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SELULITIS DENGAN ULKUS VARIKOSUM Mitaart, Andravita F.; Pandaleke, Herry E. J.
JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM Vol 6, No 1 (2014): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM Maret 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.6.1.2014.4165


Abstract: Cellulitis is an acute bacterial infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissue which manifests as an erythematous lesion with an undefined border accompanied with inflammatory signs. It is mainly found in the elderly; more frequently in females than males; with a history of malaise, fever, and pain as the prodromal signs, and enlargement of local lymph nodes. Cellulitis can occur in any body region, most commonly on the lower limbs, followed by the arms, head, and, neck. It tends to occur in sites with prior lesions such as dermatitis, static ulcers (including varicose ulcers), animal bites, or trauma. A varicose ulcer is an ulcer located on the lower limb caused by a disturbance in the venous blood flow. We reported an 80-year-old woman, presented with cellulitis and varicose ulcers. The diagnosis was based on history, clinical signs, and laboratory findings. The therapy consisted of limb elevation; oral antibiotic clindamycin (300 mg), mefenamic acid (500 mg), and mebhydroline napadisilate (50 mg), each three times daily; and a topical therapy that was comprised of a wound dressing using NaCl 0.9% for 30 minutes three times daily and an application of sodium fusidate cream twice daily. After ten days of therapy, there were clinical improvements with wound healing without any sign of cellulitis.Keywords: cellulitis, varicose ulcer  Abstrak: Selulitis merupakan infeksi bakteri akut pada dermis dan jaringan subkutan yang ditandai lesi kemerahan berbatas tidak jelas dan disertai tanda-tanda radang. Umumnya selulitis ditemukan pada usia lanjut, perempuan lebih sering daripada laki-laki, dengan riwayat lesu, demam, dan rasa nyeri sebagai gejala prodromal, disertai pembesaran kelenjar getah bening setempat. Selulitis dapat terjadi pada bagian tubuh manapun dengan predileksi pada tungkai bawah diikuti lengan, kepala, dan leher. Selain itu, selulitis biasanya timbul pada lokasi dengan lesi yang telah ada sebelummya, yaitu dermatitis, ulkus stasis (termasuk ulkus varikosum), luka tusuk, gigitan binatang, atau trauma. Ulkus varikosum ialah ulkus pada tungkai bawah yang disebabkan gangguan aliran darah venosa. Kami melaporkan kasus seorang perempuan berusia 80 tahun dengan selulitis dan ulkus varikosum. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesis, gejala klinis, dan pemeriksaan penunjang. Penatalaksanaannya ialah elevasi tungkai; antibiotik oral klindamisin 300 mg, asam mefenamat 500 mg, dan mebhidrolin napadisilat 50 mg, masing-masing 3 kali sehari; kompres solusio NaCl 0,9% selama 30 menit 3 kali sehari, dan natrium fusidat krim dioleskan 2 kali sehari. Setelah 10 hari paska terapi, terdapat perbaikan klinis berupa luka yang mulai mengering tanpa disertai tanda-tanda selulitis.Kata kunci: selulitis, ulkus varikosum
Seroprevalence of syphilis and herpes simplex virus type 2 and its association with sexual behaviour factors (a cross-sectional study among men who have sex with men in Manado, Indonesia) Niode, Nurdjanah J.; Minarto, Hendra; Mitaart, Andravita F.; Kapantow, Grace M.; Kandou, Renate T.
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia Vol. 2, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Aims: This study investigated the seroprevalence and sexual risk behavior factors associated with syphilis and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) among men who have sex with men (MSM), in Manado, Indonesia. Methods: Serum samples and questionnaires regarding their socio-demographic and sexual behaviour were collected from 60 MSM in Manado. Samples were screened for anti-HSV-2 IgG for herpes, the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) and the Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination (TPHA) test for syphilis. A cross sectional method was used in this study. Results: Of 60 MSM (median age was 20 years), 35% had homosexual orientation and 65% had bisexual orientation. First sexual intercourse of most participants (48.3%) within 16 to 18 years old. In the last 12 months, most participants (55%) had only one male sex partner. There were 63.3% and 16.7% participants performed oral and anal intercourse. About 23.3% participants used condom consistently, but only 35.7% used compatible lubricant. Seropositivity of VDRL and TPHA was detected in 5% participants and anti-HSV-2 IgG in 23.3% participants. The positive serology test for syphilis was associated with sexual intercourse mode (p= 0.001). Significant association was found between anti-HSV-2 IgG seropositivity and condom-use behaviour (p=0,028). Conclusions: The study demonstrated 5% and 23.3% positivity of serology test for syphilis and anti-HSV-2 IgG respectively. Seropositivity of syphilis was correlated with oral and anal intercourse while HSV-2 with no condom-use behaviour among MSM in Manado, Indonesia.