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Hak-Hak Pekerja I Buruh I Karyawan Dalam Pernutusan Hubungan Kerja (Phk), Pensiun dan Pengunduruan Diri Hanfan, Ahmad
CERMIN Vol 47 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : CERMIN

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Dalam hubungan kerja antara pekerja buruh karyawan dengan perusahaan tentunya dapat terjadi Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK), pensiun maupun pengunduran diri. Di dalam pasal 1 butir 25 UU no.13 2003, definisi PHK adalah pengakhiran hubungan kerja karena suatu hal tertenu yang mengakibatkan berakhirnya hak dan kewajiban antara pekerja buruh dan pengusaha. Dengan demikian Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja atau PHK adalah suatu kondisi tidak bekerjanya lagi karyawan tersebut pada perusahaan karena hubungan kerja antara yang bersangkutan dengan perusahaan terputus, atau tidak diperpanjang lagi. Bentuk lain dari PHK yaitu pekerja/buruh tidak masuk aktif lagi, tetapi yang bersangkutan masih mempunyai hubungan sosial dengan perusahaan. Bentuk PHK semacam ini terlihat pada pekerja/buruh/ instansi pemerintah atau badan usaha milik negara. Walaupun yang bersangkutan tidak bekerja lagi pada perusahaan , tetapi yang bersangkutan tetap mempunyai hubungan sosial dengan perusahaanya berupa adanya penerimaan uang pensiun. PHK jenis ini disebut dengan istilah pemensiunan atau pemisahan (separation) karyawan dengan pekerjaanya. Sedangkan pengunduran diri adalah pemutusah hubungan kerja yang disengaja dari pihak pekerja/buruh/karyawan.Dari setiap peristiwa PHK, pensiun maupun pengunduran diri terhadap hal-hal dari pekerja/buruh/karyawan
PERMANA Vol 1, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : PERMANA

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Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM)  Is a public  company whlch  service to fulfill  amount of water required.   It is in accordance    with  the mandate  of article   37 of Government   Regulation number 16 Year  2005 about  the development of water supplying  system.   PDAM  actually is not single  operator.  because the  cooperation   and  private  enterprise  could  also  be the operator or organizer.   Because  or  Initial  Investment   is very big,   It  Is  rarely that  cooperation    and  private enterprise join with   the water  supplying    system business.    Due to it is semi-monopoly; the goverment should make the rule/regulatlon     which aim to protect consumers  /the  public  as customer. Rule/Regulatlons   of the government   must restrict  the authority of the taps  as profit oriented enterprise. To overcome   these oustacles,    PDAM requires   the  director or  manager who gass the  soul of a visionary leadership.    Hopefully, with  the visionary   manager/leader   who can face the obstacles that  exist  so that he can  lead  the company  more  advanced  againKeyword:  Visionary   Leadership
Mengeksplorasi kesadaran merek terhadap minat beli ulang melalui sikap terhadap merek Hanfan, Ahmad
Performance Vol 24 No 2 (2017): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of brand awareness on brand attitude, brand image on brand attitude, brand personality on brand attitude, and brand attitude on repurchase intention. Research problem: This research problem is sourced from the existence of research gap of influence of brand awareness on repurchase intention and business phenomenon that happened at brand value of instant noodle of Indomie brand that experienced fluctuation. Findings: The results show that brand awareness influences brand attitude, brand image influences brand attitude, brand personality influences brand attitude, and brand attitude influences repurchase intention. Implications: Based on analysis of full model, obtained the theoretical implication that is when the companies increase repurchase intention, companies need to consider how to improve brand attitude. Brand attitude is influenced by brand awareness, brand image, and brand personality. While, managerial implication in this research is that brand attitude has positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. In increasing repurchase intention, brand awareness plays an important role in improving brand attitude in order to encourage repurchase intention, followed by brand image and brand personality. Originality: The originality of this research is that the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention is still a debate among researchers. Therefore, this study attempts to explain the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention by adding mediation variable, namely brand attitude that is influenced by brand image and brand personality. Keywords: brand awareness, brand image, brand personality, attitudes toward brands, repurchase intention.
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen Vol 12, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/derema.v12i2.585


