan kegiatan wajib yang harus diikuti oleh semua mahasiswa. Pada kegiatan tersebut, kelompok KKN 117 mengabdikan diri kepada masyarakat, terkhusus masyarakat Desa Pondok, Kecamatan Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan, yang akhrinya mencetuskan tujuan utama dari kegiatan kelompok KKN 117 untuk memajukan kesehatan. Realisasi dari tujuan tersebut, dengan adanya program kerja sosialisasi pemanfaatan empon-empon sebagai obat tradisional kepada Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Desa Pondok. Respon yang baik dari anggota KWT yang membuat kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini berlagsung singkat dengan menyampaikan materi melalui tayangan video dan pembagian brosur berkenaan dengan pembuatan obat tradisional (jamu). Kegiatan sosialisasi ini menghasilkan sebuah produk jamu yang diberi nama Jamu Enggal Waras. Jamu tersebut kemudian didistribusikan kepada para peserta sosialisasi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan menambah pengetahuan warga tentang pemanfaatan emon-empon sebagai obat tradisional penambah sistem imun. Dampak dari kegiatan ini sangatlah positif bagi warga dalam menjaga kesehatan, dan hasil dari sosialisasi ini diharapkan dapat dipraktikkan dalam kegidupan sehari-hari.
Workshop And Motivation For Improving Student Skills Through The Information And Communications Technology Febri Liantoni; Yusfia Hafid Aristyagama; Nurcahya Pradana Taufik Prakisya; Puspanda Hatta; Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto
THE SPIRIT OF SOCIETY JOURNAL : International Journal of Society Development and Engagement Vol 5 No 1 (2021): September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/scj.v5i1.1431


In the digital age, the role of information technology is needed to face competition in the community. Information and communication technology is an important element in contributing to changes that are fundamental to the structure of operations and management of organizations, education, transportation, health, and research. The internet is like two sides of a coin, the content offered is positive and negative, both are very dependent on the behavior of its users. The ease of access to the internet is increasingly being felt by the public with increasingly cheap hardware such as tablets and laptops as well as wider connection support. Various efforts to stem negative information continue to be pursued by various elements of society, but it is not effective if the user behavior is not changed. Teenagers are among the most vulnerable in the misuse of advances in internet technology, so it needs serious efforts to provide the right knowledge and skills in utilizing these advancements. By conducting workshops and motivation to improve the abilities and skills of Girimarto 1 High School students, it is hoped that school students can face the development of the digital era more readily. The results of this training gained a high level of satisfaction with the material that had been carried out.