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Analisis Antropometri terhadap Ruang Kendali Traktor Roda Empat Buatan Jepang ‘K’ dan Eropa ‘N’ Rhamdani Mardiansyah; Mad Yamin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.638 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.2.%p


ABSTRACT Four-wheeled tractor is one of the most important agricultural machine tools that used in activity of soil tillage. Most of the four wheeled tractor in Indonesia specially designed not for local operators because the design mostly followed by average size operators from the country that create the tractor, especially in the workstation design. Ergonomics approaching of anthropometry analysis have intended to determine safety and comfort level of operator duringoperation the tractor. Anthropometry analysis includes observation natural range of movements (ROM) from Jetis’s farmers in operation the control device toward workstationof tractor made in Japan ‘K’ and Europe ‘N’.This analysis alsodetermine optimum range of control devices was controlled by the hands or feet operator. The result revealed that a positions of the control device in tractor made in Japan ‘K’ were situated inside the functional reach envelope operator of a 5th, 50th, and 95th percentile male Jetis’s farmers. According to analysis result, the tractor made in Japan ‘K’ is more compatible for Jetis’s farmers than tractor made in Europe ‘N’. Keywords: anthropometry, four wheeled tractor, workstation
Uji Performansi Getaran Mekanis dan Kebisingan Mist Blower Yanmar MK 150-B Ahmad Noval Irvani; Mad Yamin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.574 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.2.%p


Abstract Mist blower is one of the mechanization tool of agriculture considered as a tool that can assist humans in fertilizer and pesticides spreading activities. Levels of motor speed in the used mist blower were 1915, 4009, and 7227 rpm. Vibration measurements were conducted on the engine and handlebar control mist blower with the three-dimensional axes namely X, Y, and Z. Mist blower noise measurements were performed on the engine, operator's right ear and left ear. Based on the analysis of vibration and noise from the mist blower of type MK 150-B was obtained  the safe limit values from the use of these tools. The safe limit of the use of mist blower in motor rotation speed of 1915, 4009, and 7227 rpm after being compared with the vibration and noise were 1 hour, 1 hour and 24 minutes respectively. The farther the distance from noise source, the lower the noise level too. Moreover objectivity study of operator was conducted. The first farmer was tired faster than the second farmer. In terms of age of farmer, the second farmer (60 years) older than the first farmers (40 years), but this should not affect significantly. Activity on the previous day greatly affects the level of fatigue when operating the mist blower. This was because the first farmers did more activities and had rest periods that less than second farmer. Keyword: mist blower, vibration, noise
Temparature Control In Oyester Mushroom Kumbung With Burlap As Cooler Manunggal Ajie Putranto; Mad Yamin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.262 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.2.%p


ABSTRACT A study was conducted in order to know the difference oyster mushroom yields given burlap and cooling  treatment  and  with  the  one  not  given  treatment.  In  this  study  using  burlap  as  a  coolant. Installation of pipe used to drain burlap sacks that are stored on the sidelines of the shelves, watering is done automatically using a timer every 15 minutes. After some time using treated burlap visible difference in temperature between the cooling rack using a burlap sack with a none. But the relative humidity is not too much different. Yields of both condition oyster mushroom with total 75 baglogs, the obtained total yield 23.5 kg treatment, while the total yield 16.7kg without treatment.[A1] Keywords: gunny sacks[A2] , temperature, yields, oyster mushroom
Penggunaan Near Infrared Spectroscopy Pada Penentuan Kandungan Padatan Terlaru.t Buah Mangga Indramayu Secara Tidak Merusak Diding Suhandy; Rofandi Hartanto; Sulusi Prabawati; Yulianingsih .; Mad Yamin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 22 No. 2 (2008): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.022.2.%p


Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy appears as a prominent method for nondestructive fruit quality assessment. In this work, the relationship between the nondestructive NIR spectral measurements and the soluble solids content (SSC) of mango fruit was investigated. A number of 92 mango fruits (Mangifera indica var. Indramayu) were used as samples. The samples were divided into two groups, 46 samples for developing calibration model and 46 samples for performing validation. Using a portable spectrometer, spectra for each sample were acquired in absorbance mode at six different positions. The SSC of mango was measured using the digital refraktometer. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to develop a calibration model. The NIR spectroscopy method successfully determined the sse of mango fruits with correlation coefficient between predicted and actual values (r) of 0.91, standard error of prediction (SEP) of 0. 74, and bias of 0.02. Keywords: NIR spectroscopy, soluble solids content, absorbance mode, nondestructive method,mangoDiterima: 18 Maret 2008; Disetujui: 17 Juli 2008
Modifikasi Nosel pada Sistem Penyemprotan untuk Pengendalian Gulma Menggunakan Sprayer Gendong Elektrik Muhammad Nafis Rahman; Mad Yamin
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.02.1.%p


AbstractThis research aimed to modify the Nozzle of spraying system on the sprayer output to reduce the shift in spraying points on sprayed granules as a result of the wind blow from the environment. This electric sprayer consists of several components which are not found in a power sprayer or manual sprayer such as a 12-V battery or a 5.8 bar-pressure water pump. The result of the pressure comparison on the outlet showed a significant difference, namely in a 3-bar manual sprayer and a 4-bar electric sprayer. The pressure difference resulted in the difference in discharge, the length and width of the spraying.Keywords : discharge, electric, manual, pressure, sprayerAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodifikasi Nosel pada system penyemprotan yaitu pada hasil keluaran sprayer untuk mengurangi pergeseran titik semprot pada butiran semprot yang timbul akibat adanyadorongan angin dari lingkungan. Sprayer elektrik terdiri dari beberapa komponen yang tidak terdapat pada power sprayer maupun manual sprayer seperti aki 12 V, pompa air tekanan 5.8 bar. Hasil perbandingantekanan pada lubang keluaran menunjukan perbedaan tekanan yang cukup signifikan, yaitu pada sprayer manual 3 bar dan sprayer elektrik 4 bar. Perbedaan tekanan tersebut mengakibatkan adanya perbedaandebit, panjang penyemprotan dan luas penyemprotan.Kata Kunci : debit, elektrik, manual, sprayer, tekananDiterima: 12 November 2013;Disetujui:27 Februari 2014
Budidaya Jamur Kuping Dan Tiram Dengan Teknologi Pengendalian Suhu Mad Yamin
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 19 No. 2 (2010): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v19i2.137


Pada umumnya budidaya jamur kuping dan tiram dilakukan pada dataran tinggi dengan ketinggian 800 m dpl (di atas permukaan laut). Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini para petani jamur menggunakan lahan-lahan di dataran tinggi tersebut untuk pembudidayaan jamur kuping dan tiram. Perlu terobosan baru dalam melakukan budidaya jamur dengan menggunakan teknologi pengendalian suhu, sebagaimana yang sudah dilakukan di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang, yaitu budidaya jamur dengan pengendalian suhu pada 15o C menggunakan mesin pendingin. Dengan teknologi pengendalian suhu tersebut, budidaya jamur dapat dilakukan di dataran rendah. Pada tulisan ini akan diuraikan hasil hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan di Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB Bogor. Hasil Penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh Sri Daryani dkk (1999) dengan teknik pengendalian suhu pada rumah jamur,telah menghasilkan dalam skala laboratorium hasil panen jamur kuping mencapai 84.8 % dari berat media. Sedangkan hasil panen jamur tiram mencapai 78.2 %, dengan pengendalian suhu 17oC , juga menghasilkan panen yang terbesar, yaitu 424 gram untuk jamur kuping dan 391 gram untuk jamur tiram per bag log. Pertumbuhan jamur akan lebih cepat pada rumah jamur dengan suhu 21oC dan ada kecenderungan bahwa pertumbuhan jamur di dalam rumah jamur dengan suhu terkendali, memberikan hasil yang lebih baik yaitu diameter Pileus dan diameter Stipa yang lebih lebar dan lebih tebal. Dari uraian di atas, maka sudah saatnya bagi para pengusaha Jamur untuk menggunakan Teknologi pengendalian suhu dalam budidaya jamur.Cultivation of Tiram Mushroom and kuping Mushroom usually done at high land about 800 m above sea level . That’s why the Mushroom’s Farmers always using high land for example land at Puncak or at Dieng Mountain and another high land. We need new inovation, how the farmers could doing Tiram Mushroom and Kuping Mushroom cultivation at the lower land using temperature control technology which has done at Japan or western countries. Japan has developed Temperature control technology about 15oC for Mushroom cultivation using Refrigeration machine which temperature control at 15oC. There for the mushroom cultivation could be done at lower land. At this paper will describe about reseach which has done at Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB Bogor). Sri Daryani et al (1999) has found on her reseach that Mushroom in the green house which temperature control give harvest result about 84.8% of mushroom baglog weight. The result of Tiram Mushroom harvest is 78.2 %, at temperature control abaout 17oC. Also give the greatest harvest 424 gram of kuping Mushroom and 391 gram of Tiram Mushroom for every bag log, Mushroom grows faster at Green house by temperature of 21oC , diameter of Pileus wider and diameter of Stipa more thick. So, this time the mushroom farmers could do mushroom cultivation on the lower land by using temperature control green house. 
Agrobisnis Jamur Tiram sebagai Usaha Yang Mampu Menopang Ekonomi Keluarga Mad Yamin
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 18 No. 3 (2009): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v18i3.245


Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) memiliki nilai jual yang relatif tinggi. Halini karena kandungan senyawa yang bermanfaat pada jamur tiram membuat penggunaannya tidak hanya sebatas untuk bahan makanan bahkan telah meluas menjadi bahan baku obatobatan (Cahyana et at, 2004). Sebuah perusahaan jamur tiramskala menengah ke atas dapat memproduksi jamur tiram rata rata 650 kg jamur tiram segar per hari, sedangkan perusahaan jamur tiramdalam skala menengah ke bawah mampu memproduksi rata rata 100-250 kg jamur tiram segar perharinya (Suria wiria, 2001). Prospek melakukan bisnis jamur tiram di Indonesia sangat cerah, karena kondisi alam dan lingkungan Indonesiasangat cocok untuk budidayajamur. Selain itu permintaan pasar akan jamur tiram di Indonesia sangat tinggi sedangkan ketersediaan akan jamurtiram tersebut masih belum memenuhi, sebagai contoh, untuk daerah Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang dan Depok menurut manajer pemasaran sebuah perusahaan jamur tiram di desa Pandansari, kecamatan Ciawi tiap harinya memerlukan 40 ton jamur tiram segar, sedangkan perusahaannya hanyamampu memproduksi jamurtiram segar setiap harinya sebesar1 ton.Langkah awaldalam memulai bisnis jamurtiram adalah memahami budidaya jamur tiram, selanjutnya fokus pada pembesaran saja, yaitu dengan membangun sebuah kumbung jamur, lalu menjadi petani plasma, bergabung dengan petani jamur tiram inti yang sudah menguasai proses pembibitan jamur yang baik kualitasnya, serta menguasai pemasarannya. Langkah selanjutnya adalah meningkatkan pemasaran, sekaligus menguasai budidaya jamur tiram secara keseluruhan sambil mulai membangun diri sebagai petani jamur tiram inti dengan mengembangkan petani plasma jamur tiram setelah mampu menguasai budidaya jamur dan pemasarannya, bukan hanya pasarlokal, bahkan pasar internasional, karena jamurtiram sangat disukai di Jepang, Taiwan, Singapore, TimurTengah, Amerika dan Australia. Memulai bisnis jamur tiram dengan pembesaran 10,000 baglog miselium jamur tiram akan dihasilkan sebanyak 4 ton jamur tiram segar dalam satu periode pembesaran jamur tiram, yaitu sekitar 4 bulan dan akan memberikan keuntungan yang mampumenambah penghasilan setiap bulannya.