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Islamuna: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Madura State Islamic Institute (Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/islamuna.v2i2.666


Korupsi merupakan perbuatan tercela yang dapat dikategorikan fasâd (merusak tatanan kehidupan) dan jinâyah kubrâ (kriminal besar). Perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan norma agama, hukum, dan masyarakat ini sudah masuk ke berbagai lini kehidupan masyarakat dengan tanpa batas, bahkan saat ini keberadaannya sudah sangat memprihatinkan. Oleh karenanya, pada saat ini diperlukan kemauan dari semua pihak untuk ikut serta berupaya memberantas, menghapus, atau minimal menekan agar perilaku korupsi tidak semakin meluas dan mengakarnya. Madrasah sebagai bagian dari lembaga pen-didikan juga diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam pencegahan dini tindak korupsi ini melalui kegiatan pendidikannya. Strategi pendidikan anti korupsi di madrasah dapat dijalankan melalui; pengintegrasian materi anti korupsi dalam mata pelajaran; pengembangan kegiatan kesiswaan; dan pembiasaan perilaku.
Derivatif Untuk Menyelesaikan Optimisasi Berkendala Dalam Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Nurul Yaqin
SAINTEKBU Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.112 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/saintekbu.v1i1.34


Matematika adalah merupakan alat bantu yang dipergunakan oleh disiplinilmu-ilmu lain agar dari pemecahan permasalahannya bisa diperoleh hasil secarakuantitatif.Problem optimum adalah merupakan salah satu jenis problem menarikyang akan menjadi objek bahasan kita dalam tulisan ini. Ide utama dalam penulisanini menunjukkan betapa mudahnya Metode Substitusi dan Metode Pengali Lagrangedalam menyelesaikan problem optimum yang berkendala.Dalam tulisan ini penulis akan menunjukkan sedikit tentang betapa mudahdan halusnya pemecahan masalah optimum secara matematis dengan menggunakanrumus-rumus derivative/diferensial untuk bisnis dan ekonomi. Dengan contohpermasalahan yang mudah ini penulis berharap akan bisa memberikan gambaranumum kepada para praktisi bisnis dan ekonomi mengenai betapa potensialnyakonsep-kensep matematika bisa membantu mereka. Dan juga akan diketahui betapapentingnya penyederhanaan suatu permasalahan dengan menggunakan pendekatanmodel matematikanya, sehingga rumus-rumus matematika bisa membantu merekadalam memecahkan masalah dengan hasil yang baik atau optimal. Dan akhirnyaakan tampak bahwa bisnis dan ekonomi semakin bersifat matematis.Kata kunci : Metode Substitusi, Metode Pengali Lagrange
Kontribusi Pendidikan Karakter di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Nurul Yaqin; M. Fahrurrozi
JURNAL PENELITIAN KEISLAMAN Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Kajian Keislaman Kontemporer
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/jpk.v18i1.5111


Hings that should not be eroded by the times are the cultivation of good character in educating students. One of the methods applied in recent years is the development of character education. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of character education in Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam using a qualitative approach with the type of case study. The subjects in this study were the parties involved in the management of the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School (boarding leaders, managers, foundations, teachers, students, alumni, and so on as data sources), Collecting data in the field using participatory observations (observations), interviews depth and documentation. Data analysis techniques with flow models and interactive models proposed by Miles and Huberman are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification
Aplikasi Pemesanan Menu Makanan Berbasis Web Resposive munawarah; Muhyiddin Zainul Arifin; Nurul Yaqin
SAINTEKBU Vol. 14 No. 01 (2022): Volume : 14 No. 01 January 2022
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

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Mie Endess is a noodle shop in Jombang, specifically at Jalan Governor Suryo No 11 A Gg. II, Jombang Kec. Jombang. Mie Endess is a restaurant that has many customers. However, Mie Endess still uses the manual method for ordering food and drinks, where waiters use paper and pen/pencil as media to record and order food and drinks ordered by customers. Therefore we need a responsive web-based information system that can speed up the process of submitting order lists from customers. Field condition analysis was carried out through interviews and old-system literature studies. The analysis results of the food menu ordering application built on a web basis will be described using UML (Unified Modeling Language) notation, Activity Diagram, and ERD to be further implemented using the PHP programming language and database using MySQL. The Bootstrap Framework is also used from the application design side to provide application flexibility when accessed with devices with a smaller resolution. In addition, this application is equipped with a non-cash payment feature which is very efficient in payments.
Tauhid Education Concept by Sheikh Abdurrahman Bin Nȃsir Al-Sa'di (Study of Book of Taisȋr Al-Karȋm Al-Rahmȃn Fi Tafsȋr Kalȃmi Al-Mannȃn) Nurul Yaqin
Studia Religia : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sr.v4i2.6776


The concept of tauhid education by syeikh abdurrahman bin nȃsir al-sa’di that the study of kitab taisȋr al-karȋm al-rahmȃn fi tafsȋr kalȃmi al-mannȃn. Thesis of Islamic education study program, postgraduate program in Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. This research was motivated by many differences in understanding of tawhid and its educational concept, even though tawhid is fardhu 'ain, the principle of development and solutions to life's problems. The research questions were formulated: 1) How does sheik Abdurrahman bin Nȃsir al-Sa'di understand the Tauhid verses in the book Taisȋr al-karȋm al-Rahmȃn? 2). What is the concept of tauhid education according to Sheikh Abdurrahman   al-Sa'di in the book Taisȋr al-karȋm al-Rahmȃn? 3). How is the relevance of the concept of tauhid education according to Sheikh Abdurrahman al-Sa'di in Indonesian territory? This thesis used purely library research with the type of qualitative research. The results of the study concluded that Shaykh al-Sa'di believed: The Tauhid of the apostles were the determination of the oneness of Allah on His names, attributes, deeds and rights. The concept of education determined that the Prophet Muhammad was an educator, a successful role model and best of all times. The purpose of education realized the servitude only to Allah SWT as the purpose for which humans were created. The learning methods used in delivering monotheistic education were exemplary methods, soul cultivation, thinking and habituation of good deeds. The relevance of the concept of education in Indonesia was as follows: a. Aim to build a whole human being physically and mentally. This was also the core aim of education in general in Indonesia, b. Aspiring to prosper the region so that Allah SWT can give His blessings from heaven and earth, c. Developing a healthy mental and character from an early age is oriented towards seeking the pleasure of Allah in all areas of life. Furthermore, this was the application and hope of the Indonesian people in general.
Design of Automatic Coffee and Milk-Making Machine Based on Arduino Sujono -; Riski Sihab; Nurul Yaqin
SAINTEKBU Vol. 15 No. 02 (2023): Volume : 15 (02) Agust 2023 (On Process)
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

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Coffee is a popular drink all over the world and comes from the seeds of the coffee plant. The coffee production process includes several stages, such as harvesting, processing, grinding, and roasting. Each stage affects the quality and taste of the coffee produced. This machine is designed to use 2 Arduino Unos as controllers with I2C communication. The purpose of this research is to design and conduct trials on the process of making Arduino-based automatic coffee drink machines. the method in this study uses the waterfall method which includes analysis, design, coding and testing. The machine testing stage is carried out on the servo to measure coffee, milk and sugar, the tool test is also carried out on an electric heater to adjust the water temperature. sugar 3.2 - 3.7 grams, bitter coffee measures between 5.2 - 5.8 coffee with a sugar ratio of 3.0 - 4.0 grams, moderate coffee measures between 2.3 - 2.7 with a sugar ratio of 2, 0 – 2.4 grams, Milk measures between 5.1 – 5.8 gram with sugar ratio between 3.1 – 3.5 gram and coffee milk measure with ratio 4.2 – 4.8 for a coffee measure, 3.2 -3.3 grams for the sugar measure and 3.2 – 3.3 grams for the milk measure