Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla
Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia

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Rumput Laut yang Tumbuh Alami di Pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue, Aceh Indonesia: Faktor Lingkungan dan Variasi Geografik Erniati Erniati; Syahrial Syahrial; Imanullah Imanullah; Erlangga Erlangga; Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla; Wilman Shobara; Jihad Nasuha; Gara Hasonangan Ritonga; Anggi Mayulina Daulay; Hamdi Romansah; Ibnu Amni; Tambah Lambok Berutu
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i1.12645


Environmental factors and geographical variations in an ecosystem are important steps in explaining the dynamics of marine communities, a study of seaweed that grows naturally on the west coast of Simeulue Island was conducted with the purpose of learning about the environmental characteristics, geographical variations, and environmental parameters that affect their distribution. The study was conducted in October 2021, and it included 5 observation stations with environmental factors measured in situ and geographic variation data using line transects along 50 m perpendicular to the shoreline and sample plots measuring 1 x 1 m every 10 m. Environmental factors that influence vegetation conditions and geographic variations of seaweed were analyzed using PCA. The study's findings revealed that conditions in the Indian Ocean with a high pH (average 07.72 ± 00.20) with moderate salinity and current velocity (average 32.47‰± 01.72 and 00.32 m/s ± 00.11, respectively) influenced the seaweed vegetation habitat. Then 21 seaweed species were identified, all of which have not been evaluated on the IUCN Red List, and their distribution is relatively rare, with a frequency of only 20%, and the seaweed zoning found at a depth of 0 - 150 cm at the lowest tide and a distance of up to 40 m inland from the edge. Furthermore, the distribution of seaweed on Simeulue Island's west coast is largely determined by DO conditions, salinity, and current velocity, whereas pH and temperature have less influence on seaweed distribution.  Faktor lingkungan dan variasi geografik di suatu ekosistem merupakan langkah penting dalam menjelaskan dinamika komunitas laut, sehingga kajian rumput laut yang tumbuh alami di Pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan, variasi geografik dan parameter lingkungan yang mempengaruhi distribusinya. Kajian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021 yang terdiri dari 5 stasiun pengamatan dengan faktor lingkungannya diukur secara in situ dan data variasi geografiknya menggunakan transek garis sepanjang 50 m tegak lurus garis pantai serta dibuat petak contoh berukuran 1 x 1 m disetiap 10 m dan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kondisi vegetasi maupun variasi geografik rumput lautnya dianalisis menggunakan PCA. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa habitat vegetasi rumput lautnya dipengaruhi oleh kondisi Samudera Hindia dengan konsentrasi pH perairannya tergolong tinggi (rata-rata 07.72 ± 00.20) dan konsentrasi salinitas maupun kecepatan arusnya tergolong sedang (rata-rata 32.47‰ ± 01.72 dan rata-rata 00.32 m/s ± 00.11), kemudian rumput lautnya teridentifikasi sebanyak 21 spesies yang keseluruhannya belum terevaluasi di IUCN Red List dan distribusinya tergolong jarang dengan frekuensi relatifnya kecil dari 20% serta zonasi rumput lautnya ditemukan pada kedalaman ± 0 – 150 cm saat surut terendah dan berjarak hingga ± 40 m ke arah daratan dari tubir. Selanjutnya, untuk distribusi rumput laut di pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue sangat ditentukan oleh kondisi DO, salinitas dan kecepatan arus, sedangkan parameter pH dan suhu kurang memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap distribusi rumput lautnya. 
Profil Kawasan Reboisasi Mangrove Kepulauan Seribu Berdasarkan Karakteristik Lingkungan dan Fauna Makrobentik Terkait Febrianti Lestari; Syahrial Syahrial; Rika Anggraini; Yudho Andika; Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla; Agus Putra Abdul Samad
Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik Vol 5 No 3 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46252/jsai-fpik-unipa.2021.Vol.5.No.3.166


