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Implementasi Program Bermain Sambil Belajar Budaya Untuk Siswa Tunagrahita Di SDLBN Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan Sebagai Alternatif Pengenalan Kearifan Lokal Dan Budaya Indonesia Sejak Usia Dini Muhammad Kamaluddin; Umi Sholikah; Rizjal Wahyu
Publikasi Pendidikan Vol 8, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Prodi PGSD FIP UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/publikan.v8i3.6135


Tunagrahita are children who need a special treatments with IQ score between 50-70. Abnormalities of tunagrahita children is like spastic, autism, hyperactivity or learning difficulties. Culture introduction in the early age also has huge urgency especially for tunagrahita children. This thing is suppose to introduce the national identity and local culture from in herited long time ago. Base on that, the playing program with cultural learning has applied in SDLBN Balikpapan Selatan with some methods which are included program introduction, program appliment and evaluation. During the program held, tunagrahita students so hyperactive and low comprehension of each children but with the appliment of this program which apply learning by playing, the volunteer is capable to make the students follow this program with more enthusiast and brave to show their capability. In the end of this program (the final simulation) all parents are invited to join the program so there are social interactions has built between parents and their children. This program is able to be one of the activity which can be applied in any other school because the appliment of the learning methods is communicative and fun for tunagrahita students in order to introduce the local culture of Indonesia.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/jpm.v1i2.340


AbstrakSemua proses kehidupan pasti menghasilkan sampah yang jumlahnya akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan beragam aktivitasnya. Sampah merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat terutama di daerah Perkotaan khususnya Balikpapan. Menurunnya kualitas lingkungan menjadi permasalahan yang terus membayangi masyarakat. Tercatat dalam Laporan Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Balikpapan pada tahun 2017, indeks pengangkutan sampah ke TPA terus meningkat. Permasalahan akibat kenaikan jumlah penduduk di Kota Balikpapan namun tidak diimbangi dengan kepeduliaan masyarakatnya dalam menjaga lingkungan sekitarnya. Sekolah Budi Mulia Balikpapan menjadi contoh bahwa kualitas lingkungan menjadi polemik yang harus diatasi. Keterbatasan fasilitas, sarana dan pra sarana, serta minimnya perhatian pemerintah. Sehingga menjadikan Sekolah Budi Mulia termasuk dalam kategori kawasan kumuh dengan sistem pengolahan sampah yang buruk. Dalam rangka menyadarkan pentingnya arti menjaga kualitas lingkungan hidup, maka perlu adanya pemahaman melalui program Edukasi dan Aksi pembuatan kompos dengan metode takakura menggunakan bantuan aktivator EM4. Berdasarkan hasil dari program pemberdayaan yang telah dilaksanakan kegiatan ini berhasil memberi pengetahuan kepada siswa di Sekolah Budi Mulia Balikpapan dalam pengelolaan sampah dengan metode takakura melalui kegiatan kampanye lingkungan serta edukasi dan aksi lingkungan. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan edukasi dan aksi lingkungan dengan metode takakura dapat menjadi metode yang efektif dalam peningkatan pemahaman dan kepedulian target sasaran terhadap lingkungan di sekitarnya.Kata Kunci – Aksi, Edukasi, Kompos, Pemberdayaan, Takakura AbstractEverything in the life process definitely produces waste. The amount of waste will increase along with the population also increasing and various activities. Waste is an inseparable part of people's lives, especially in urban areas, like Balikpapan. Decreasing environmental quality is a problem that continues to haunt the community. In the Report on the Performance of the Environmental Agency of Balikpapan City in 2017 that community, the index of waste transportation to landfill continues to increase. Problems due to the rising population in Balikpapan but not balanced with the concern of community in maintaining the environment. Budi Mulia Balikpapan School is an example that the quality of environment becomes a polemic that must be overcome. Limited facilities, and the lack attention from goverment make Budi Mulia School include in the catagories of bad waste management system. In order to realize the importance of maintaining environmental quality it is necessary to have an comprehension through an education and composting program with takakura methode using the help of EM4 activators. Based on the results of the empowerment program that has been implemented, this activity succeeded in providing knowledge to students at Budi Mulia Balikpapan School in waste management with takakura methods through environmental campaign activities and environmental education and action. That educational activities and environmental actions using takakura methods can be an effective method of increasing comprehension and awareness of the target towards the surrounding environment.Keywords – Action, Composting, Education, Empowerment, Takakura
Biohydrometallurgy for Cobalt Recovery from Spent Li-ion Batteries using Acidophilic Bacteria Isolated from Acid Mine Drainage Asful Hariyadi; Umi Sholikah; Bangkit Gotama; Muhammad Abdul Ghony
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 9, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v9i2.22328