This study aims to develop a new concept of the iconic product advantage as a bridge to solve the research gap on the impact of product development capability on marketing performance. This new concept is studied through relevant theory and tested through empirical research. Data were collected empirically from the owner of Salted Egg (micro, small and medium enterprises MSME) in Brebes, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The sample distribution was given to 115 respondents by using sample random sampling technique. The structural equation model (SEM) with AMOS 22 software is used to test the model and research hypothesis. Four hypotheses are proposed, and all hypotheses are accepted with the support of existing data, as well as showing primarily the strategic role of iconic product advantage in bridging the capabilities of product development and marketing performance. This study aims to enrich the literature as well as contribute to the science associated with the product development model of excellence. Furthermore, managerial implications and further research are also discussed in this article.Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan konsep baru keunggulan produk ikonik sebagai jembatan untuk memecahkan kesenjangan penelitian mengenai dampak kemampuan pengembangan produk terhadap kinerja pemasaran. Konsep baru ini dipelajari melalui teori yang relevan dan diuji melalui penelitian empiris. Data dikumpulkan secara empiris dari pemilik telur asin UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) di Brebes, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Distribusi sampel diberikan kepada 115 responden dengan menggunakan teknik sample random sampling. Model persamaan struktural (SEM) dengan perangkat lunak AMOS 22 digunakan untuk menguji model dan hipotesis penelitian. Empat hipotesis diajukan, dan semua hipotesis diterima dengan dukungan data yang ada, serta menunjukkan terutama peran strategis keunggulan produk ikonik dalam menjembatani kemampuan pengembangan produk dan kinerja pemasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya literatur serta memberikan kontribusi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan yang terkait dengan model pengembangan keunggulan produk. Selanjutnya, implikasi manajerial dan penelitian lebih lanjut juga dibahas dalam artikel ini.
Mengeksplorasi kesadaran merek terhadap minat beli ulang melalui sikap terhadap merek Ahmad Hanfan
Performance: Jurnal Personalia, Financial, Operasional, Marketing dan Sistem Informasi Vol 24 No 2 (2017): Performance
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of brand awareness on brand attitude, brand image on brand attitude, brand personality on brand attitude, and brand attitude on repurchase intention. Research problem: This research problem is sourced from the existence of research gap of influence of brand awareness on repurchase intention and business phenomenon that happened at brand value of instant noodle of Indomie brand that experienced fluctuation. Findings: The results show that brand awareness influences brand attitude, brand image influences brand attitude, brand personality influences brand attitude, and brand attitude influences repurchase intention. Implications: Based on analysis of full model, obtained the theoretical implication that is when the companies increase repurchase intention, companies need to consider how to improve brand attitude. Brand attitude is influenced by brand awareness, brand image, and brand personality. While, managerial implication in this research is that brand attitude has positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. In increasing repurchase intention, brand awareness plays an important role in improving brand attitude in order to encourage repurchase intention, followed by brand image and brand personality. Originality: The originality of this research is that the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention is still a debate among researchers. Therefore, this study attempts to explain the relationship between brand awareness and repurchase intention by adding mediation variable, namely brand attitude that is influenced by brand image and brand personality. Keywords: brand awareness, brand image, brand personality, attitudes toward brands, repurchase intention.
Pembinaan Kelompok Pedagang Telur Asin Tegal “ Strategi Pemanfaatan Telur Asin Gagal Jual Menjadi Produk Kerupuk Telur Asin Aneka Rasa” Sari Wiyanti; Ahmad Hanfan; Niken Wahyu Cahyaningtyas; Muhammad Siddik Erdi; Yustia Hapsari
KREATIF: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): September : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2692.931 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/kreatif.v2i3.435


This community service activity as a partner is a salted egg business group in the city of Tegal. This group is vulnerable to losses that are often experienced during the production process until the sale of salted eggs. This group only sells its product in the form of salted eggs without any product innovation. The losses experienced by partners were due to the product failing to sell due to cracked eggs during the boiling process. Another influencing factor is not having the creativity to use the failed product. PKM partners are also unable to see business opportunities by creating new high-value products from defective products. The purpose of this service program is to provide solutions to the problems experienced by partners. The result of this service is that partners can take advantage of defective salted egg products for various flavored salted egg crackers, make profit/loss reports, and make advertisements on social media
Pengaruh Persepsi Citra Merek, Persepsi Kualitas Produk dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Distro Bloods di Kota Tegal Reza Rizal Rizki Aziz; Ahmad Hanfan; Agnes Dwita Susilawati
Konsentrasi: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): December
Publisher : Major Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.774 KB) | DOI: 10.12345/konsentrasi.v3i1.30


The rise and fall of Bloods Distro sales volume is caused by Bloods Distro members who do not place orders every month. If a member does not transact consecutively for one year or more, the Bloods Distribution Company will automatically deactivate the member. Apart from the lack of member updates in selling to consumers, the purchase rate has decreased because it is influenced by customer buying interest in Brand Distros, where customers who are initially interested in buying Brand Distros in a certain month then become not interested in making repeat purchases even though different brands are offered. brand previously offered by the consultant. The purpose of the study, to analyze (1) whether brand image affects purchasing decisions, (2) whether product quality affects purchasing decisions, (3) whether price perceptions affect purchasing decisions, (4) whether brand image, product quality and price perceptions simultaneously influence the purchasing decision of Bloods distribution in Tegal City. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The number of samples is 100 respondents, purposive sampling technique, data collection using a questionnaire, analysis tool using multiple regression. The results of the study, (1) Brand image variables have no effect on purchasing decisions, (2) Product quality variables affect purchasing decisions, (3) Price perception variables affect purchasing decisions, (4) Brand image variables, product quality and price perceptions simultaneously influence on purchasing decisions for Bloods distributions in Tegal City, (5) the percentage of variable contribution obtained is 67.90%, meaning that variations in bloods distributions purchasing decisions in Tegal City can be explained by brand image, product quality and price perception. The remaining 32.10%, explained by other factors outside the model.
Pengaruh Quality of work life, Person organization fit, dan Karakteristik Individu Terhadap Organizational citizenship behaviour Melalui Komitmen Organisasional Sebagai Mediasi Sunaryono; Mahben Jalil; Ahmad Hanfan
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis, Manajemen dan Akuntansi (JEBMA) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Article Research Volume 2 Issue 3, November 2022
Publisher : ITScience (Information Technology and Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/jebma.v2i3.2628


Tujuan dilakukannya pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menge­tahui pengaruh quality of work life, person organization fit, karak­te­ristik individu terhadap organizational citizenship behavior, menge­ta­hui pengaruh quality of work life, person organization fit, karakteristik indi­vidu terhadap komitmen organisasional, mengetahui pengaruh komit­men organisasional, quality of work life terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai pemediasi, menge­tahui pengaruh person organization fit terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai peme­diasi, mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik individu terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour dengan komitmen organisasional sebagai peme­diasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pegawai Kementerian Agama di kota Tegal yang berjumlah 79 pegawai. Teknik yang digunakan untuk me­ngum­pulkan data di penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Metode Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengujian instrumen pene­litian, analisis deskriptif, analisis kuantitatif. Beberapa simpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa quality of work life, karakteristik individu dan komitmen organisasional berpengaruh terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour, sedangkan person organization fit tidak berpengaruh terhadap organizational citizenship behaviour. Karakteristik individu berpengaruh terhadap komitmen organi­sa­sio­nal sedangkan quality of work life dan person organization fit tidak berpengaruh terhadap komitmen organisasional. Komitmen organi­sa­sio­nal mampu memediasi secara signifikan pengaruh karakteristik indi­vi­du terhadap organizational citizenship behavior tetapi komitmen organi­sasional belum mampu memediasi secara signifikan pengaruh quality of work life dan person organization fit terhadap organizational citizenship behavior.
Dampak Sertifikasi Guru, Kedisiplinan, Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Kepemimpinan Pada Kinerja Guru Melalui Komitmen Organisasi Elfi Yulyati; Mahben Jalil; Ahmad Hanfan
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis, Manajemen dan Akuntansi (JEBMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Article Research Volume 1 Nomor 2, Juli 2021
Publisher : ITScience (Information Technology and Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/jebma.v1i2.2641


Program sertifikasi guru merupakan Upaya dari pemerintah guna mengidentifikasi pendidik yang berkualitas. Guru yang disertifikasi sebagai kualifikasi berdasar pada hasil sertifikasi digunakan sebagai dasar pemberian sokongan profesi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat dampak dari sertifikasi guru, kedisiplinan, sumber daya manusia terhadap kinerja, dengan di moderasi oleh komitmen organisasi. Sampel yang diguanakn yaitu guru SMA Negeri yang ada di Brebes Selatan. Analisis menggunakan SEM. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu sertifikasi guru, kedisiplinan, sumber daya manusia, kepemimpinan dan komit­men organisasi berpengaruh pada kinerja guru. Kedisiplinan, sumber daya ma­nu­sia, dan kepemimpinan berdampak pada kinerja guru, sedangkan sertifikasi guru tidak berpengaruh pada komitmen organisasi. Komitmen organisasi tidak mam­pu meperangkatsi pengaruh sertifikasi guru, sumber daya manusia, kedi­sip­linan dan kepemimpinan pada kinerja guru