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Vidya Karya Vol 31, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.485 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v31i1.3973


Abstract:  The imbalance of the distribution of study field-teachers in state senior high schools (SMAN) in the whole area of Banjarmasin city has became the background of this research. This research aimed at: (1) describing the real condition of distribution of study fields-teachers in state senior high schools in Banjarmasin city, (2) describing the analysis of the number of study field-teachers needed for each state senior high school in the whole area of Banjarmasin city, and (3) identifying the number of study field-teachers that needed and exceed the need for each state senior high school in the whole area of Banjarmasin city. This survey research used the technique of interview and documentation in collecting data. The collected data were presented in the forms of tables and graphics and descriptively analyzed. The research result showed that: (1) there are 552 study field-teachers that spread in 13 state senior high schools in the whole area of Banjarmasin city, (2) the number of study field-teachers needed in state senior high schools in the whole area of Banjarmasin city were 593 teachers, and (3) study fields that exceed in the number of teachers needed were in the fields of religion education, civics education, English language, biology, physics, and counseling training. While study fields that lack of the number of teachers were in the fields of Indonesian language, math, chemistry, economy/ accountancy, sociology, geography, history, art, information and communication technique, local content, and foreign/ethnic language. Keywords: distribution, teacher, and state senior high school (SMAN) Banjarmasin.     Abstrak:  Kondisi belum meratanya penyebaran guru mata pelajaran di SMAN se-Kotamadya Banjarmasin mendorong penulis untuk melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan kondisi rill penyebaran guru mata pelajaran di SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin, (2) mendeskripsikan analisis kebutuhan guru mata pelajaran di SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin, (3) mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan kelebihan guru per mata pelajaran di SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) jumlah guru mata pelajaran yang tersebar di 13 SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin adalah sebanyak 552 orang, (2) Jumlah guru mata pelajaran yang diperlukan di SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan adalah sebanyak 593 orang, (3) Kelebihan jumlah guru SMAN se-kota Banjarmasin terjadi pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Bahasa Inggris, Biologi, Fisika, dan Bimbingan Konseling, sedangkan yang masih kekurangan guru terjadi pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, Kimia, Ekonomi/Akuntansi, Sosiologi, Geografi, Sejarah, Kesenian, Teknik Informasi dan Komunikasi, Muatan Lokal, dan Bahasa Asing/Daerah. Kata Kunci: penyebaran, guru, dan SMAN Banjarmasin
Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Ekologi Tumbuhan Anisa Yuliani; Dharmono Dharmono; Akhmad Naparin
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 14, No 1 (2017): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The 2013 curriculum has a pattern in which to create a creative Indonesian human being. The creative thinking abilities is important because it makes learners have many ways to solve problems with different perceptions and concepts. Compenents of creative thinking abilities include fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Problem solving can be used to increase motivation and cultivate creative traits. The purpose of this research is to describe the achievement aspect of each level of student’s creative thinking ability Program Biology Education of Lambung Mangkurat University in problem solving of plant ecology. This research method using quantitative approach and descriptive research type. Quantitative data from the result of student answers do written tasks that will be analyzed in percentage, then coverted into data description. The result of achievement aspect of each level of student’s creative thinking ability student of Biology Education Lambung Mangkurat University in problem solving namely the creative level with fluency aspect is high, flexibility and novelty is medium. The quite creative level with fluency, flexibility and novelty is medium. The less creative level with fluency is medium, flexibility and novelty is low.
Kajian Etnobotani Tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia Speciosa) di Kawasan Hutan Bukit Tamiang Kabupaten Tanah Laut sebagai Buku Ilmiah Populer: (Ethnobotany Study of Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) in Tamiang Hill Forest of Tanah Laut Regency as a Popular Scientific Book) Siti Muthia Rahmah; Dharmono Dharmono; Aminuddin Prahatama Putra
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 01 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i01.12048


The development of the popular scientific book Ethnobotany of the Bungur plant (Lagerstroemia speciosa) is important because it can raise the local potential of the community in the Bukit Tamiang area and as an enrichment material for the Ethnobotany course in the ULM Biology education program. This study aims to describe the ethnobotany study of Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) in the Bukit Tamiang forest area, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan and to describe the validity and practicality of the contents of popular scientific books. This method uses two types of research, namely descriptive research, interviews with the public about the Bungur plant and followed by the formative evaluation of the Tessmer test for validation and practicality of the contents of Popular Scientific Books. The results of research on Bungur plants (Lagerstroemia speciosa) in the Bukit Tamiang forest area have various studies including botanical, ethno-ecological, ethno-pharmacological, ethnoanthropological, ethno-economic, and ethno-linguistic studies. The conclusion from the development of a popular scientific book on the study of the ethnobotany of the Bungur plant (Lagerstroemia speciosa) is that expert test results were obtained by two validators with an average value of 90.3% with very valid criteria and the results of the practicality of the content on individual tests by three students getting average results. percentage 3,7% with very good criteria. The advantages of developing a popular scientific book on the ethnobotany study of the Bungur plant (Lagerstroemia speciosa) can be used by students as an enrichment material for Ethnobotany courses and can be read by the wider community because this popular scientific book developed is structured in such a way that it is easily understood by readers. However, the weakness is that the learning material contained in this developed book is insufficient so that further research is needed. Abstrak. Pengembangan buku ilmiah populer Etnobotani tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) penting dilakukan karena dapat mengangkat potensi lokal masyarakat di kawasan Bukit Tamiang dan sebagai bahan pengayaan untuk mata kuliah Etnobotani di prodi pendidikan Biologi ULM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kajian etnobotani tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) di kawasan hutan Bukit Tamiang Kabupaten Tanah Laut Kalimantan Selatan dan mendeskripsikan validitas serta kepraktisan isi buku ilmiah popular. Metode ini menggunakan dua jenis penelitian, yaitu penelitian deskriptif wawancara kepada masyarakat tentang tumbuhan Bungur dan dilanjutkan evaluasi formatif uji Tessmer untuk validasi dan kepraktisan  isi Buku Ilmiah Populer. Hasil penelitian tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) di kawasan hutan Bukit Tamiang memiliki berbagai kajian diantaranya kajian botani, etno-ekologi, etno-farmakologi, etnoantropologi, etno-ekonomi, dan etno-linguistik. Kesimpulan dari pengembangan buku ilmiah populer kajian etnobotani tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) yaitu didapatkan hasil uji pakar oleh dua validator dengan nilai rata-rata 90,3% dengan kriteria sangat valid dan hasil kepraktisan isi pada uji perorangan oleh tiga mahasiswa mendapatkan hasil rata-rata  persentase 3,7% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Kelebihan dari pengembangan buku ilmiah populer kajian etnobotani tumbuhan Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa) ini dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai bahan pengayaan mata kuliah Etnobotani dan dapat dibaca oleh masyarakat luas karena buku ilmiah populer yang dikembangkan ini disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.  Namun, kelemahannya yaitu kurang luasnya materi pembelajaran yang dimuat pada buku yang dikembangkan ini sehingga perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan.