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Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 2 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.646 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v2i0.977


AbstractProgram IbM aims to 1) Establishing independent farmers in meeting the needs of fertilizer in rice farming, 2) create a technology organic waste treatment based on local resources, 3) Improving the knowledge and ability of farmer groups in production management manufacture bio composer, 4) Increasing awareness group peasants in farming that takes into account the principles of sustainable agriculture, 5) Establish new entrepreneurs that can increase farmers’ income. Target in the program IbM among others: 1) each farmer group has insight and knowledge of manufacturing technology bio composer, 2) each farmer group capable of processing organic waste (livestock manure, hump-banana stems, household organic waste), 3 ) each farmer group is able to manage the business bio composer well, managing of raw material supplies, scheduling, and organizing production capacity, 4) any farmer groups have treatment plants bio composer and its place, 5) any farmer groups can utilize thrasher organic materials, making it easier to cutting-banana stem weevil, vegetables or fruit. The method used in this activity are: 1) Training processing organic wastes into bio composer, 2) demo and facilitation manufacture bio composer together with farmer groups, 3) training and development of production management, 4) Training in the management of the finance, 5) leadership training (leadership) for the management, 6) Develop business into new profitable venture and 7) Making the MOL bio composer installation together with all members of the farmer group partners. The result is 1) Most members of farmer groups (Partner) can range from 90% in the manufacturing process bio composer, 2) Most of the members of farmer groups (Partner) around 85% could be in the process of production management (scheduling, setting raw materials and cooperation in the process of making bio composer, 3) Preparation of installation bio composer in farmers’ groups (partners) have completed 100% and readily used by farmer groups, 4) the Chairman of the farmers’ group has adopted the division of tasks according to their respective division and started making administrative performance reports and financial statements, although still modest. AbstrakProgram IbM ini bertujuan untuk 1) Membentuk petani mandiri dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pupuk pada usahatani padi, 2) menciptakan teknologi pengolahan limbah organik berbasis sumberdaya lokal, 3) Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kelompok tani dalam manajemen produksi pembuatan biokomposer, 4) Meningkatkan kepedulian kelompok tani dalam berusahatani yang memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip pertanian berkelanjutan, 5) Membentuk wirausaha baru yang dapat menambah pendapatan petani. Target dalam program IbM ini antara lain: 1) setiap kelompok tani memiliki wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang teknologi pembuatan biokomposer, 2) setiap kelompok tani mampu mengolah limbah organik (kotoran ternak, bonggol- batang pisang, limbah organik rumah tangga), 3) setiap kelompok tani mampu mengelola usahabiokomposer dengan baik, mengelola dari kebutuhan bahan baku, penjadwalan, dan mengatur kapasitas produksi, 4) setiap kelompok tani memiliki unit instalasi pengolahan biokomposer beserta tempatnya, 5) setiap kelompok tani dapat memanfaatkan mesin pencacah bahan organik, sehingga lebih mudah dalam pemotongan bonggol-batang pisang, sayur atau buah. Metode pendekatan yang dipakai dalam kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Pelatihan pengolahan limbah organik menjadi biokomposer, 2) demo dan pendampingan pembuatan biokomposer bersama-sama dengan kelompok tani, 3) Pelatihan dan pembinaan manajemen produksi, 4) Pelatihan dalam pengelolaan manajemen keuangan, 5) Pelatihan leadership(kepemimpinan) bagi pengurus, 6) Mengembangkan usaha menjadi usaha baru yang menguntungkan dan 7) Pembuatan instalasi biokomposer MOL bersama- sama dengan seluruh anggota kelompok tani mitra. Hasilnya adalah 1) Sebagian besar anggota kelompok tani (Mitra) berkisar 90% bisa dalam proses pembuatan biokomposer, 2) Sebagian besar anggota kelompok tani (Mitra) berkisar 85% bisa dalam proses manajemen produksi (penjadwalan, pengaturan bahan baku dan kerjasama dalam proses pembuatan biokomposer, 3) Pembuatan instalasi biokomposer di kelompok tani (mitra) sudah selesai 100% dan siap digunakan oleh kelompok tani, 4) Ketua kelompok tani sudah menerapkan pembagian tugas sesuai devisi masing- masing dan mulai membuat administrasi laporan kinerja dan laporan keuangan meskipun masih sederhana.
Membangun Membangun Kebiasaan Membaca pada Anak di masa Pandemi Covid-19 melalui Program Satu Jam Tanpa Gawai di Griya Baca Desa Karangrejo Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono; An Immatus Sa’diyah; Risdia Eka Niafitri; Rohmania Hidayanti
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LP2M Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32815/jpm.v1i2.236


