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KAJIAN PERLINDUNGAN E-PAYMENT BERBASIS QR-CODE DALAM E-COMMERCE evelyn angelita pinondang manurung; Eka Ayu Purnama Lestari
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sains dan Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.353 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jppsh.v4i1.24323


Pesatnya perkembangan industri digital saat ini memberikan pengaruh besar pada kemajuan terhadap industri global di Indonesia. Tentu banyak pihak yang terlibat dalam industri digital tersebut. Manfaat internet saat ini dirasakan hampir di setiap segmen aktifitas manusia.  Salah satu aktifitas bisnis masyarakat yang berkembang saat ini adalah perdagangan online, atau populer disebut dengan Electronic Commerce.Untuk mendukung aktifitas e-commerce diperlukan adanya suatu sistem pembayaran berbasis internet (internet payment system). Saat ini yang berkembang di beberapa Marketplace telah menggunakan metode/sistem QR-Code (Quick Response Code) sebagai metode pembayarannya. Metode tersebut terbukti efisien dalam efektifitas transaksi e-commerce. Namun muncul juga polemik dalam masyarakat mengenai metode QR-Code. Untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan metode QR-Code masyarakat harus melek teknologi dan mengerti tentang penerapan dan fungsinya. Saat ini masyarakat terlena dengan kemudahan yang ditawarkan perusahaan e-commerce dengan metode pembayaran QR-Code tanpa mengerti dan memahami keamanan/perlindungan hukum tentang metode QR-Code yang jelas.Dengan adanya suatu kajian tentang perlindungan terhadap sistem pembayaran elektronik berbasis QR-Code diharapkan konsumen e-commerce dan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya mengerti bagaimana penerapan metode pembayaran tersebut dan keamanan metode pembayaran tersebut dalam memberi perlindungan bagi konsumen e-commerce.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Analisis Kebutuhan Dunia Kerja Putu Shinta Noviaty; Eka Ayu Purnama Lestari; Komang Trisnadewi
JISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan)
Publisher : Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jisip.v6i1.2667


Time development will affect the changing needs of graduates. Using teaching materials as one of the factors supporting the learning process is an absolute thing to do so that learning becomes directed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research to prepare highly competitive human resources. This research is a development that aims to produce materials oriented towards analyzing the needs of graduate users. The ADDIE method includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. It was chosen as the basis for developing teaching materials for STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students on Information Technology. The analysis stage is the stage carried out to describe what the learner will learn. Next is the design stage. The purpose of learning, strategies, learning resources, tests are designed. It becomes a supporting factor for the learning process. Development is the next stage where the process of making materials is carried out according to a predetermined design. The next stage is implementation. Submission of material by the results of the development is carried out at this stage. The last stage is the evaluation stage. The revision process is carried out at this stage to assess the designed learning program.Time development will affect the changing needs of graduates. Using teaching materials as one of the factors supporting the learning process is an absolute thing to do so that learning becomes directed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research to prepare highly competitive human resources. This research is a development that aims to produce materials oriented towards analyzing the needs of graduate users. The ADDIE method includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. It was chosen as the basis for developing teaching materials for STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students on Information Technology. The analysis stage is the stage carried out to describe what the learner will learn. Next is the design stage. The purpose of learning, strategies, learning resources, tests are designed. It becomes a supporting factor for the learning process. Development is the next stage where the process of making materials is carried out according to a predetermined design. The next stage is implementation. Submission of material by the results of the development is carried out at this stage. The last stage is the evaluation stage. The revision process is carried out at this stage to assess the designed learning program.
Socialization of Cyber Bullying Prevention for Taman Rama Jimbaran Senior High School’s Students Maria Osmunda Eawea Monny; Evelyn Angelita Pinondang Manurung; Eka Ayu Purnama Lestari
Law Doctoral Community Service Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Law Doctoral Community Service Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.587 KB) | DOI: 10.55637/ldcsj.1.1.4454.36-40


This social engagement is done in order to improve understanding of students Senior High School of Taman Rama Jimbaran about cyber bullying. This socialization is important to be implemented considering that students nowadays are really attached to their gadgets/devices. Besides, social media is also one of the media that mostly used by students to express their ideas or anything they have in their mind. This socialization is important because sometimes students considering that what they wrote or posted in social media is just something good. However, due to some extend it can be an unpleasing or humiliating others. Method in this social engagement is used was online conference through Zoom. Main findings of this social engagement are: the eagerness of the students to know the information about cyber bullying and the enthusiasm of principle and teachers as a form of their attention about cyber bullying and how to prevent it. The students were able to grasp the information by asking questions needed. There were 35 participants in this activity, those were Principle, teachers and students. Finally, the information about how to prevent cyber bullying, the impact for the victims and law implementation for those who did cyber bullying. Finally, it is expected that cyber bullying preventions are able to be applied properly and appropriately by students and parties involved in it.