Supriyanto Supriyanto
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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HUMAN DUALISM OF ZAKI NAQUIB MAHMUD: Philosophical Arguments of Religious Moderation Supriyanto Supriyanto
AL-TAHRIR Vol 21, No 2 (2021): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v21i2.3328


Abstract: Human dualism is a debatable philosophical concept in various schools of philosophy. Through their leading thinkers, Greek philosophy, Western philosophy, and Islamic philosophy have contributed to the debate in the discourse of human dualism. Zaki Naquib Mahmud, an Egyptian rationalist philosopher, opposed the previous philosophers' dichotomous concept of human dualism. This article describes the conceptual correlation of Zaki Naquib Mahmud's dualism with religious moderation. Through a literature review of Zaki Naquib Mahmud's work, the results showed that (1) Zaki tended to reject the dichotomous thought of human dualism; (2) the implication of the rejection was the conceptual distinction between religion, being religious and religious knowledge; and (3) the inclusive awareness of the three concepts could extend a more moderate understanding in strengthening the concept of religious moderation philosophically.الملخص: مازالت الثنائية الفلسفية حول البشرية موضوع نقاش حار لدى المدارس الفلسفية المختلفة. قد ساهمت الفلسفة اليونانية والغربية والاسلامية على ايدي مفكريهم الرائدين اسهامات كبيرة في هذا البحث. قد عارض زكي نجيب محمود ، الفيلسوف العقلاني المصري ، مفهوم الثنائية البشرية الكلاسيكية من الفلاسفة القدماء. يجد هذا المقال العلاقة الفعالة بين ثنائية زكي نجيب محمود ومفهوم الوسطية الدينية. من خلال القراءة لاعمال زكي نجيب محمود نستنتج من هذه الدراسة ما يلي : (1) يميل زكي إلى رفض فكرة الثنائية المقسمة للازدواجية البشرية. (2) يؤدي هذا الرفض من زكي الى التفرقة بين مفهوم الدين والتدين والعلم الديني. (3) ويتولد من الوعي الصحيح بمعاني هذه الثلاثة الاعتدال والتوسط في إدراك المفاهيم الدينية، ويقوي فلسفيًا الوسطية الدينية الاسلامية.Abstrak: Dualisme manusia menjadi konsep filosofis yang terus menjadi bahan perdebatan dalam berbagai aliran filsafat. Filsafat Yunani, Filsafat Barat dan Filsafat Islam turut serta menyumbang perdebatan dan berkontribusi dalam diskursus dualisme manusia melalui para pemikir unggulannya. Zaki Naquib Mahmud, seorang filsuf rasionalis Mesir menentang konsep dualisme manusia yang dikotomis dari para filosof terdahulu. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan korelasi konseptual dualism manusia Zaki Naquib Mahmud dengan moderasi beragama. Melalui kajian kepustakaan terhadap karya Zaki Naquib Mahmud, hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Zaki cenderung menolak pemikiran dualisme manusia yang dikotomis; (2) implikasi dari penolakan tersebut adalah pembedaan konseptual antara agama, beragama dan ilmu agama; dan (3) kesadaran terhadap pembedaan makna dari ketiga konsep tersebut dapat melahirkan pemahaman yang cenderung moderat karena adanya kesadaran inklusif sehingga memperkuat secara filosofis terkait dengan konsep moderasi beragama.
Zawiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : IAIN Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/zjpi.v8i2.4191


This study aims to find out about the thoughts of m. Quraish Shihab on the values of Islamic education in the concept of religious moderation. The type of this research is literature study and bibliographic study, with a historical approach of thought related to text studies, covering the genesis of thought, consistency of thought, evolution of thought, systematics of thought, development and change, variants of thought, communication of thought, dialectic of thought and continuity of thought. The research data were taken from several written references, both books and journals, then collaborated so that they became a unified whole in the research results. The results showed that Muhammad Quraish Shihab's ideas about wasathiyah referred to wasathiyah values or moderation, namely based on religious values, and to determine wasatiyah must have religious knowledge. The educational values contained in Muhammad Quraish Shihab's thoughts are the belief in God (Faith), Morals (Submission), Worship, Community Life and Social Relations.
Kitab Kuning at the Salafiyah Pesantren in Indonesia: The Dynamics of Online Learning Makruf Widodo; Maragustam Maragustam; Supriyanto Supriyanto
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 15, No 3 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v15i3.2841


Documenting the salafiyah pesantren dynamics that have persisted in Indonesia for millennia is a massive undertaking. In today's world, salafiyah Islamic boarding schools and the whirlwind of politics and economics that surrounds them are on the margins. The Covid 19 Pandemic of the 21st century was a major occurrence that disrupted many established systems because of a lack of preparation. It is fascinating to watch the Salafiyah pesantren's dynamic evolve in this context. This study examines how the Salafiyah pesantren in Kebumen, Indonesia, adapted the Kitab Kuning as a means of instruction. Salafiyah Pesantren in Kebumen is the subject of this study using descriptive qualitative research methods which use observation and interview techniques by taking the oldest Pesantren and having a big role in Kebumen. The result of this research is that the Salafiyah Islamic boarding school in Kebumen is trying to make major changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of a major change in learning media from traditional media to online media, namely using information technology such as mobile phones, which previously was not allowed for students, turning into a necessity for students to have a mobile phone to recite the Kitab Kuning. This dynamic brings changes in behaviour for students, namely the use of health protocols and using social media such as YouTube and WhatsApp as a medium for learning long-distance students.