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Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v7i3.339


The accreditation of a high school education institution (SMA) has been carried out by BAN-SM of South Kalimantan Province in stages starting from the provincial level as a recommendation provided to the national level as the decision-maker for determining accreditation. The accreditation implementation process is carried out manually. This process is carried out by both assessors and secretariat staff in charge of receiving and checking accreditation documents and reporting document inspection results and real conditions in the field that often experience fatigue and missing data. These constraints can cause the accreditation process's objectivity and even the possibility of "wrong value" to overcome these problems. We need a tool used for the decision-making process. This study made a multi-attribute decision-making model in determining the accreditation of SMA using the Eckenrode and DIA methods. The Eckenrode method is used to calculate the weight value; DIA is used to rank alternative decisions. This research is a multi-attribute decision-making model in determining high school accreditation by testing 50 data samples, producing an average value of 95% accuracy, and a sensitivity value of 93%. And specificity of 91%.Keywords: accreditation of SMA, Eckenrode, DIAAkreditasi suatu lembaga pendidikan sekolah menengah atas (SMA) selama ini dilaksanakan oleh BAN-SM Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan secara bertahap dimulai dari tingkat provinsi sebagai pemberi rekomendasi hinga ke tingkat nasional selaku pengambil keputusan penentuan akreditasi. proses pelaksanaan akreditasi dilaksanakan secara manual. Proses ini dilaksanakan oleh asesor maupun staf sekretariat yang bertugas menerima dan memeriksa dokumen akreditasi serta melaporkan hasil pemeriksaan dokumen dan kondisi riil di lapangan sering mengalami kendala seperti lelah, data yang hilang. Kendala-kendala tersebut dapat menjadi penyebab ketidakobjektifan proses akreditasi bahkan kemungkinan “salah nilai”, untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan suatu alat bantu yang digunakan untuk proses pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini membuat model multiatribute decision making dalam menentukan akredtasi SMA menggunakan metode Eckenrode dan DIA. Metode Eckenrode digunakan untuk menghitung nilai bobot, DIA digunakan untuk perangkingan alternatif keputusan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model multiatribute decision making dalam menentukan akredtasi SMA dengan pengujian menggunakan 50 sampel data dan menghasilkan nilai nilai rata-rata accuracy 95%, nilai sensitivitas sebesar 93%. dan spesifisitas 91%.Kata kunci: Akreditasi SMA, Eckenrode, DIA
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021): Nusantara Hasana Journal, November 2021
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Syamsuddin Noor Airport, is located in Syamsudin Noor Village, Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan. PT. Angkasa Pura I Banjarmasin has very dense office administration activities, circulation or the use of office stationery which is routinely used every day at all levels of management of PT. Angkasa Pura I Banjarmasin. Calculation of stock taking is done once every 1 month. Employees who handle the circulation of the use of office stationery still use the Microsoft Excel application every month. The problem felt by the employees who manage the circulation of office stationery is the difficulty in calculating the stock of office stationery considering the large number and variety of office stationery items ranging from pens, pencils, rulers, paper, to ink equipment and printer cartridges that are used up. Difficulty making reports on the use of stock cards for office stationery items that are used every month and takes a long time to make reports, human calculation errors in recording inventory. The information system created records the income of stationery supplied from the Jakarta head office and records work units requesting the use of stationery so that the remaining available office stationery is monitored easily and quickly. The system makes reports on ATK income and circulation of office stationery usage every month quickly and accompanied by correct and accurate data.
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, July 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Mitra Mulia shop is one of the shops selling building materials located in Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya Regency. The owner of this shop is H. Suraji and started the business in 2010, with the help of several employees in running the business, Mitra Mulia Store is growing well in line with the large demand for building materials. This is in line with developments in the Puruk Cahu area and its surroundings, so Mitra Mulia Store currently has 6 employees. Running the business of procurement and sales of building materials for Mitra Mulia Stores still applies a manual recording system. Where the recording of incoming goods is obtained from the note received and in carrying out sales transactions it is also carried out with a note. The difficulty experienced by the owner is when calculating the income from the sale and then matching it with the recap of the memorandum of purchase from the building material supplier who supplies goods to the Mitra Mulia Store. Constraints will be found if the required notes are lost or damaged so that the calculations are not accurate. This is because Mitra Mulia Store has not implemented computerized data management. With this application, it can avoid shortages / out of stock of building materials because the final stock of building materials is monitored with applications that have been made. The computerized application greatly facilitates the owners and administrative staff of Mitra Mulia Stores in managing building materials business data properly. Admin or store owner easily calculates income from business transactions and capital purchases of building materials and produces good and effective sales and profit reports through the application created.
Rancang Bangun Alat Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis Mendayagunakan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah Dengan Sistem Arduino Yeffriansjah Salim; Iwan Fitriady Mukhlis; Seradi Angkasa; Ahmad Shalludin; Naufal Thufail. H
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i5.7833