Nowadays, recycling Li-ion batteries is an important thing to do to minimize the risk of exposure to this hazardous solid waste. On the other hand, extracting these materials can optimize the economic potential of valuable minerals in the active cathode. Bioleaching was developed as an environmentally friendly method to extract cobalt from the cathode by utilizing the metabolic activity of A. ferrooxidants cells. Microorganisms were isolated from Acid Mine Drainage in a 9K liquid medium at pH=2.5 and used as an inoculum. The Bioleaching process was carried out with various cell concentrations of 5, 10, and 20 %v/v. A positive response was shown by monitoring the microorganism activity through changes in physical appearance, decreasing the pH value, and increasing the Fe3+ concentration. The structural analysis of cathode by XRD and SEM has shown the effect of Co dissolution before and after bioleaching. Optimum recovery of cobalt was achieved up to 57.81% after 14 days of incubation.
Efek Kadmium terhadap profil DNA Bacillus cereus ATCC 9632 dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa WT pada Limbah Sintetik Elektroplating Umi Sholikah; Yulinah Trihadiningrum
SPECTA Journal of Technology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): SPECTA Journal of Technology
Publisher : LPPM ITK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.726 KB) | DOI: 10.35718/specta.v2i2.100


The electroplating industry produces wastewater containing heavy metals. The high surface area of bacteria has the potency to reduce heavy metals content in wastewater since it has ability to absorb the metals. This study aims to find out the bacterial DNA profile after Cd bioremoval process using Bacillus cereus 9632 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa WT. Bacterial culture is applied in synthetic electroplating wastewater. Some Cd concentrations are used to perform Range Finding Test by bacterial culture. The study was conducted in a batch system for three days. The viability test was done by measuring the value of Optical Density and Total Plate Count, while bacterial DNA profile was analyzed by using electrophoresis. The cell viability of B.cereus ATCC 9632 and P.aeruginosa WT had the same pattern which is the higher concentration of Cd metals on cell bacteria surface, the lower cell bacteria viability. The DNA of the control bacteria has the difference between the size and number of bands.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ITK (PIKAT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): PIKAT : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35718/pikat.v4i1.648


Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan utama bagi masyarakat modern. Pada era modern seperti saat ini hampir semua peralatan yang digunakan manusia membutuhkan sumber energi listrik. Energi sendiri menjadi salah satu tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/ SDGs) yaitu tentang Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau yang menjamin akses energi yang terjangkau, terjamin, berkelanjutan serta modern bagi semua orang. Guna membantu program pemerintah untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDG’s) maka dibuatlah sistem Implementasi Teknologi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Off Grid Bagi Masyarakat di Wilayah Km 20 Balikpapan Utara. Sistem PLTS yang memiliki daya 340 WP dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan pompa air sebagai beban dengan menggunakan inverter yang memiliki kapasitas maksimal 600 Watt dan battery yang memiliki kapasitas 60 AH. Dari parameter-parameter yang digunakan dalam sistem ini didapatkan hasil bahwa untuk pengisian air tandon sebesar 1200 liter dibutuhkan waktu selama 3 jam agar tandon dapat terisi penuh. Sistem ini menjadi solusi bagi masyarakat km 20 Balikpapan Utara dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air yang terjangkau, terjamin, dan berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya.