Ekna Satriyati
Program Studi Sosiologi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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Menjaga Tradisi Minum Jamu Madura Dengan Penyampaian Pesan Interpersonal Kesehatan Antara Peramu Dan Pengguna Ekna Satriyati
DIMENSI - Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 10, No 2 (2017): November
Publisher : DIMENSI - Journal of Sociology

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The tradition of drinking herbal medicine is an effort to maintain body and mind health and to cure diseases based on local knowledge of the Madurese community. This study aims to describe efforts to maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine through the delivery of interpersonal messages between the maker to the user. The research used qualitative phenomenon-based herbal drinking tradition with data collection through observation and interview to informants and analyzed to get meaning about the form of interpersonal message delivery. The study found the form of interpersonal messages in the form of delivery of herbal products with health issues, disease complaints, prevent and overcome the disease. The profound meaning of cultural messages is the motivation to balance physical and mental health.
Pola Tradisi Minum Jamu: Upaya Pemertahanan Pengobatan Lokal Sebagai Identitas Masyarakat Bangkalan Madura Ekna Satriyati
DIMENSI - Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 9, No 2 (2016): November
Publisher : DIMENSI - Journal of Sociology

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Herbal drink in the local tradition Bangkalan Madura is a manifestation of culture in responding to and resolving the health problems experienced daily. The tradition of drinking and making herbal medicine has become part of a culturethat is agreed upon by the community. In the development of the tradition of herbal drink to change the meaning in its implementation. Young people are not completely leaving but did not do a whole tradition of herbal drink. Thephenomenon of lax implementation of the traditions of herbal drink made gatherers and the elderly maintain the effort to pass through various stages of life in the tradition obligations. The study aimed to describe patterns and usergatherers efforts in maintaining the tradition of herbal medicine herbal drink. The location in the town of Bangkalan Madura by collecting data through participant observation and interviews with 30 informants (15-gatherers and 15users of herbal medicine). Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The study found that the patterns of the efforts made gatherers and users in maintaining the tradition of herbal medicine: First, efforts to implement theappropriate understanding of tradition. Second, effective communication efforts among actors tradition. Third, efforts to introduce herbal medicine as Madura community identity during migration.
Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um021v4i2p133-141


The number of women in Indonesia who are aware of the importance of maintaining medical health is increasing along with the improvement of medical health services and facilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the number of women in various parts of Indonesia who still trust traditional health services and facilities is also not small. One of them is Madura Woman who believes in the tradition of drinking herbal medicine. The tradition is as a means of maintaining health and treating illness that is trusted between generations. Various studies show that the decision to maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is based on trust and economic price. The rational choice of women towards health and treatment is often synonymous with easy, cheap and fast. However, in this article the discussion of the rational choice of Madurese women maintains the tradition of drinking herbal medicine by using cost, reward and alternative comparison. The results of the analysis of the decision of Madurese women who still maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is a form of rational choice in maintaining health and treating illness. The study method uses qualitative by means of observation and interviews with selected informants namely two women in Bangkalan District and two women in Sumenep Regency. 
Dialektika Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UNS Press

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Hubungan Patron Klien Blandong dengan Mandor Hutan (Studi Tentang Aktifitas Ilegal di Hutan Jati Dander Kabupaten Bojonegoro). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana hubungan patron klien Blandong dengan Mandor hutan terjadi di hutan jati Dander, Bojonegoro, serta untuk mengetahui alasan dan terjadinya hubungan kerja yang dilakukan oleh Blandong dan Mandor hutan. Manfaat penelitian ini secara teoritis diharapkan mampu mengembangkan teori patron klien dan menjadi wacana berikutnya mengenai hubungan patron klien Blandong dan Mandor hutan. Secara praktis diharapkan dapat memberikan wacana yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan bagi masyarakat kabupaten Bojonegoro dan masyarakat umumnya bahwa hubungan yang terjalin antara Blandong dengan mandor hutan tersebut memiliki sisi positif yang perlu untuk dipertahankan guna pelestarian hutan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologi, pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara. Metode pemilihan informan menggunakan snowball sampling, sejumlah tiga pasang informan penelitian . dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber, untuk proses pemeriksaan keabsahan data melalui perbandingan data yang diperoleh dilapangan dari hasil wawancara ke enam informan penelitian. Hubungan patron klien Blandong dengan Mandor Hutan dilakukan dengan proses yang cukup panjang yang dibangun melalui hubungan baik secara turun temurun, adanya hubungan timbal balik yang saling menguntungkan satu sama lain dan terdapat hubungan sosial untuk mempertahankan hubungan kerja yang sudah terbentuk antara Blandong dengan Mandor hutan, di Hutan Jati Dander Kabupaten Bojonegoro.
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi Vol 11, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jas.v11i1.56671


Indonesia is so heavily in the agricultural sector that it has been called an agricultural country. Many of its residents are depending on the sector. One that favors the public is the angling of it. The lengthens are a multicultural plant, that is, can serve as a cure, as well as a daily need for cooking. Apart from its many functions, it also appears to be a plant that when cultivated is relatively profitable. So the majority of the people in the Kasengan village grow a foothold on their farm. The purpose of this study is to know the role of lengthening in helping the farmer's income to meet his daily needs. The study employed qualitative research methods that described the results in a descriptive and case-study approach and employed an overwhelmingly sampling technique, that is, the identification of certain characteristic informants. The result of this study was that the pandemic that was thought to be due to economic downturn, did not amount to lengthening sales. Market demand for lengthens grew as the covid-19 pandemic struck. For the village community of the kas, the lengthens is thought to be a savings plan for the owner's financial deposit. Because the lengthens can be harvested at any time, and they do not alter the quality of the curve itself.Keywords: Farmer, Financial support, Pandemics, Sumenep Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara dengan sektor pertanian yang banyak sehingga memiliki julukan negara agraris. Banyak penduduknya menggantungkan hidup pada sektor tersebut. Salah satu yang ditekuni masyarakat yakni bertani lengkuas. Lengkuas merupakan tanaman yang multi-fungsi, yakni dapat bermanfaat sebagai obat, dan juga sebagai kebutuhan masak-memasak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain memiliki banyak fungsi, lengkuas rupanya juga menjadi tanaman yang apabila dirupiahkan relatif menguntungkan. Sehingga, mayoritas penduduk di Desa Kasengan menanam lengkuas di lahan pertanian yang mereka miliki. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran lengkuas dalam membantu penghasilan petani lengkuas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang menjabarkan hasil penelitian secara deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yakni penentuan informan berdasar karakteristik tertentu. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni pandemi yang dianggap menjadi sebab menurunnya ekonomi, nyatanya tidak berlaku pada penjualan lengkuas. Permintaan pasar terhadap lengkuas menjadi meningkat saat pandemi covid-19 melanda. Bagi masyarakat Desa Kasengan, lengkuas dianggap tanaman tabungan untuk menyimpan keuangan pemiliknya. Karena tanaman lengkuas dapat dipanen kapan saja, dan tidak merubah kualitas dari lengkuas itu sendiri.Kata kunci: Petani, Simpanan Nafkah, Pandemi, Sumenep
Modal Sosial Kelompok Tani Lengkuas Dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Rubaru Sumenep Madura Rahmah Fadilatur; Ekna Satriyati
DIMENSI - Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : DIMENSI - Journal of Sociology

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Abstrack   Farmer cluster formation is to be effort for reaching the aim and also as way to share their opinion each other and their experience each other. Indirectly farmer cluster formation is a tool of social financial capital.it is because farmer cluster formation obtains society solidarity. The important quintessence in social financial capital is not only focus on the success which fixed by the farmer cluster it self but also from each person in that cluster. As well as society at Kaleleng village which majority society’s profession is as a farmer specifically in ginger plant that from farmer cluster. But, day by day society participation is lowering and it influence to their agriculture. The aim of this writing is to give information to the readers that social financial capital which formed by farmer cluster at Kaleleng village has important role in increasing society economy. It means society participant for optimizing farmer cluster in increasing economy collectively. This research is qualitative research in descriptive analytic by using society unit analysis which has a role in farmer cluster activity.