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Metode Montessori Berbantu Alat Peraga Matematika Berbahan Limbah Karet Spons untuk Mengembangkan Partisipasi Aktif Siswa SD Susilawati Susilawati
Pedagogia : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pedagogia.v8i1.1794


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of Montessori learning methods based on mathematical props made from sponge rubber waste in developing active participation of fifth grade elementary school students. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods using instruments in form of observation sheets, interview sheets, questionnaire sheets, and documentation. The collected data is analyzed by triangulation. The results showed that Montessori learning based on mathematics teaching aids made from sponge rubber waste can develop active participation of fifth grade students. Active participation of fifth grade students looks better when teachers apply Montessori learning method. This can be seen from the increase in the average value of students' active participation at each meeting. At the first meeting the average value of active student participation was 66.67, the second meeting was 73.91 and the third meeting was 81.52. This study recommends implement the learning methods needed with interesting tools, so that it can increase students’ active participation.
Hubungan Antara Partisipasi Aktif dan Kemampuan Metakognitif Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Montessori Widia Nur Janah; Susilawati Susilawati
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): The Journal of Innovation in Elementary Education
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.905 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jipd.v4i2.82


Metacognitive was the student’s skill in the process of acting (activity) and thinking (mental process). This skill could improve their learning process and memory. Student who had metacognitive skill will be able to control and to arrange his learning activity by himself. Active participation was the interaction both physically and psychologically to think, to interact, to try and to find new things in the learning process. The purpose of this research was to find the relationship between active participation and the metacognitive ability of students, especially in elementary school. This research was a correlation study. Population of this research was 5th grade students in SD Negeri 3 Klangenan academic year 2017/2018. Sample was taken using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by observation and written test. The instruments for active participation was observation sheets and the instrument for metacognitive ability was a multiple choice test that consist of 20 questions. The data was analyzed using correlation technique using IBM SPSS Statistics 16.0 for windows. Based on the data nalaysis, it was obtained was 0.682. At a significant level 5% then was 0.413. Based on value then it showed that there was a positive and significant corelation between active participation and metacognitive ability of students 5th grade SD Negeri 3 Klangenan.
Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching Vol 3 No 2 (2017): July-December 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

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This study aimed at (1) to figure out the process of the students’ learning in reading comprehension on narratives through Cirebonese local content as based text material at the second grade students of SMPN 1 Jatibarang and (2) to find out the result of the student’s achievement in reading comprehension by using Cirebonese local content based text material in improving their comprehension on narratives at the second grade students of SMPN 1 Jatibarang. The research focused in the second grade I students of SMP N 1 Jatibarang Kabupaten Indramayu in academic year 2017/2018 which consist of 37 students.The study was classroom action research (CAR). The steps of the study are planing the action, implementing the action, observation, and refleting the action. The use of Cirebonese Local Content in reading comprehension can also improve the learning outcome. It can be seen from the results of the study showing an increase in students’ reading comprehension, which is shown by the students’ mean score of reading test results from Cycle I to pre-action activity increased from 64.9 into 76.5. The number of students who achieved a completeness study in the pre-action stage are 14 students. In Cycle I students' mean score increased to 76.5 with 22 students who passed the completeness score. Key words: Reading Comprehension, Narrative, Cirebonese Local Content
Flouting Maxims in The First Grader (2010) Movie Rahayu Rahayu; Susilawati Susilawati
Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2019): July - December 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/jconcept.v5i2.1394


This study investigated about the flouting of Grice’s maxims in The First Grader movie. This study concerned on finding the types of flouting maxim that occur in the movie and examine the reasons why the characters of The First Grader movie flouted the Grice’s maxims in the dialogue. The present study employs descriptive qualitative research, by analyzing critically each conversation occurr in the movie. The data of the study were in the form of utterances that contained a flouting maxim. The context of conversation in the movie also took a part as the evidence if it is flouting maxims. Implicatures that caused by the speaker is also become the important element in investigated the reason why those maxim are flouted by considering the linguistic context, cultural context, and situational context. The results of the research showed from twenty five utterances that indicated flouting maxim, all types of maxim were flouted in the movie. They were maxim of quantity (18,5%), maxim of quality (22,2%) , maxim of relation (29,6%), and maxim of manner (29,6%). From the finding and analysis, the writers concluded that in several conditions the characters of the movie were flouting the maxims because of some reasons. The major reason that occur in the movie are to give sarcasm, to express angry, and to convince someone. Keywords: Cooperative Principle: Flouting maxim: Context of conversation: Implicatures, Movie;
Pelatihan Penyusunan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Interaktif Menggunakan Aplikasi Liveworksheet bagi Guru SD Susilawati Susilawati; Nur Asyiah; M. Nur Iskandar
Warta LPM WARTA LPM, Vol. 25, No. 3, Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.283 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v25i3.1034


Pandemi merubah pola proses pendidikan yang semula tatap muka menjadi dalam jaringan (daring). Pembelajaran daring yang dilaksanakan selama ini berupa pemberian tugas untuk mencatat dan mengerjakan soal-soal yang ada pada buku paket melalui Whatsapp Group, dampaknya peserta didik mengalami kejenuhan dan motivasi belajar pun menjadi menurun. Guru perlu berinovasi dan berkreasi untuk menampilkan pembelajaran daring dengan cara menyenangkan melalui berbagai aplikasi pembelajaran yang menarik. Salah satu media yang mendukung kreativitas guru dalam mengajar daring diantaranya menyajikan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) melalui aplikasi liveworksheet. Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan LKPD untuk guru-guru SD sehingga, mampu menciptakan pembelajaran daring yang inspiratif, interaktif, menyenangkan, menantang, dan memotivasi peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PkM ini meliputi 3 tahapan (1) observasi pembelajaran daring yang dilaksanakan di sekolah, (2) pelatihan penyusunan LKPD menggunakan aplikasi liveworksheet, (3) pendampingan dan evaluasi implementasi LKPD menggunakan aplikasi liveworksheet. Rangkaian kegiatan ini telah mampu meningkatkan motivasi peserta kegiatan yaitu guru-guru SD dalam menyusun LKPD online menggunakan aplikasi liveworksheet. Selain itu, peserta didik merasakan adanya perbedaan belajar yang signifikan dari pembelajaran yang biasa dilakukan, 100% guru mampu membuat LKPD interactive. Ide pembuatan LKPD 10%, memasukkan gambar dalam LKPD 70%, memasukkan video dalam LKPD 80%, memasukkan video dalam LKPD 50%, Komponen LKPD bervariatif 30%. LKPD Interaktif dengan menggunakan liveworksheet dapat digunakan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sehingga proses belajar menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.
English Teachers' Pedagogic Competence in Digital Literacy in Senior High School Setting Kiki Nur Ais; Eline Rozaliya Winarto; Susilawati Susilawati
JEPAL (Journal of English Pedagogy and Applied Linguistics) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

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This study aimed to identify the pedagogic competence of teachers from different school context in employing digital literacy. To achieve this goal, qualitative research by involving observation and interview as the data collection technique. The result revealed that both teachers met six of the seven measures of teacher pedagogical ability. This study, afterward, used qualitative design. After conducted the research, the researchers drew conclusion that teachers’ upgrading in digital literacy is very important. Both private and state schools that have been observed, all teachers are equiped enough in digital literacy. Both English teachers employed digital literacy in all section of pedagogic competence including to master the characteristics of student, learn theory and principle, develop curriculum, carry out lesson plans, develop the potential students, communicate effectively with students, evaluates the process and learning outcomes of student.
BAKTIMU : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37874/bm.v3i4.1004


Kegiatan bimbingan seni dua dimensi, khususnya seni lettering, di SDN 1 Paniis, Kecamatan Pasawahan, Kabupaten Kuningan menghadirkan potret keberhasilan dalam mengenalkan seni kepada siswa sekolah dasar. Tujuannya adalah mengembangkan kreativitas dan rasa percaya diri siswa melalui seni lettering. Dari 29 peserta awal, 86,2% dari mereka berhasil menyelesaikan program ini. Melalui metode pelaksanaan yang berfokus pada pengenalan teknik lettering dan praktik langsung, siswa mampu menghasilkan karya-karya terbaik yang diukur berdasarkan antusiasme, rasa percaya diri, orisinalitas, kreativitas, dan tanggung jawab. Sekitar 60% dari siswa yang menyelesaikan program menciptakan karya terbaik. Hasil ini menunjukkan  pentingnya seni dalam pendidikan, bukan hanya sebagai sarana ekspresi kreatif tetapi juga sebagai pembuka peluang siswa untuk mengembangkan minat dalam seni. Kata kunci : Seni lettering, kreativitas, anak Sekolah Dasar ABSTRACT Elementary school students were successfully introduced to art through a two-dimensional art guidance exercise like lettering art at SDN 1 Paniis, Pasawahan, Kuningan. Its objective is to use lettering art to encourage pupils' creativity and confidence. 86.2% of the original 29 people who started the programme successfully finished it. Students were able to create excellent works that were evaluated based on passion, self-confidence, originality, inventiveness, and responsibility thanks to an implementation method that focuses on teaching lettering methods and hands-on practice. A little over 60% of the students who finished the programme produced works of exceptional quality. These findings highlight the value of art in education, not only as a vehicle for individual expression but also as a chance for pupils to take an interest in it. Keywords: Lettering art, creativity, elementary school students
Penerapan Media Wordwall untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Materi Unsur Intrinsik Kelas V di SDN 1 Bangodua Tari Pujiantika Hastuti; Fikriyah Fikriyah; Susilawati Susilawati
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 3 No. 5: Agustus 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v3i5.4609