Abstract:Starting at the endoflastyear 2019 the world was hit by a virus pandemic called Covid-19, where Indonesia also experienced the impact of this virus pandemic which caused system changes in various field sincluding in the world of education. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process was carried out by providing materials and assignments through on line gadgets, starting from kinder gartent otertiary levels, which caused the intensity of deviceuse to increase. Public. The residents and youth in Dusun Karang Tengah have an advanced and creative mindset in reducing the use of gadgets during the Covid-19 pandemic. They outh and residents had the idea of ​​creating a reading house in order to reducet heuse of gadgets for children in RT 3.When there searchers came to Karangrejo Village, the making of a reading house wasstill in the process, butafter a few days, the reading house could be occupied with its seacondition. After working with community leaders there, we are also trying to realize the reading house by creating a system and providing the needs needed for this reading house. In this reading house system, we use the Assed Based Community Development (ABCD) method where we try to foster reading interest in children in reducing the use of devices during this pandemic. During the mentoring process that the researcher scarried out, there was an increase in reading interest in children in Karangtengah Hamlet, especially Rt 03 Rw 06, in the development of reading houses made as attractive as possible.

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.821 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v2i1.729


Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis dan proporsi dan jenis tepung pada pembuatan kaldu ayam dalam bentuk instan dan mengetahui proporsi penambahan brokoli yang optimal pada pembuatan kaldu ayam instan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kaldu.Penelitian melalui dua tahap yaitu tahap I pembuatan kaldu instan dengan variable jenis dan berat tepung, penelitian tahap II pembuatan kaldu instan brokoli dengan variable pemberian brokoli dengan berat yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kombinasi perlakuan dengan tepung terigu dan berat 100 gram merupakan perlakuan terbaik tahap I yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: kadar air 5,93%; kadar protein 11,22%; kadar lemak 7,24% dan warna kekuningan (b*) 2,31. Pada tahap II, perlakuan penambahan berat brokoli 250 g, merupakan perlakuan terbaik yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: kadar air 5,93%; kadar antioksidan 42,70%; kadar protein 16,60%, kadar lemak 5,43% dan kadar serat kasar 2,15%. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisa biaya produksi diperoleh Payback Periods yaitu : 2 tahun 4 bulan 16 hari. Hasil perhitungan Payback Periods lebih pendek daripada umur ekonomis proyek (5 tahun), sehingga usulan investasi ini layak untuk dilakukan. Hasil perhitungan Net Present Value (NPV) memberikan nilai sebesar Rp. 260.176.721,56. Nilai ini menunjukkan selisih nilai sekarang dari manfaat dan biaya setiap tahunnya. Nilai NPV yang lebih besar dari nol ini juga memberikan arti bahwa unit pengolahan ini layak untuk direalisasikan. Nilai PI hasil perhitungan adalah sebesar 1,91.
POTENSI PUPUK HIJAU ORGANIK (Daun Trembesi, Daun Paitan, Daun Lantoro) SEBAGAI UNSUR KESTABILAN KESUBURAN TANAH Misbach Munir; Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.803 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v3i2.750


