Mahyuni, Eka Lestari
Staf Departemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat,Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.232 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v9i1.1554


AbstractBackground:Pesticide application was a serious problem showed from occupational safety and health aspect. This research purposed to analyze the risk factor in pesticide application at farmer in Kecamatan Berastagi Karo Regency. Method:This research was used explanatory research with cross sectional design. Sample reach by purposive sampling technique from all population which has a spray farmer of pesticide. The data was collect by observation and direct interview. The variable in this research are how the risk of pesticide application based related with the health complain because using the pesticide. The data were analyzed by chi-square test.Result: The result showed there was a significant relation between, pesticide types (p value = 0,021), work period (p value=0,002) and frequencies of times to spray (hour/day) by p value = 0,018 with health complained that feels by the pesticide spray farmers.spray facility that potential effect by direct contact was not association with thr health complained.Samely with spray frequencies. Spraying farmers in Brastagi has risk to be toxic from direct contact because they are not using the personal safety equipment in completely and uncorrect using of pesticide from saving process that near by their kitchen and affected by the sun rising, in mixing process where using their hand to mix the pesticide, not care to wind flows when they spray the pesticide, and uncorrect throw the residue of pesticides in their land. Conclusion: there was a relationship between pesticide types, work period and frequencies of times to spray. There is no association between spray facility and spray frequencies. Recommendation to the regency goverment to promote and train the farmers the correct of pesticide using. Beside to do the health screening to prevent the pesticide toxicity. Key word: pesticide, spraying pesticide farmers, pesticide application, pesticide toxicity  AbstrakLatar Belakang:Penggunaan pestisida merupakan permasalahan yang perlu diperhatikan terutama dalam aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko dalam penggunaan pestisida terhadap keluhan kesehatan pada petani di Kabupaten Karo.Metode:Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling dari seluruh populasi penyemprot pestisida di Kecamatan Berastagi. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara langsung. Variabel yang diteliti adalahrisiko penggunaan pestisida berdasarkan lama kerja, waktu kerja, jenis pestisida dan proses penggunaan pestisida yaitu pencampuran pestisida, penyemprotan pestisida, dan penyimpanan pestisida. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji Chi square.Hasil:Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang significant antara jenis pestisida yang digunakan (p value = 0,021), lama kerja (p value=0,002), dan frekuensi lama penyemprotan (jam/hari) dengan p value = 0,018 dengan keluhan kesehatan yang dirasakan petani penyemprot pestisida. Penggunaan alat semprot yang berpotensi terjadi kontak langsung dengan pestisida tidak memiliki hubungan yang significant dengan keluhan kesehatan yang dirasakan petani. Sama halnya dengan frekuensi penyemprotan juga tidak memiliki hubungan dengan keluhan kesehatan.  Petani penyemprot pestisida di Kecamatan Berastagi berisiko mengalami keracunan pestisida melalui kontak langsung akibat tidak menggunakan pelindung diri yang lengkap dan penggunaan pestisida yang tidak tepat yaitu mulai dari proses penyimpanan yang dekat dengan dapur dan terkena sinar matahari, proses pencampuran dimana masih ada petani yang mencampur pestisida di wadah dengan menggunakan tangan, proses penyemprotan yang tidak memperhatikan arah angin, hingga pembuangan wadah  pestisida habis pakai yang sembarang di lahan perkebunan.Kesimpulan:Terdapat hubungan antara jenis pestisida, lama kerja dan frekuensi lama penyemprotan.  Tidak ada hubungan jenis alat penyemprot dan frekuensi penyemprotan. Disarankan agar petani diberi penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan dalam penggunaan pestisida yang aman dan tepat dan sesuai prosedur. Di samping itu perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan untuk mencegah efek keracunan pestisida. Kata Kunci: pestisida, petani penyemprot, proses penggunaan pestisida, keracunan pestisida 
Dermatosis (Kelainan Kulit) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Pemulung Di Tpa Terjun Medan Marelan Lestari Mahyuni, Eka
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.393 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.11.2.101-109


