Sianiwati Goenharto
Department Of Health, Faculty Of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

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Intra And Extra-Oral Photograph For Orthodontic Records Goenharto, Sianiwati
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (26.491 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.v2i2.3057


Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plans are determined based of some analyzes that require data derived from direct examination, study models, x-rays and clinical photos. Currently the clinical photos both intra oral and extra oral are easily made. Unfortunately, not all clinicians are willing to make good documentation especially making photos, or making the inadequate ones. The purpose in this paper to reveal how to make good intra and extra-oral photos for orthodontic records as communication features between clinician and patients. Proper documentation is needed especially on orthodontic treatment that requires a relatively long period. There are at least 5 intra-oral photos that should be made: frontal photo, right and left buccal, upper and lower occlusal photos. Extra-oral photos are relatively easier made than intra-oral photos. The important thing is position of the patient and the clinician. Four extra-oral photos are face-frontal with lips relaxed and smiling, profile and 45o profile will provide the maximum information about the face, soft tissues, proportions and esthetic smile. All important details should be recorded. Photos before, during and after treatment can be compared to recognize the changes that have been achieved. Good orthodontic records includes intra and extra-oral photograph taking will minimize the misunderstandings between the dentist and the patients in orthodontic treatment.
Intra And Extra-Oral Photograph For Orthodontic Records Goenharto, Sianiwati
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (806.468 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V2-I2.2016.152-161


Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plans are determined based of some analyzes that require data derived from direct examination, study models, x-rays and clinical photos. Currently the clinical photos both intra oral and extra oral are easily made. Unfortunately, not all clinicians are willing to make good documentation especially making photos, or making the inadequate ones. The purpose in this paper to reveal how to make good intra and extra-oral photos for orthodontic records as communication features between clinician and patients. Proper documentation is needed especially on orthodontic treatment that requires a relatively long period. There are at least 5 intra-oral photos that should be made: frontal photo, right and left buccal, upper and lower occlusal photos. Extra-oral photos are relatively easier made than intra-oral photos. The important thing is position of the patient and the clinician. Four extra-oral photos are face-frontal with lips relaxed and smiling, profile and 45o profile will provide the maximum information about the face, soft tissues, proportions and esthetic smile. All important details should be recorded. Photos before, during and after treatment can be compared to recognize the changes that have been achieved. Good orthodontic records includes intra and extra-oral photograph taking will minimize the misunderstandings between the dentist and the patients in orthodontic treatment.
Shear strength of orthodontic bracket bonding with GIC bonding agent after the application of CPP-ACPF paste Melisa Budipramana; Thalca Hamid; Sianiwati Goenharto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 46 No. 1 (2013): March 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.154 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v46.i1.p39-44


Background: White spot lesion is a major problem during fixed orthodontic treatment. This problem can be solved by minimizing white spot lesion before the treatment and using a fluoride-releasing bonding agent. The application of casein phosphopeptidesamorphous calcium phospate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) paste as remineralization agent before treatment and GIC as orthodontic bonding agent is expected to overcome this problem as well as to strengthen GIC bonding. Purpose: To measure the shear strength of fix orthodontic appliance using GIC bonding with CPP-ACPF application prior treatment. Methods: In this study, 50 extracted premolars were randomly divided into 2 groups: group 1 as treatment group and group II as control group that was not given CPPACPF pretreatment. After having been cut and put into acrylic device, the samples in group I were given pretreatment with CPP-ACPF paste on enamel surface for 2 minutes twice a day as instructed in product label for 14 days. Orthodontic brackets were bonded with GIC bonding agent on all samples in both groups as instructed in product label. Then, the shear strength was measured by Autograph Shimatzu with crosshead speed 0.5 mm/minute. The data was analyzed with Independent t-test. Results: The mean shear bond strength in treatment group was 19.22 ± 4.04 MPa and in control group was 12.97 ± 3.97 MPa. Independent t-test analysis showed that there was a significant difference between treatment and control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: CPP-ACPF pretreatment could increase GIC orthodontic bonding shear strength.Latar belakang: Lesi putih karies merupakan masalah utama selama perawatan dengan peranti cekat ortodonti. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan cara mengurangi lesi putih sebelum perawatan dengan menggunakan bahan bonding yang mengandung fluorida. Aplikasi pasta casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phospate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) sebagai bahan remineralisasi sebelum perawatan dan bahan bonding GIC diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah ini sekaligus menambah kekuatan cekat bahan bonding GIC. Tujuan: Mengukur kekuatan geser piranti cekat ortodonti menggunakan bonding GIC dengan aplikasi pasta CPP-ACPF. Metode: 50 gigi premolar dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok I sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok II sebagai kelompok kontrol. Setelah gigi dipotong dan ditanam dalam tabung akrilik, diaplikasikan pasta CPP-ACPF pada permukaan enamel sampel pada kelompok I selama 2 menit 2 kali sehari selama 14 hari. Aplikasi pasta CPP-ACPF tidak dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol. Kemudian breket ortodonti direkatkan dengan bahan bonding GIC pada semua sampel di kelompok I dan kelompok II. Kekuatan geser diukur dengan menggunakan alat Autograph Shimatzu dengan kecepatan cross head 0.5 mm/menit. Data dianalisis dengan statistik independent t-test. Hasil: Rerata kekuatan geser pada kelompok perlakuan 19,22 ± 4,04 MPa dan pada kelompok kontrol 12,97 ± 3,97 MPa. Analisis Independent t-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol (p<0.05). Kesimpulan: Kekuatan geser antara piranti cekat ortodonti dengan bahan bonding GIC meningkat setelah aplikasi pasta CPP-ACPF.
Orthodontic treatment considerations in Down syndrome patients Sianiwati Goenharto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 45 No. 1 (2012): March 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.571 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v45.i1.p6-11


