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Nawal Al-Sa’dawi Dalam Tradisi Feminisme Barat Drei Herba Ta'abudi; Nurul Asqi
Nady Al-Adab : Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol. 16 No. 2 (2019): Nady al-Adab
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jna.v16i2.7734


Tulisan ini bertujuan melacak keterpengaruhan fiksi-fiksi Sa’da>wi> dengan pemikiran feminisme Barat. Kajian ini sangat menarik karena resepsi karya-karyanya yang tidak banyak diterima di tempat kelahirannya, namun populer serta diminati di luar negaranya. Ada dua pertanyaan yang dikaji: pertama, bagaimana tema yang ditampilkan Sa’da>wi> dalam karya-karya fiksinya; kedua, bagaimana relasi keterpengaruhan Sa’da>wi> dengan pemikiran feminis Barat. Adapun tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan Muqa>ranah dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Tiga karya fiksi yang menjadi sumber primer di antaranya: “Adab am Qillah Adab” (2000), “Suqu>t}u al-Ima>m” (1987), serta “Imra’ah ‘Inda Nuqt}ah al-S{ifr” (1982). Selanjutnya aliran feminis marxis-sosialis menjadi hipogram dalam tulisan ini. Tulisan ini menghasilkan dua hal: pertama, narasi-narasi fiksi-fiksi Sa’dawi merepresentasikan aliran feminis marxist-sosialis; kedua, keterkaitannya dengan aliran ini dengan melihat Sa’da>wi> sebagai perempuan kelas terdidik yang dapat memperoleh akses informasi lebih luas, aktivitas politiknya, serta motivasi kepenulisannya. This article aims to explain influenced Sa’da>wi> fiction with western feminism. This research very interisting because of the receptions of her works are rejected in her country but became popular accepted outside her country. Two questions in this study: first, how Sa’da>wi> shows the theme in her fictional works; second, how does the relation of Sa’da>wi>’s influence with Western feminist thought\. This research uses Muqa>ranah approach with descriptive analytic method. Three works of fiction are the primary source: “Adab am Qillah Adab” (2000), “Suqu>t}u al-Ima>m” (1987) and “Imra’ah ‘Inda Nuqt}ah al-S{ifr” (1982). Further Marxist-socialist feminist flow becomes a hypogram in this paper. This reserch result in two discovering: first, the narratives of Sa’da>wi>’s fictions represent marxist-sosialist feminist stream; second, its association with this flow by seeing Sa’da>wi> as an educated class woman which can gain wider access to information, political activity and writing motivation.
Leksema: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ljbs.v3i1.1090


The aim of this research was to describe the short-short story (al-qisah al-qasirah jidan) of Morocco in Ha’al-Hurriyah anthology by Muhammad Said ar-Rihani by using structural approach. This approach is selected to show the text objectively. This paper analyzed the short short story using the theory of Rimmon-Kenan naratology and Qalyubi stylistics. It tried to find out how the storytelling models in the short-short stories entitled Haitsuma Kana al-Zulmu Fatsamati Watani and Ghidza’ al-A’mal in the anthology are and how language style are used in both short-short stories. The results of this research show that for storytelling, both short-short stories uses narrative and dialogue technique, each of which lead to the centralization and compaction of the theory. Both short-short stories contain structural aspects of metaphorical repetitions whereas in the imaginary realm, there are characteristics of title selection, the use of majaz (metaphor) and itnab (hyperbole).