Pemulung merupakan pekerjaan yang cukup berbahaya bagi kesehatan ataupun keselamatan kerja karena selalu berinteraksi dengan sampah sebagai sumber berkumpulnya kuman penyakit dan sarana yang baik bagi berkembangbiaknya vector penyakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dermatosis (kelainan kulit) yang dialami pemulung ditinjau dari aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Populasi berjumlah 450 orang dan tersebar dalam 3 strata kelompok umur yaitu 6-14 tahun, 15-50 tahun dan > 50 tahun. Sampel berjumlah 82 orang yang diambil dengan cara proportional stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemulung terbanyak adalah perempuan dengan masa kerja berkisar 1-17 tahun, bekerja selama 8-11 jam sehari. Dari 46 orang yang mengalami gangguan kulit, 4 orang (9 %) mengalami dermatitis kontak. Gangguan kulit lain yang tersebar di antara pemulung adalah scabies, tinea korporis, tinea falvalis,tinea versikolor, candidiasis, karbonkel, folikulitis, dan miliria rubra yang disebabkan karena jamur, parasit dan aktivitas keringat yang berlebih. Gangguan kulit ini terjadi karena pakaian yang berlapis dan cuaca panas serta kebersihan diri yang kurang dari pola kerja pemulung. Kata Kunci : Pemulung, Gangguan Kulit, APD
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.232 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v9i1.1554


AbstractBackground:Pesticide application was a serious problem showed from occupational safety and health aspect. This research purposed to analyze the risk factor in pesticide application at farmer in Kecamatan Berastagi Karo Regency. Method:This research was used explanatory research with cross sectional design. Sample reach by purposive sampling technique from all population which has a spray farmer of pesticide. The data was collect by observation and direct interview. The variable in this research are how the risk of pesticide application based related with the health complain because using the pesticide. The data were analyzed by chi-square test.Result: The result showed there was a significant relation between, pesticide types (p value = 0,021), work period (p value=0,002) and frequencies of times to spray (hour/day) by p value = 0,018 with health complained that feels by the pesticide spray farmers.spray facility that potential effect by direct contact was not association with thr health complained.Samely with spray frequencies. Spraying farmers in Brastagi has risk to be toxic from direct contact because they are not using the personal safety equipment in completely and uncorrect using of pesticide from saving process that near by their kitchen and affected by the sun rising, in mixing process where using their hand to mix the pesticide, not care to wind flows when they spray the pesticide, and uncorrect throw the residue of pesticides in their land. Conclusion: there was a relationship between pesticide types, work period and frequencies of times to spray. There is no association between spray facility and spray frequencies. Recommendation to the regency goverment to promote and train the farmers the correct of pesticide using. Beside to do the health screening to prevent the pesticide toxicity. Key word: pesticide, spraying pesticide farmers, pesticide application, pesticide toxicity  AbstrakLatar Belakang:Penggunaan pestisida merupakan permasalahan yang perlu diperhatikan terutama dalam aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko dalam penggunaan pestisida terhadap keluhan kesehatan pada petani di Kabupaten Karo.Metode:Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling dari seluruh populasi penyemprot pestisida di Kecamatan Berastagi. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara langsung. Variabel yang diteliti adalahrisiko penggunaan pestisida berdasarkan lama kerja, waktu kerja, jenis pestisida dan proses penggunaan pestisida yaitu pencampuran pestisida, penyemprotan pestisida, dan penyimpanan pestisida. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji Chi square.Hasil:Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang significant antara jenis pestisida yang digunakan (p value = 0,021), lama kerja (p value=0,002), dan frekuensi lama penyemprotan (jam/hari) dengan p value = 0,018 dengan keluhan kesehatan yang dirasakan petani penyemprot pestisida. Penggunaan alat semprot yang berpotensi terjadi kontak langsung dengan pestisida tidak memiliki hubungan yang significant dengan keluhan kesehatan yang dirasakan petani. Sama halnya dengan frekuensi penyemprotan juga tidak memiliki hubungan dengan keluhan kesehatan.  Petani penyemprot pestisida di Kecamatan Berastagi berisiko mengalami keracunan pestisida melalui kontak langsung akibat tidak menggunakan pelindung diri yang lengkap dan penggunaan pestisida yang tidak tepat yaitu mulai dari proses penyimpanan yang dekat dengan dapur dan terkena sinar matahari, proses pencampuran dimana masih ada petani yang mencampur pestisida di wadah dengan menggunakan tangan, proses penyemprotan yang tidak memperhatikan arah angin, hingga pembuangan wadah  pestisida habis pakai yang sembarang di lahan perkebunan.Kesimpulan:Terdapat hubungan antara jenis pestisida, lama kerja dan frekuensi lama penyemprotan.  Tidak ada hubungan jenis alat penyemprot dan frekuensi penyemprotan. Disarankan agar petani diberi penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan dalam penggunaan pestisida yang aman dan tepat dan sesuai prosedur. Di samping itu perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan untuk mencegah efek keracunan pestisida. Kata Kunci: pestisida, petani penyemprot, proses penggunaan pestisida, keracunan pestisida 
Empowerment group of Farmer’s wife to reduce the Pesticide Toxicity Mahyuni, Eka Lestari; Eyanoer, Puteri Chairani; Mutiara, Erna; Lubis, Arfah Mardiana; Syahri, Isyatun Mardhiah
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.147 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v4i2.4174


