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Kelangsungan Hidup Ikan setelah Meloloskan Diri pada Alat Tangkap Bubu di Perairan Desa Wakal, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah Kedswin Gerson Hehanussa; Stany Rachel Siahainenia; Jacobus Bunga Paillin; Ruslan Husen Saban Tawari; Haruna Haruna; Mochammad Riyanto
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 23, No 2 (2020): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v23i2.7172


Fishermen in Wakal Village still water is pot to catch coral fish species. The pot is made from woven bamboo with small hexagonal-shaped cracks. The type of fish that are targeted by the catch usually after being caught in the traps suffer injuries to their bodies as they try to escape through small gaps that are hexagonal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the viability of fish after escaping to the cover net. The data were collected by experimental fishing using four units of pots that were cover net in 20 repetitions. The research was conducted from September to December 2018 in Wakal Village, and Central Maluku Regency. The total number of fish caught is only 2.83% of fish that escape into the net cover. Fish that escaped are divided into 7 species including Plectrypops lima, Pinjalo lewisi, Ephinephelus tauvina, Chaetodon kleini, Centropyge bicolor, Priolepis cincta, Paraluteres prionurus. The cause of fish death is not only assessed from the wounds on the body of the fish when escaping or the wounds resulting from contact with other fish but the stress from the fish itself. The environmental factors that greatly affect the survival of fish when escaping are temperature and salinity.  Nelayan di Perairan Desa Wakal menggunakan alat tangkap bubu untuk menangkap ikan karang. Bubu terbuat dari anyaman bambu dengan celah-celah berukuran kecil berbentuk hexagonal. Jenis ikan yang menjadi target tangkapan biasanya setelah tertangkap oleh bubu mengalami luka pada tubuhnya karena berupaya meloloskan diri melalui celah-celah kecil yang berbentuk hexagonal. Luka yang terdapat pada tubuh ikan dapat mengakibatkan kondisi yang buruk bagi kelangsungan hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis kelangsungan hidup ikan setelah meloloskan diri ke cover net. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan uji coba penangkapan menggunakan 4 unit bubu buton yang dipasang cover net sebanyak 20 kali ulangan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Desember 2018 di Desa Wakal, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Total jumlah keseluruhan ikan yang tertangkap hanya 2.83% ikan yang meloloskan diri masuk ke dalam cover net. Ikan yang lolos terbagi dalam 7 spesies diantaranya Plectrypops lima, Pinjalo lewisi, Ephinephelus tauvina, Chaetodon kleini, Centropyge bicolor, Priolepis cincta, Paraluteres prionurus. Penyebab kematian ikan bukan saja dinilai dari luka pada tubuh ikan saat meloloskan diri ataupun luka akibat dari kontak dengan ikan lainnya namun stress dari ikan itu sendiri. Adapun faktor-faktor lingkungan yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan saat meloloskan diri yaitu suhu dan salinitas.
Daerah Penangkapan Potensial Tuna Madidihang Thunnus albacares, Bonnaterre, 1788 (Teleostei:Scombridae) di Laut Seram Jacobus Bunga Paillin; Delly Dominggas Paulina Matrutty; Stany Rachel Siahainenia; Ruslan Husen Saban Tawari; Haruna Haruna; Putri Talahatu
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 23, No 2 (2020): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v23i2.7073


This research aims are to determine the potential fishing grounds of yellowfin tuna based on the approach of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and catches in the Ceram Sea. Overall catches of 407 Individuals. In January the total catches were 66 individuals (14.44%), in February 67 individuals (14.66%), in March 84 individuals (18.38%), in April 116 individuals (25.38%) and in May 124 individuals (27.13%). The distribution of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the Ceram Sea in January-May 2019 looks varied. In January the average sea surface temperature was 29.13 oC, in February sea surface temperature was 29.54 oC, in March sea surface temperature was 30.12 oC, in April sea surface temperature was 30.12 oC, in May sea surface temperature was 29.77 oC. Chlorophyll-a concentration in January and February was 0.21 mg/m3, March was 0.20 mg/m3, April was 0.16 mg/m3, and May was 0.25 mg/m3. The results of the t-test analysis showed the P-value of sea surface temperature was 0.009<0.05, chlorophyll-a P-value 0.00048<0.05. Determination of potential fishing areas based on sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a, and CPUE indicators shows that potential fishing areas are found in January, February, March, and May, while in April are in the medium potential category. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menentukan daerah penangkapan potensial Tuna madidihang berdasarkan pendekatan suhu permukaan laut, klorofil-a dan hasil tangkapan di Laut Seram.  Secara keseluruhan hasil tangkapan ikan tuna madidihang sebanyak 407 Individu. Bulan Januari total hasil tangkapan sebanyak 66 individu (14.44%), bulan Februari 67 individu (14.66%), bulan Maret 84 individu (18.38%), bulan April 116 individu (25.38%) dan bulan Mei 124 individu (27.13%). Sebaran suhu permukaan laut dan klorofil-a di Laut Seram pada bulan Januari-Mei 2019 terlihat bervariasi. Bulan Januari rata-rata suhu permukaan laut sebesar 29.13 oC, bulan Februari suhu permukaan laut 29.54 o, bulan Maret suhu permukaan laut 30.12 oC, bulan April suhu permukaan laut 30.12 oC, bulan Mei suhu permukaan laut 29.77 oC. Konsentrasi klorofil-a pada bulan Januari dan Februari sebesar 0.21 mg/m3, bulan Maret sebesar 0.20 mg/m3, bulan April sebesar 0.16 mg/m3, dan bulan Mei sebesar 0.25 mg/m3.  Hasil analisis uji t menunjukan nilai P-value suhu permukaan laut sebesar 0,009<0,05, klorofil-a P-value 0,00048<0,05. Penentuan daerah penangkapan ikan potensial berdasarkan indikator suhu permukaan laut, klorofil-a dan CPUE menunjukkan daerah penangkapan ikan potensial terdapat pada bulan Januari, Februari, Maret, dan Mei, sedangkan pada bulan April berada dalam kategori potensial sedang. 
Utilization and surveillance of Fisheries Tuna Resources as a Basis for Prevention of IUU Fishing in Seram Sea Syarif Abdul Radjak; Agustinus Tupamahu; Friesland Tuapetel; Haruna Haruna; Ruslan H.S Tawari
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.1.135-140


