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KEDUDUKAN HAKIM WANITA DALAM PERSPEKTIF FUQAHĂ’ (Studi Komparatif Imām Abū Hanīfah dan Ibn Jarīr At-Thabarī) Siti Mualifah; Adang Djumhur Salikin; Ubaidillah Ubaidillah
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/mahkamah.v5i1.6565


Judges are a very urgent profession, because judges are one of the highest positions in Islam. This position is higher when compared to the mufti, because the task of the judge is not just to declare the law, but also to impose a sentence in which the results of the decision must be implemented and obeyed. So that the requirements and due diligence must be upheld in a democratic, fair and honest manner. In the discourse on the terms and legal status of women serving as judges, there was a difference of opinion among the jurists and caused controversy among the Imams of the schools. This study aims to answer the questions that formulate the problem: "What is the opinion of Abū Hanīfah and Ibn Jarīr At-Thabarī regarding the position of female judges, how the similarities and differences in opinion of Abū Hanīfah and Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī regarding the position of female judges and how relevant opinion of the position of female judges in the Indonesian context between Abū Hanīfah and Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī ”. This study uses qualitative research (literature), the nature of the study used is comparative descriptive analysis, that is by describing the problems associated with and comparing the opinions of two school leaders.The conclusion of this research is that according to Abū Hanīfah, women can be judges only in civil matters (mu’amalah) not in criminal matters (qishās and hudūd), as is the assertion of the ability of a woman to be a witness and the ability of a woman to be a judge. whereas according to Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī women may be absolute judges for all cases, as Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī analogizes that women may issue fatwas that are considered valid so that in this case women may be judges and their decisions are considered valid. As for the location of the similarity of the views of Abū Hanīfah and Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī in terms of the status of women serving as judges that both do not make men the legal requirement for the appointment of a judge. Whereas the difference of opinion between the two is the authority of women judges in deciding cases in the jurisdiction, Abū Hanīfah limits the authority of women in deciding cases only in the civil domain not in hudūd and qishās. In addition, Abū Hanīfah also believes that whoever appoints a woman to be a judge is a sinner. Whereas Ibn Jarīr at-Thabarī allowed women to serve as judges absolutely and related to his appointment he absolutely allowed. Among the opinions of the two imams which is most relevant in Indonesia is the opinion of Ibn Jarīr At-Thabarī which is in accordance with the spirit of the Indonesian people today. 
PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN CIPARI KABUPATEN KUNINGAN (Analisis Penerepan Produk Mudharabah pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Karya Nugraha Jaya) Yesti Puspitasari; Adang Djumhur Salikin; Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/inklusif.v5i2.5543


 ABSTRACThe progress of the village and kelurahan community is the progress of a village. This study aims to describe the economic potential, both opportunities and challenges of the Cipari Village, to what extent the role of the KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya in the economic empowerment of the Cipari Village community, and the application of the mudharabah program at the KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya in the Cipari Village. This study uses a qualitative method. The data to be used is primary data that is data obtained by researchers from respondents at the time of the interview and secondary data that is data obtained from company data. It can be concluded that Cipari Village has very good potential to empower its people. KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya has a strong enough role to empower the community in Cipari Village. It can be seen that 40% of KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya members are from Cipari Village. The mudharabah application program at KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya, although not entirely the same, the financing used resembles mudharabah.Keywords: Community Empowerment, Mudharabah, Cooperatives ABSTRAKKemajuan masyarakat desa dan kelurahan menjadi kemajuan bagi suatu desa atau kelurahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan potensi ekonomi, baik peluang maupun tantangan yang dimiliki oleh Kelurahan Cipari, sampai sejauh mana peran Koperasi Serba Usaha yang kemudian disingkat KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Kelurahan Cipari, dan penerapan program mudharabah pada KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya di Kelurahan Cipari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data yang akan digunakan adalah data primer yakni data yang diperoleh oleh peneliti dari responden pada saat wawancara dan data sekunder yakni data yang diperoleh dari data-data perusahaan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kelurahan Cipari memiliki potensi yang sangat baik untuk memberdayakan masyarakatnya. KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya memiliki peran yang cukup kuat untuk memberdayakan masyarakat di Kelurahan Cipari. Dapat dilihat 40% anggota KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya berasal dari Kelurahan Cipari. Program penerapan mudharabah pada KSU Karya Nugraha Jaya, meskipun tidak sepenuhnya sama akan tetapi pembiayaan yang digunakan menyerupai mudharabah.Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Mudharabah; Koperasi
Sustainability Of Muslim Family Livelihoods In The Perspective Of Sustainable Development Goals Ahmad Alamuddin Yasin; Adang Djumhur Salikin; Aan Jaelani; Edy Setyawan
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol 2 No 6 (2023): IJHESS JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijhess.v2i6.427


According to the classical scholarly view that health, education, and others of a primary nature other than clothing, feed, boards are not the responsibility of the husband in the corridors of living.  The problem that often occurs is not only primary needs, wives also often demand hal-things that are secondary.  A shift in understanding of the concept of living needs to be developed.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sustainability of livelihoods in this age of fashionrn. This research uses a multiple case study approach. Data sources obtained through 2 sources. The results showed that living in today's era does not only revolve around food, clothing and shelter. rather, the meaning of living today shows the meaning of the cost of life in the form of primary, secondary or tertiary. The sustainability of the meaning of living shows conformity with the SDGs program which is summarized in 3 aspects, namely: welfare aspects, environmental aspects and equality aspects.
Implementasi Wasiat Wajibah untuk Ahli Waris Non Muslim Ditinjau dari Hak Asasi Manusia: Studi Analisis Putusan Nomor: 990/Pdt.P/2022/PA.Cms Mukhammad Khapni; Adang Djumhur Salikin; Sugianto S
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Fikih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61595/aladillah.v3i2.661


Hukum kewarisan Islam menjadikan perbedaan agama menjadi penghalang terjadinya kewarisan, namun pada praktiknya terdapat putusan PA Ciamis Nomor 990/Pdt.P/2022/PA.Cms yang memberikan bagian harta dari pewaris muslim kepada ahli waris non muslim melalui wasiat wajibah. Putusan tersebut terkesan bertentangan dengan ketentuan hukum kewarisan Islam di mana ketika seorang pewaris dan ahli warisnya berbeda agama maka perbedaan agama tersebut menjadi penyebab tidak saling mewarisi antara keduanya. Di lain pihak seseorang memiliki hak yang melekat pada dirinya yaitu hak asasi manusia di mana setiap orang bebas memeluk agama dan beribadah menurut agamanya, dan setiap orang, tanpa diskriminasi, berhak untuk memperoleh keadilan. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana implementasi wasiat wajibah untuk ahli waris non muslim dalam Putusan PA Ciamis Nomor 990/Pdt.P/2022/PA.Cms tentang penetapan ahli waris non muslim sebagai penerima wasiat wajibah, serta bagaimana tinjauan HAM terhadap penerapan wasiat wajibah sebagai sarana hukum penyelesaian sengketa kewarisan beda agama.