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Identifying Fake News: A Lesson from Library Science Students Nora Saiva Jannana; Thoriq Tri Prabowo; Ratna Istriyani Istriyani
Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan Vol 9 No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/v9i1a5


This study aims to determine the level of the Library Science student’s awareness at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta to prevent spreading fake news from the internet. This was carried out by identifying fake news with indicators by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and non-participative observation. The grand mean was used to conclude the data from the collected questionnaires. The results showed that the students' awareness of fake news was included in the high category, with a score of 3.77 from grades 1 to 5. Students of Library Science at UIN Sunan Kalijaga had the willingness and ability to recognize hoaxes on the internet, including 1) willingness to ask experts, 2) ability to understand news contexts, 3) willingness to check the sources of the news, 4) ability to read between the lines, 5) willingness to avoid prejudice (being neutral), 6) willingness to check the news production time (date), 7 ) willingness to examine news writers, and 8) willingness to examine supporting sources for news production. Students should implement critical thinking as the main skill for identifying fake news. Information literacy education can be used as a way to get their critical thinking skills.
Representasi Masyarakat Aktif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Ekonomi dan Sosial Keberagamaan di Bausasran Danurejan Yogyakarta) Ratna Istriyani; Muhammad Fathur Rahman
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 14, No 2 (2020): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v14i2.8108


The purpose of this study consists of two points. First, explore the responses and strategies of the Bausasran community in overcoming economic problems due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, reviewing the religious ritual protocol of the Bausasran community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data was used two tecniques, that were observation and interview. Both of tecniques were did in accordance with health protocols in a pandemic situation.Based on the results of research conducted, community of Bausasran Yogyakarta were able to overcome the problem of food security, especially for economically vulnerable groups due to the pandemic. A strategy was carried out through a food packets distribution movement. The distribution of food packets carried out by the community for residents who lost their source of income during the pandemic. The funds of food packets were obtained from compulsory contributions made by residents every month through the RT and RW management. Then in the socio-religious aspect, local leaders together with residents made worship protocols for worshipers at the mosque according to the appeal of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. In addition, it eliminated crowd routine religious activities. Based on this, it can be concluded that the local initiation from the Bausasran community in Yogyakarta is a representation of the active society, described by Amitai Etzioni who utilizes three factors: knowledge, decision making, and power.
Representasi Masyarakat Aktif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Ekonomi dan Sosial Keberagamaan di Bausasran Danurejan Yogyakarta) Ratna Istriyani; Muhammad Fathur Rahman
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 14, No 2 (2020): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v14i2.8108


The purpose of this study consists of two points. First, explore the responses and strategies of the Bausasran community in overcoming economic problems due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, reviewing the religious ritual protocol of the Bausasran community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data was used two tecniques, that were observation and interview. Both of tecniques were did in accordance with health protocols in a pandemic situation.Based on the results of research conducted, community of Bausasran Yogyakarta were able to overcome the problem of food security, especially for economically vulnerable groups due to the pandemic. A strategy was carried out through a food packets distribution movement. The distribution of food packets carried out by the community for residents who lost their source of income during the pandemic. The funds of food packets were obtained from compulsory contributions made by residents every month through the RT and RW management. Then in the socio-religious aspect, local leaders together with residents made worship protocols for worshipers at the mosque according to the appeal of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. In addition, it eliminated crowd routine religious activities. Based on this, it can be concluded that the local initiation from the Bausasran community in Yogyakarta is a representation of the active society, described by Amitai Etzioni who utilizes three factors: knowledge, decision making, and power.
Sepakat-Sepaket: Modal Sosial Politik Masyarakat Kalitekuk Dalam Mewujudkan Desa Wisata Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana; Ratna Istriyani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jiis.v6i2.28466


Modal sosial yang tumbuh dalam masyarakat memberikan gambaran segala sesuatu yang membuat tercapainya tujuan bersama. Dalam pemahaman yang sederhana, modal sosial merupakan relasi produktif yang mampu menjadi kekuatan utama. Perwujudan modal sosial dilihat dari adanya aspek struktur seperti kepercayaan, nilai, norma, serta jaringan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkonstruksi sebuah gagasan masyarakat desa Kalitekuk yang merupakan modal sosial masyarakat untuk mewujudkan desa wisata. Gagasan ini terbentuk dalam proses pelatihan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana terdapat Kelompok Sadar Wisata dan Bumdes sebagai pesertanya. Metode yang digunakan secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menjadi modal penulis. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa nilai-nilai kepercayaan dalam modal sosial sangat dominan sebagai dasar bagi masyarakat pedesaan untuk dijadikan modal dalam meningkatkan tujuan utama pembangunan. Sebagai wujud optimalisasi modal sosial dibutuhkan pengelolaan sumberdaya lain yang dimiliki desa. Dimana optimalisasi ini bersumber dari potensi yang sudah ada kemudian dimanfaatkan. Dalam pelaksanaannya perlu adanya dukungan dari berbagai pihak serta harus dibarengi dengan dukungan kepemimpinan transformasional untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi peran modal sosial.
Jurnal Sosiologi Agama Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Sosiologi Agama Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.277 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/jsa.2019.132-03


