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Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v6i3.270


Bina Husada College of Health is a private university in Palembang. The media used for lectures or teaching and learning still use modules or books (print media), and when in the classroom media are used projectors, blackboards. The problem that arises from this is that students will miss the material if students are unable to attend, when using a print module students must study in certain places to repeat the material even students are lazy to bring printed books. The solution that can be used to overcome these problems is to develop media that are used for teaching and learning process, namely digital media (digital modules). Digital modules are modules that are presented in electronic format. This research develops information technology in the form of responsive web-based digital modules to improve student learning at STIK Bina Husada Palembang. The purpose of this development is expected to help students who miss the material, making it easier for students in the learning process, because digital modules can be accessed and studied wherever the place is online using a smartphone. The digital module is a full digital module from the first meeting material to the final meeting. The application development method used is a linear sequential model with several stages, namely analysis, design, coding, testing, and support, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results of this research are in the form of responsive web-based digital module application at STIK Bina Husada Palembang.Keywords: application, digital module, responsive web, linear sequential model Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIK) Bina Husada merupakan Perguruan Tinggi (PT) swasta yang ada kota palembang. Media yang digunakan untuk perkuliahan atau belajar mengajar masih menggunakan modul atau buku (media cetak), dan ketika di dalam kelas media yang digunakan proyektor, papan tulis. Permasalahan yang ditimbulkan dari hal tersebut adalah mahasiswa akan ketinggalan materi apabila mahasiswa berhalangan hadir, apabila menggunakan modul cetak mahasiswa harus belajaran ditempat tertentu untuk mengulang materi bahkan mahasiswa cedrung malas membawak buku cetak. Adapun solusi yang bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan melakukan pengembangan media yang digunakan untuk proses belajar mengajar yaitu media digital (modul digital). Modul digital merupakan modul yang disajikan dalam format elektronik. Penelitian ini mengembangakan teknologi informasi berupa modul digital berbasis web responsive untuk meningkatkan belajar mahasiswa STIK Bina Husada Palembang. Tujuan dari pengembangan ini diharapkan untuk membantu belajaran mahasiswa yang ketinggalan materi, mempermudah mahasiswa dalam proses belajar, karena modul digital dapat diakses dan dipelajarin dimanapun tempatnya secara online menggunakan smartphone. Modul digital tersebut merupakan modul digital full dari materi pertemuan pertama sampai pertemuan akhir. Metode pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu linier sequential model dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu analysis, design, coding, testing, dan support, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut berupa aplikasi modul digital berbasis web responsive pada STIK Bina Husada Palembang.Kata kunci: aplikasi, modul digital, web responsive, linier sequential model
Didascein : Journal of English Education Vol 3, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Tridinanti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52333/dj.v3i2.1005


This research aimed to promote the speaking achievement of the second STIK Bina Husada Palembang midwifery students using reporting technique. This research used a quasi-experimental method, with a non-equivalent group design for the pre-test and post-test. The population consisted of 38 students who were as sample from STIK Bina Husada Palembang's second-semester midwifery students. The sample taken by using total sampling technique to obtained the sample. In collecting the data, a speaking test was utilized. The test was found to be both valid and reliable. The value of t-obtained (5.59) was greater than t-table (2.02) at the significant level of ρ 0.05, according to the results of the independent t-test. It was concluded that the reporting technique could promote students’ speaking achievement. It meant that this technique could help students improve their speaking skills. The reporting strategy proved effective in teaching second-year midwifery students how to interpret a recount text. As a result, it can be concluded that reporting technique can be used by students to improve their speaking English, and teachers can use this technique in teaching and learning the students in order to increase and motivate the students' speaking in STIK Husada Bina.
From Critique to Insight: Student Voices on English Writing Feedback Agus Wahyudi; Farnia Sari; Amaliah; Arief Pamuji; Yanuarius Yanu Dharmawan
VELES Voices of English Language Education Society Vol 8 No 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/veles.v8i1.25659


This study delves into the pivotal role of feedback in English writing instruction, a crucial element for enhancing language proficiency and writing skills among English language learners. The primary aim of the research is to examine students' perceptions of teacher feedback and to identify the types of feedback they receive, which are essential for improving teaching strategies and student outcomes. Utilizing a qualitative methodology, the research analyzed responses from 22 students, collected through a questionnaire adapted from the frameworks of Lee (2011) and Ellis & Sheen (2011) to reflect the local educational setting. The results reveal a mixed reception to teacher feedback: while it is valued for improving writing skills, it also sometimes causes confusion and anxiety due to unclear instructions or the use of complex metalinguistic symbols. The types of feedback reported include direct, indirect, and metalinguistic feedback. Direct feedback proved effective in enhancing clarity and understanding, whereas indirect and metalinguistic feedback was occasionally linked to negative emotions such as anxiety and embarrassment. Despite these challenges, the study concludes that properly structured feedback can significantly foster cognitive development, prompting students to refine their thought processes, explore ideas independently, and become adept at self-correction. This underscores the need for educators to consider both the content and delivery of feedback to maximize its effectiveness and minimize potential stressors for learners.