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EDUCATION POLITICS IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL AND MADRASA: The Old Order, The New Order, and The Reform Era Jufri Naldo; Azhari Akmal Tarigan; Faisal Riza
AL-TAHRIR Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Islam and Politics
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v20i2.2114


Abstract: The development of Islamic boarding schools and madrasas in Indonesia cannot be separated from the political education policy of the government that is currently in power. Through a literature study, this study intends to reveal how the form of education politics carried out by the government towards these two institutions. The theoretical debate on education politics during the Old Order begins the explanation of this study. Then, the debate during the New Order is discussed, and the debate related to the Reformation era is discussed after that. This study illustrates that despite the politicization of Islamic boarding schools and madrasas, these indigenous Indonesian educational institutions must be preserved and their development should be considered. Furthermore, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas are important indicators for the progress of the religion and the nation. By looking at the realities of advanced education today, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas are a reflection of the superiority of scientific, intellectual, and cultural achievements. The government as a policymaker should provide full political support so that Islamic boarding schools and madrasas can compete at the world level.الملخص: لا يمكن فصل تطوير المدارس الداخلية الإسلامية والمدارس الدينية في إندونيسيا عن سياسة التعليم السياسي للحكومة التي تتولى السلطة حاليًا. تهدف هذه الدراسة ، من خلال دراسة أدبية ، إلى الكشف عن شكل السياسة التربوية التي تنفذها الحكومة تجاه هاتين المؤسستين. سيبدأ النقاش النظري حول سياسات التعليم في عهد النظام القديم في شرح هذه الدراسة ، ثم يتبعها في عهد النظام الجديد ، وينتهي خلال فترة الإصلاح. توضح هذه الدراسة أنه على الرغم من تسييس المدارس الداخلية الإسلامية والمدارس الدينية ، يجب الحفاظ على هذه المؤسسات التعليمية الإندونيسية الأصلية والنظر في تطويرها. علاوة على ذلك ، فإن المدارس الداخلية الإسلامية هي مؤشرات مهمة لتقدم الدين والأمة. بالنظر إلى واقع التعليم المتقدم حاليًا ، فإن المدارس الداخلية الإسلامية والمدارس الإسلامية هي انعكاس لتفوق الإنجازات العلمية والفكرية والثقافية. يجب على الحكومة كصانع للسياسة أن تقدم الدعم السياسي الكامل حتى تتمكن المدارس الداخلية الإسلامية والمدارس الإسلامية من المنافسة على المستوى العالمي.Abstrak: Perkembangan Pesantren dan madrasah di Indonesia tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebijakan politik pendidikan pemerintah yang sedang berkuasa. Melalui studi literatur, kajian ini hendak mengungkap bagaimana bentuk politik pendidikan yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah terhadap kedua lembaga tersebut. Perdebatan teoritis politik pendidikan pada masa Orde Lama akan mengawali penjelasan kajian ini, kemudian disusul pada masa Orde Baru, dan diakhiri pada masa Reformasi. Kajian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa sekalipun terjadi politisasi terhadap pesantren dan madrasah, akan tetapi lembaga pendidikan asli Indonesia ini harus tetap dilestarikan dan diperhatikan perkembangannya. Selanjutnya, pesantren dan madrasah merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk kemajuan agama dan bangsa. Dengan melihat realitas pendidikan yang sudah maju saat ini, pesantren dan madrasah adalah cerminan dari keunggulan capaian keilmuan, intelektual dan kultural. Pemerintah sebagai pemangku kebijakans udah sepatutnya memberikan dukungan penuh secara politik agar pesantren dan madrasah bisa bersaing di tingkat dunia.
Nizham Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Nizham: Jurnal Studi Agama
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/nizham.v10i1.6853


In Islamic intellectual discourse, the concept of the Prophet received various responses from Islamic philosophers. This article examines the arguments of Islamic philosophy regarding prophethood, in this case the arguments of Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. Using relevant literature related to the two philosophers, this article clarifies the position of Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina's views which affirm their defense of the existence of prophethood. In addition, it is emphasized that prophetic consciousness is a high-level position of mankind. Prophethood is the highest intelligence because it can pick up on heaven's signals and divine messages. Humans who have the highest intellectual as a prophet to be the interpreter of God's will to humans and the universe.
Ekonom : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 2 No 2 (2022): EKONOM : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Yana Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58432/ekonom.v2i2.658


