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Journal : Perspektif

Perspektif Vol 23, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (843.423 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v23i1.682


Kekuasaan yang diperoleh pemerintah melalui mekanisme pemilihan yang berbasis kedaulatan rakyat, itu selanjutnya dijabarkan dalam kewenangan dan hukum yang melandasi kewenangan tersebut. Sejauh ini Undang-Undang, Konvensi-Konvensi Internasional yang telah diratifikasi, dan Peraturan Pemerintah, maupun Keputusan Presiden belum sepenuhnya diimplementasikan secara eksplisit dalam pembentukan Peraturan Daerah yang terkait Hukum dan HAM. Dalam penyusunan Peraturan Daerah terkait Hukum dan HAM, para pejabat yang berwenang melibatkan tenaga ahli yang memiliki kompetensi di bidang Hukum dan HAM. Pengaruh faktor kepentingan dalam pembentukkan hukum dan HAM sangat besar, seperti faktor ekonomi dan politik. Kondisi ini diduga menjadi penyebab mengapa pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembentukan Hukum dan HAM di Jawa Tengah masih bersifat elitis yakni hanya melibatkan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, sehingga tidak mencerminkan keterwakilan kepentingan masyarakat. Cara mencegah dan mengatasi kondisi tidaklah cukup dengan seruan moral saja, tapi perlu upaya yang dapat mengeliminir penyimpangan pembentukan dan penegakkan hukum dan HAM khususnya di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, ketenagakerjaan dan lingkungan hidup.The power obtained by the government through the mechanism of election based on popular sovereignty, is further elaborated in the authority and law that underlies that authority. So far the Law, International Conventions that have been ratified, and Government Regulations, as well as Presidential Decrees have not been fully implemented explicitly in the formation of Regional Regulations relating to Law and Human Rights. In the preparation of Regional Regulations relating to Law and Human Rights, the authorized officials involve experts who have competencies in the field of Law and Human Rights. The influence of interests in the formation of law and human rights is very large, such as economic and political factors. This condition is thought to be the reason why the involvement of community participation in the formation of Law and Human Rights in Central Java is still elitist in that it only involves community leaders, so it does not reflect the representation of the interests of the community. The way to prevent and overcome conditions is not enough with moral appeal only, but it requires efforts that can eliminate deviations from the formation and enforcement of law and human rights, especially in the fields of education, health, employment and the environment.