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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

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Abstract One important factor to avoid casualties on a shipwreck is a safe evacuation route design. Number of locations that can slow the evacuation process, such as doors, stairs and corridors are essential for analysis. This paper discusses a number of critical locations that have the potential failure of evacuation, particularly in the inter-island ferry. The method used to identify the critical location or locations, where the density of passengers occurs during the evacuation process, is the Simultaneous Movement Method. The simulation results showed that the total time required to evacuate passengers was 870 seconds or 14.50 minutes. This time is much smaller than the time required by the International Maritime Organization (60 minutes). Potential passenger density or the critical path starts at the door 1 when the path traversed by all economy class passengers before entering the hall 1 and hall 2. The number of passengers that accumulates at these sites is 72 people on the 300th second. Furthermore, passenger density occurs at the meeting area of the movement passengers toward the exit deck, where the passengers come from the corridors 3 and 4. At that location the density of passengers reached 76 people in the 490th second. The potential location or the critical point of passenger evacuation path occurs at the junction between two or more evacuation lanes, especially in the transition location, such as at doors, stairs, or narrowing lane due to the large number of passengers. Keywords: evacuation lane, critical location, evacuation time, emergency exit, ferry  Abstrak Salah satu faktor penting untuk menghindari terjadinya korban jiwa pada suatu kecelakaan kapal adalah desain jalur evakuasi yang aman. Sejumlah lokasi yang dapat memperlambat proses evakuasi, seperti pintu-pintu, tangga, dan koridor penting untuk dianalisis. Makalah ini membahas sejumlah lokasi kritis yang berpotensi terjadinya kegagalan evakuasi, khususnya pada kapal penyeberangan antarpulau. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi kritis atau lokasi tempat terjadinya kepadatan penumpang selama proses evakuasi adalah Metode Pergerakan Simultan. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa total waktu evakuasi yang diperlukan penumpang adalah 870 detik atau 14,50 menit. Waktu tersebut lebih kecil daripada waktu yang disyaratkan Organisasi Maritim Internasional (60 menit). Potensi kepadatan penumpang atau jalur kritis dimulai pada pintu 1 ketika jalur tersebut dilalui oleh semua penumpang kelas ekonomi sebelum memasuki koridor 1 dan koridor 2. Jumlah penumpang yang terakumulasi pada lokasi tersebut adalah 72 orang pada detik ke-300. Selanjutnya kepadatan penumpang terjadi pada daerah pertemuan pergerakan penumpang yang menuju pintu darurat geladak, yaitu penumpang yang berasal dari koridor 3 dan koridor 4. Pada lokasi tersebut terjadi kepadatan penumpang yang mencapai 76 orang pada detik ke-490. Potensi lokasi atau titik kritis jalur evakuasi penumpang terjadi pada pertemuan antara dua atau lebih jalur evakuasi, khususnya pada lokasi transisi, seperti pada pintu, tangga, atau penyempitan jalur yang disebabkan jumlah penumpang yang besar. Kata-kata kunci: jalur evakuasi, lokasi kritis, waktu evakuasi, pintu darurat, kapal penyeberangan
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 2 No 2 (2015): Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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One of important factor to avoid accident fatalities of passanger vessel evacuation is the evacuation route design of safety. A number of critical locations can slow down the evacuation process such as doors, stairs and corridors essential for analysis. This paper discusses a number of critical locations, potential to evacuation failure, especially on ships crossing inter-islands. The method used to identify the critical location or locations where the concentration of passengers during the evacuation process is the Simultaneous Movement Method. The simulation results show that the total time required evacuation of passengers, especially on economy class of KMP Jatra II, since leaving the passenger compartment until all passengers are on the vehicle deck emergency exit is 870 seconds or 14.50 minutes, smaller than required by IMO ( 60 menit). Potential of passenger density or the critical path, starting at the 1st door where in the path traversed by all economy class passengers before entering the 1st and 2nd corridors. Maximum number of passengers that accumulates at these sites is 72 people on 300 seconds. Subsequently passenger’s concentration occurs at the meeting movement toward the passenger emergency exit vehicle deck that is derived from the 3rd and 4th corridors, at the location of a concentration of passengers up to 76 people on 490 second. This study suggests that the potential of location or critical point of the passenger evacuation path occurs at a meeting between two or more evacuation routes, especially in locations such as the transition to the doors, stairs or passenger traffic bottlenecks due to the larger capacity. The results of this analysis can also be used as a basis for determining an alternative evacuation route or routes change if the conditions are experienced during vessel operation.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.392 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v15i2.1730.%p


Abstract One important factor to avoid casualties on a shipwreck is a safe evacuation route design. Number of locations that can slow the evacuation process, such as doors, stairs and corridors are essential for analysis. This paper discusses a number of critical locations that have the potential failure of evacuation, particularly in the inter-island ferry. The method used to identify the critical location or locations, where the density of passengers occurs during the evacuation process, is the Simultaneous Movement Method. The simulation results showed that the total time required to evacuate passengers was 870 seconds or 14.50 minutes. This time is much smaller than the time required by the International Maritime Organization (60 minutes). Potential passenger density or the critical path starts at the door 1 when the path traversed by all economy class passengers before entering the hall 1 and hall 2. The number of passengers that accumulates at these sites is 72 people on the 300th second. Furthermore, passenger density occurs at the meeting area of the movement passengers toward the exit deck, where the passengers come from the corridors 3 and 4. At that location the density of passengers reached 76 people in the 490th second. The potential location or the critical point of passenger evacuation path occurs at the junction between two or more evacuation lanes, especially in the transition location, such as at doors, stairs, or narrowing lane due to the large number of passengers. Keywords: evacuation lane, critical location, evacuation time, emergency exit, ferry  Abstrak Salah satu faktor penting untuk menghindari terjadinya korban jiwa pada suatu kecelakaan kapal adalah desain jalur evakuasi yang aman. Sejumlah lokasi yang dapat memperlambat proses evakuasi, seperti pintu-pintu, tangga, dan koridor penting untuk dianalisis. Makalah ini membahas sejumlah lokasi kritis yang berpotensi terjadinya kegagalan evakuasi, khususnya pada kapal penyeberangan antarpulau. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi kritis atau lokasi tempat terjadinya kepadatan penumpang selama proses evakuasi adalah Metode Pergerakan Simultan. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa total waktu evakuasi yang diperlukan penumpang adalah 870 detik atau 14,50 menit. Waktu tersebut lebih kecil daripada waktu yang disyaratkan Organisasi Maritim Internasional (60 menit). Potensi kepadatan penumpang atau jalur kritis dimulai pada pintu 1 ketika jalur tersebut dilalui oleh semua penumpang kelas ekonomi sebelum memasuki koridor 1 dan koridor 2. Jumlah penumpang yang terakumulasi pada lokasi tersebut adalah 72 orang pada detik ke-300. Selanjutnya kepadatan penumpang terjadi pada daerah pertemuan pergerakan penumpang yang menuju pintu darurat geladak, yaitu penumpang yang berasal dari koridor 3 dan koridor 4. Pada lokasi tersebut terjadi kepadatan penumpang yang mencapai 76 orang pada detik ke-490. Potensi lokasi atau titik kritis jalur evakuasi penumpang terjadi pada pertemuan antara dua atau lebih jalur evakuasi, khususnya pada lokasi transisi, seperti pada pintu, tangga, atau penyempitan jalur yang disebabkan jumlah penumpang yang besar. Kata-kata kunci: jalur evakuasi, lokasi kritis, waktu evakuasi, pintu darurat, kapal penyeberangan
Pengaruh Sudut Kemiringan dan Jarak antar Daun Kemudi Terhadap Kinerja Maneuvering KMP Bontoharu Muhammad, Andi Haris; Paroka, Daeng; Rahman, Sabaruddin; Firmansyah, Mohammad Rizal
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan Vol 16, No 3 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Department of Naval Architecture - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1278.253 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/kapal.v16i3.24946


Kapal ferry ro-ro sesuai fungsinya sebagai kapal penyeberangan penumpang dan kendaraan antar pulau memiliki karakteritik yang berbeda dibanding kapal niaga pada umumnya, khususnya pengunaan sistem kemudi ganda dengan rasio jarak antar daun kemudi yang relatip besar, hal ini sangat berdampak terhadap kemampuan olah gerak kapal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisiskemampuan maneuvering kapal ferry melalui pengaturan sudut kemiringan dan jarak antar daun kemudi. Program MATLAB-Simulink digunakan dalam simulasi turning circle dan zig-zag maneuvering. Program simulasi telah dikembangkan dengan konsep time domain simulation berdasarkan persamaan model matematika pergerakan kapal pada 3-DOF (Degres of Freedom) yang meliputi persamaan komponen lambung, propeler dan daun kemudi beserta koefisien hidrodinamaka didalamnya. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa seiring dengan bertambahnyasudut kemiringan daun kemudi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan turning circle kapal, namun sebaliknya pada gerak zig-zag maneuvering. Selanjutnya dengan bertambahnya jarak antar daun kemudi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan baik turning circle dan zig-zag maneuvering, namun dengan momen daun kemudi yang relative besar maka hal ini dapat membahayakan kapal.
MANEUVERING PERFORMANCE OF A FERRY AFFECTED BY RUDDER AREA AND SPEED Muhammad, Andi Haris; Djabbar, Muhammad Alham; Yuniarsih, Nidia
The Indonesian Journal of Naval Architecture Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Naval Architecture
Publisher : Diponegoro University

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The aim of the study is to determine the effect of rudder area and speed on a ferry ship maneuvering performance, especially during the turning circle and zigzag maneuver.  MATLAB-simulink was used to simulate turning circle and zigzag maneuver. The simulation utilized model based on the concept of Mathematical Modelling Group (MMG) includes testing/separating components of the hull equations, propeller and rudder as well as the interaction among them (hull, propeller and rudder). The result of simulation indicated that rudder  dimension and ship speed  affect both turning circle and zigzag maneuver of the ferry reasonably.
Estimation of Effective Wave Slope Coefficient of Ships with Large Breadth and Draught Ratio Paroka, Daeng; Muhammad, Andi Haris; Rahman, Sabaruddin
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan Vol 17, No 1 (2020): February
Publisher : Department of Naval Architecture - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2729.505 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/kapal.v17i1.28399


One of parameters to estimate heel angle of a ship in beam seas is effective wave slope coefficient. In the weather criterion of IMO, the effective wave slope coefficient is determined as function of ratio between distance of center of gravity from the sea surface and the ship draught. The others methods could be used to estimate the effective wave slope coefficient are simplified strip theory and model experiment. A ship with shallow draught and large vertical center of gravity can have an effective wave slope coefficient larger than 1.0 if the coefficient is calculated by using the formulae of weather criterion. Therefore, an alternative method to estimate the coefficient is necessary when it is applied to ships with geometry characteristics different with those used to develop the formulae. This research conducts to estimate the effective wave slope coefficient using three different methods, namely the formulae of weather criterion, the simplified strip theory and model experiment. Results of the three methods may provide enough evidence about suitable method to estimate the effective wave slope coefficient of ships with breadth and draught ratio larger than 3.5 like the Indonesian ro-ro ferries. Results and discussion show that the effective wave slope coefficient obtained by using the formulae of weather criterion is larger compared to that obtained by using the simplified strip theory and the model experiment. Here, the result of simplified strip theory for wave frequency the same as the roll natural frequency of subject ship is similar with the result of model experiment. This results show that the simplified strip theory can be used as an alternative method to determine the effective wave slope of a ship with breadth and draught ratio larger than 3.5 if the result of model experiment does not available.
Maneuverability of Ships with small Draught in Steady Wind Paroka, Daeng; Muhammad, Andi Haris; Asri, Syamsul
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 20, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Wind force and moment may force a ship to drastically decrease its speed and use a large drift angle as well as a large rudder angle in order to maintain its course. Ships with a small draught might have more risk in maneuvering to its point of view compared with a ship with a larger draught. This paper discusses maneuverability of a ship with a small draught in steady wind. The effect of wind on ship speed, drift angle, and rudder angle are investigated in a steady state condition. Five different ratios of wind velocity to ship speed from 1.0 to 20.0 are used in the simulation. The variation in wind direction is examined from 0° to 180°. Results of the numerical simulation show that the wind has a significant effect on the reduction in ship speed with a wind direction less than 100°. The drift angle increases due to increasing wind velocity in the same wind direction. Wind direction also has a significant effect on the drift angle especially when the wind direction is less than 140°. The same phenomenon was found for the rudder angle. The necessary rudder angle is greater than the maximum rudder angle of the ship when the wind direction is 60° with a wind velocity to ship speed ratio of 20 or more.
Experimental Study on Automatic Control for Collision Avoidance of Ships Paroka, Daeng; Kamil, Muhammad Fahmi; Muhammad, Andi Haris
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 21, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Automatic control system is widely applied to control the ship direction or heading angle in accordance with the decided trajectory. Several methods for improving performance of control system have been developed such as Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and fuzzy logic based control. Within the last decade, application of automatic control system is not only for ship navigation but also for avoiding collision risk of ships in seaways. This paper discusses the application of automatic control system for avoiding ship collision by free running experiment. Fuzzy logic based control was developed using Mamdani Centroid method to estimate the necessary rudder angle in order to change the ship heading angle. Collision scenario was designed using four fixed obstacles with a certain distance which will be avoided by ship model. The results of free running experiment showed that the automatic control system can minimize the risk against collision or at least provide initial warning that may be faced by the ship. with minimum distance of 3.50 of length between perpendicular. To improve performance of control, external disturbance such as wind and wave should be considered in the design of automatic control system.