Community empowerment is the one of efforts that undertaken as part of the health promotion which aimed to improve public health. In general, one of the phenomena of society which are expected to consume vegetables and fruits in balance quantity and quality. Consumption of vegetables and fruits also become the second destination health measures of GERMAS (Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat). Karo is an area that is synonymous with the world of agriculture and many farming communities are vulnerable to disease because of exposure to the working environment, either physical or chemical. The farming community is also almost no health care and more oriented to produce in optimum. In addition, there are many groups that still non-productive and can be developed, one group of wives of farmers. The solution given in service activities to produce the healthy food like a salad of vegetables and fruits with antioxidant power, antisianin and other nutrients that protect and maintain the farmer’s health from several symptoms of illness due to consumption patterns and patterns of work at risk. Devotion done by brainstorming methods, training and demonstration of manufacture of the product with the target groups of farmers wife. Outcomes targeted is a food product healthy namely Salad Pelangi as food is beneficial to balance the body, nourish and protect the health of the body as well as foods that have anti venom and avoid hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and chemical effects of occupational risks as farmers. Other outcomes in the form of a scientific article and video activities. The content of Salad Pelangi are choosen from the fruits and vegetable that has the rainbow colour such as tomato, carrot, orange, avocado, jelly, yam, and purple cabbage. All of these has the antioxidant function that could be reduce the pesticide toxicity.
The Impact of Work Method on Musculoskeletal Disorders Complaints in Pharmacy Unit Nasution, Achmad Delianur; Mahyuni, Eka Lestari
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol 14, No 2 (2020): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v14i2.2478


Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are complaints on parts of skeletal muscle which is perceived by someone ranging from mild to severe. These complaints often occur in the manual process, heavy workload, and work environment interactions that may lead to a non-ergonomic work posture. This study aims to analyze the impact of the work method to MSDs complaints at the pharmacy unit of The University of Sumatera Utara Hospital. Method: This study is an observational survey using a cross-sectional design. The population was all workers in the pharmacy unit of the University of Sumatera Utara Hospital numbered 27 people. Samples were taken from the total population. Data were collected using camera media and direct observation of the work process that took place in the pharmacy unit of USU Hospital. Musculoskeletal complaints were obtained by mapping the pain using Nordic Body Map (NBM). The data obtained were analyzed using a simple logistic regression test to see the impact of the working methods of the pharmacy unit workers on their complaints of musculoskeletal disorders. Results: There was a significant association between work methods in the Pharmacy unit and the MSDs complaints with p-value = 0,001. This was supported by the mean of the work patterns in the pharmacy unit which have a heavy workload and the interaction with the layout according to anthropometry. There was a significant association between the work method causing musculoskeletal complaints when the drug compounding process (p = 0.000). It was evidenced from the result of NBM questionnaire that the three most prevalent complaints of MSDs were pain around the neck, back, and right shoulder. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the static working methods with a heavy workload must be accompanied by a relaxation to avoid burn out and fatigue.
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Lingkungan dan Keselamatan Kerja
Publisher : Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.209 KB)


Correlation Between Energy Consumption and Productivity of Workers Are Elderly Sorting Workers at Klambir V PTPN II 2012. Level of energy consumption is take from food consumption, every worker have relation with productivity when do work. This research is quantitative design analytical survey to analyze the relation between level of energy consumption and productivity of elderly sorting workers  at the Kebun Klambir V PTPN II in 2012. Samples based on purposive sampling as many as  25 people from contract workers at Kebun Klambir V PTPN II.The study of energy consumption using food recall questioner the productivity showed with the leaves of tobacco bonds.The result of  good level energy consumption 13 people (52,0%), 9 peoples with appropriate productivity (69,2%) and 4 people with unappropriate productivity (30,8%). Less level  energy consumption  there are 12 people (48,0%) with less energy consumption no one with appropriate productivity  and 12 (100%) with unapporpriate productivity. This relation between level of energy consumption and productivity showed signfiicant result which meant there were relation between level of energy consumption and productivity (P=0,000). Key words : level of energy consumption, productivity, elderly sorting worker.
PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO PADA PABRIK KELAPA SAWIT (PKS) PTPN IV UNIT USAHA PABATU TAHUN 2015 jumirsa hijriani; halinda sari lubis; eka lestari mahyuni
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Lingkungan & Kesehatan Kerja
Publisher : Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.171 KB)


ABSTRACT The workers at PTPN IV Unit Usaha Pabatu directly confronted with the production process during operational activities, so that the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is important, therefore, it needed the good of OHS risk management to get zero accident. The company has implemented OHS risk management but there are still found work accidents and occupational problems. This study described the results of hazard identification, risk assessment and occupational accidents control by using HIRAC method 2015. This research was descriptive research that describes the application of risk management in the palm oil mill. Technique of collecting data used in this study was assessment documents. The implementation of risk management at PTPN IV Unit Usaha Pabatu 2015 implemented by the independent risk management team at seven stations is sortation/ loading ramp station, sterilizier station, thresher station, pressan station, klarification station, kernel station, and boiler station. The implementation of risk management based on the results of HIRAC 2015 showed that there are in each station, yet according with government regulations No.50 tahun 2012, because risk assessment not rated objectively. The company has implemented the risk control like the compliance of work instructions, installation of OHS signs, fire extinguisher provision and the usage of personal protective equipment (PPE). It is regulated in accordance with government regulations No.50 tahun 2012. Based on the results of the study, OHS management is expected to conduct OHS training and to improve the socialization of OHS to the workers.
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Lingkungan & Kesehatan Kerja
Publisher : Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.284 KB)