This study aims to determine the conditions of tuna utilization, and to analyze the monitoring of tuna fisheries resources in preventing IUU fishing in Seram Sea Waters. Methods This research uses descriptive methods including primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from tuna fishermen respondents, fisheries monitoring agencies using purposive sampling and in-depth interviews, secondary data through literature studies. The results showed that the average tuna production in West Seram Regency was 4.10%, yellowfin tuna was 0.20%, the average CPUE of handline tuna fishermen was 505.86 kg/month/unit. The institutional capacity of fisheries supervisors needs to be improved, even though the vessel compliance indicator reaches 136%. Fishery violations during 2016-2018 are: violations of fishing routes and areas, violations of VMS, violations of fishing permits, and prohibitions on fishing by foreign people or vessels.
Supperior Fishing Gear for Coral Reef Fishes in Western Seram Regency Agustinus Tupamahu; Haruna Haruna; Barbara G Hutubessy; Stany R Siahainenia; Albert Ch Nanlohy; Kedswin Hehanusa
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.1.54-64


Various fishing gears that are operated in the coral reef waters of Western Seram Regency have their own selectivity, capture various species of fish, and have an impact on the damage to coral reef ecosystems. This study aims to determine the leading reef fishing gears in Western Seram District. The survey method is through observations and interviews with fishermen who conduct fishing activities of coral species. Respondents are determined by propulsive sampling, the selection of superior fishing gear is done by the scoring method. The results showed that the fishing gear classified into the line fishing gear was superior to other fishing gear, where the bottom trolling were superior. The less favored coral fishing equipment especially from the biological aspect needs attention to improve the method and design of the fishing gear.
Effect of Twine Thickness on The Size Selectivity of The Dominant Catch of Bottom Gill Nets in Inner Ambon Bay Beatrix R Rananmasse; Agustinus Tupamahu; Haruna Haruna
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1685.929 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v15i1.1015


There are several factors that affect the selectivity of gillnet, including mesh size and twine thickness of netting. The objective of this study is to estimate the level of selectivity of different mesh size and twine thickness on the dominant catch of bottom gillnets. The fishing experiment conducted in Inner Ambon Bay for 9 fishing trips. Data analysis used Kitahara method’s to estimate the selectivity of the mesh size of 3.81, 4,45 and 5.08 cm with twine thickness of netting 0.25 and 0.30 mm to the total length of the dominant catch. The results showed that there are two species of fish dominated catch i.e Upeneus taniopterus dan Selar crumenophthalmus. The frequency distribution of total length of the dominant catch from three mesh sizes tested for both 0.25 and 0.30 mm twine diameter tends to be bimodal, where the 0.25 mm is caught higher than 0.30 mm twine diameter. The probability of the catch of small and large fish for each mesh size was higher at 0.25 mm than 0.30 mm twine diameter.
Publisher : Pattimura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/PattimuraSci.2022.HAIPBMAL.84-91


One of the fishery commodities with high economic value is tuna, where in the Maluku region in 2021, tuna production will be 35.56% (BPS, 2022). Tuna is caught using handlines which are classified as small-scale fisheries. The existence of tuna that changes over time causes fishermen to experience uncertainty in finding suitable fishing areas. Temperature is an important indicator in the distribution and abundance of tuna. This study aims to determine the composition of the hand line catch and to analyze the temperature distribution based on the area of ​​the hand line fishing operation in Central Maluku Regency. The research was conducted in the waters with the method used is a survey method by following fishing trips and using GPS satellite-based Spot Trace to track vessel movement activities during fishing operations. Descriptive data analysis was used to determine the composition of fisherman catches and used SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SEADAS) 7.3.1 and Surfer 12 to analyze the distribution of water temperatures at fishing locations. The results showed that yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) dominated the catch by 70.30%, bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) by 20.19% and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) by 0.52%. The frequency distribution of yellowfin tuna length ranges from 23-171 cmFL where during 2019 it was dominated by sizes <100 cmFL as much as 82.42%. The SST range in January is 290C-310C, optimal fishing is at 29.80C-30.40C, April is in the range of 30.20C-31.70C, optimal fishing is at 30.90C-31.30C, in May is in the range of 27.40C-31,40C the optimal catch is in the temperature range of 27.80C -30.80C, in June is 27.40C -280C the optimal catch is in the temperature range 27.60C-27.850C, in September 27.40C-29.50C the optimal catch is at a temperature range of 27, 80C -28.50C, and in December the range of 29.40C-31.50C is optimal for catching at a temperature range of 30.40C -31.20C
Supperior Fishing Gear for Coral Reef Fishes in Western Seram Regency Agustinus Tupamahu; Haruna Haruna; Barbara G Hutubessy; Stany R Siahainenia; Albert Ch Nanlohy; Kedswin Hehanusa
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.1.54-64


Various fishing gears that are operated in the coral reef waters of Western Seram Regency have their own selectivity, capture various species of fish, and have an impact on the damage to coral reef ecosystems. This study aims to determine the leading reef fishing gears in Western Seram District. The survey method is through observations and interviews with fishermen who conduct fishing activities of coral species. Respondents are determined by propulsive sampling, the selection of superior fishing gear is done by the scoring method. The results showed that the fishing gear classified into the line fishing gear was superior to other fishing gear, where the bottom trolling were superior. The less favored coral fishing equipment especially from the biological aspect needs attention to improve the method and design of the fishing gear.
Utilization and surveillance of Fisheries Tuna Resources as a Basis for Prevention of IUU Fishing in Seram Sea Syarif Abdul Radjak; Agustinus Tupamahu; Friesland Tuapetel; Haruna Haruna; Ruslan H.S Tawari
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 14, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.14.1.135-140


This study aims to determine the conditions of tuna utilization, and to analyze the monitoring of tuna fisheries resources in preventing IUU fishing in Seram Sea Waters. Methods This research uses descriptive methods including primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from tuna fishermen respondents, fisheries monitoring agencies using purposive sampling and in-depth interviews, secondary data through literature studies. The results showed that the average tuna production in West Seram Regency was 4.10%, yellowfin tuna was 0.20%, the average CPUE of handline tuna fishermen was 505.86 kg/month/unit. The institutional capacity of fisheries supervisors needs to be improved, even though the vessel compliance indicator reaches 136%. Fishery violations during 2016-2018 are: violations of fishing routes and areas, violations of VMS, violations of fishing permits, and prohibitions on fishing by foreign people or vessels.
Supperior Fishing Gear for Coral Reef Fishes in Western Seram Regency Agustinus Tupamahu; Haruna Haruna; Barbara G Hutubessy; Stany R Siahainenia; Albert Ch Nanlohy; Kedswin Hehanusa
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 1 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Various fishing gears that are operated in the coral reef waters of Western Seram Regency have their own selectivity, capture various species of fish, and have an impact on the damage to coral reef ecosystems. This study aims to determine the leading reef fishing gears in Western Seram District. The survey method is through observations and interviews with fishermen who conduct fishing activities of coral species. Respondents are determined by propulsive sampling, the selection of superior fishing gear is done by the scoring method. The results showed that the fishing gear classified into the line fishing gear was superior to other fishing gear, where the bottom trolling were superior. The less favored coral fishing equipment especially from the biological aspect needs attention to improve the method and design of the fishing gear.
Utilization and surveillance of Fisheries Tuna Resources as a Basis for Prevention of IUU Fishing in Seram Sea Syarif Abdul Radjak; Agustinus Tupamahu; Friesland Tuapetel; Haruna Haruna; Ruslan H.S Tawari
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 1 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine the conditions of tuna utilization, and to analyze the monitoring of tuna fisheries resources in preventing IUU fishing in Seram Sea Waters. Methods This research uses descriptive methods including primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from tuna fishermen respondents, fisheries monitoring agencies using purposive sampling and in-depth interviews, secondary data through literature studies. The results showed that the average tuna production in West Seram Regency was 4.10%, yellowfin tuna was 0.20%, the average CPUE of handline tuna fishermen was 505.86 kg/month/unit. The institutional capacity of fisheries supervisors needs to be improved, even though the vessel compliance indicator reaches 136%. Fishery violations during 2016-2018 are: violations of fishing routes and areas, violations of VMS, violations of fishing permits, and prohibitions on fishing by foreign people or vessels.