Upaya konservasi sumber daya alam hayati seringkali menjadi prioritas kesekian dalam pembangunan di negara Indonesia. Perhatian dan dukungan elemen masyarakat baik pemerintah, swasta maupun individu sangat minim sehingga pada masa ini terjadi degradasi status keanekaragaman hayati dari yang semula dikenal sebagai daerah dengan keanekaragaman tinggi (mega diversity country) menjadi negara dengan tingkat keterancaman paling tinggi (hot spot country). Salah satu indikasi paling sederhana adalah semakin berkurangnya jenis-jenis tanaman lokal seperti pohon Trembesi (Samanea Saman), daun paitan (Tithonia diversifolia)dan daun lantoro (Leucaena leucocephala) daun-daunan tersebut merupakan komoditas penting karena merupakan salah satu sumber pupuk organik yang paling baik bagi penghumusan tanah. Beberapa jenis tumbuan lain seperti pohon lantoro dan paitan juga dilaporkan mengandung banyak zat hijau serta unsur N,P,K yang mampu memulihkan kondisi tanah dengan subur tanpa mengurangi PH tanah yang selama ini telah tecampur dengan bahan kimia. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah para petani masih sering memakai pupuk yang berbahan kimia Akibatnya racun bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam tanah semakin meningkat, beberapa jenis tanaman yang mampu mengembalikan kondisi tanah mengalami proses pelangkaan dan bahkan terancam kepunahan, sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Apa saja kandungan yang terdapat pada jenis daun-daunan sebagai bahan baku utama pupuk hijau organik.2). Bagaimana cara proses produksi pupuk hijau organik .3)Bagaimana hasil studi kelayakan pupuk hijau organik serta hasil perbandingan unsur haranya Berdasarkan Studi Uji lab kandungan unsur hara N,P,K banyak terdapat pada daun –daunan terutama Daun trembesi dengan kandungan unsur (N) = 6.52, unsur (P) = 0.47 dan unsure (K) = 2,25. Untuk daun paitan kandungan unsur (N) = 4,65, unsur (P) = 0,25 dan unsur (K) = 64,52. Sedangkan untuk daun lantoro unsur (N) = 3,37, unsur (P) = 0.31 dan unsur (K) = 0,37. Dari data uji lab tersebut dalam setiap unsur hara serta kandungan zat hijau yang terdapat pada daun trembesi menunjukkan bahwa nilai kandungan unsur (N) pada daun trembesi berada diatas nilai yang distandarkan, sedangkan untuk unsure (K) yang berada diatas nilai standar terdapat pada daun paitan dan unsure (P) yang berada diatas nilai standart terdapat pada daun lantoro. Dengan demikian kandungan unsure ketiga bahan tersebut dapat kita gabungkan untuk dijadikan sebagai alat ukur pada variabel proses produksi pupuk hijau organic yang akan diuji.Dari hasil Studi karakter, fenologi, habitat, etnobotani dan kearifan tradisional, menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh terhadap kondisi tanah yang kritis yang semula tidak begitu subur dengan tingkat pencemaran zat kimia tinggi, telah berangsur pulih akibat penghumusan yang di aki batkan dari pupuk hijau organik tersebut
Pengaruh varietas dan konsentrasi broth kulit pisang sebagai media alternatif pertumbuhan Aspergillus niger Nucky Istiqomah Mulyawati; Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono; Deny Utomo

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.212 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v10i2.1578


Banana is an influential agriculture commodity in Indonesia, for consuming the fruit or making use of the leafs and steam, with high demand of banana fruit, there’s also left with tons of peel waste. Banana peel waste which usually contain cellulose (35 %–50 %), hemicellulose (25 %–30 %), and lignin (25 %–30 %). The fruit peel wastes containing sugars that are metabolized by microorganisms which make the potential of microbiology growth. Aspergillus niger as one of influental fungi for industrial can be used on production of α-Amylase. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design factorial with two factors. Factor I is Banana peel variety, with 4 level which contain ( Ambon Banana Peel, Kepok Banana Peel, Raja Banana Peel and Candi Banana Peel. Factor II is broth media concentration with 3 level ( 2gr banana peel : 100ml Aquadest ; 4gr banana peel : 100ml Aquadest; 6gr banana peel : 100ml Aquadest) with the result 12 combinations with 3 repeat. The result of the streak will be observed for seven days. The result of analysis will be analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if there’s a significant result, the analysis will be continued to LSD test 5%. The result of research pointed that variance of banana peel and concentration of broth media did show significant difference according to ANOVA result on day one until seven. Best variance of treatment found in V2K3 (Kepok Banana Peel with 6gr / 100ml concentration) resulted with average diameter reaching 55mm.
Jurnal Abdimas Sangkabira Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Sangkabira, Juni 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma III Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdimassangkabira.v2i2.112


To carry out community service activities in Karangjati Pandaan Village to help optimize village potential, village services, and community production by making village website applications. The village website is a village information system in the digital era that contains news, photos, and videos that the wider community can access anytime and anywhere. With the village website, it is hoped that all forms of services in the village are easier to implement. The potential and results of community products in the village are more easily recognized by outsiders as village promotion materials and increase the supply of goods outside the area. The method used in community service activities in Karangjati Pandaan Village is the method of observation, interviews, and literacy studies which are expected to explore all the data and potential in the village, which we will develop through the village website that has been created. The result of this community service activity in Karangjati Pandaan Village is the formation of a village website which is expected to facilitate village services, develop potential and increase the supply of goods to lift the community's economy.
Bibliometric Analysis of the Adoption and Innovation of Agricultural Processing Technologies: A Global Perspective Indriyani; Dyah Ayu Suryaningrum; Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono; If'all
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 07 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i07.123


The adoption and innovation of agricultural processing technology play a vital role in ensuring food security, sustainability, and competitiveness in the agricultural sector. This research presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of academic literature on agricultural processing technology adoption and innovation from a global perspective. The study aims to identify key research trends, influential authors, major research themes, and emerging areas of interest in this domain. The dataset was collected from reputable scholarly databases, and VOSviewer analysis was used to visualize co-authorship networks, keyword clusters, and citation impact maps. The results revealed seven distinct clusters of research themes, including agricultural enterprise and innovation policy, market competitiveness, quality of food processing technology, technology innovation for rural development, sustainable development, technology transfer, big data in agriculture, and agribusiness and innovation technology. Moreover, ten highly cited research papers were identified, signifying their significant impact on the field. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to enhance agricultural productivity, promote sustainable practices, and foster technology-driven innovations for a resilient global food system.
Emerging Trends and Future Directions in Organic Agriculture and Environmentally-friendly Farming Practices: A Bibliometric Analysis Muhammad Hazmi; Dyah Ayu Suryaningrum; Iskandar Umarie; Oktarina; Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 07 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i07.124