Penelitian rancang bangun alat peyiram tanaman otomatis bertujuan untuk merancang dan menguji alat penyiraman apakah dapat melakukan penyiraman dan monitoring kelembaban tanah serta temperatur melalui perangkat mobile ataupun desktop.Namun pada sistem penanaman konfensional masih terdapatberbagai kendala seperti memerlukan tenaga manusia dan memakan banyak waktu pada saat proses penyiraman. Dari permasalahan yang ada seperti seperti lamanya melakukan penyiraman tanaman secara konfensional dan banyak memakan waktu, sehingga penulis melakukan penelitian ini dan dapat membuat alat untuk membantu mempersingkat pekerjaan dan mudah untuk memonitoring kelembaban tanah dan dapat dioprasikan dari jarak jauh, sehingga dapat mempersingkat pekerjaan dan menghemat waktu.Beberapa tahapan yang perlu diperhatikan, yakni tahap perancangan, tahap pembangunan/pembuatan, dan tahap instalasi. Selanjutnya adalah pengujian terhadap produk yang telah di buat dengan menguji beberapa variabel yang telah di telah ditentukan.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya sebuat alat yang dapat melakukan penyiraman tanaman, tagangan yang berkerja pada alat yaitu 5V dan tegangan untuk pompa sebesar 220 V, serta alat ini dapat melakukan monitoring kelembaban melaui desktop ataupun mobile yang terhubung dengan internet
Penerapan Metode Moora Pada Sistem Penyeleksian Jurusan Di SMAN 1 Halong Berbasis Web Seradi Angkasa; Aditiya Warman; Yeffriansjah Salim; Iwan Fitriady Mukhlis; Endi Gunawan
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i5.7999


Pemilihan jurusan bagi murid di SMA merupakan awal dari karir murid kedepannya dan salah satu upaya agar murid bisa lebih terarah pada salah satu bidang yang diminatinya. Untuk itu, calon murid diharapkan mampu untuk menilai bakat dan kemampuannya agar tidak salah dalam memilih jurusan yang akan diambilnya. Dalam pemilihan jurusan tersebut, pihak panitia masih menggunakan cara manual dan biasanya membutuhkan waktu selama 1 minggu dalam melakukan penilaian dalam menentukan keputusan tersebut dan terkadang ada siswa yang mengusulkan berpindah jurusan karena jurusan yang panitia tentukan tidak sesuai dengan keinginannya. Dari uraian diatas, maka dilakukanlah penelitian membuat sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan untuk membantu pihak panitia dalam melakukan pemilihan jurusan tersebut.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode MOORA, metode MOORA merupakan metode dalam pengambilan keputusan dengan mempergunakan multi-Kriteria & metode ini dinilai memiliki tingkat selektifitas yang baik dalam menentukan sebuah alternative serta mudah dipahami dan fleksibel dalam memisahkan objek hingga proses evaluasi kriteria bobot keputusan.Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai perbaikan sistem lama yang masih menggunakan cara manual & dapat membantu mempermudah proses dalam penyeleksian jurusan di SMAN 1 HALONG.
Safety Management System Implementation on Ship in Shipping Companies in Banjarmasin Wildani Khotami; Imam Suharto; Ema Herliani; Yeffriansjah Salim
Journal Markcount Finance Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jmf.v1i3.89


This study aims to (1) to find out how the implementation of the safety management system on board ships at shipping companies in Banjarmasin 2) to know the safety management system on board this is of course related to occupational health and safety is a thought and effort to ensure the integrity and perfection of both physical or spiritual. with efforts to prevent and treat diseases or health problems caused by work and the work environment as well as general illnesses. Occupational safety is a series of efforts to create a safe and peaceful working atmosphere for employees who work in the company concerned and a condition that is safe and safe from suffering and damage or loss in the workplace, both when using tools, materials, machines in the process processing, packing techniques, storage, as well as maintaining and securing the work place and environment.