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INDONESIAN ENTREPRENEUR'S BAROMETER 2004 ( SECOND PAPER OF TWO ) Arnold, John; Waworuntu, Rossy; Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro; Tjakraatmadja, Jann Hidajat; Dhewanto, Wawan
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 4, No 2 2005
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This year, for the first time, Ernst & Young Indonesia and School of Business and Management (SBM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) conducted Indonesian Entrepreneursâ?? Barometer survey. This first Indonesian Entrepreneurâ??s Barometer, surveyed Indonesian entrepreneur to get the views of entrepreneurs who are qualified as outstanding amongst their peers. Survey respondents were selected by Ernst & Young Indonesia panels. The survey covers motivations, future plans and perceptions about Indonesian business environment. The results are presented in 4 chapters under the following title: â?? Succesful Entrepreneurs and their Businessâ?, â?? Funding & Wealth Realizationâ?, â?? Entrepreneurâ??s Outlookâ? and â?? Business Environmentâ?. The second paper covers the last two chapters.
Indonesian Entrepreneur's Barometer 2004 Successful Entrepreneur ( First Report ) Arnold, John; Waworuntu, Rossy; Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro; Tjakraatmadja, Jann Hidajat; Dhewanto, Wawan
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 4, No 1 2005
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This year, for the first time, Ernst & Young Indonesia and School of Business and Management (SBM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) conducted Indonesian Entrepreneurs’ Barometer survey. This first Indonesian Entrepreneur’s Barometer, surveyed Indonesian entrepreneur to get the views of entrepreneurs who are qualified as outstanding amongst their peers. Survey respondents were selected by Ernst & Young Indonesia panels. The survey covers motivations, future plans and perceptions about Indonesian business environment. The results are presented in four sub-chapters under the following title: “ Succesful Entrepreneurs and their Business”, “ Funding & Wealth Realization”, “ Entrepreneur’s Outlook” and “ Business Environment”. This paper covers the first two chapters. In today’s time based competition, high equipment productivity in a manufacturing line is necessary in ensuring a competitive company. Focused Productive Maintenance emphasizes the importance of achieving profitability through equipment effectiveness. This paper demonstrates the logic of Buffer Management and Focused Productive Maintenance to shape competitive advantage in utilizing resources. Some ideas for future are given.
Privatisasi sebagai Kecenderungan Lingkungan Usaha BUMN Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 2 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Privatisasi dewasa ini merupakan salah satu topik bahasan dominan dalam kancah kebijakan publik yang berkaitan dengan peran pemerintah dalam perekonomian menyusul gagalnya sistem perencanaan terpusat di negara-negara komunis. Makalah ini membahas beberapa pertanyaan mendasar seputar masalah privatisasi sebagai kecenderungan lingkungan usaha Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), dengan menyoroti alasan pentingnya pembahasan masalah privatisasi, mengapa dan bagaimana privatisasi perlu dilakukan dan apa dampaknya. Dengan mengulas pelaksanaan privatisasi di Indonesia, makalah ini ditutup dengan pembahasan mengenai implikasinya bagi para Pimpinan Puncak BUMN.Kata kunci: privatisasi, BUMN, kebijakan publik, Indonesia
Analisis Dinamika Kolaborasi antara Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi Aceh dan Nias (BRR) dengan Lembaga Donor Pasca Tsunami 2004 menggunakan Drama Theory Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 1 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Indikator kelengkapan peran individu digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja tim. Sedangkan nilai-nilai personal menggunakan kombinasi dari dimensi multikultural yang diambil dari Hofstede and Trompenaars. Dan kepemimpinan kolaboratif sebagai variabel moderator menggunakan faktor-faktor dari Collaborative Leadership Turning Point (2001). Pengambilan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke para pegawai PT Jasa Marga (Persero), Tbk, dan selanjutnya diolah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda.Riset ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat tiga variabel yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja tim. Variabel-variabel tersebut adalah long term orientation, power distance, and neutral affective. Variabel power distance dan neutral affective memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja tim setelah diperkuat oleh variabel kepemimpinan kolaboratif.Kata kunci: Kolaborasi, Dilema, Drama Theory, Tsunami, BRR, Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi
Roles of Emotion in Negotiation Process: An Application of Drama Theory in Citarum Riverbasin Problem Putro, Utomo Sarjono; Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro; Ariyanto, Khrisna
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 7, No 1 2008
