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Perubahan Sosial Berbasis Tasawuf: Studi Kasus Fethullah Gülen Dan Gülen Movement Sulaiman Sulaiman
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v16i1.359


Abstract: This article aims at analyzing Fethullah Gülen and the Gülen Movement which have succeeded in performing social change based on the teaching of Sufism. He did Sufism creativity in order that Sufism teaching was able to respond the changes that occur in the modernlife. He believed that, only by reinterpretation and contextualization of Sufism, the spiritual dimension of Islam would be able to perform the transformation or social change among the Muslims. Therefore, by using Max Weber’s theory of social action, this paper will analyze three key teachings of Sufism of Gülen: ascetic (zuhd), inbisat (expansion), and hizmet. Based on the Weber's theory, Gülen occupied a very central and authoritative position: agent/actor, action and meaning. As a source of meaning and interpreter of meaning, the key concepts of Sufism were transformed by Gülen to the internal and external communities so that they had made a move to do social movements and humanity. For the followers of Gülen, the movement was called the Gülen Movement or the Hizmet Movement which was engaged in the fields of education, health care, humanitarian assistance, and the mass media. All forms of movement were entirely based on the spiritual values of Islam that had been formulated by Gülen. الملخص: يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل شخصية فتح الله غولن وحركته الذي تمكن من القيام بالتغيير الاجتماعي على أساس التعاليم الصوفية. إن فتح الله غولن قام بإحياء التصوف في صورته الجدّية والحيوية في حياة الإنسان المعاصر. ويعتقد أن إعادة التفسير لتعاليم التصوف مع مراعاة الواقع قادرة على التغيير الاجتماعي بين المسلمين. من أجل ذلك، أن استخدام نظرية ويبر، يمكن تحليل تعاليم التصوف الثلاثة التي اعتمد عليها فتح الله غولين، وهي : الزهد، إينبيسات (التوسع)، والخدمة. بهذه النظرية، يحتل غولن منصبا استراتيجيا وموثوقا: كالممثل والعمل، والمعنى.وأنه مصدر للمعنى والمفسر له، وبهذا المفهوم، نقله غولن  إلى المجتمع الداخلي والخارجي  للقيام بالحركات الاجتماعية والإنسانية . ويطلق أتباع غولن هذه الحركة باسم حركة غولن أو حركة الخدمة التي تشارك في التعليم والرعاية الصحية والمساعدة الصحية ووسائل الإعلام. يُنفّذ جميع هذه الأنشطة على أساس القيم الروحية التي صاغها غولن إلى أتباعه .  Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Fethullah Gülen dan Gerakan Gülen yang berhasil melakukan perubahan sosial berdasarkan ajaran tasawuf. Ia melakukan sufism creativity (kreativitas sufisme) yang bertujuan agar ajaran tasawuf mampu merespon perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia modern. Ia meyakini bahwa hanya dengan reinterpretasi dan kontekstualisasi ajaran tasawuf, maka dimensi spiritualitas Islam ini akan mampu melakukan transformasi atau perubahan sosial di kalangan umat Islam. Karena itu, dengan menggunakan teori tindakan sosial Weber, tulisan ini akan menganalisis tiga ajaran kunci tasawuf Gülen: zuhud, inbisat (ekspansi), dan hizmet. Dengan kerangka teori Weber, maka Gülen menempati posisi yang sangat sentral dan otoritatif: agen/aktor, aksi, dan makna. Sebagai sumber makna dan penafsir makna, maka konsep kunci tasawuf tersebut ditransformasikan oleh Gülen ke komunitas internal dan eksternal sehingga mereka tergerak untuk melakukan gerakan-gerakan sosial dan kemanusiaan. Bagi para pengikut Gülen, gerakan itu menamakan dirinya Gerakan Gülen atau Gerakan Hizmet yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, layanan kesehatan, bantuan-bantuan kemanusiaan, dan media massa. Semua bentuk gerakan ini sepenuhnya didasari oleh nilai-nilai spiritualitas Islam yang telah diformulasikan oleh Gülen.
JAVANESE FAMILY ETHIC IN SERAT SALOKATAMA Mustolehudin Mustolehudin; Siti Muawanah; Yulinar Aini Rahmah; Mibtadin Mibtadin; Sulaiman Sulaiman
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18784/analisa.v7i1.1518


The role of family has significant in maintaining harmonious life for each family member. For playing the family role, it is possible for the family refers to an ethical value. Javanese people maintain highly respectable values from their ancestors transferred by poets in the past. One of them was Mangkunegara IV, a descendant of King Surakarta who was prolific in producing some forms of literary works, such as serat piwulang. This article is a discussion about Serat Salokatama, one of Mangkunegara IV’s valuable works. By using literature study and hermeneutical approaches, this study found out some important findings related to Javanese ethic. First, the Serat Salokatama is a work which contains some values important for family life. The most important is religious value as it will produce other respectable values, such as honesty, vigilant, patient, politeness, and kindness, humble, toughness and never giving up easily, and not arrogant. Second, the Serat Salokatama also teaches its readers the significance of interactive and constructive dialogue to maintain good family lives.
JAVANESE FAMILY ETHIC IN SERAT SALOKATAMA Mustolehudin Mustolehudin; Siti Muawanah; Yulinar Aini Rahmah; Mibtadin Mibtadin; Sulaiman Sulaiman
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.741 KB) | DOI: 10.18784/analisa.v7i1.1518


The role of family has significant in maintaining harmonious life for each family member. For playing the family role, it is possible for the family refers to an ethical value. Javanese people maintain highly respectable values from their ancestors transferred by poets in the past. One of them was Mangkunegara IV, a descendant of King Surakarta who was prolific in producing some forms of literary works, such as serat piwulang. This article is a discussion about Serat Salokatama, one of Mangkunegara IV’s valuable works. By using literature study and hermeneutical approaches, this study found out some important findings related to Javanese ethic. First, the Serat Salokatama is a work which contains some values important for family life. The most important is religious value as it will produce other respectable values, such as honesty, vigilant, patient, politeness, and kindness, humble, toughness and never giving up easily, and not arrogant. Second, the Serat Salokatama also teaches its readers the significance of interactive and constructive dialogue to maintain good family lives.
Religious Moderation and the Struggle for Identity Through New Media: Study of the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Congregation Siti Solikhati; Adeni Adeni; Farida Rachmawati; Giska Maulidza; Sulaiman Sulaiman
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v6i2.15058


This study aims to examine the religious moderation promoted by Ahmadiyah through the website. The Ahmadiyah religious moderation discourse is related to the struggle for identity in the public sphere. This study is qualitative with documentation data collection techniques, namely digging documents containing religious moderation texts found on the Ahmadiyah website. The data are analyzed using a new media approach, which is an approach that sees a text that appears on a new media website as connected to the traditional text of the Holy Book. However, because website media texts relate to the offline world, external factors from social complexity also affect website text building. The results of the study indicate that internally the religious moderation text constructed by Ahmadiyah online comes from its ideology which is indeed fighting for peace and non-violence jihad. Meanwhile, externally, complex social realities in the midst of mainstream authorities and the state also contribute to the moderation text of the Ahmadiyya religion. The values of moderation promoted by Ahmadiyah are, first, supporting the strengthening of nationality by developing the concept of a spiritual and moral caliphate, not a political and militaristic caliphate. Second, strengthening peace and non-violence by encouraging jihad with a pen (jihad bi al-qalam) in response to various emerging social issues. Third, strengthening religious tolerance and freedom by emphasizing openness, not coercion in religion. Fourth, strengthening the existence of local culture by optimizing universal Islamic teachings. In the context of the Ahmadiyya as a minority, the discourse on religious moderation can be said to be an effort to struggle for Ahmadiyya identity in the public sphere in the midst of the mainstream and state authorities. However, this identity struggle seems to be hampered by the problem of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's (MGA) prophetic position. Therefore, a more massive dialogue is needed with the local Muslim mainstream.
JAVANESE FAMILY ETHIC IN SERAT SALOKATAMA Mustolehudin Mustolehudin; Siti Muawanah; Yulinar Aini Rahmah; Mibtadin Mibtadin; Sulaiman Sulaiman
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18784/analisa.v7i1.1518


The role of family has significant in maintaining harmonious life for each family member. For playing the family role, it is possible for the family refers to an ethical value. Javanese people maintain highly respectable values from their ancestors transferred by poets in the past. One of them was Mangkunegara IV, a descendant of King Surakarta who was prolific in producing some forms of literary works, such as serat piwulang. This article is a discussion about Serat Salokatama, one of Mangkunegara IV’s valuable works. By using literature study and hermeneutical approaches, this study found out some important findings related to Javanese ethic. First, the Serat Salokatama is a work which contains some values important for family life. The most important is religious value as it will produce other respectable values, such as honesty, vigilant, patient, politeness, and kindness, humble, toughness and never giving up easily, and not arrogant. Second, the Serat Salokatama also teaches its readers the significance of interactive and constructive dialogue to maintain good family lives.
Dhikr as Anxienty Therapy: A Solution to The Problems Faced by Modren Society in a Viewpoint of Tafseer fi Zilal Al-Quran by Sayyid Qutb Yuyun Affandi; Ahmad Asrof Fitri; M. Alfandi; Sulaiman Sulaiman
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 6 No 2 (2020): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, December 2020
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.483 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v6i2.2799


This article is intended to find out:1) how the interpretation of Sayyid Qutb regarding dhikr contained in Tafseer Fi Zilal al-Quran is, 2) how dhikr as an anxiety therapy for modern society problems in viewpoint of Sayyid Qutb in the context of current social life is. This study used a library research using descriptive qualitative approach. The study results showed: 1) The interpretation of Sayyid Qutb regarding dhikr as stated in the Tafseer Fi zilal al-Qur'an has various meanings. Among the meanings are a) remembering, b) prayer, c) calling the name of Allah, d) lessons/wisdom, e) thinking of natural phenomena, f) knowledge, g) warnings, h) the books of Allah. 2) dhikr as an anxiety therapy for the modern society problems in viewpoint of Sayyid Qutb in the current context of social life is dhikr has several functions in the context of anxiety therapy for the Islamic individuals, including: the function of a) prevention, b) guidance, and c) treatment.