Anis Kurniasih
Departemen Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

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Journal : Jurnal Kelautan Tropis

Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Endapan Tsunami Berdasarkan Studi Sedimentologi dan Paleontologi di Desa Air Pinang dan Desa Sambai, Pulau Simeulue, Provinsi Aceh Khansa Mutia Yahya; Anis Kurniasih Kurniasih; Purna Sulastya Putra; Reddy Setyawan; Jenian Marin; Septriono Hari Nugroho; Eko Yulianto; Wahju Krisna Hidajat
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i1.10266


Simeulue Island, Aceh Province is one of the areas that affected by the tsunami due to the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. A lot of research about tsunami sediments around Aceh and Simeulue Island has been conducted, but there are only few in the eastern Simeulue. In 2017, the geological coastal chapter team of the 'Widya Nusantara Expedition' LIPI did the research and took samples including SIM 5A in Air Pinang Village and SIM 5C in Sambay Village. The study aims to determine the characteristic of tsunami deposits by sedimentological and paleontological data. The research continue with laboratory analysis which are granulometric analysis, X ray Fluorescence (XRF), Loss of Ignition (LoI) and diatom abundance. Based on granulometry analysis, the candidate of SIM 5A has a grain size is bimodal - unimodal pattern, very coarse silt – coarse silt, poorly sorted - very poorly sorted. While SIM 5C has fine sand - very coarse silt, distribution patterns are unimodal, bimodal and trimodal. LoI analysis shows average value of carbonate material 26,26% with organic material value 15,37% while SIM 5C has average value of carbonate material 13,42% and organic material value 6,55%. The candidate of both samples has the dominant chemical composition of Zr, Fe, K, Sr, Rb, Ca, Ti. Paleontological analysis of tsunami deposit has diatom species with three different salinity environments: air tawar, air payau and marine. In conclusion, all of the results show that tsunami candidates are proven to be tsunami deposit. Differents of characteristic deposits influenced by factors such as micro- topography and post-deposition process.  Pulau Simeulue, Provinsi Aceh merupakan salah satu daerah yang mengalami dampak tsunami akibat gempa Sumatra-Andaman. Penelitian mengenai endapan tsunami di sekitar Aceh dan Pulau Simeulue sudah banyak dilakukan, namun masih sedikit pada daerah Simeulue bagian timur. Pada tahun 2017 Tim Geologi coastal chapter 'Ekspedisi Widya Nusantara' LIPI melakukan penelitian dan pengambilan sampel diantaranya SIM 5A pada Desa Air Pinang dan SIM 5C pada Desa Sambay. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karateristik endapan tsunami secara sedimentologi dan paleontologi. Pada kedua sampel tersebut masing-masing ditemukan satu kandidat endapan tsunami. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan analisis laboratorium berupa analisis granulometri, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Loss of Ignition (LOI) dan kelimpahan diatom. Analisis granulometri menunjukkan kandidat endapan tsunami SIM 5A memiliki distribusi ukuran butir pola bimodal – unimodal dengan ukuran lanau sangat kasar – lanau kasar, sortasi jelek – sangat jelek, sedangkan SIM 5C memiliki ukuran butir pasir halus – lanau sangat kasar, distribusi ukuran butir pola unimodal, bimodal dan trimodal. Analisis LOI memberikan nilai rata-rata material karbonat 26,26% dengan rata-rata material organik 15,37% sedangkan SIM 5C memiliki nilai rata-rata material karbonat 13,42% dan rata-rata material organik 6,55%. Endapan kandidat tsunami kedua sampel tersebut memiliki komposisi kimia dominan berupa Zr, Fe, K, Sr, Rb, Ca, Ti. Analisis paleontologi pada endapan tsunami memiliki spesies diatom dengan tiga lingkungan salinitas berbeda yaitu tawar, payau, asin. Keseluruhan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kandidat endapan tsunami terbukti endapan tsunami. Perbedaan karakteristik dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti mikrotopografi dan proses pasca pengendapan.
Karakteristik Endapan Tsunami Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologi dan Sedimentologi di Bagian Timur Pulau Simeulue, Aceh, Indonesia Winarni Winarni; Anis Kurniasih; Septriono Hari Nugroho; Jenian Marin; Reddy Setyawan; Purna Sulastya Putra; Eko Yulianto
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 23, No 1 (2020): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v23i1.4954


Simeulue Island was located in an active tectonic zone that causes earthquakes followed by tsunamis. This research was conducted to get a detail explanation of tsunami deposits found in eastern Simeulue Island. The methods used in this study include granulometry analysis, Loss on Ignition (LOI), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), and palynology. Based on analyzed, it was known that tsunami deposits in the studied area have non-uniform grain size characteristics and are dominated by gravel to boulder. The results of the LOI analysis show that the concentration of organic and carbonate material was very high, which is thought to be caused by a mixture of marine and terrestrial materials due to a tsunami. XRF analysis showed high content of Ca and Sr which indicated the influence of seawater on sediments. The palynological analysis showed that taxa from the lowlands and mangroves palynofacies dominate the presence of pollen, indicating that the possibility of depositional environments is the area around the mangrove coast. The presence of high lowland taxa is thought to originate from the tsunami backwash that brought material from the lowlands to the surrounding coast.  Pulau Simeulue terletak pada zona tektonik aktif yang menyebabkan terjadinya banyak gempa yang diikuti tsunami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik detil endapan tsunami yang terdapat di Pulau Simeulue bagian timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis palinologi, granulometri, Loss on Ignition (LOI), dan XRay Flourescence (XRF). Berdasarkan analisis tersebut diketahui bahwa endapan tsunami di daerah penelitian memiliki karakteristik ukuran butir yang tidak seragam dan didominasi oleh ukuran butir kerikil hingga bongkah. Hasil analisis LOI menunjukkan konsentrasi material organik dan karbonat sangat tinggi, yang diduga disebabkan oleh percampuran material asal laut dan darat karena tsunami. Analisis XRF menunjukkan tingginya kandungan unsur Ca dan Sr yang mengindikasikan adanya pengaruh air laut pada endapan. Analisis palinologi menunjukkan taksa dari palinofasies dataran rendah dan mangrove mendominasi kehadiran polen. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kemungkinan lingkungan pengendapan adalah area sekitar pantai mangrove. Kehadiran taksa dataran rendah yang tinggi diduga berasal dari gelombang balik tsunami yang membawa material dari dataran rendah ke sekitar pantai tersebut.