Organic farming and eco-friendly agricultural practices have gained significant attention as sustainable alternatives to conventional agriculture. This research method employs bibliometric and keyword analysis to explore the field’s emerging trends and future directions. The co-occurrence analysis of keywords reveals prominent research themes, including organic certification, soil health, climate change resilience, agroecological approaches, biodiversity conservation, and integrated pest management. The analysis also identifies influential authors, collaboration networks, and prominent publication venues that disseminate research in sustainable agriculture. The keyword analysis highlights the literature’s focus on adoption, agricultural products, consumer behavior, and sustainable agricultural development. This research provides valuable insights for advancing knowledge, policy development, and practical applications in organic farming and eco-friendly agrarian practices to foster sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural systems.
Pemberdayaan Pelaku UMKM Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kelangsungan dan Mengembangkan Usaha Bakmie Purnama Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono; Rizal Bakti; Yusniar Yusniar; Montaris Silaen; Afrizal Afrizal
Eastasouth Journal of Effective Community Services Vol 2 No 01 (2023): Eastasouth journal of Effective Community Services (EJECS)
Publisher : Eastasouth Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/ejecs.v2i01.141


Pengabdian ini fokus pada upaya pemberdayaan pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam konteks pengembangan bisnis Bakmie Purnama. Tujuan utama dari Pengabdian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi pemberdayaan yang diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kelangsungan dan pengembangan usaha Bakmie Purnama. Metode Pengabdian melibatkan wawancara mendalam dengan pemilik usaha, analisis data kualitatif, serta pengamatan langsung terhadap operasional usaha. Melalui program pemberdayaan yang terfokus, termasuk pelatihan keterampilan, bimbingan pengelolaan usaha, serta dukungan dalam hal pemasaran dan pengembangan produk, Pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaku UMKM Bakmie Purnama mampu mengatasi berbagai tantangan bisnis dan meningkatkan daya saing mereka di pasar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan dalam efisiensi operasional, kualitas produk, dan efektivitas pemasaran. Hasil Pengabdian ini memberikan pandangan mendalam tentang pentingnya pemberdayaan pelaku UMKM dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompleks. Pengalaman Bakmie Purnama menjadi contoh nyata tentang bagaimana kombinasi strategi pemberdayaan dan upaya pengembangan dapat memengaruhi pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan menguntungkan.
Pengaruh Penambahan Dekstrin dan Kulit Buah Naga Merah terhadap Karakteristik Fisiko Kimia dan Organoleptik Serbuk Mangga Gadung Klonal 21 Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono; Tutik Diana
Mutiara : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): MUTIARA - OKTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61404/jimi.v1i2.30


Mango Gadung Clonal 21 (Mangifera indica L.) is the result of crossbreeding between Gadung Mango and Arumanis, acknowledged as a native fruit of Pasuruan Regency. However, the sales of this fruit decline during the peak harvest season, causing difficulties for farmers in processing ripe fruit. Therefore, technology is needed to enhance shelf life and create innovative products using Mango Gadung Clonal 21 (Mangifera indica L.) as the base ingredient, with the addition of antioxidants from red dragon fruit peel. The aim of this research is to assess the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics and identify the best combination of adding dextrin and red dragon fruit peel to Mango Gadung Clonal 21 (Mangifera indica L.) powder. This study employed a randomized block design with two main factors: the addition of red dragon fruit peel extract (M) with 2 levels (15 grams and 20 grams) and the addition of dextrin (D) with 3 levels (15 grams, 20 grams, and 25 grams). The study was repeated three times, resulting in a total of 18 treatments. Analysis encompassed antioxidant activity, water content, solubility, as well as organoleptic evaluations of color, aroma, taste, and texture. The best results were observed in the M1D3 treatment (15 grams of red dragon fruit peel and 25 grams of dextrin), with an antioxidant activity of 58.96 mg/ml, water content of 9.15%, solubility of 79.31%, color rating of 3.56 (liked), taste rating of 3.8 (liked), aroma rating of 3.04 (somewhat liked), and texture rating of 3.76 (liked).   Keywords: Antioxidant, Clonal 21 gadung mango, Dextrin, Red dragon fruit skin