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Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/lijid.v3i2.2418


AbstrakArtikel ini menggambarkan relasi kuasa politik yang dilakukan tokoh agama di Kabupaten Malang dalam rangka pemilihan kepala daerah. Dalam wilayah sosial kemasyarakatan, tokoh agama memiliki status yang tinggi sampai akhirnya disebut sebagai elit lokal. Status sosial itu berupa kekuasaan yang lahir dari legitimasi masyarakat. Selain itu kekuasaan politik yang di miliki berasal dari jaringan yang dibangun dengan latar belakang organisasi. Meskipun tulisan ini berawal dari hasil survey, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi kasus. Dimana yang menjadi sumber data berasal hasil wawancara tokoh, masyarakat serta pelaku yang tinggal dan mengenal tokoh agama yang masuk dalam politik. Dalam konteks lokalitas masyarakat Kabupaten Malang, tokoh agama menjadi rujukan alternatif pemecahan masalah. Kekuasaan tokoh agama menjadi modal awal dipilih oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu sangatlah wajar apabila tokoh agama memiliki posisi yang penting dalam kontestasi politik lokal. Dengan dimensi kekuasaan yang dijelaskan oleh Gaventa dalam teori Powercube serta tokoh filsafat politik lain. Menunjukkan kekuasaan tokoh agama berada dalam wilayah yang disebutkan Gaventa, terlihat didalam struktur kekuasaan, tidak terlihat diluar sebagai penasehat dan tersembunyi dengan melakukan gerakan bawah tanah. Oleh karena itu posisi tokoh agama dalam berpolitik juga menjadi kian digemari oleh para elit politik dalam dukung mendukung.
Elite Rationality, Traditions and Pragmatic Politicians. Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana
Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 2 No.2 June 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politics and Policy

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The political elite move is a common phenomenon when elections will take place. Where the behavior of the converted elite has even become tradition. Look at the phenomena that occur in Indonesia today. The political elites seemed to be looking for a shortcut to gain power easily. Look for populist figures to lift personal imagery for an interest. The realization of the strategy was done by changing the party suit with all the ideology and rationality of his thinking. Even the displaced elites must willingly put off his identity as an idealistic politician in order to accommodate their political interests. Various political strategies were made by making noise by raising political content and hoax preaching. This article seeks to see how closely the political elites think with pragmatism politics through its political traditions and strategies. In addition to the current digital age, the elite behavior creates a new political space with accommodation issues that are not necessarily the truth by raising alternative facts to form new truths. This is the post-truth era where the elites begin to think rational in asserting their power. However, it does not have a major impact on the policies to be produced. Key Words : Elite, Tradition, Pragmatism Politics, Post-Truth Era
Sepakat-Sepaket: Modal Sosial Politik Masyarakat Kalitekuk Dalam Mewujudkan Desa Wisata Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana; Ratna Istriyani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jiis.v6i2.28466


Modal sosial yang tumbuh dalam masyarakat memberikan gambaran segala sesuatu yang membuat tercapainya tujuan bersama. Dalam pemahaman yang sederhana, modal sosial merupakan relasi produktif yang mampu menjadi kekuatan utama. Perwujudan modal sosial dilihat dari adanya aspek struktur seperti kepercayaan, nilai, norma, serta jaringan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkonstruksi sebuah gagasan masyarakat desa Kalitekuk yang merupakan modal sosial masyarakat untuk mewujudkan desa wisata. Gagasan ini terbentuk dalam proses pelatihan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana terdapat Kelompok Sadar Wisata dan Bumdes sebagai pesertanya. Metode yang digunakan secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menjadi modal penulis. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa nilai-nilai kepercayaan dalam modal sosial sangat dominan sebagai dasar bagi masyarakat pedesaan untuk dijadikan modal dalam meningkatkan tujuan utama pembangunan. Sebagai wujud optimalisasi modal sosial dibutuhkan pengelolaan sumberdaya lain yang dimiliki desa. Dimana optimalisasi ini bersumber dari potensi yang sudah ada kemudian dimanfaatkan. Dalam pelaksanaannya perlu adanya dukungan dari berbagai pihak serta harus dibarengi dengan dukungan kepemimpinan transformasional untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi peran modal sosial.
Politisasi Agama dalam Ranah Konflik di Indonesia (Sebuah Tinjauan Kritis) Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana; Marwa Parasmana; Hidayati Fajrin; Muhammad Fiqri Fadilah
SOSIORELIGIUS Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Sosioreligius: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi Agama
Publisher : Departemen Sosiologi Aga,ma, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/sosioreligius.v7i1.30716


