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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jpu.v4i1.162


Marine Protected Area (MPA) merupakan salah satu instrumen yang didesain langsung pada pengendalian sumber daya alam, yaitu berupa penentuan suatu kawasan sebagai kawasan konservasi. Kawasan konservasi laut (Marine Protected Area) ini memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi yang tidak hanya bersifat tangible (terukur), namun juga bersifat intangible (tidak terukur). Manfaat terukur biasanya digolongkan ke dalam manfaat kegunaan, baik yang dikonsumsi maupun tidak, sementara manfaat tidak terukur berupa manfaat non kegunaan yang lebih bersifat pemeliharaan ekosistem dalam jangka panjang. Hal ini tentunya sejalan dengan konsep dari KKN Tematik XII UBB ini untuk adanya program KKN yang berkelanjutan (sustainable).KKN Tematik XII UBB Tahun 2017 di Desa Rebo Kabupaten Bangka ini diikuti sebanyak 44 mahasiswa dari berbagai fakultas, yakni dari Fakultas Ekonomi sebanyak 28 orang, Fakultas Hukum sebanyak 7 orang, 1 orang mahasiswa dari FISIP, 2 orang mahasiswa dari FPPB dan terakhir sebanyak 6 orang dari Fakultas Teknik.Program utama dari kegiatan KKN Tematik XII UBB Tahun 2017 ini yang tersentral pada kegiatan Marine Protected Area (MPA) ini terdiri dari beberapa sub program diantaranya: 1) Sosialisasi mengenai kawasan konservasi laut/Marine Protected Area (MPA) dan pentingnya tempat konservasi spesies laut yang bekerja sama dengan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung serta Dinas Pariwisata, 2) Sosialisasi mengenai pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan daur ulang sampah melalui kreativitas masyarakat, 3) Pendampingan mengenai cara penangkapan ikan masyarakat pesisir khususnya nelayan setempat, 4) Pendirian spot mini konservasi ekosistem laut berupa penanaman mangrove, cemara laut, ketapang dan jambu mente di area tertentu guna mencegah abrasi serta tak luput pula adanya program tambahan berupa pendirian spot foto di area pantai dan adanya progam bantuan dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka mengenai bantuan terhadap anak putus sekolah, orang tua yang hidup sendiri, dan masih banyak lagi.Hasil dari KKN Tematik ini tentunya berdampak langsung dari sisi kehidupan warga Desa Rebo sendiri mengingat program utama yang memfokuskan kegiatan pada Marine Protected Area (MPA) melalui penanaman sebanyak 5000 bibit mangrove, bibit cemara laut dan ketapang ini bersifat sustainable atau berkelanjutan sehingga tentunya semua pihak bisa ikut serta untuk melestarikan area pesisir pantai terutama bagi masayarakat setempat dan sebagai planning kedepan dari Dinas Pariwisata serta dari Dinas Kelauatan dan Perikanan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung akan didirikannya spot area pemeliharaan ekosistem kepiting bakau.
Algoritma Genetika dalam Pengoptimuman Portofolio Perusahaan Emiten Izma Fahria; Elyas Kurtiawan
Jurnal MSA ( Matematika dan Statistika serta Aplikasinya) Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Volume 8 Nomor 2
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/msa.v8i2.16030


ABSTRAK. Investasi saham di pasar modal tidak lepas dari risiko. Semakin tinggi keuntungan yang diperoleh dari investasi, maka akan berpotensi tinggi pula risiko yang dihadapi (high risk high return). Diversifikasi saham merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperkecil risiko investasi yang dapat dilakukan oleh investor. Tantangan besar ketika melakukan diversifikasi saham dalam portofolio adalah penentuan kandidat saham-saham dan besarnya proporsi jumlah dana yang ditempatkan pada masing-masing saham yang menyusun portofolio optimum. Penyelesaian masalah pembentukan portofolio optimum ini dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma genetika agar diperoleh proporsi saham yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan optimum dengan tingkat kerugian yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Studi kasus dilakukan pada sejumlah saham dengan kinerja unggul yang aktif diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode algoritma genetika bekerja dengan efektif dalam penyelesaian masalah pembentukan portofolio optimum
Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Praktik Pengungkapan Sukarela dengan Non Profit Organizations Reporting Index di Universitas Bangka Belitung Wenni Anggita; Anggraeni Yunita; Erita Rosalina; Izma Fahria
Accounthink Vol 3 No 02 (2018)
Publisher : UNSIKA (Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.464 KB) | DOI: 10.35706/acc.v3i02.1484


The services provided by nonprofit organizations and their ability to continue providing such services, how managers carry out their responsibilities for the performance of nonprofit organizations. This research aims to analyze the perception of Bangka Belitung University students about the voluntary disclosure practices at Bangka Belitung University by Non Profit Organizations Reporting Index. As one of the Non  Profit Organizations, the collage became one of the entities of interest to be discussed. The research using qualitative approach by distributing quetionnaires. The sample used is 978 faculty of economics students who are familiar with voluntary disclosure.  The result showed that Bangka Belitung University doesn’t use Non Profit Organizations Reporting Index in the report. Students agreed that a non profit organization, the university should be know the informations needed by stakeholders. Of the five indicators mentioned in Non Profit Organizations Reporting Index used in this study, tey agree that financial and non financia information is important to be informed openly.
Berumpun: International Journal of Social, Politics, and Humanities Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Berumpun : International Journal Of Social, Politics, and Humanities
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.343 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/berumpun.v2i2.22


Education, culture and tourism are three things that cannot be separated and interconnected. Culture will develop if education develops too. By education, culture will increase the development of tourism in Indonesia. In order to improve the quality and progress of education, culture and tourism, Social Service Lecture (KKN) XIV Bangka Belitung University (UBB) 2019 Pasirputih - Sadai Desa Pasirputih region, develop tourist destinations through the program "Festival Paserpute Agik Barik" (cultural festival Pasirputih in the past), this activity aims to explore the history and culture of the original tempo of the past (past) in the Pasirputih Village, be it cultural heritage, customs, arts, culinary, traditional games, crafts, and also practice and historical habits the life of the local community in the past, which will be re-demonstrated as the superiority of the Village later and can also be introduced to the wider community as a destination for natural and cultural tourism, which will become its own characteristics and not found elsewhere.
AFEBI Accounting Review Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.548 KB) | DOI: 10.47312/aar.v3i01.135


Bermudan option is a type of option that has characteristics between American option and European option whose its value never exceeds the value of the American option and is never less than the European option. The objective of this research is to calculate Bermudan call option of John Keels Stock through the binomial tree method using statistics software of Matlab R2010a. Assessment of Bermudan type option relates to discrete issues, in which the Bermudan type option has a certain number of times of early exercise specified in the option contract, where such times can only be made at some time prior to the option due date. Precise pricing for Bermudan type option can be obtained by discrete models such as the binomial tree method, a numerical method that is one of the most popular approaches for calculating option prices. This research uses time series data obtained from BNI Financial Update Corner, FEB UGM. The Bermudan call option price calculation will be compared with the calculation of European option pricing and American option price with underlying asset without dividend. The results show that the price of John Keels's Bermudan type call option using the binomial tree method yields the same value as American type call option and European type call option.Keywords: Bermudan Type Option, Binomial Tree Method, Matlab R2010a, Spss 20
Studi Identifikasi dan Proyeksi Siklus Harga Komoditas Pangan di Masa Pandemi COVID 19 sebagai Kajian Aspek Pengawasan Pemasaran Produk Pangan di Bangka Belitung Muhammad Faisal Akbar; Izma Fahria
Society Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1489.763 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/society.v10i1.322


This study examined the projected price of food marketing in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands as a step in deepening the issue of food security due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands had a significant impact on the issue of food security. This was caused by the deficit of several strategic food commodities and caused the prices of this food to increase quite high compared to other provinces in Indonesia, such as several provinces in Sumatra and Java. Therefore, local governments as policymakers have a high enough interest in maintaining prices for strategic commodities, especially food. This study intends to compare the volatility of food prices before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The data used is time-series data on weekly food prices in a traditional Pangkalpinang City market for September 2018 to February 2021. The data analysis technique uses the Vector Autoregression (VAR) method or Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) with the help of statistical software EViews. The results of this study indicate that several important commodities that support community life are predicted to increase significantly, including rice, chicken meat, and chicken eggs. The three food commodities that experienced an increase had a fairly high fluctuation. Beef and red chilies show declining projections in the 8-week forecast period. Meanwhile, cooking oil prices, granulated sugar, shallots, and garlic are still stable.
PENDAMPINGAN KEBIJAKAN ALOKASI DANA DESA Novendra Hidayat; Herdianti Herdianti; Izma Fahria
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jpu.v4i2.172


Kebijakan publik (Public Policy) merupakan bidang kajian yang amat penting dalam ketatalaksanaan kenegaraan, terlebih dalam proses pembuatan kebijaksanaan yang melibatkan masyarakat, maka kajian public policy ini menjadi suatu keniscayaan dalam melaksanakan roda pemerintahan. Kebijakan yang belakangan ini makin santer terdengar di sisi pembangunan pedesaan adalah Kebijakan Tata Kelola Desa melalui UU Desa No. 6 tahun 2014 dan PP Desa No 43 tahun 2014. Kebijakan Tata Kelola Desa ini dikenal dengan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD), yang diharapkan dapat mendorong produktivitas masyarakat pedesaan. Dalam rangka mensukseskan program dana desa ini, tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam kegiatan Iptek bagi Masyarakat Jurusan lmu Politik FISIP UBB menyelenggarakan “Pendampingan Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Desa : Sosialisasi dan Workshop Penyusunan Laporan Dana Desa Bagi Perangkat Desa Se Kecamatan Merawang”. Tujuan dari penyelengaraan Program IbM Dana Desa di Kecamatan Merawang ini untuk: 1). Memberikan pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai penyusunan laporan keuangan dana desa, dan 2). Memberikan pelatihan untukmenyusun laporan keuangan dana desa. Kegiatan pelatihan ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus September 2017, dengan melibatkan Perangkat Desa yang ada di Kecamatan Merawang, Kab. Bangka. Adapun pelaksanaan kegiatan pendampingan kebijakan ini meliputi sosialisasi dan workshop penyusunan laporan keuangan desa yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, tutorial, dan diskusi. Kegiatan pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan dana desa bagi perangkat desa Se Kecamatan Merawang berjalan dengan baik.. Pelatihan ini penting dan sangat diperlukan bagi perangkat desa guna terciptanya Pemerintahan Desa yang mengedepankan prinsipprinsip Good Governance and Clean Government.
AFEBI Accounting Review Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47312/aar.v3i01.135


Bermudan option is a type of option that has characteristics between American option and European option whose its value never exceeds the value of the American option and is never less than the European option. The objective of this research is to calculate Bermudan call option of John Keels Stock through the binomial tree method using statistics software of Matlab R2010a. Assessment of Bermudan type option relates to discrete issues, in which the Bermudan type option has a certain number of times of early exercise specified in the option contract, where such times can only be made at some time prior to the option due date. Precise pricing for Bermudan type option can be obtained by discrete models such as the binomial tree method, a numerical method that is one of the most popular approaches for calculating option prices. This research uses time series data obtained from BNI Financial Update Corner, FEB UGM. The Bermudan call option price calculation will be compared with the calculation of European option pricing and American option price with underlying asset without dividend. The results show that the price of John Keels's Bermudan type call option using the binomial tree method yields the same value as American type call option and European type call option.Keywords: Bermudan Type Option, Binomial Tree Method, Matlab R2010a, Spss 20
Prediksi Spot Price Komoditas Emas Berjangka dengan Pendekatan Vector Error Correction Model Izma Fahria; Desy Yuliana Dalimunthe; Ririn Amelia; Ineu Sulistiana; Baiq Desy Aniska Prayanti
Jambura Journal of Mathematics Vol 5, No 2: August 2023
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jjom.v5i2.18737


Time series data usually exhibit non-stationary behavior and involve interrelated variables. Thus, we need a model that can obtain good forecasting results from non-stationary time series data with multivariate variables. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is a multivariate time series model which is a vector form of Vector Autoregressive Regression (VAR) for time series data that are non-stationary and have a cointegration relationship. This research was conducted to model the cointegration relationship in providing clarity on the long-term relationship of the influence of future prices and the Covid-19 pandemic on price movements of gold futures commodities and to predict spot price prediction modeling for gold futures commodities. The results of the research using the VECM (2) model, which is the best model, show that the future price of the gold commodity is quite dominant in influencing the value of the spot price of gold. The Covid-19 variable does not have a significant effect on the spot gold price variable.
Integrated Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Integrated Journal of Business and Economics
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/ijbe.v7i2.724


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of village funds in supporting village development in the Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research by comparing targets and realization from 2018-2022 and guidelines for the effectiveness category of using funds using the regulations of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. From the results of the Village Fund effectiveness test in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, it shows that the average level of effectiveness is 99.91%, included in the quite effective category. With the highest level of effectiveness, which is almost 100%, it is found in Bangka Regency. This indicates that the management of Village Fund Allocations in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province is carried out optimally. Because the realization of the Village Fund Allocation obtained has reached the revenue target set in the Village Fund Allocation budget.