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Uji Daya Hasil Empat Galur Padi Generasi Ke Empat di Lahan Politeknik Negeri Lampung Ana Tri Lestari; Jaenudin Kartahadimaja; Nurman Abdul Hakim
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 17 No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.112 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v17i3.298


The largest food commodity in Indonesia is rice (Oryza sativa), because rice is the main food source for most of Indonesia's population. Rice productivity can be increased, among others through innovation of high yield rice varieties, resistant to biotic and abiotic stress, and have good rice quality. The effort to form high yielding high yielding varieties requires several stages, one of which is power yield test. This research was conducted to obtain potential yield data from the four strains tested in the fourth generation. The strains studied were MS1, MS2, MS3 and ChM strains, with two varieties of varieties, namely Ciherang and Cilamaya varieties. This study used per-line planting method and conducted with Randomize Completly Block Design (RCBD).  Observations were made on selected individual plants as samples. The variables observed were maximum plant height, maximum number of shoots, number of productive shoots, flowering age, harvest age, panicle length, number of grain per panicle, amount of unhulled grain per panicle, total grain per panicle, weight 1,000 grains, Clumps and grain yield per hectare. The data were analyzed by using variance, and if there was any difference between treatments, then the data will be tested further with Least Significant Different (LSD) on stage 5%.. Based on the observation and test, the result of production of each strain is MS1 strain of 7.24 ton.ha-1, MS2 strain of 6.06 ton.ha-1, MS3 strain of 6.29 ton.ha-1, and ChM strain of 6.01 ton.ha-1.
Strategi Pemasaran Benih Padi Studi Kasus di PT Bcg (Persero) Ubr V Kabupaten Lampung Timur Dina Aprianti; Nurman Abdul Hakim; Dayang Berliana
Journal of Food System & Agribusiness Volume 3 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jofsa.v3i1.1551


The author's goal is to identify internal factors in the form of strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors in the form of opportunities and threats in marketing rice seeds at PT BCG, analyzing the marketing strategies of rice seeds most appropriate to achieve the sales volume of rice seeds and expanding the distribution area at PT BCG. The data used are of two types, namely quantitative and qualitative data obtained directly. Results and discussion concluded that internal factors affecting rice seed marketing included strength factors, namely large land area and weaknesses, namely the number of human resources in production which were still lacking and were still done manually, while external marketing factors for opportunity factors were good support from surrounding communities in seed business for the welfare of farmers as consumers and the threat factor is competitors in the same business. Companies need to collaborate with fellow producers in meeting the needs of consumers, the company applies friendly and courteous servicesto consumers, the company needs the application of agricultural tools in producing seeds, the company needs to open a branch selling new products, the company is able to increase business capital, and the company uses packaging that is not easily damaged and airtight material (polyethylene plastic). determining the value or weight rating for strengths of 0.21, then weaknesses of 0.09 then opportunities of 0.26, and threats of 0.14.                        
Uji Adaptasi Empat Galur Jagung Hibrida (Zea mays L.) Pada Dataran Menengah Tanggamus Ira Anggraini; Jaenudin Kartahadimaja; Nurman Abdul Hakim
J-Plantasimbiosa Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jplantasimbiosa.v2i1.1613


Jagung mempunyai peran strategis bagi perekonomian nasional, jagung penyumbang terbesar kedua setelah padi dalam subsektor tanaman pangan. Uji adaptasi merupakan kegiatan uji lapangan terhadap tanaman dibeberapa agroekologi bagi tanaman untuk mengetahui keunggulan dan interaksi varietas terhadap lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui galur jagung hibrida rakitan Politeknik Negeri Lampung yang mampu beradaptasi di dataran menengah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Gisting Kabupaten Tanggamus pada bulan September 2017 – Februari 2018 dengan metode Rancangan Kelompok Teracak Sempurna (RKTS) yang terdiri dari 1 faktor yaitu galur, 3 ulangan, 5 genotipe yaitu 4 galur A (PL 300 X PL 403), B (PL 101 X PL 401), C (PL 401 X PL 101), D (PL 403 X PL 300) dan varietas NK 22 sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian uji adaptasi pada dataran menengah Tanggamus menunjukkan bahwa galur A, B, C, dan D mampu beradaptasi pada dataran menengah dapat dilihat dari hasil biji per hektar yang setara dengan varietas pembanding.Kata kunci : Dataran menengah, jagung, uji adaptasi.
HERITABILITAS KARAKTER FENOTIPIK DAN POTENSI HASIL GALUR PADI GENERASI F5 Eka Erlinda Syuriani; Jaenudin Kartahadimaja; Miranda Ferwita Sari; Nurman Abdul Hakim
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 24, No 1 (2022): edisi Januari
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v24i1.1494


Defisit ketersediaan pangan akan makin meningkat dengan adanya perubahan pola konsumsi, adanya konversi lahan sawah menjadi bukan sawah, terjadinya degradasi kesuburan lahan, terjadinya stagnasi pertumbuhan produktivitas karena peningkatan kapasitas genetik yang sudah stagnan. Untuk mengatasi adanya stagnasi peningkatan produktivitas dari varietas padi yang ada saat ini yaitu melalui perakitan galur atau varietas baru yang memiliki karakter unggul dengan memanfaatkan sumber-sumber genetik yang ada baik lokal maupun nasional. Keturunan F4 beberapa galur padi baru hasil pemuliaan menunjukkan karakter fenotip yang sangat baik. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui karakter yang muncul pada F4 itu karena faktor genetik atau karena faktor lingkungan, serta untuk mengetahui galur mana yang potensi hasilnya tinggi. Penelitian dirancang dengan menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Teracak Sempurna sebagai perlakuan terdiri dari sembilan galur baru tanaman padi generasi F5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) karakter umur berbunga, jumlah anakan maksimum, jumlah anakan produktif, umur panen, tinggi tanaman maksimum, panjang malai, jumlah gabah isi tiap malai, jumlah gabah hampa tiap malai, jumlah gabah tiap malai, berat 1000 butir gabah, hasil gabah tiap rumpun, dan hasil gabah tiap hektar lebih dikendalikan oleh faktor genetik; (2) Terdapat empat galur memiliki potensi hasil tinggi yaitu galur A, B, C dan E. Kata kunci: heritabilitas, karakter fenotipik, potensi hasil