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Komuniti: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Teknologi Informasi Volume 11, No. 2, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/komuniti.v12i2.9633


This study focus on the process of understanding how Muhammadiyah is interpreted as Islamic organisation abaout tolerance toward non-muslim. The understanding about tolerance toward non-muslim is important because, there are discrimination, intimidation, and attack toward minority groups.  Furthermore, this tolerance problems can caused or as trigger to radical actions, especially if it related to political leadership issue. This study aims to understand how the process of understanding of Muhammadiyah as Islamic movement organization about tolerance toward non-muslim. This study used hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur methodology which emphasis on the interpretation on distantiation between text and reader. The findings mentioned that the understanding about tolerance toward non-muslim is rely in al-Qur'an's al-Hujurat verse 15 "lita’arafu", (know each other). In process of distantiation, those verse understood by Muhammadiyah as ukhuwah insaniyah (brotherhood as human being). Discourse practice show that Muhammadiyah’s interpretation influenced by reality that religion plurality is a sunnatullah, and in the context of muamalah. Contextually, this interpretation based on reality that discrimination toward minority group was happen. Finally, this understanding by Muhammadiyah about tolerance toward non-muslim as ukhuwah insaniyah can be used as contra-discourse toward Islamic radical groups, that they assume non-muslim is their enemy.Key Words: Tolerance, Muhammadiyah, Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Ricoeur. ABSTRAKArtikel ini memfokuskan pada proses pemahaman atau penafsiran Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan Islam berkemajuan mengenai toleransi terhadap non-muslim. Pemahaman atas toleransi terhadap non-muslim saat ini sangat penting di tengah menguatkan tindakan intoleran dan diskriminasi dalam bentuk intimidasi dan penyerangan terhadap kelompok-kelompok minoritas. Masalah toleransi ini dapat dianggap menjadi salah satu pemicu tindakan radikal, terutama bila dikaitkan dengan isu-isu kepemimpinan politik, pendirian tempat ibadah, dan sejenisnya. Maka dari itu, tujuan artikel ini adalah hendak memahami bagaimana proses pemahaman yang dilakukan oleh Muhammadiyah sebagai Gerakan Islam berkemajuan mengenai toleransi terhadap non-muslim. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah metode hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur yang menekankan penafsiran atas teks dengan proses penjarakan (distansiasi) antara teks dan pembaca. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa proses pemahaman tentang toleransi terhadap non-muslim didasarkan pada bahasa (ayat) al-Qur’an surat al-Hujurat ayat 13 “lita’arafu”, yang berarti supaya saling mengenal. Dalam proses distansiasi bahasa menjadi diskursus, ayat tersebut dipahami oleh Muhammadiyah sebagai ukhuwah insaniyah, yaitu persaudaraan antar-sesama manusia. Praktik diskursus menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman tersebut dilatarbelakangi realitas bahwa pluralitas agama sebagai sunnatullah, dan praktiknya dalam konteks muamalah. Secara kontekstual pemahaman Muhammadiyah tersebut didasarkan pada adanya berbagai bentuk diskriminasi terhadap kelompok minoritas. Pemahaman Muhammadiyah atas toleransi terhadap non-muslim ini dapat dijadikan sebagai kontra-diskursus atas pemahaman kelompok-kelompok Islam radikal yang menganggap non-muslim sebagai musuh sehingga harus diperangi. Kata Kunci: Toleransi, Muhammadiyah, Hermeneutika, Interpretasi, Ricoeur.
Kontradiskursus Makna Jihad sebagai Teror di Media Online dan NU Online Said Romadlan; Dimas Prasetyo Wibisono; Zulfa Triwahyuningsih
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi dan Media Vol 25, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Studi Komunikasi dan Media
Publisher : BPSDMP Kominfo Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31445/jskm.2021.4355