Background: Down syndrome is an easily recognized congenital disease anomaly, a common autosomal chromosomal anomaly with high prevalence of malocclusion. Orthodontic treatment demand should be high but it seems difficult to be done because of specific condition of disability. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to discribe the orthodontic problems found in Down syndrome patients and several consideration that shoud be done to treat them. Reviews: Many studies report the high prevalence of malocclusion among people with Down syndrome. There is a greater frequency of clas III relationship, crossbite, crowding and also open bite. Several problems might appear in the treatment because of dental, medical, mental, and behavioural factor. Conclusion: It is concluded that orthodonic treatment can be performed in Down syndrome patient, although several difficulties may appear. Good consideration in mental, behavior, medical and also dental condition will influence whether the treatment will success or not. Special care and facilities will support the orthodontic treatment.Latar belakang: Sindroma Down adalah suatu kelainan congenital yang mudah dikenali, merupakan kelaian kromosom autosomal yang cukup banyak terjadi, dengan prevalensi maloklusi cukup tinggi. Seharusnya permintaan akan perawatan ortodonti juga tinggi meskipun tampaknya sulit dilakukan karena adanya kondisi ketidakmampuan/cacat yang spesifik. Tujuan: Tujuan studi pustaka ini adalah untuk menggambarkan problem perawatan ortodonti pada penderita sindroma Down dan pertimbangan apa yang sebaiknya diambil untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tinjauan pustaka: Banyak penelitian melaporkan tentang prevalensi maloklusi yang tinggi pada penderita sindroma Down. Maloklusi yang sering dijumpai adalah relasi klas III, gigitan silang, berdesakan dan juga gigitan terbuka. Problem dapat terjadi saat perawatan ortodonti karena adanya faktor dental, medis, mental dan tingkah laku penderita. Kesimpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa perawatan ortodonti masih dapat dilakukan pada penderita sindroma Down meskipun dengan beberapa kesulitan. Pertimbangan mental, tingkah laku, kondisi medis sistemik dan kondisi dental, akan mempengaruhi hasil perawatan. Tindakan dan fasilitas khusus diperlukan untuk menunjang suksesnya perawatan ortodonti pada penderita sindroma Down.
Betel leaf toothpastes inhibit dental plaque formation on fixed orthodontic patients Rizka Amelia Mayasari; Sianiwati Goenharto; Ahmad Sjafei
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 44 No. 4 (2011): December 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.201 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v44.i4.p169-172


