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Al-Bayan: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Vol 5, No2(2020) Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : Qur’anic and Tafsir studies Programme at Ushuluddin Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1021.794 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/al-bayan.v5i2.10229


Artikel ini membahas tentang justifikasi ideologi dalam buku Al-Qur’an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah yang ditulis Muhammad Thalib, Amir Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI). Kajian ini merupakan riset kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis konten (content analysis). Riset ini fokus pada terjemah ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dengan kata kunci  “syariat Islam” atau bahasa senada yang mengarah pada narasi untuk menjustifikasi ideologi penegakan syariat Islam, serta ayat-ayat jihad dan qitāl atau derivasi keduanya yang dijadikan sebagai destigmatisasi atas ideologi jihadis penerjemah. Hasil riset ini menegaskan bahwa buku Al-Qur’an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah ditulis oleh Muhammad Thalib untuk menjustifikasi ideologinya yakni memperjuangkan penegakan syariat Islam di Indonesia. Justifikasi itu dilakukan dengan cara mendistorsi makna ayat, seperti kata ‘fitnah’ (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 191; 193) yang diterjemahkan dengan ‘rintangan terhadap pelaksanaan syariat Islam’, juga terjemah pada frase بحبل الله, kata  جميعا, dan kalimat ولا تفرقوا dalam QS. A<li ‘Imra>n [3]: 103.  Sedangkan terjemah atas ayat-ayat jihād dan qitāl dalam buku tersebut membuktikan tidak hanya untuk melakukan justifikasi terhadap ideologi sang penerjemah, namun juga sebagai upaya destigmatisasi paham radikal yang diasosiasikan terhadap kelompoknya. Destigmatisasi tersebut dilakukan dengan beberapa cara berikut: (1) kitab tafsir yang dijadikan acuan dalam buku tersebut cenderung hanya memilih rujukan yang sesuai dengan ideologinya; (2) adanya distorsi terhadap sebagian kitab tafsir yang dijadikan rujukan; dan (3) sebagian hasil terjemah yang ditawarkannya cenderung mengarah pada paham radikalisme atau ekstremisme
Mystical Living Qur’an: Resepsi Masyarakat Bismo Batang Terhadap Mushaf Al-Qur’an Kuno Heriyanto Heriyanto
Nun : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir se-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32495/nun.v6i2.155


This study will question some of the mystical traditions surrounding the ancient Qur’an manuscriptsin the wali’s grave of BismoBatang Central Java Indonesia. This research takes the form of field research by completing the Living Qur’an studywhich aims to find the mystical views of the Bismo community on the existence of the Qur’anic manuscripts and the factors underlying them.The results of the study found that the Bismo community believes that the Manuscripts of Al-Qur’an in the Bismo tomb area are a relic of some wali’s who used to spread Islam in the area. Consequently, the historic site was finally accepted mystically by the public and marked by the emergence of a ritual called “istikharah” by opening the Al-Qur’an and the haul program depending on the results of the ritual istikharah by opening the Qur’an. Bismo mystical belief in the existence of Qur’anic manuscripts is influenced by myths about tradition called by “Nyunggi Qur’an”(carrying the qur’an) which is believed to have existed in the wali’s era. This phenomenon proves the occult tradition of the Bismo community in their respond to the Qur’an. The Qur’anic text which lives in the midst of society is mystically received through various ascetic rituals, so this practice can be said to be a Mystical Living Qur’anic phenomenon that develops in rural communities.
Ortodoksi Penafsiran KH. Misbah Mustofa dalam Tafsir Al-Iklil fī Ma’ānī al-Tanzil Akhmad Syahrul Kurniawan; Heriyanto Heriyanto
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/aqwal.v1i1.3521


Ortodoksi merupakan sebuah ketaatan pada ajaran resmi, dimana masih banyak sekali para tokoh-tokoh mufassir yang masih mempertahankan ajaran resmi tersebut. salah satunya adalah KH. Misbah Mustofa, beliau dikenal sebagai seorang yang tegas dalam hal beragama, dan juga beliau banyak sekali mengkritik mengenai tradisi-tradisi yang hidup ditengah masyarakat. Dalam tulisan ini, akan membahas mengenai kritik-kritik beliau terhadap tradisi yang ada ditengah masyarakat, sekaligus respon beliau terhadap tradisi tersebut. Dalam tulisan penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan, dimana objeknya langsung tertuju pada salah satu karya tafsir beliau yakni Al-Iklil fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil. Selain itu pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hermenutik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ortodoksi penafsiran KH. Misbah Mustofa dalam tafsir Al-Iklil fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil yakni, mengenai kritik terhadap tradisi tarekat, kritik terhadap keluarga berencana, kritik terhadap tradisi taqlid, kritik terhadap penggunaan pengeras suara, dan yang terakhir adalah kritik terhadap tradisi MTQ.
Eco-Qurani for Children (Instilling Al-Qur'an Values about Environment to Children in Pegandon Karangdadap Village, Pekalongan) Kurdi Fadal; Heriyanto Heriyanto
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 2, No 2, 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (816.495 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v2i2.1933


Pegandon Village, Karangdadap District, Pekalongan, one of the areas affected by the Pemalang-Batang toll road. The project has many negative impacts on the communities around the village, including children. This village is also known as a village with vast rice fields and rivers in the area. Children are the environmental assets of the future that play a very important role in preserving natural resources. So, their understanding of the Qur'anic teachings about environment is the key to maintaining human relations with nature. With a good understanding, it fosters the sensitivity to be a creature for nature in future generations. This empowerment is intended to provide understanding and sensitivity of children, especially for students of Quranic Education Park (TPQ) and Madrasah Diniyah Bustanul Iman, Pegandon Karangdadap Village, Pekalongan. Empowerment is built with the assistance method with a contextual, cooperative and problem-based approach. Empowerment is presented through the introduction of verses that teach about the environment, including natural wealth, the prohibition of damaging the environment and the obligation to preserve it. The series of activities that have been carried out have positive implications for children of TPQ and Madrasah Diniyah Bustanul Iman because they have been able to understand and practice environmental verses as teachings to preserve the environment from damage and efforts to conserve it.
Asbāb an-Nuzūl dalam Wacana Teologi Asy’ariyyah: Heriyanto Heriyanto
SUHUF Vol 10 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22548/shf.v10i1.199


This paper discusses asbāb an-nuzūl (reasons of revelation) to be seen from the perspective of Ash’arite theology, particularly, al-Gazālī’s thought of the existence of asbāb an-nuzūl in the epistemology of Qur’anic interpretation. Once, Al-Gazālī had ever criticized the inevitability of causality, but on the other hand he also considered the Qur’an as an eternal one (qadīm). These two themes are used as an analytical framework to see the relation of al-Gazālī’s thought and the concept of asbāb an-nuzūl. The results of the study found that al-Gazālī in seeing the causal relationships existed in the asbāb al-nuzūl and the descending verses, Gazālī sees the importance of associative relationship (iqtirāniyyah), not implicative relationship (ta’ṡīriyyah). It means that al-Gazālī considers the relationship between the two is not a necessity or not necessarily affect one each other. The concept of asbāb an-nuzūl in al-Gazālī’s theology sees an event that causes the revelation of the verses is understood as an entity which God has chosen eternally. It is from this conception that in the epistemology of his interpretation, al-Gazālī considers the benefit of asbāb an-nuzūl study is informative only. He emphasizes more on the word spelling (lafaẓ) in general rather than the special cause in particular.