Pascareformasi tahun 1998, diskursus kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal menguat dalam mewacanakan pandangan-pandangannya melalui media-media online yang dimiliki. Mereka mewacanakan sistem pemerintahan khilafah pengganti Pancasila, jihad sebagai perang, dan intoleransi terhadap nonmuslim. Diskursus radikalisme mengenai jihad di media online harus dilawan dengan kontradiskursus makna jihad yang lain, salah satunya melalui media online dan NU Online, media resmi Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kontra-diskursus makna jihad melalui dan NU Online? Tujuannya untuk menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk kontra-diskursus makna jihad melalui dan NU Online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough yang memfokuskan analisisnya pada tiga level: (1) analisis teks, (2) analisis praktik diskursus, dan (3) analisis sosio-kultural (konteks). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kontra-diskursus radikalisme adalah merepresentasikannya sebagai jihad lil-muwajahah (bersungguh-sungguh menciptakan sesuatu yang unggul). Selain itu, NU Online menampilkan pemaknaan jihad kontekstual, seperti jihad melawan korupsi, melawan narkoba, melawan hoaks. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa diskursus yang ditampilkan dan NU Online merupakan kontra-diskursus mengenai jihad sebagai perang atau kekerasan yang diwacanakan kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal. Kesimpulannya, media online dan NU Online memiliki peran strategis dalam menandingi dan melawan diskursus radikalisme, khususnya mengenai jihad sebagai perang dari kelompok-kelompok muslim radikal di Indonesia
Stereotipe Tentang Muslim Indonesia Dalam Pemberitaan Media Asing (Analisis Framing Terkait Pemberitaan Aksi 212 di Media Online Time dan Al Jazeera) Dini Wahdiyati; Said Romadlan
Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/interaksi.v5i2.6878


Penelitian ini fokus pada pemberitaan di media online asing tentang stereotipe muslim Indonesia yang dimunculkan dalam teks pemberitaan. Penelitian ini mencoba menguraikan teks pemberitaan melalui analisis teks media dengan menggunakan analisis framing. Inti dari framing adalah bagaimana sebuah fakta ditonjolkan dan dikaburkan. Pemberitaan media asing di antaranya dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti sentimen agama, ideologi, dan stereotipe yang tajam terhadap kelompok tertentu. Islam di Indonesia selalu menjadi sorotan media asing. Sorot mata media asing semua tertuju saat terjadinya aksi demo besar-besaran umat Islam sebagai respon penistaan agama yang dilakukan Ahok beberapa tahun silam yang dikenal dengan Aksi 212. Momen pemberitaan asing ini menjadi hal yang tercatat sejarah sebagai pemberitaan yang terintens diperhatikan pihak asing sepanjang isu terkait Islam di Indonesia Banyak sekali media asing turut memberitakan termasuk juga Time dan AL JAzeera turut memberitakan Aksi Damai Umat Islam tersebut. Namun pemberitaan-pemberitaan media tersebut muncul sarat dengan muatan yang mengarah pada stereotiping dan tendensi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan adanya beberapa stereotipe tentang kelompok Islam dalam pemberitaan media asing tersebut; Time dalam bingkai pemberitaannya ditemukan memuat stereotipe yang kuat terhadap umat muslim Indonesia yaitu menyebut Islam mengacu pada; Kelompok muslim (konservatif, ultra konservatif, garis keras): rasis, intoleran dan jahat (berlaku tidak adil yang melampaui batas) terhadap Ahok. Dalam bingkai Time ditemukan memuat pernyataan-pernyataan tendensius yang mengarah kepada umat muslim. Al Jazeera ditemukan membingkai pemberitaan dengan menonjolkan nuansa politis yang dilakukan kelompok Islam adalah politik yang kotor, yakni semacam konspirasi yang diarahkan/dilakukan oleh kelompok umat muslim di Indonesia untuk mencekal kemenangan Ahok sebagai gubernur. Secara umum bingkai yang digunakan Al Jazeera lebih banyak menonjokan intrik-intrik yang disinyalir dilakukan kelompok muslim untuk mencekal Ahok terpilih menjadi gubernur. Hal ini ditemukan yaitu dalam frame Kelompok Muslim (Moderat, Konservatif, Radikal): Mempolitisir Isu Penghujatan Agama untuk Mencekal Ahok. Time maupun Al Jazeera memiliki kesamaan dalam menggunakan beberapa sebutan terhadap kelompok muslim di Indonesia yaitu Time menyebut kelompok muslim dengan konservatif, ultra konservatif dan garis keras. Sedangkan sebutan terhadap umat muslim dalam pemberitaan Al Jazeera ditemui sebutan moderat, konservatif dan radikal. Kedua media asing tersebut sama-sama mengidentifikasi kelompok Islam yakni  semua kalangan Muslim baik yang konservatif (ordinary), ultra konservatif (abangan/tradisionalis), moderat (modernis/menengah), garis keras (radikal) semua memerangi Ahok.
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 02 (2020): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v6i02.1941