Background: Brackets, archwires, ligatures, and other fixed orthodontic appliance components complicate the use of conventional oral-hygiene measures. This often results in significant plaque accumulation around the bracket bases. The addition of betel leaf extract in toothpaste is expected to inhibit the growth of dental plaque. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of betel leaf toothpaste in inhibiting plaque formation on the fixed orthodontic patients. Methods: This study was done on dental student of Airlangga University aged 18–24 years, have been wearing fixed orthodontic appliances for 1–2 years, have no systemic diseases. The samples were divided into two groups, consisting of 20 samples. First group of samples brushed their teeth with betel group of samples brushed their teeth with betel brushed their teeth with betel leaf toothpaste and the second using placebo. The subjects were instructed to brush their teeth using Scrub method until reaching zero (0) scor of orthodontic plaque index (OPI). Plaque scores were taken again 4 hours after brushing. The statistical analysis was done by using paired t test. Results: The average of accumulated plaque on group that use betel leaf toothpaste was 25.54 and placebo was 41.09. The result showed that there was significant difference in plaque accumulation between the group with betel leaf toothpaste and placebo 4 hours after brushing (p = 0.001). Conclusion: In conclusion, betel leaf toothpaste is effective in inhibiting the dental plaque formation on the fixed orthodontic patients. Latar belakang: Bracket, kawat busur, kawat ligatur dan komponen peranti ortodonti cekat yang lain mempersulit pembersihan gigi secara konvensional. Hal ini sering menyebabkan terjadinya akumulasi plak di sekitar dasar braket. Penambahan ekstrak daun sirih yang mempunyai efek bakterisid pada pasta gigi diharapkan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan plak. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efek pasta gigi mengandung ekstrak daun sirih dalam menghambat pembentukan plak pada pemakai peranti ortodonti cekat. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga berusia 18–24 tahun, sudah memakai peranti cekat ortodonti selama 1–2 tahun, tidak mempunyai penyakit sistemik. Sampel dibagi dalam dibagi dalam dua kelompok, masing-masing 20 sampel. Sampel kelompok pertama menyikat gigi dengan pasta gigi yang mengandung daun sirih dan kelompok kedua dengan pasta gigi placebo memakai metode Scrub. Pembersihan gigi dilakukan sampai didapatkan skor nol (0) Pembersihan gigi dilakukan sampai didapatkan skor nol (0) didapatkan skor nol (0) orthodontic plaque index. Empat jam setelah itu skor plak diukur kembali. Data dianalisis dengan uji T berpasangan. dianalisis dengan uji T berpasangan. Hasil: Rerata pengumpulan plak pada pemakai pasta gigi mengandung daun sirih adalah 25,54 dan placebo adalah 41,09. Analisis data menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok (p = 0,001). Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasta gigi mengandung daun sirih efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan plak pada pemakai peranti ortodonti cekat.
Effect of pressure and polishing technique on surface roughness of cold cured acrylic resin Sianiwati Goenharto
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 40 No. 2 (2007): June 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.199 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v40.i2.p81-84


The smoothness of acrylic surface plays an important role in producing removable orthodontic appliances. Int this study, we examine the effect of pressure and polishing technique on surface roughness of cold cured acrylic resin. Forty eight samples were prepared and classified into two groups: acrylic resin polymerization with and without pressure. Each group was classified into four subgroups: being polished with abrasive stone, bur for acrylic, silicone polisher and without being polished as control group. Surface roughness was measured using surface roughness tester. The surface roughness of polymerized acrylic with and without pressure and polished with different technique was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA, continued by Dunnet test. T-test was done to know whether there was the effect of pressure on surface roughness after being polished using certain technique. The result showed that pressure and polishing technique affected surface roughness significantly (p = 0.001). On the group of polymerization with pressure, surface roughness resulted from polishing with bur of acrylic showed significant difference with silicone polisher, whereas on the group without pressure, polishing with bur of acrylic showed significant difference with abrasive stone. Of the three polishing techniques, there was significant difference of surface roughness of cold cured acrylic resin (t = 0.002). It is concluded that pressure and polishing technique affected the surface roughness of cold cured acrylic resin. Polishing technique using bur of acrylic, followed by abrasive paper, rotating felt cone and soft brush showed less surface roughness on the group of polymerization with or without pressure.
Breket titanium (Titanium bracket) Sianiwati Goenharto; Achmad Sjafei
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 38 No. 3 (2005): September 2005
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.627 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v38.i3.p120-123


There has been a considerable discussion in the literature about corrosion and sensitivity to the nickel present in stainless steel brackets. Titanium has been heralded as a material totally compatible in the oral environment and superior in structural integrity compared to stainless steel. Many current applications in dentistry and medicine have made titanium an obvious choice for a possible substitute material. Titanium based brackets have shown excellent corrosion resistance and possessed good biocompatibility. Evaluation of titanium brackets for orthodontic therapy showed that titanium brackets were comparable to stainless steel brackets in passive and active configuration. Study about metallographic structure, hardness, bond strength to enamel substrate, etc. showed that titanium brackets exhibited a potential for clinical application. It was concluded that titanium brackets were suitable substitute for stainless steel brackets.
Dental student’s satisfaction towards orthodontic laboratory work from RSGM Dental Laboratory Sianiwati Goenharto; Dini Setyowati; Elly Rusdiana
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 48 No. 4 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.009 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v48.i4.p177-182


