Setijowati, Adi
Departemen Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Airlangga

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Confessing Love to the Nation: Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s Works and Identity Reconstruction Adji, Alberta Natasia; Arimbi, Diah Ariani; Setijowati, Adi; Wulan, Nur; Karnanta, Kukuh Yudha
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Journal of ASEAN Studies
Publisher : Centre for Business and Diplomatic Studies (CBDS) Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/jas.v6i1.4819


 This article addressed identity reconstruction through an analysis of two of the most prominent fictional works by one of the Chinese Indonesian young writers, Audrey Yu Jia Hui. In encompassing the idea of identity rewriting, I addressed Hui’s second and third novels respectively, Mellow Yellow Drama (2014) and Mencari Sila Kelima (Searching for the Fifth Principle, 2015), through the post-structural concepts of Derrida’s deconstruction, and also in relation to cultural studies views on identity. The works were analyzed through close-reading technique. The novels were published during the Reformation (Reformasi) era, where politics had served to be a profound aspect that directed the cultural identity and social attitude of the society. In a range of aspects, from narrative structure to their deeper themes, Hui’s literary works were found to draw on a distinguishable set of strategies which enabled Hui to establish her own identity as someone who was liberated, culturally accepted and free to embrace local colors. This article also showed that Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s narratives have served as an acceptance of an individual’s multiple identities, which often depends on the problem at hand as well as the context of choices.
Confessing Love to the Nation: Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s Works and Identity Reconstruction Alberta Natasia Adji; Diah Ariani Arimbi; Adi Setijowati; Nur Wulan; Kukuh Yudha Karnanta
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Journal of ASEAN Studies
Publisher : Centre for Business and Diplomatic Studies (CBDS) Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/jas.v6i1.4819


 This article addressed identity reconstruction through an analysis of two of the most prominent fictional works by one of the Chinese Indonesian young writers, Audrey Yu Jia Hui. In encompassing the idea of identity rewriting, I addressed Hui’s second and third novels respectively, Mellow Yellow Drama (2014) and Mencari Sila Kelima (Searching for the Fifth Principle, 2015), through the post-structural concepts of Derrida’s deconstruction, and also in relation to cultural studies views on identity. The works were analyzed through close-reading technique. The novels were published during the Reformation (Reformasi) era, where politics had served to be a profound aspect that directed the cultural identity and social attitude of the society. In a range of aspects, from narrative structure to their deeper themes, Hui’s literary works were found to draw on a distinguishable set of strategies which enabled Hui to establish her own identity as someone who was liberated, culturally accepted and free to embrace local colors. This article also showed that Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s narratives have served as an acceptance of an individual’s multiple identities, which often depends on the problem at hand as well as the context of choices.
Komunitas Berbaju Hitam: Sejarah, Perempuan, dan Pendidikan dalam Masyarakat Adat Tana Towa Kajang, Sulawesi Selatan Sarkawi B. Husain; Lina Puryanti; Adi Setijowati
Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Artefak, Etnografi, dan Strategi Pertahanan
Publisher : Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jscl.v6i1.38335


Studies on the Ammatowa indigenous people have been carried out by several researchers. Unfortunately, none of these studies have focused on the role and position of women in the Ammatowa people, both in their daily lives and in regard  to education. Therefore, this study fills that void. This study aims to identify the position and role of women in the life of the Ammatowa people; what specific roles are performed by women in customary areas; and how the traditions are still firmly held provide space for women to express themselves. As a study of a unique community, this study uses an ethnographic approach, by collecting, classifying, and analyzing the various positions of women in the Ammatowa Kajang community. In the traditional structure of Tana Towa, women have an important, strategic and respected position. In the structure of these customs, there is an important role played by a woman called Angrota who has the task and responsibility of preparing all the needs for traditional ceremonies, facilitating the selection of Ammatowa and inaugurating them. In the economic aspect, women have an important role in supporting the family’s financial, such as weaving, selling in the market, and farming. Meanwhile, education for Tana Towa women is still a major issue that needs serious attention. It is because the education world is related to issues of customs, and the family economy.
LITERASI: Indonesian Journal of Humanities Vol 2 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Jember University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Two literary texts written by Chinese peranakan (Indonesia­born Chinese) describe how the Chinese try to survive in Indonesia. They need a flexibility that is reflected in the use of language, literary genre, and their philosophy connected with the social environment where they live. The Dutch colonial government and the New Order treat them ambivalently. The legacy find its form of replacing Chinese names with Indonesian ones in order to get the national identity. They are inclusive to protect themselves from violence. Initially, it was safer to use neutral western names. Until now the Chinese peranakan tend to idolize Western, but at the same time doing cross cultural breeding through birth, marriage, and death rites. Most of them adopt middle­eastern religion, despite also performing traditional Chinese, Javanese and western rites. Hybrid practices are no longer in the form of dialect because they come from a variety of cultural identities leading to a multicultural spirit that awakens them from ethnic sentiment.Keywords: Cina, ethnicity, hybridity, identity, peranakan
Kekerasan Simbolik dalam Nyali Karya Putu Wijaya: Karya Sastra, Politik, dan Refleksi Adi Setijowati
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (647.315 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v18i1.9882


Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap kekerasan simbolik dalam novel Nyali karya Putu Wijaya dengan memanfaatkan model aktansial A.J. Greimas. Model aktansial mengungkap peran-peran yang biasanya dilakukan dalam cerita, seperti subjek, objek, pengirim, penerima, penolong, dan penentang. Hubungan aktansial berguna untuk melihat relasi struktur narasi. Dalam artikel ini juga dimanfaatkan perspektif Pierre Bourdieu terkait kekerasan simbolik. Kekerasan simbolik yang ditemukan berasal dari dominasi tentara berpangkat tinggi ke tentara berpangkat lebih rendah, antara lain adalah kepatuhan, indoktrinasi, komando, pembohongan, strategi penguasaan, dan instruksi. Kekerasan simbolik dalam Nyali ditunjukkan dalam strategi kejahatan struktural dari atas ke bawah (Jendral mengelabui Kolonel, Kolonel meminta Kopral untuk melaksanakan rencana penguasaan Jendral). Nyali adalah wacana karya Putu Wijaya yang berbicara tentang hal-hal menyangkut ketentaraan atau kemiliteran Indonesia. Dalam mekanisme kekerasan simbolik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keluarga tentara yang menjadi korban adalah keluarga kopral. Dapat ditunjukkan pula bahwa semakin seseorang berada di lingkungan kepangkatan terendah, mereka semakin berani mempertanyakan nasibnya, karena mereka tidak merasa kehilangan apa-apa. Hal ini berbeda dengan keluarga yang berpangkat Kolonel yang semakin mendukung karier ketentaraannya, meskipun harus dilalukan dengan cara berbohong. Pola-pola militerisasi yang ditunjukkan Nyali merefleksikan pengaruh kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat di perkotaan. Pembacaan atas karya sastra yang bernuansa politik penting untuk dilakukan agar pembaca tidak kehilangan pengetahuan tentang keadaan politik yang pernah atau sedang berlaku di masyarakat.
Penari dan Budaya Patriarki dalam Novel Gelang Gendhuk Centini Karya Nurul Swandari Wahyuning - Afifah; Adi Setijowati
Diglossia: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesusastraan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): September
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/diglossia.v13i1.2479


Artikel ini membahas tentang objektifikasi para perempuan penari padepokan Rahasna dalam novel Gelang Gendhuk Centini. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis melalui pembacaan mendalam pada objek penelitian yang berbentuk novel. Data-data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori struktur naratif dari A.J Greimas. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi-fungsi yang ada dalam novel tersebut bermuara pada kesimpulan tentang objektifikasi pada perempuan melalui tindakan pelecehan dalam bentuk verbal maupun fisik. Pelecehan ini dilakukan tanpa adanya perlawanan yang menggambarkan ketertundukkan perempuan-perempuan penari terhadap kuasa laki-laki demi mendapatkan ketenaran.   
"The Little Mermaid” Dalam 2 Sajian Teks Yang Berbeda: Struktur Naratif A.J. Greimas Ayu Putri Bhakti; Adi Setijowati
Prosodi Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 17, No 1: (2023): prosodi
Publisher : Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/prosodi.v17i1.16817


ABSTRACTThis study aims to explore how the main character who hopes that he can turn into a complete human is told in the form of short stories and films. This study focuses on 2 texts with a female main character who is a beautiful mermaid, namely The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen (1837) and Walt Disney (1989). The two main female characters in the story are explained through the actential theory of A.J. Greimas. The focus of this research is the similarity of subjects but has different objects in the form of happiness defined by the main character. The findings of this study include: 1) The object in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid story is eternal life, while The Little Mermaid in Walt Disney version is married with a prince; 2) The opponent of both stories which is kind of happiness defined by the main character.Keywords: Fairy Tales, Happiness, True Love
Publisher : Himpunan Sarjana-Kesusastraan Indonesia (HISKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/psni.v0i0.27


Wayang orang is a wealth of the Javanese people’ one of which is in the city of Surabaya. As a wayang community Graha Mustika Yuastina is a recognized community in the city of Surabaya. As evidenced by the frequent performances in the Cak Durasim building which is sponsored by  the Surabaya Cultural Center.  Covid 19 which prohibitis crowds has a real impact on this community, especially in terms of staging. The inevitable impact is that the performance is postponed. This happanned because of diversion ofart funds, the mayority of which were used to overcome the pandemic .in an indepth interview, it was stated that this wayang orang performance had to change the platform in this pandemic era, namely from classical style performance to youtube and Instagram.   This will affect the media promotion. As for the values of wayang still trying to be maintained.