ABSTRACT The Perspective of the Ricoeur hermeneutics about tolerance at the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) focuses on the interpretation process of NU as an influential Islamic organization concerning tolerance to non-Muslims. The understanding of current tolerance is crucial amid strengthening the action of intolerances and discrimination in various forms of intimidation and assault on minority groups. In addition, the interpretation of the meaning of tolerance can be considered to be one of the triggers of radical action, especially when associated with issues of political leadership, the establishment of a place of worship, and so on. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to understand how the process of interpretation done by NU about tolerance toward non-Muslims. The Method in this study was the hermeneutics method of Paul Ricoeur, that emphasizing the interpretation of the text with the distanciation process between text and the reader. The results show that the interpretation process of tolerance is based on the language (verses) of the Qur'an surat al-Hujurat verse 13 "Lita'arafu", which means to know each other. In the process of language distancing into discourse, the verse is understood by NU tolerances as Ukhuwah Wathaniyah, the Brotherhood of country and nation. The practice of discourse shows that the interpretation of NU is motivated by the reality that the plurality of religion as Sunnatullah, and its practice in the context of muamalah, and to realize the treatise of Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil-aalamin.  The contextual interpretation of NU is based on the importance of maintaining the integrity of the Indonesia.  The Interpretation of this tolerance to non-Muslims can be used as a counter-discourse of the interpretations of radical Islamist groups that considers non-Muslims to be enemies so that they must be affected even.keywords:  hermeneutics, nahdlatul ulama, tolerance, ukhuwah wathaniyah ABSTRAK Perspektif hermeneutika Ricoeur tentang toleransi di organisasi Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) memfokuskan pada proses penafsiran NU sebagai organisasi Islam berpengaruh mengenai toleransi terhadap non-muslim. Pemahaman atas toleransi saat ini sangat penting di tengah menguatkan tindakan intoleran dan diskriminasi dalam berbagai bentuk intimidasi dan penyerangan terhadap kelompok-kelompok minoritas. Selain itu, penafsiran mengenai makna toleransi ini dapat dianggap menjadi salah satu pemicu tindakan radikal, terutama bila dikaitkan dengan isu-isu kepemimpinan politik, pendirian tempat ibadah, dan sejenisnya. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendalami proses penafsiran mengenai toleransi terhadap non-muslim oleh organisasi Islam NU. Studi ini menggunakan perspektif dan metode hermeneutika Ricoeur yang menfokuskan pada otonomi teks dalam proses penafsiran dan distansiasi makna antara pembuat teks dan pembaca. Kajian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa dalam proses penafsiran tentang toleransi terhadap non-muslim NU merujuk pada kata “lita’arafu” dalam surat al-Hujurat: 13, yang berarti supaya saling mengenal. Melalui distansiasi dari bahasa ke diskursus, kata “lita’arafu” dipahami NU dalam bentuk ukhuwah wathaniyah, yakni persaudaraan sebangsa dan senegara. Praktik diskursus menunjukkan bahwa penafsiran NU tersebut dilatarbelakangi realitas bahwa pluralitas agama sebagai sunnatullah, dan praktiknya dalam konteks muamalah, serta untuk mewujudkan risalah Islam sebagai agama rahmatan lil-aalamin. Secara kontekstual penafsiran NU dilandasi kepentingan menjaga keutuhan NKRI. Penafsiran tentang toleransi terhadap non-muslim NU ini dapat dijadikan sebagai wacana tandingan atas penafsiran kelompok-kelompok Islam radikal yang menganggap non-muslim sebagai musuh sehingga harus dimusuhi bahkan diperangi.kata kunci: hermeneutika, nahdlatul ulama, toleransi, ukhuwah wathaniyah
Overcoming the Impact of Online Games through Literacy for Junior High School Students in South Tangerang City Said Romadlan; Mukhlis Muhammad Maududi
SPEKTA (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Teknologi dan Aplikasi) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/spekta.v3i1.5741


Background: A form of communication technology widely played today is an online game, which is a type of game that utilizes computer networks. However, this type of game can cause addictive effects in the long run, such as in the case of Islamic Junior High School students Raudlatul Hikmah, thereby leading to decreased learning performance. This research aims to provide online game literacy training, such as the development, characteristics, and forms of online gaming, regulation, ethics, and the effects of online games, and tips on overcoming them. Contribution: This research contributes to students' understanding of the development characteristics and forms of online games, as well as the regulations, ethics, and their effects, to overcome its negative impacts. Method: Methods applied include sharing experiences in using online games, presentations and discussions on its literacy, and  questionnaire and guided group discussions on online game problems. Results: The results showed that on the average, 82% of students understand the development, characteristics, and types of online games. Meanwhile, 96% understand its effects, while 85% have adequate knowledge of the tips needed to overcome the associated adverse effects. Conclusion: In conclusion, the objectives set by this training program can meet the target of providing online game literacy for Islamic Junior High School students Raudlatul Hikmah
Framing Pemberitaan Media Online mengenai Bentrokan antara Anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dan Anggota Kepolisian Said Romadlan; Dini Wahdiyati
Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/interaksi.v6i2.10135


Basically a news story must be objective, balanced, and unbiased. But in practice there is often a news story that is not objective, unbalanced, and biased. This is because there are interests that influence the pattern of media content so that the news tends to be biased. One form of media bias is framing, which is selecting certain issues and removing other issues, and highlighting certain facts and covering up other facts. With regard to framing practices, this article focuses on two issues, firstly, how to frame the news of clashes between members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and police members in the online media and Second, what are the factors that influence the framing of the news of clashes between members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and members of the police in the online media and To understand the framing of the two online media, used framing analysis model Robert Entman as research method. Data collection uses documentation in the form of news of clashes between FPI members and police in and While the data analysis is text analysis and context analysis. The results of the study showed first, framing further highlight the fact of the attacks carried out by FPI members against members of the Police that resulted in 6 FPI members being shot dead. While framing the further highlights the fact of the shootings committed by police members against FPI members that led to the deaths of 6 FPI members. Second, the factor that influences framing is the practice of organizations (media routines) of both online media. Thus, the both of online media in their coverage of clashes between FPI members and police members tend to be biased because it is influenced by their respective of media practices.
Representasi Gaya Hidup Modern dalam Media Sosial Instagram @tantrinamirah Zulfa Triwahyuningsih; Said Romadlan; Wininda Qusnul Khotimah
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jdk.v7i2.5769


Modern lifestyle is an attitude, personality, and what of the behaviors that correspond with the demands of the developments of the times. This occurred because of an awareness of man within him to keep on studying in the middle of the development of the world. The research ia a culturalstudies to uncover the representasion of modern lifestyle as popular culture. In which this case, a culture that is featured in popular culture instagram accounts is habitual activities that can be enjoyed by all men were fashion, care of the body and interests that become their needs. What was used in the study is a methodological analysis logician Ferdinand de Saussure to display lifestyle forms of modern in instagram @tantrinamirah account, through signifier and signified in the instagram account. The results of research on lifestyle modern ini social media instagram @tantrinamirah, find the the form of modern lifestyle which includes fashion, the choice of food and drink, the tourist area of the hobbies and grocery products. The factors that determine lifestyle modern in social media instagram @tantrinamirah, of them: the image of themselves, consisting of a style of dress is fashionable, a healty lifestyle, interest in exclusivity culture and the factors. There is also the ideology of the practices, with this incidence of these signs in stuff used their phenomena and into a theme in the community. To create a culture consumer, in which content word that continues to displayed will affect the act of. The use of branded become a legal attitude on fashion, that shows their interest in product fancy.
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi dan Media Vol 26 No 1 (2022): JURNAL STUDI KOMUNIKASI DAN MEDIA
Publisher : BPSDMP Kominfo Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17933/jskm.2022.4954


Sebuah realitas pada dasarnya merupakan hasil konstruksi yang menyebabkan realitas menjadi berwajah banyak (multi reality). Hal ini karena adanya kepentingan-kepentingan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak media. Salah satunya dalam peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di Desa Wadas, Jawa Tengah. Media mengonstruksi realitas tersebut secara berbeda karena adanya kepentingan yang berbeda. Artikel ini memfokuskan kajiannya mengenai bagaimana media online mengonstruksi peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di desa Wadas? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Framing Robert N. Entman, yang menitikberatkan pada pemilihan dan penonjolan suatu isu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mengonstruksi peristiwa kekerasan aparat Kepolisian di Desa Wadas sebagai pengamanan pengukuran tanah di Desa Wadas. Sedangkan mengonstruksi peristiwa tersebut sebagai tindakan represif aparat Kepolisian terhadap warga Desa Wadas. Faktor organisasi media yang memengaruhi konstruksi maupun adalah faktor organisasi media yang meliputi tujuan, peran, struktur organisasi, dan kontrol kekuasaan organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat pandangan mengenai framing bahwa suatu realitas yang sama dapat diberitakan (dikonstruksi) secara berbeda oleh media yang berbeda karena kepentingan organisasi media yang berbeda
Overcoming the Negative Impacts of Social Media through Time Management for Vocational High School Students in South Jakarta Dini Wahdiyati; Said Romadlan; Hendri Prasetya; Ratih Novita Sari
PKM-P Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : LPPM UIKA Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jurma.v7i1.1796


Social media is a new medium used by people to connect through the creation and exchange of information in a virtual network. As a medium of social interaction, social media has many benefits such as getting new information, entertainment, self-existence, and self-actualization. But on the other hand, social media also causes negative impacts such as information overload, hoaxes or false information, dependence, and addiction. For students, social media can be used as a means of learning and making friends, but the problem is that most students use social media for other things such as looking for pleasure, entertainment, and escape. Excessive use of social media by students will have an impact on decreasing learning achievement, therefore it is necessary to be given knowledge and understanding of time management to use social media. This community partnership program offers solutions on how to manage time in using social media so that it can benefit the self-development and learning achievement of students of SMK Al Falah, Mampang Prapatan. The results of this training show that good time management can reduce the negative impact of social media, and can increase productivity, and learning achievement, and develop students' talent.
Building Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Digital Age for Vocational Students in South Jakarta Said Romadlan; Dini Wahdiyati; Hendri Prasetya; Ratih Novita Sari
PROMOTOR Vol. 6 No. 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/pro.v6i6.510


Interpersonal communication skills are a person's ability to establish personal relationships with others directly well. Amid the rampant development of communication and information technology today, interpersonal communication skills on the one hand are needed but on the other hand face challenges. In the digital age, people tend to prefer to communicate with others using social media rather than communicating face-to-face in person. People prefer using social media rather than socializing with others. As a result, interpersonal communication skills become undeveloped and inhibited. Among students, interpersonal communication skills are needed for self-development and soft skills, especially in building positive relationships with friends, teachers, family, and the social environment where they are. This Community Partnership Program offers solutions to build interpersonal communication skills among students of Al Falah Mampang Prapatan Vocational High School (SMK), South Jakarta. The results of this program show that students become more familiar with the concept of interpersonal communication skills, consider it important to have interpersonal communication skills, and are motivated to improve their interpersonal communication skills.