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Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4073.98 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v11i2.337.89-96


This paper aims to analyze the narrative model used in The Satanic Verses novel by Salman Rusdhie as a writing strategy. The analysis shows that, in telling his narration, Rusdhie uses a hidden narrator as an actor who significantly controls the story and, in this way, magical realism is purposely employed to convey his messages. This narrative model produces a reading that the novel is offering a discourse of 'doubt' as an alternative over the text's single interpretation
Komunitas Berbaju Hitam: Sejarah, Perempuan, dan Pendidikan dalam Masyarakat Adat Tana Towa Kajang, Sulawesi Selatan Sarkawi B. Husain; Lina Puryanti; Adi Setijowati
Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Artefak, Etnografi, dan Strategi Pertahanan
Publisher : Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jscl.v6i1.38335


Studies on the Ammatowa indigenous people have been carried out by several researchers. Unfortunately, none of these studies have focused on the role and position of women in the Ammatowa people, both in their daily lives and in regard  to education. Therefore, this study fills that void. This study aims to identify the position and role of women in the life of the Ammatowa people; what specific roles are performed by women in customary areas; and how the traditions are still firmly held provide space for women to express themselves. As a study of a unique community, this study uses an ethnographic approach, by collecting, classifying, and analyzing the various positions of women in the Ammatowa Kajang community. In the traditional structure of Tana Towa, women have an important, strategic and respected position. In the structure of these customs, there is an important role played by a woman called Angrota who has the task and responsibility of preparing all the needs for traditional ceremonies, facilitating the selection of Ammatowa and inaugurating them. In the economic aspect, women have an important role in supporting the family’s financial, such as weaving, selling in the market, and farming. Meanwhile, education for Tana Towa women is still a major issue that needs serious attention. It is because the education world is related to issues of customs, and the family economy.
Konstruksi Masyarakat Urban dalam Kumpulan Puisi Wong Kam Pung Karya F. Aziz Manna (Sebuah Catatan Simpatik di Era Merdeka Belajar) M. A. Haris Firismanda; Lina Puryanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama Vol 10, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30734/jpe.v10i2.3220


Abstract: In this era of independent learning there are many learning resources that can be used as a vehicle for knowledge, including literary works, especially literary works in the form of poetry. Literary work is a mimesis of the real world, so its existence can inspire students to live life. This study discusses the construction of urban society in a collection of poems entitled "Wong Kam Pung" by F. Aziz Manna. Meanwhile, the poems studied are summarized in the subtitles Docks, Bridges, Hotels and People Who Don't Want to Get Old, Ngelindur, and Bumi Tua. This study uses Peter L. Berger and Luckman's perspective on social construction with the aim of seeing how the construction presented in the form of the subject I lyrics in the poem relates to urban space, especially the position of urban space in the meaning that is present through the subject I lyrics. The results of the study show that there is an urban community construction displayed through the subject of lyrics, namely: sub-urban identity construction, lifestyle construction and ecological construction in the time period. From these findings the position of meaning that is developed through the construction presented redefines how urban space is positioned as the subject of lyrics in the poem. The results of this study are expected to inspire the younger generation in moving forward through life tomorrow. Keywords: Construction; Identity, Lifestyle; Ecology  Abstrak: Di era merdeka belajar ini banyak sumber belajar yang dapat dijadikan sebagai wahana ilmu pengetahuan, tak terkecuali karya sastra, lebih-lebih karya sastra yang berbentuk puisi. Karya sastra adalah mimesis alam nyata, maka keberadaannya dapat menjadi inspirasi pembelajar untuk menghayati kehidupan. Penelitian ini membahas tentang konstruksi masyarakat urban dalam kumpulan puisi berjudul “Wong Kam Pung” karya F. Aziz Manna. Sedangkan puisi yang dikaji terangkum dalam subjudul Dermaga, Jembatan, Hotel dan Orang-Orang Yang Tak Mau Tua, Ngelindur, dan Bumi Tua. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Peter L. Berger dan Luckman tentang konstruksi sosial dengan tujuan untuk melihat bagaimana konstruksi yang dihadirkan pada bentuk subjek aku lirik dalam puisi tersebut terhadap ruang urban, terutama posisi ruang urban dalam pemaknaan yang hadir melalui subjek aku lirik tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat adanya konstruksi masyarakat urban yang ditampilkan melalui subjek aku lirik, yakni: konstruksi identitas sub-urban, konstruksi gaya hidup dan konstruksi ekologi dalam periode waktu. Dari temuan tersebut posisi pemaknaan yang terbangun melalui konstruksi yang dihadirkan, meredefinisikan bagaimana ruang urban diposisikan sebagai subjek aku lirik dalam puisi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi inspirasi generasi muda dalam melangkah mengarungi kehidupan hari esok. Kata Kunci: Konstruksi; Identitas, Gaya Hidup; Ekologi.