Evianah Evianah
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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UNEJ e-Proceeding 2018: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Bisnis III (SNMB3)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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AbstrakStrategi bisnis sepatu di Mojokerto agar dapat bertahan dan bersaing dengan usaha lain yangsejenis. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukandengan cara observasi, wawancara, daftar peryataan dan dokumentasi. Informasi penelitiandilakukan diseluruh UMKM sepatu Mojokerto dengan dengan karakteritik tertentu. Analisadata yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif diskriptif dengan alat analisis SWOT,IFAS, EFAS, IE. Analisis ini memperhatikan faktor lingkungan internal (Strengths danOpportunities) dan lingkungan eksternal (Weaknesses dan Threats). Hasil analisis IFAS matrikmenunjukkan skor nilai diatas rata-rata dari keseluruhan faktor internalnya. Analisis EFASmatrik menunjukan skor nilai diatas rata-rata dari keseluruhan faktor eksternalnya. Analisisdengan menggunakan SWOT matrik menunjukkan skor nilai terbesar pada strategi StrenghtsOpportunities (SO). Hasil analisis dengan Internal Eksternal (IE) matrik menunjukkan posisiUMKM produk sepatu di Mojokerto pada kuadran IV yang menunjukkan pada posisi kuatsedangkan analisis lingkungan eksternal pada posisi sedang. Posisi ini mengindikasikan UMKMsepatu Mojokerto dalam kondisi tumbuh dan membangun (grow and built). Strategi yang bisaditerapkan yaitu dengan strategi Strenght Opportunity (SO) dengan memaksimalkan kekuatanyang dimiliki dan memperhatikan peluang pasar. Strategi ini perlu ditunjang denganpeningkatan SDM (performance of human resourch), penetrasi pasar (market penetration),pengembangan pasar (market development), dan pengembangan produk (productdevelopment).Kata kunci: Strategi bisnis, Strengths, Threats, Opportunities, Weakneses
Dampak instagram terhadap perilaku konsumtif dalam berbelanja online antara laki – laki dan perempuan Evianah Evianah; Dewi Nuraini
Forum Manajemen Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Forum Manajemen
Publisher : STIMI Handayani Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61938/fm.v21i1.515


The emergence of Instagram greatly influenced the community in doing online learning. With photos promoted in the Instagram application by online shops, it has a lot of impact on the consumption level of society. This doesn't only happen to women, many men also respond well to the existence of online shops that market their products through Instagram. Instagram has a lot of positive impacts on the business world, especially online shops, because it really helps them in marketing their products widely to all corners of the world, only by updating photos of their products continuously, all followers on Instagram accounts can see them, and this is can influence followers/followers on Instagram accounts to shop online. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the Instagram application and describe the consumptive behavior of buyers in Surabaya, the second objective is to determine the extent to which men and women in Surabaya have consumptive behavior in shopping online. The third objective is to find out the differences in consumptive behavior that occur between men and women in Surabaya. To test differences in consumptive behavior between men and women in shopping online through Instagram, an independent t test was used. The results of this study are that in general there are differences in consumptive behavior between men and women, but here it is women who have shopaholic tendencies, which results in a higher consumptive lifestyle impact.
Maraknya Online Shop Terhadap Perubahan Gaya Hidup Konsumtif Perempuan Evianah Evianah; Dwi Indah Mustikorini
Forum Manajemen Vol 21 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Forum Manajemen
Publisher : STIMI Handayani Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61938/fm.v21i2.530


The purpose of this study, firstly, is to analyze the rise of online shops for changes in women's consumptive lifestyle, secondly, to find out what factors cause UWKS FE students to make purchases through online shops, and thirdly, to find out the impact of online shopping. shop towards changes in the consumptive lifestyle of women in FE UWKS students. The results of this study indicate that there is a change in consumptive behavior of students at Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya, especially female students of the Faculty of Economics and Business. These changes include changes in the way of shopping which was originally conventional, such as having to come to malls, or offline shops, now to move to online shops.Another factor that can cause them to shop through online shops is the ease factor in accessing media that offers products in the online shop so that they become more consumptive. In addition, it is also caused by several factors, including time efficiency factors, as fulfillment of needs, supportive and easy access, influence from the peer environment, and the prices offered in digital marketing are very competitive, especially if the online store is a marketplace. In the marketplace the prices offered are very competitive, many shops compete in providing prices.