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ORASI: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/orasi.v12i2.8947


Menjadi perempuan di era modern dan tetap teguh melestarikan tradisi ngemblok bukanlah hal yang mudah. Sebab inilah penulis melakukan penelitian di Desa Lodan Kecamatan Sarang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi para perempuan dalam mengenalkan budayanya kepada masyarakat luas dan publik. Penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif lapangan dengan pendekatan historis, hal ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi dari struktur sejarah baik makna dan praktiknya. Sedangkan dalam penggalian datanya penulis menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi agar data yang diperoleh dapat dengan baik di analisis sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan. Adapun hasil penelitian penulis ialah bahwa perempuan di Desa Lodan Kecamatan Sarang terlebih dahulu sudah hidup dilingkungan Lodan sejak kecil sehingga mengenal tradisi ngemblok pun sudah dari usia dini, lalu dipupuk oleh interaksi-interaski baik tu dalam keluarga ini maupun lingkungan masyarakat. Pemahaman yang diperoleh perempuan baik di dalam maupun di luar Desa Lodan, berakar dari sisi makna dalam setiap praktik di tradisi ngemblok. Makna tersebut menunjukkan bahwa diri seorang perempuan sangat terjaga maarwahnya bukan justru merendahkan. Sehingga para perempuan di Desa Lodan juga memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat luar sesuai dengan pemahaman makna tradisi ngemblok yang telah diperolehnya. Para perempuan di Desa Lodan melakukan komunikasi ialah interpersonal dan antarpersonal dan tidak bersifat memaksa. Tetapi lebih menekankan pemahaman komunikator atas makna dalam praktik tradisi ngemblok.
Kliwonan dalam Perspektif Historis dan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Batang Ambar Hermawan
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 14 Nomor 1 2017
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v14i1.1210


Kliwonan Tradition is a cultural ritual for Batang society which is held every Friday every Kliwon selapanan (35 days) located in the square and the Great Mosque Batang. The event was conducted as an expression of gratitude and commemorate the services of the ancestors in the opening of Batang land and fight for Islam in the Batang region. This study aims to determine the history, value and meaning of Kliwonan in socio-cultural perspectives of Batang society. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through observation methods, interviews, documents and questionnaires as supporting data. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results showed the response of Batang society to the tradition of Kliwonan ritual is quite strong. The majority of the community showed a strongly agreed attitude to the Kliwonan event which is the hallmark of Batang district. The results of interviews with various people who respond differently. The clerics responded that Kliwonan was merely a tradition, the myths circulating in society were in fact created. Cultural circles actually think Kliwonan has metamorphas from the mystical ritual transformed into a show that is only economically charged.
Kliwonan dalam Perspektif Historis dan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Batang Ambar Hermawan
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 14 Nomor 1 2017
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.357 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v14i1.1210


Kliwonan Tradition is a cultural ritual for Batang society which is held every Friday every Kliwon selapanan (35 days) located in the square and the Great Mosque Batang. The event was conducted as an expression of gratitude and commemorate the services of the ancestors in the opening of Batang land and fight for Islam in the Batang region. This study aims to determine the history, value and meaning of Kliwonan in socio-cultural perspectives of Batang society. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through observation methods, interviews, documents and questionnaires as supporting data. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results showed the response of Batang society to the tradition of Kliwonan ritual is quite strong. The majority of the community showed a strongly agreed attitude to the Kliwonan event which is the hallmark of Batang district. The results of interviews with various people who respond differently. The clerics responded that Kliwonan was merely a tradition, the myths circulating in society were in fact created. Cultural circles actually think Kliwonan has metamorphas from the mystical ritual transformed into a show that is only economically charged.