Background: Customer satisfaction plays an important role in the success and continuity of a business. Dental Laboratory of RSGM Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga provides services for Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga students enrolled in a dental profession program. One of services offered is making of removable orthodontic appliances. Until now there has been no research on customer satisfaction after the appliances made in the laboratory. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine whether Universitas Airlangga dental students as customers were satisfied with the work of the RSGM Dental laboratory, particularly in orthodontics. Method: An analytic observational study was carried out on 48 Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga students who were enrolled in a dental profession program and made removable orthodontic appliances in RSGM Dental Laboratory. The students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about satisfaction regarding the timeliness, the suitability of results, the services provided, the quality of both active and passive components, the ease of insertion and activation. Data were analyzed descriptively. The relationship between satisfaction towards the quality of clasp, spring, bow and satisfaction towards the quality of acrylic plate to the ease of insertion were analyzed with Fischer exact test. The relationship between satisfaction towards the quality of clasp, spring, bow and satisfaction towards the quality of acrylic plate to the ease of activation were analyzed by chi square. Result: Respondents who were satisfied with the timeliness of work were 54.17%, the suitability of the results of the query were 79.17%, the services provided were 95.83%, the results of clasp, bow and spring were 72.92%, the results of acrylic plate were 77.08%, the ease of insertion were 54.17%, and the ease of activation were 89.58%. The results of the statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between the ease of insertion and the quality of clasp, spring and bow (p = 0.01) as well as acrylic plate made (p = 0.045 <0.05), however, there was no significant correlation between the ease of activation with quality of clasp, spring and bow (p = 0.08) and the acrylic plate made (p = 0.337 (p> 0.05)). Conclusion: It was concluded that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the results of removable orthodontic appliances produced, but punctuality still needs to be improved.
Comparison Between Removable and Fixed Orthodontic Retainers Sianiwati Goenharto; Elly Rusdiana; Ida Nurul Khairyyah
Journal of Vocational Health Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): November 2017 | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jvhs.V1.I2.2017.82-87


Background: There are two kinds of retainers: removable retainer and fixed retainer. Removable retainer is an orthodontic retainer which can be inserted and removed by the patient, whereas fixed retainer is bonded permanently on teeth, it cannot be removed by the patient. It is important to know which retainer that most effective based on the existing case. Purpose: To identify the comparison between removable and fixed retainers in orthodontic treatment. Review: Hawley retainer, Beggs retainer, clip on retainer, Kesling’stooth positioners and invisible retainer  are removable retainers whereas fixed retainers include banded retainer, bonded retainer and band & spur type retainer. Comparison between removable and fix retainer can be evaluated from several aspects such as: cost, aesthetics, fabrication process, durability, occlusion, hygiene and convenience of use. Conclusion: Whether removable or fixed retainers can be effectively used to prevent relapse post orthodontic treatment depending onthe existing case.
Journal of Vocational Health Studies Vol. 1 No. 3 (2018): March 2018 | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL HEALTH STUDIES
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jvhs.V1.I3.2018.136-133


Background: Tongue thrusting is a behavior pattern in which the tongue protrudes through the anterior incisors and pushes the anterior teeth at rest position, during speech or swallowing. This bad habit causes malocclusion, but removable or fixed tongue crib appliance can be used to eliminate it. Purpose: To know various kinds of fixed tongue crib that can be used to overcome tongue thrust habit. Review: Habit is a repeated behavior pattern in the normal development stage. Tongue thrust makes oral muscle imbalance which eventually resulted in malocclusions such as incisor protruded and open bite. Several efforts can be done to overcome this habit including speech therapy, myofunctional therapy, tongue exercise and tongue crib orthodontic appliance usage. Tongue crib is used to returns the tongue to the normal position. Various forms of tongue crib are almost the same in the way they are made by soldering the crib to the maxillary first molar band. Conclusion: Tongue thrust habit can be corrected with fixed or removable tongue crib appliances such as hybrid habit correcting appliance, tongue crib with cold cured acrylic tongue shield, fixed palatal crib with transpalatal arch, fixed tongue loops, tongue fence, and upper hay rake.