Macrobenthic fauna is often used as a bioindicator of environmental quality. However, information about the environmental characteristics and the existence of macrobenthic fauna in the mangrove reforestation area is still very limited. The study of the profile of the Seribu Island mangrove reforestation area based on the characteristics of the macrobenthic environment and fauna was carried out in March 2014. The aim of this study is to determine the ecological conditions of the waters around the Seribu Island mangrove reforestation area. To find out the relationship between environmental characteristics and macrobenthic fauna with observation stations carried out by statistics on Correspondence Analysis (CA), while the environmental characteristics that determine macrobenthic fauna and their relationships are carried out with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistics and simple linear regression. The results of the study show that the concentration of measured environmental characteristics is not very different between stations and does not exceed the quality standard threshold for marine life. Then the macrobenthic fauna found consisted of 6 species with the highest density at Station 3 (05.00 ind/m2) and the lowest at Station 1 (02.00 ind/m2). At Station 1 the pH and temperature concentration is very high, while Station 2 and 3 have high salinity concentrations. Macrobenthic fauna Atilia (Columbella) scripta, Metopograpsus latifrons, Littoraria scabra, Saccostrea cucculata, and Cardisoma carnifex can be associated with mangroves at all stations. In addition, the environmental characteristics that determine the presence of C. carnifex macrobenthic fauna are pH parameters, where the higher the pH concentration, the lower the density of C. carnifex. Then the environmental characteristics that determine the presence of the macrobenthic fauna of S. cucculata, M. latifrons and A. scripta are determined by DO (Dissolved Oxygen) and salinity parameters namely the lower DO (Dissolved Oxygen) concentration and salinity, the higher the density of S. cucculata, M. latifrons and A. scripta.
Pemanfaatan limbah budidaya udang vannamei menjadi pupuk kompos di Gampong Ulee Pulo Kecamatan Dewantara Kabupaten Aceh Utara (The utilization of vannamei shrimp culture waste become compost fertilizer in Ulee Pulo Village, Dewantara Sub District North Aceh District) Erniati Erniati; Syahrial Syahrial; Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin; Imanullah Imanullah; Erlangga Erlangga; Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla; Yudho Andika; Irmayunita Irmayunita; Meutia Handayani; Azhari Mataniari; Nuriana Dila; Repki Prasetyo
Buletin Pengabdian Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Bull. Community. Serv.
Publisher : The Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/bulpengmas.v2i1.23557


This community service aims to provide education and improve the skills of the residents of Ulee Pulo Village in making good use of vannamei shrimp waste. Service activities were carried out using the community development approach method through training based on theory and practice with lectures and focused discussion (focus group discussions). The results of the service were carried out well, structured, smoothly, and successfully involving the community directly, especially the wives of the aquaculture farmers of Gampong Ulee Pulo. The target achieved is that the participants already have the skills and practice the process of making compost independently. In conclusion, the community is skilled in making compost independently.
Mangrove Vegetation Mapping with Remote Sensing Approach (Citra Landsat 8) in Lhokseumawe City Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin; Nurmayana Nurmayana; Imanullah Imanullah; Syahrial Syahrial; Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla; Salmarika Salmarika; Afdhal Fuadi
Jurnal Perikanan Terpadu Vol 5, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Perikanan Terpadu Volume 5 Nomor 1
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpterpadu.v5i1.9609


One of the best potential mangrove forests is located in Lhokseumawe City. Mangrove forests function as protected areas in coastal areas and are used as vegetation whose existence must be maintained. Efforts to protect it can be carried out by mapping the distribution of mangrove forest areas as a database in Lhokseumawe City. Mapping the distribution of mangrove forest areas can be done using remote sensing. This research was conducted in October - November 2022 in Lhokseumawe City. The method used in this study is the visual interpretation of remote sensing imagery and field surveys. Visual interpretation techniques are used to find out the extent of information from satellite imagery in 2022 which has been geometrically corrected regarding mangrove forest vegetation. Field surveys are needed to obtain more accurate data results. The results of research on mangrove vegetation in Lhokseumawe City are found in 4 sub-districts, namely: Muara Satu District, Banda Sakti District, Muara Dua District, and Blang Mangat District with a total area of ± 65.74 Ha. The results of the density level of mangroves in Lhokseumawe City are dominantly rare with a value of 0.32 m2