Learning at SDN 1 Bangodua teachers use the lecture method, there is a lack of student response, and learning is dominated by teachers who use less technology-based media, which affects learning outcomes in Indonesian language learning. Therefore, learning media has a role in improving learning. One of the media Wordwall can be used to improve learning outcomes. This type of research is classroom action, which is a form of research carried out by teachers to improve the learning process. In this case, the researcher collaborated with the Class V teacher to carry out classroom action research activities on intrinsic elements of Indonesian language learning. Implementation of evaluation using applications Wordwall This aims to provide new experiences for students, the class atmosphere becomes colorful, students become more enthusiastic about learning and taking part in learning evaluations, students also have more courage to come forward to complete the tasks given even though the answers are sometimes not correct, and students understand better. material studied. One of the factors influencing learning outcomes is the media. cycle 1, 59% of students completed, while 41% of students did not complete. With an average learning outcome of 73. Cycle 2 showed that 88% of students had completed the test results, while 12% had not completed it. With an average learning outcome of 85, the research was successful because it exceeded the completion target of 85%. media use Wordwall can improve student learning outcomes.
Penerapan Model PjBL Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SD Negeri 3 Patrol Lor Puteri Apriani; Fikriyah Fikriyah; Susilawati Susilawati
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 3 No. 5: Agustus 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v3i5.4737


Learning carried out in class IV of SD Negeri 3 Patrol Lor was informed that class IV teachers tend to still use conventional learning models so that students' abilities in communication have not been well honed. The lack of a supportive learning model will affect communication skills, where in the 21st century students are required to have good communication. Given these problems, there needs to be improvements in learning, one of which is using the PjBL model so that students will be included in every step of learning. This research aims to determine the implementation of PjBL in class IV flat shape material and to determine whether there is an improvement or not in students' communication skills after using PjBL. This type of research uses Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects of this research were grade IV students at SD Negeri 3 Patrol Lor, Patrol District, Indramayu Regency. The types of research instruments used are observation, interviews, LKPD, and evaluation tests. The conclusion of this research is that there is an increase in students' communication skills from pre-cycle to cycle 2. The results of the pre-cycle were only 38.5% of students who were able to communicate. Then there was an increase in cycle 1 of students who were able to communicate to 57.7%. Then there was another improvement in cycle 2 and there was another increase of 88.5% of students who were able to communicate well, both with teachers and with friends. From these results it can be concluded that implementing a good PjBL model can improve students' communication skills well.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbantu Media Wizeer.Me untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Rizki Tri Noviani; Susilawati Susilawati; Erna Labudasari
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 3 No. 5: Agustus 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v3i5.4738


This researcher aims to: 1) utilize learning media based on the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by media in science subjects; 2) find out what factors hinder the improvement of student learning outcomes at SD Negeri III Lohbener; 3) find out to what extent the learning media is able to improve student learning outcomes in science subjects at SD Negeri III Lohbener, Indramayu Regency. This research uses stages: Planning, Action, Observation and Evaluation. This research was carried out at SD Negeri III Lohbener, which is located in Lohbener village, Lohbener sub-district, Indramayu Regency. Data sources were obtained through: interviews, observations, documentation, cycle I activities, cycle II activities. Thus, from the statement above, the researcher can conclude that: 1) through the use of assisted media, namely, in collaboration with Problem Based Learning learning media, it turns out that there are many benefits, including: (a) the existence of assisted media,, students are able to understand the material which has been conveyed, (b) the use of media with the Problem Based Learning learning model in learning is very effective and suitable for improving student learning outcomes (c) students study material continuously according to students' needs without making them feel bored or bored in learning. 2) The obstacle in using assisted media is that when accessing requires internet with full signal strength and with the many features of there are still paid features to be able to access the media. 3) Using the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by media is able to improve student learning outcomes in science subjects, this is because students are interested in using media and this media is able to strengthen students' memory of the material presented by the teacher.