Conflict in the Indonesian state cannot be separated from the influence of politics and religious understanding. The symbolization of religion and politics became part of the conflicts that were often faced. This influence is due to the existence of political forces that deliberately put religion as a tool of movement. Where religion, which is a transcendental form of human beings, becomes very political for the sake of economic interests. Muslim societies are trying to reform the society or the community in which the state survives. In addition, the elite sought to reform the country. This idea tries to interpret the Islamization of Java as an alternative conflict and accommodation between competing identities between Java and Islam. This paper uses a qualitative approach by strengthening literature reviews sourced from existing realities. The results found that the politicization of religion prioritizes its main political aspects and uses religion as a tool to create conflict. This happens because religion is one of the ways to create conflicts both vertically and horizontally. Therefore, in minimizing conflicts, Pancasila ideology is needed as a mediator and conflict resolution. Keywords: Conflict, Politicization of Religion, Religion, Politics
What Drives Consumers to Use Syariah M-Banking to Purchase E-Money? Integration of UTAUT 2 and Mobile Service Quality Alfian Nisa Septiani; Izra Berakon; Ruspita Rani Pertiwi; Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana; Safwan Kamal
Muslim Business and Economic Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Muslim Business and Economic Review

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56529/mber.v1i2.68


This study investigates what factors persuade consumers to purchase e-money via syariah m-banking applications. Researchers extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2) to find new information as well as to accommodate the limitations and discussions of previous studies. A purposive sampling technique was adapted to select respondent criteria. The collected data from 120 respondents were analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), supported by WarpPLS 8.0, through three main stages of analysis: measurement model, structural model, and hypothesis testing. Additional analysis was undertaken to produce robust findings by explaining multicollinearity, common method bias, and multigroup analysis by categorizing two groups of respondents (male and female). Researchers found that only social influence and hedonic motivation have a significant effect on trust from the UTAUT 2 model. On the other hand, two exogenous constructs in the mobile service quality model proved to have a significant effect on trust, security (privacy), and practicality. Furthermore, the research showed that trust is a fundamental factor in influencing continuance intention because it produces the largest effect size (f-square) and significant path coefficient value. The findings should encourage all Islamic banking stakeholders and practitioners to increase individual trust by creating educational and innovative programs connected with consuming digital banking services, especially  e-money purchases.
Mukaddimah: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah III Yogyakarta

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Abstract Humans are born into the world in a state of nature, which means that not a single human being from birth can be called a pathology or a disease of society. Phenomena that occur in the existing environment cause humans to be able to influence and shape human character and personality. For example, with the increasingly rapid development of the times and humans who have not been able to adapt, they can take practical actions to adapt to their environment. So that from there some social problems emerge which, if the problem is allowed to continue, can form pathological problems that exist in society. This problem is related to the increasing number of people who beg with the stigma of being beggars. Moreover, this phenomenon is used as a profit commodity. The author uses a qualitative study with a social approach in it. Finally, the authors get a new understanding of how beggars become a marginalized group which is considered a pathological problem. Until finally this phenomenon can be resolved with the empowerment of marginalized communities. Keywords: Marginal, Social Pathology, Beggars
INTERNALIZATION OF THE VALUES OF THE QUR'AN AND HADITH IN UNDERSTANDING RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN INDONESIA Muhammad Mansur; Indal Abror; Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana; Muhammad Yusup; Lahfiz Safutra; Muhammad Rizky Romdonny; Hanan Asrowi
Jurnal Living Hadis Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/livinghadis.2022.4295


Abstract This article discusses the importance of religious moderation in relation to the many cases of religious intolerance in Indonesia. In general, religious intolerance is caused by an excessive or exclusive attitude in religion. The concept of religious moderation in Indonesia refers to the Wasathiyyah Islamic Values (NISWA). These values include; Tasamuh (tolerance), Tawassuth (taking the middle way), Tawazun (balanced), I'tidal (straight and firm), Aulawiyyah (putting first or priority), Musawah (egalitarian), Shura (deliberation), Qudwatiyyah (pioneering), Muwathanah (nationalism), Ishlah (constructive), Ibtikar (innovative, creative), tathawwur (dynamic), and tahadlur (public civility). Washatiyyah Islamic values are implications of the teachings of "Rahmatan lil'alamin". For the implementation of washatiyyah Islamic values in the concept of religious moderation, it is important to collaborate with religious sociologists. This is because the perspective of the sociology of religion can help to provide an understanding of religious phenomena, especially the sociology of religion at this time has confirmed the vision of openness and broad-mindedness vision. Religious moderation (Islam washatiyyah) is the key to realizing a ssociety that is not extreme in religion and able to respect, understand, tolerate each other to create a peaceful and harmonious life among religious communities in Indonesia.The method used in this research is library research with a qualitative approach and perspective. sociology of religion.   Keywords: Religious Moderation, Al Quran and Hadith Value, Conflict Resolution