Nama gang (jalan kecil) selama ini dianggap sebagai petunjuk alamat atau jalan dan lazim ditemukan di masyarakat urban yang lazim dengan relasi individualistis. Kendati demikian, nama gang kini juga mulai jamak ditemukan di lingkungan pedesaan. Namun bagaimana jika gang di pedesaan itu dinamai dengan logo dan brand telepon seluler? Tentu saja itu adalah realitas yang paradoks dan ganjil. Realitas itu merupakan salah satu dari realitas aneh di era postmodern, yang mana korporasi multinasional telah berhasil menyerang kesadaran masyarakat secara ideologis (total). Keberhasilan itu juga merupakan hasil dari kolaborasi media (teknologi informasi dan komunikasi) serta pasar yang sangat intim dan masif. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana cara kita menemukan pintu keluar dari jeratan itu?Keyword: gang seluler, postmodern, korporasi multinasional.The name of the alley has been considered as a sign of address or road and is commonly found in urban communities that are prevalent with individualistic relations. Nevertheless, the name of the alley is now also starting to be found in a rural environment. But what if the alley in the countryside is named after the cell phone logo and brand? Of course it is a paradoxical and strange reality. That reality is one of the strange realities in the postmodern era, in which multinational corporations have succeeded in attacking people’s consciousness ideologically (totally). This success is also the result of media collaboration (information and communication technology) and a very intimate and massive market. Therefore, how do we find the exit from the trap?Keyword: cellular alley names, postmodern, multinational corporation.
Consuming Leisure Time Ratna Istriyani
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.949 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v1i1.19803


This article explores the concept of leisure time and its connections to trends in tourism. Examining the specific implications of tourist agendas on previously ‘rural’ villages, this study demonstrates how the tourist agenda has shaped leisure time and contributed to the transformation of places into more commercial, tourist hubs, aiming to maximize consumer attraction. Crucially, new economic features associated with the tourism trade have altered social relations and dynamics in rural areas. These changes can also be seen in Yogyakarta, especially villages in the Sleman area. This study uses qualitative methods to explore the economic changes experienced within the village associated with its formation as a tourist destination, drawing on observational and secondary data sets. Changes in economic patterns, generally, cannot be separated from the tourism trend. In this article, tourism trend refers to consumer market which emphasizing the modification of classical nuances which refers to the proliferation of restaurants and cafes in rural areas at Sleman. This study argues that the tourism trend in rural areas has not only changed their economic complexion but has also highlighted the character of the village as a space for urban community consumption. The economic shift from the expansion of the tourism sector is assumed to be able to contribute to development of rural areas. However, it is not necessarily possible to realize that sustainable regional development demand creativity to compete with the emergence of new entertainment venues. Keywords: Tourism Transformation, Village, Leisure, Space Consumption.
Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Nasional pada Pelaksanaan KKN Tematik Literasi di Kabupaten Magelang Thoriq Tri Prabowo; Ratna Istriyani; Nora Saiva Jannana
UNILIB : Jurnal Perpustakaan Vol. 14 No. 1 2023
Publisher : Direktorat Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unilib.Vol14.iss1.art5


Gerakan literasi sudah menjadi agenda nasional Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia dalam rangka memberantas buta huruf masyarakat Indonesia. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan program kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) tematik berbasis literasi guna mendukung gerakan literasi nasional. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan program KKN tematik di dusun Bengkung, Desa Candiretno, Kabupaten Magelang. Klasifikasi dilakukan berdasarkan jenis-jenis literasi nasional Indonesia sebagai dasar gerakan literasi nasional. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode survey dilakukan guna mendapatkan data statistik kegiatan berbasis literasi yang menjadi program KKN tematik dusun Bengkung, kemudian diperkuat dengan observasi dan wawancara (pendekatan kualitatif). Adapun pemetaan dan analisis data menggunakan VOSviewers. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim KKN tematik dusun Bengkung ada yang terprogram dan insidental. Sebagian besar program KKN tematik, mengarah pada gerakan literasi nasional. KKN tematik berbasis literasi menjadi pemantik pengembangan kegiatan literasi di tingkat dusun. Semakin besar persentase kegiatan berbasis literasi, maka semakin besar pula kontribusi program KKN tematik untuk melancarkan Gerakan Literasi Nasional Kemdikbud. Gerakan literasi yang dimulai dari dusun, dapat menjadi alat efektif untuk melancarkan aksi gerakan literasi nasional. Selanjutnya, analisis mengenai jenis kegiatan literasi yang memungkinkan dilakukan oleh masyarakat pedesaan dapat dilaksanakan. Melalui hal tersebut dapat dikenali model literasi secara kontekstual yang menjadi media pembangunan manusia untuk Generasi Emas 2050.