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendalami strategi komunikasi pemasaran dengan bauran pemasaran Toko Seragam Sekolah Sibolangit Jaya Kecamatan Medan Marelan. Sehingga, peneliti menelusuri produk, penentuan harga, penentuan distribusi serta mengetahui promosi yang dilakukan sebab hal tersebut merupakan bagian dari bauran komunikasi pemasaran guna menarik perhatian pelanggan, menginformasikan dan mengingatkan konsumen akan suatu produk, membujuk serta mampu mendukung kedudukan dari suatu merek dengan merek yang dimiliki oleh pesaing.Terdapat empat Toko Seragam Sekolah didaerah Kecamatan Medan Marelan yang menawarkan produknya. Namun, Toko yang menarik perhatian peneliti sebagai bahan penelitian ialah Toko Sibolangit Jaya Kecamatan Medan Marelan. Hal ini dikarenakan, Toko Sibolangit Jaya memiliki pelanggan yang cukup banyak terlebih pada saat tahun ajaran baru. Dalam penelitian ini, jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dari metode kualitatif dan Owner Toko Sibolangit Jaya bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Adapun metode pengumpulan datanya meliputi observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa Seragam Sekolah Toko Sibolangit Jaya dalam merancang strategi komunikasi pemasaran dengan bauran pemasaran. Kontribusi terhadap metode yakni strategi komunikasi pemasaran dan kontribusi pada masalah yakni bauran pemasaran yang dijalankan. Peneliti berkontribusi dalam mempromosikan seragam sekolah Sibolangit Jaya kepada siswa dan siswi ditempat peneliti mengajar serta kepada tetangga peneliti dan membangun kerja sama yang baik dengan Owner untuk memajukan Toko Sibolangit Jaya dengan sharing akun Tokopedia Sibolangit Jaya di akun Whatsapp. Kata Kunci: Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran dan bauran komunikasi ABSTRACT    This study aims to explore marketing communication strategies with the marketing mix of the SibolangitJaya School Uniform Store, Medan Marelan District. Thus, researchers trace products, pricing, determining distribution and knowing the promotions carried out because this is part of the marketing communication mix to attract customer attention, inform and remind consumers of a product, persuade and be able to support the position of a brand with a brand owned by competitors. There are four School Uniform Shops in Medan Marelan District that offer their products. However, the shop that attracted the attention of researchers as research material was the Sibolangit Jaya Store, Medan Marelan District.This is because Toko Sibolangit Jaya has quite a lot of customers, especially during the new school year. This research method uses the type of research method used is a descriptive type of research from qualitative methods and the Owner of Toko Sibolangit Jaya is willing to participate in this research. The data collection methods include observation, interviews, documentation and literature studies. This research resulted in the Sibolangit Jaya Store School Uniform in designing a marketing communication strategy with a marketing mix. Contribution to the method, namely marketing communication strategy and contribution to the problem, namely the marketing mix that is carried out. Researchers contribute to promoting Sibolangit Jaya school uniforms to students and students where researchers teach as well as to researchers' neighbors and build good cooperation with the Owner to advance the Sibolangit Jaya Store by sharing the Tokopedia Sibolangit Jaya account on the Whatsapp account.Keywords: Marketing Communication Strategy and Communication Strategy
Penerapan Kode Etik Pustakawan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Medan Asri Khairani Sinaga; Solihah Titin Sumanti; Faisal Riza
Comit: Communication, Information and Technology Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Comit: Communication and Information Journal
Publisher : IAI Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/comit.v2i2.143


The purpose of this study was to find out how the application of the librarian's code of ethics at the Medan City Library and Archives Service. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. In this study, there were 6 informants who worked in the library as librarians by using purposive sampling. The object of this research is the Medan City Library and Archives Service. The collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation studies. The analysis technique used in this research is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study are that at the City Library and Archives Service the librarians have implemented the Librarian Code of Ethics from the basic attitudes of librarians and some librarian rules, Inhibiting and Supporting Factors from this research there are obstacles where there are some librarians who do not have a librarian background so that this becomes an inhibiting factor in implementing the Librarian Code of Ethics in which there are some librarians who do not participate in the Indonesian Librarians Association, while the supporting factors for the Implementation of the Librarian Code of Ethics with the management of librarians are able to apply because they understand well the existing rules. Keywords: Librarian, Librarian Code of Ethics.