ABSTRACT The accident that happened to the company truck drivers besides harmed directly to the victims, also raised the big impact to the company. Therefore, a research about factors that influence to the potential of the work accident of the truck drivers at PT BerkatNugraha SinarLestari, Belawan in 2015. The research samples are 39 truck drivers. The characteristic of this research is analytic using cross sectional design. The data analysis used are univariate, bivariate using Exact Fisher test and multivariate using Binary Logistic Regression test with backward stepwise method. The result of the research shows that truck drivers who ever got work accident are 14 drivers (35.9%) and 25 drivers (64.1%) are never got work accident. The result of exact fisher test show that the condition of the vehicle, the condition of the road and the condition of the body physical have a corellation to the potential of the work accident. The result of binary logistic regression test with backward stepwise method show that the most significant variable influence is the condition of the body physical with value p=0,003 and Exp (/6)=0,065. According to the result of this research, it is suggested to PT BerkatNugraha SinarLestari to provide a seat bearing for truck driver in order to reduce the vibration when they go passing the broken road. After driving for 4 hours, the drivers must take a rest at least 30minutes. After that, drivers must stretch leg, hand, shoulder, and the whole body muscles in order to release muscle tension and drowsiness before continuing the trip. In addition, the truck drivers must provide mineral water during the trip in order to left out thirsty or drowsiness while driving and be careful when driving a truck.
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Lingkungan & Kesehatan Kerja
Publisher : Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.309 KB)


ABSTRACT Sales promotion girl (SPG) that have risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) of limb muscles on the bottom of which are affected by the individual characteristics and the user of high heels for eight hours with minimum height of 5 cm when they are working. So, the research are done about complaining musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) on Suzuya’s sales promotion girl at Medan Plaza in  2015. This research is descriptive with the sample as many as 64 people. Variable in the research are age, body mass index (BMI ), the duration of use shoes, and the height of heels. The results of research indicates based on age of respondents had a limb muscles on the bottom the largest is single age category  25-28 years with fourteen people (21,9 % ). Based on body mass index (BMI) respondents had a limb muscles, the highest is  in  the category of body mass index (BMI) with twenty people overweight (31,2% ). Based on the duration of use shoes of respondents had a limb muscles, the highest  is at the bottom of the shoes 2-6 years with twenty six people (40,6% ). And based on the height of heels of respondents who experienced complaints in the muscles the lower extremity most were into the category of a high shoes 7 cm as many as thirty seven people (57,8%). From the research suggested that sales promotion girl (SPG) do relaxation and stretch after 4  hours of work and to wear a sandal or flat shoes in rest time of work and going to home. the company suggested to assign a supervisor in the area to remind sales promotion girl (SPG) every a briefing time on the recommendations given by the author.
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Lingkungan & Kesehatan Kerja
Publisher : Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.474 KB)


ABSTRACT The activity of tobacco sorter with unergonomics work posture have some risks to cause musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal disorders are disorders on joints, ligaments and tendons that caused by static load receives on muscle repetitive and continuously in long periods of time. The research was survey analitic with cross sectional design that aims to find out the correlation of work posture to musculoskeletal disorder in tobacco sorter at Tobacco Storeroom Kebun Klumpang SUTK PTPN II. Sample of this study was 30 workers of tobacco sorter (total population). The data of work posture were gathered with REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) method and Nordic Body Map questionnaire to assess the level of musculoskeletal complaints. The data analyzed using Chi Square statistic test. The result of the study showed that worker in low category of musculoskeletal complaints was 10 workers (33,3%) and 20 workers (66,7%) was in medium category. The biggest number of musculoskeletal complaint in pain was in the back 83,3%. The other was in waist, buttocks, legs, lower neck, shoulders, and thighs. The biggest number of musculoskeletal complaint in very pain was in legs 16,7%. The other was in waist, thighs,buttocks, ankles, foots, upper arm, and knees. The result of work posture assessment with REBA method showed that worker with low level risk of work posture  was 8 workers (26,7%) and the worker with medium level risk was 22 workers (73,3%). The result of Chi Square statistic test showed that there were significant relation between work posture with musculoskeletal complaint at p value 0,007 which was p < 0,05. Thus, work posture had relation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders in tobacco sorter. It is recommended for the worker to work with sitting erect posture,  interspersed with bent slightly.