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Citarum was a clean river which local people enjoyed fishing and recreation, however now its condition has already changed totally. Currently, the river can not provide its social services, such as clean water, electricity, fishing, tourisms, transportation, and public recreation. In rainy season, the color of river is brown because it contains mud from bald lands erosion along the river. In dry season, the color of river has changed to black and full of household wastes. In spite of many seminars were held, classical problems always arise. There are floods in rainy season but changes drastically to drought in dry season. There are some factors which cause the problem, i.e. illegal lodging and the population exploading in upper stream, population from industries in down stream, etc. this paper tries to see the Citarum problem from a different point of view, and starts from the belief that if stakeholders (or agents) in the Citarum problem collaborate to solve the problem, then Citarum river will be better and better. This paper analyzes negotiation process among the agents, and tries to describe how the negotiation process can end with collaboration. In the first step, drama theory framework is applied to model the negotiation process. Then, we simulate model by using SOARS (Spot Oriented Agent Role Similator). Finally, simulation results show that emotion of agents has important role to encourage collaboration; that is, the more the agents who have positive emotion (or tend to compromise), the less the number of impediments (or dilemma) to achieve collaboration. Keywords: quality policy, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), higher education
Process of Privatization: International Initial Public Offering (IPO) of an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 1 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper describes process of privatization through international initial public offering (IPO) of an Indonesia State Owned Enterprice (SOE). The case referred to in this paper is PT Tambang Timah, an Indonesian Mining SOE, which previously suffered from fundamental change in the industry but was successfully turned around prior to its IPO. The discussion starts with the background on privatization of SOEs  by  highlighting  the  historical  policies  of Government  toward  SOEs,  environmental  changes leading to improving performance of SOEs, and IPO as an alternative to improving SOE's performance. It followed by a summary description of a successful turn-around and privatization of PTTambang Timah as the case example. It concluded with some lessons learned from the process as well as the specific case.Keywords: Initial public offering, PT Tambang Timah, mining
Determining Business Strategy of Seismic Survey Vendor Based on Competitive Advantages: Case Study Elnusa Geoscience Soewargono, Dadang; Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 1, No 10 (2012)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Elnusa TBK is one of the biggest oil services in Indonesia established 42 years ago and now have three divisions : 1) Geoscience Services, 2) Drilling Services and 3) Oilfield Services. In the increasingly global competitive oil and gas services industry, company must choose to sharpen its business portfolio.  Competition in the oil and gas services business is quite high, including the entry of several foreign players which forced Elnusa to improve its service and business strategy. This Final Project focus on Geoscience Services division which has the biggest revenue in Elnusa TBK.  Currently Elnusa Geoscience cannot compete with competitors because its fixed cost cannot be reduced.  Therefore, Elnusa Geoscience has to find a way the strategy to compete in this situation.This final project will explore business issues and analyze the factors in oil & gas services industry situation.  Finally this final project provide several alternatives strategy recommendation and implementation plan.. Keywords : competitiveness, oil & gas service company, business strategy
Applying Rational Framework in PT. Sejahtera’S Business Process to enhance Corporate Road Map, Decisions, Company Activities and Project Executions Fajar, Dimas; Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro; Sunitiyoso, Yos
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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The study aims to applying rational framework of processes in the problem solving of PT. Sejahtera’s Partnership and Organization challenges. It also focuses to problem analysis of organizational problem which produce disharmony among consortium members. With that result, a SMART analysis can be done to select Solution for the current situation and evaluate potential problem analysis in the two best course of action which is suited to company roadmap and strategy. The company shall be recommended to implement a combination of rational process and partnership selection process to have maximum benefit on a project and not to fall into the same organizational problem such as in previous RFID project. Furthermore, the company should replace the previous partnership and create a new partnership with a fresh start of rational selection. Selecting a project shall be inseparable with selecting with the right partnership. A partnership shall be evaluated accordingly by the principle of best practice and evaluated in criteria of technical risks, commercial risk and other project criteria that were driven by company strategy which access based strategy, gain track new record and innovations, also avoid Red Ocean Arenas. The rational framework of processes not only revising company strategy in practical level, but the process has to be implemented in projects and activities. Keywords: Rational Framework, Decision Making, Problem Analysis, SMART analysis and Potential Problem Analysis