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Pemanfaatan Kompres Ekstrak Lidah Buayapada Pasien Phlebitis Untuk Mengurangi Biaya Perawatandi Rumah Sakit mukarromah, indah
Prosiding Seminas Competitive Advantage Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Seminas Competitive Advantage I
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.762 KB)


ABSTRAK Tingkat ekonomi  masyarakat Indonesia yang dirawat di rumah sakit sebagian besar menengah kebawah. Pasien yang dirawat sering mengalami phlebitis (radang pembuluh darah) dan untuk perawatannyarumah sakit sering  menggunakan salep throbophop yang harganya mahal. Di lain pihak  masyarakat  sering menggunakan lidah buaya untuk mengatasi radang kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompres ekstrak lidah buaya terhadap penyembuhan phlebitis. Metode Penelitian menggunakan True experiment, desain Randomized Control Group Pre test – Post test Design. Sampel penelitian simple random sampling. Kompres ekstrak lidah buaya dan alkohol 70% sebagai pembanding dilakukan selama20 menit sebanyak 3 kali sehari, interval minimal 5 jam selama 3 hari. Uji  statistik menggunakan Mann Whitney U Test dan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tes, dengan a = 0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ekstrak lidah buaya (aloe vera) menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam ketiga setelah pemberian kompres, sedangkan pemberian kompres alkohol 70% dapat menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam keempat setelah pemberian hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kompres lidah buaya mempunyai efek terapeutik dan menyembuhkan plebitis lebih cepat dari kompres alkohol 70%. Ekstrak lidah buaya dapat digunakan sebagai terapi phlebitis menggantikan thrombophop sehingga biaya perawatan lebih ringan. Kata kunci :lidah buaya,  alkohol 70%, dan phlebitis ABSTRACT Economic level of the people of Indonesia who were treated at the hospital most of the medium. Treated patients often experience phlebitis (inflammation of blood vessels) and for hospital care often use the expensive ointment throbophop. On the other hand, people often use to cope with aloe vera skin inflammation. This study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera extract compress toward healing phlebitis. Method using the True Experiment Research, design Randomized Control Group Pre Test - Post Test Design. The research sample simple random sampling. Compress the aloe vera extract and 70% alcohol as a comparison performed for 20 minutes 3 times a day, intervals of at least 5 hours for 3 days witha= 0,05. Statistical tests using the Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, with the study found that an extract of aloe vera (aloe vera) decreases the level of third-phlebitis in 8 hours after administration compress, compress while giving 70% alcohol can reduce the level of the fourth phlebitis in 8 hours after administration of it demonstrates that compresses aloe vera has therapeutic and healing effects plebitis compresses faster than 70% alcohol. Extracts of aloe vera can be used as a substitute thrombophop phlebitis therapy so that treatment costs are lighter. Keywords : extracts of aloe vera,  alcohol 70%, and phlebitis
Eduhealth Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Edu Health
Publisher : Eduhealth

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.918 KB)


AbstractDengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) remains a serious public health concern in Indonesia. Almost throughout the country have been affected by this disease. Sragen district is one of the areas in Central Java that had DHF incidence of 3.24/ 10,000 people and case fatality rate of 1.45% in 2006. Various control measures have been implemented such as group education, breeding place elimination, abatisation, and focus fogging. The results, however, have not been satisfactory. Counseling is one of family approaches that aims to enhance community understanding and to find the best soution to problems. This study was a Randomized Controlled Trial, conducted in Jogoroto subdistrict, Sragen. The study subjects included 60 families that were selected by purposive sampling whose houses were identified to have Aedes aegypti larvae. The inclusion criteria were families who resided in the houses for at least a year, and were identified to have larvae in the house and the yard. The exclusion criteria were families who planned to move or elderly who lived alone during the study period. The data was analyzed by use of t and Chi Square testsThe study results showed that the family counseling significantly increased knowledge (t=3.39; p=0.001), attitude (t= 7.22; p=0.000),  and practice (t=2.91; p=0.005). Family counseling also reduced the presence of Aedes aegypti larvae (X2=20.81;  p=0,000). The study concludes that family counseling is effective in improving knowledge, attitude, and practice of the community in DHF control. It is recommended that the District Health Office adopt family approach such as counseling so as to bring about better behavior for the DHF control. Keywords: family counseling, dengue hemorrhagic fever control 
Journal Nursing Care and Biomolecular Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : STIKes Maharani Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (65.444 KB) | DOI: 10.32700/jnc.v3i2.82


Introduction: The stress experienced by patients with chronic renal failure who undergo hemodialysis may aggravate a person's condition such as disobedience to diet and fluid modification and treatment if not treated properly. Spiritual relaxation was a method of lowered stress, one's effort to achieve relaxed state through spiritual religious beliefs. The purpose of the study, looking at the effect of spiritual relaxation on stress levels in patients with chronic renal failure who underwent hemodialysis. Method: Pre experimental method one group pre and posttest design with 10 respondents sample through technique of proposive sampling. The independent variable was spiritual relaxation and the dependent variable of stress level. The stress level was measured by HSS Instrument (hemodialysis stress scale) and spiritual relaxation used Standard Operating Procedures. Spiritual relaxation performed once per week for 1 month. it analyzed by Wilcoxon test with α = 0,05. The result was a significant difference between stress level before and after intervention p = 0,004 (p<α) it means there was influenced. Result and analysis: Spiritual relaxation balanced the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves when relaxed conditions were effective in reduced stress and maintained the psychological health of patients with chronic renal failure. Discussion: Spiritual relaxation can be used as an alternative to nursing actions and examine hormonal changes in stress reduction
Pengaruh Stimulasi Permainan Ular Tangga Terhadap Perubahan Sikap Siswa Tentang Demam Berdarah Dengue Yudianto, Andi; Mukarromah, Indah; Yani, Athi’ Linda
Prosiding Seminas Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Seminas Competitive Advantage II
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (34.993 KB)


Abstrak Data tentang penderita Demam Berdarah Darah (DBD) di Dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Jombang  terjadi peningkatan jumlah penderita pada tahun 2010. Umur penderita demam berdarah banyak terjadi pada usia anak-anak daripada usia dewasa. Perlu penyuluhan kesehatan yang tepat dan sesuai untuk meningkatkan sikap anak pada DBD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisa pengaruh stimulasi permainan ular tangga terhadap perubahan sikap anak tentang penyakit demam berdarah dengue. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experimental dengan rancangan nonrandomized pretest - postest control group . Subyek penelitian adalah  40 anak kelas 5 – 6 Sekolah Dasar, menggunakan kuesioner dan alat permainan ular tangga yang telah dimodifikasi. Dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon macth paired  dan mann witney u test. Hasil menunjukkan ada pengaruh stimulasi permainan ular tangga terhadap perubahan sikap anak tentang penyakit DBD(p=0.002) Penggunaan media stimulasi pemaianan ular tangga yang telah dimodifikasi dengan penyuluhan penyakit DBD mempangaruhi peningkatan sikap siswa dalam pencegahan. Kata Kunci, Stimulasi permainan ular tangga, sikap dan Demam Berdarah Dengue  Abstract The Influence of Snake and Ladder Game’s Stimulation on Alteration of  Children’s Attitudes about Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Data on patients with Dengue Haemorrhagis Fever (DHF) in The District Jombang increase number  in 2010 (DHO jombang, 2011). Age of patients with dengue fever prevalent at the age of children than adults. Health education is appropriate to improve the attitudes of children in DHF. The purpose of this study is analyze the influence of stimulation of snakes and ladders game to change the child's attitude about the disease dengue hemorrhagic fever. This study uses the experimental design quasy nonrandomized pretest - postest control group. Subjects were 40 children grade 5-6 elementary school, using questionnaires and household appliance snake game that has been modified. And analyzed using the Wilcoxon test macth paired and Mann Witney u-test. The results showed no stimulatory effect of snakes and ladders game to change the child's attitude about dengue fever (p = 0.002) The use of media stimulation pemaianan snakes and ladders that have been modified by extension mempangaruhi dengue disease in the prevention of an increase in students' attitudes. Key word : Stimulation of snakes and ladders game, attitude and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Pemanfaatan Kompres Ekstrak Lidah Buayapada Pasien Phlebitis Untuk Mengurangi Biaya Perawatandi Rumah Sakit mukarromah, indah
Prosiding Seminas Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Seminas Competitive Advantage I
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.762 KB)


ABSTRAK Tingkat ekonomi  masyarakat Indonesia yang dirawat di rumah sakit sebagian besar menengah kebawah. Pasien yang dirawat sering mengalami phlebitis (radang pembuluh darah) dan untuk perawatannyarumah sakit sering  menggunakan salep throbophop yang harganya mahal. Di lain pihak  masyarakat  sering menggunakan lidah buaya untuk mengatasi radang kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompres ekstrak lidah buaya terhadap penyembuhan phlebitis. Metode Penelitian menggunakan True experiment, desain Randomized Control Group Pre test – Post test Design. Sampel penelitian simple random sampling. Kompres ekstrak lidah buaya dan alkohol 70% sebagai pembanding dilakukan selama20 menit sebanyak 3 kali sehari, interval minimal 5 jam selama 3 hari. Uji  statistik menggunakan Mann Whitney U Test dan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tes, dengan a = 0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ekstrak lidah buaya (aloe vera) menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam ketiga setelah pemberian kompres, sedangkan pemberian kompres alkohol 70% dapat menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam keempat setelah pemberian hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kompres lidah buaya mempunyai efek terapeutik dan menyembuhkan plebitis lebih cepat dari kompres alkohol 70%. Ekstrak lidah buaya dapat digunakan sebagai terapi phlebitis menggantikan thrombophop sehingga biaya perawatan lebih ringan. Kata kunci :lidah buaya,  alkohol 70%, dan phlebitis ABSTRACT Economic level of the people of Indonesia who were treated at the hospital most of the medium. Treated patients often experience phlebitis (inflammation of blood vessels) and for hospital care often use the expensive ointment throbophop. On the other hand, people often use to cope with aloe vera skin inflammation. This study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera extract compress toward healing phlebitis. Method using the True Experiment Research, design Randomized Control Group Pre Test - Post Test Design. The research sample simple random sampling. Compress the aloe vera extract and 70% alcohol as a comparison performed for 20 minutes 3 times a day, intervals of at least 5 hours for 3 days witha= 0,05. Statistical tests using the Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, with the study found that an extract of aloe vera (aloe vera) decreases the level of third-phlebitis in 8 hours after administration compress, compress while giving 70% alcohol can reduce the level of the fourth phlebitis in 8 hours after administration of it demonstrates that compresses aloe vera has therapeutic and healing effects plebitis compresses faster than 70% alcohol. Extracts of aloe vera can be used as a substitute thrombophop phlebitis therapy so that treatment costs are lighter. Keywords : extracts of aloe vera,  alcohol 70%, and phlebitis
Jurnal EDUNursing Vol 1, No 1 (2017): April - Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.553 KB)


Abstract Psychiatric emergencies often occur in both the service and the community. Need for socialization about the management of the patient, one of them is by way of restrain. The purpose of making this learning video is because there are still many people who do actions pasung on people with mental disorders so that this media helps readers to disseminate safe way of restrain. The methods used include using hardware and software tools. The hardware device is the Mini 210 Hewlett-Packard (Hp) Notebook, whereas to combine the appropriate software files of Intel Atom (TM) processor CPU N550 @1.50 GHz 1.50 GHz Windows 7 Starter 2009; Camtasia 8.4 (TM) TechSmith Corporation version; CyberLink YouCam Corporation version; Microsoft Office Professional Plus Power Point 2010 version 14.0.4763.100 with the title of restrain. Also using some background music and videos that are downloaded at youtube. Upload using social media facebook Indah Mukarromah/Hakuna Matata. Assessment using 3 validation ways that is expert validation, testing, and publish. The results showed that 4 respondents from 10 respondents gave feedback, expertly validated and the experiments showed an average of 80. However, publish validation required additional improvements in the image media in the presentation slides, less maximal narrator volume, and the addition of effects-related material Side use of restrain. Making audio-visual learning media needs to be made manuscript so that there is equality of perception between designer and user. Keywords: Learning Video, Management of Psychiatric Emergency, Restraint Safety
Pengaruh Stimulasi Permainan Ular Tangga Terhadap Perubahan Sikap Siswa Tentang Demam Berdarah Dengue Yudianto, Andi; Mukarromah, Indah; Yani, Athi’ Linda
Prosiding Seminas Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Seminas Competitive Advantage II
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Data tentang penderita Demam Berdarah Darah (DBD) di Dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Jombang  terjadi peningkatan jumlah penderita pada tahun 2010. Umur penderita demam berdarah banyak terjadi pada usia anak-anak daripada usia dewasa. Perlu penyuluhan kesehatan yang tepat dan sesuai untuk meningkatkan sikap anak pada DBD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisa pengaruh stimulasi permainan ular tangga terhadap perubahan sikap anak tentang penyakit demam berdarah dengue. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experimental dengan rancangan nonrandomized pretest - postest control group . Subyek penelitian adalah  40 anak kelas 5 – 6 Sekolah Dasar, menggunakan kuesioner dan alat permainan ular tangga yang telah dimodifikasi. Dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon macth paired  dan mann witney u test. Hasil menunjukkan ada pengaruh stimulasi permainan ular tangga terhadap perubahan sikap anak tentang penyakit DBD(p=0.002) Penggunaan media stimulasi pemaianan ular tangga yang telah dimodifikasi dengan penyuluhan penyakit DBD mempangaruhi peningkatan sikap siswa dalam pencegahan. Kata Kunci, Stimulasi permainan ular tangga, sikap dan Demam Berdarah Dengue  Abstract The Influence of Snake and Ladder Game’s Stimulation on Alteration of  Children’s Attitudes about Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Data on patients with Dengue Haemorrhagis Fever (DHF) in The District Jombang increase number  in 2010 (DHO jombang, 2011). Age of patients with dengue fever prevalent at the age of children than adults. Health education is appropriate to improve the attitudes of children in DHF. The purpose of this study is analyze the influence of stimulation of snakes and ladders game to change the child's attitude about the disease dengue hemorrhagic fever. This study uses the experimental design quasy nonrandomized pretest - postest control group. Subjects were 40 children grade 5-6 elementary school, using questionnaires and household appliance snake game that has been modified. And analyzed using the Wilcoxon test macth paired and Mann Witney u-test. The results showed no stimulatory effect of snakes and ladders game to change the child's attitude about dengue fever (p = 0.002) The use of media stimulation pemaianan snakes and ladders that have been modified by extension mempangaruhi dengue disease in the prevention of an increase in students' attitudes. Key word : Stimulation of snakes and ladders game, attitude and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Pemanfaatan Kompres Ekstrak Lidah Buayapada Pasien Phlebitis Untuk Mengurangi Biaya Perawatandi Rumah Sakit mukarromah, indah
Prosiding Seminas Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Seminas Competitive Advantage I
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK Tingkat ekonomi  masyarakat Indonesia yang dirawat di rumah sakit sebagian besar menengah kebawah. Pasien yang dirawat sering mengalami phlebitis (radang pembuluh darah) dan untuk perawatannyarumah sakit sering  menggunakan salep throbophop yang harganya mahal. Di lain pihak  masyarakat  sering menggunakan lidah buaya untuk mengatasi radang kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompres ekstrak lidah buaya terhadap penyembuhan phlebitis. Metode Penelitian menggunakan True experiment, desain Randomized Control Group Pre test – Post test Design. Sampel penelitian simple random sampling. Kompres ekstrak lidah buaya dan alkohol 70% sebagai pembanding dilakukan selama20 menit sebanyak 3 kali sehari, interval minimal 5 jam selama 3 hari. Uji  statistik menggunakan Mann Whitney U Test dan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tes, dengan a = 0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ekstrak lidah buaya (aloe vera) menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam ketiga setelah pemberian kompres, sedangkan pemberian kompres alkohol 70% dapat menurunkan tingkat phlebitis pada 8 jam keempat setelah pemberian hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kompres lidah buaya mempunyai efek terapeutik dan menyembuhkan plebitis lebih cepat dari kompres alkohol 70%. Ekstrak lidah buaya dapat digunakan sebagai terapi phlebitis menggantikan thrombophop sehingga biaya perawatan lebih ringan. Kata kunci :lidah buaya,  alkohol 70%, dan phlebitis ABSTRACT Economic level of the people of Indonesia who were treated at the hospital most of the medium. Treated patients often experience phlebitis (inflammation of blood vessels) and for hospital care often use the expensive ointment throbophop. On the other hand, people often use to cope with aloe vera skin inflammation. This study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera extract compress toward healing phlebitis. Method using the True Experiment Research, design Randomized Control Group Pre Test - Post Test Design. The research sample simple random sampling. Compress the aloe vera extract and 70% alcohol as a comparison performed for 20 minutes 3 times a day, intervals of at least 5 hours for 3 days witha= 0,05. Statistical tests using the Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, with the study found that an extract of aloe vera (aloe vera) decreases the level of third-phlebitis in 8 hours after administration compress, compress while giving 70% alcohol can reduce the level of the fourth phlebitis in 8 hours after administration of it demonstrates that compresses aloe vera has therapeutic and healing effects plebitis compresses faster than 70% alcohol. Extracts of aloe vera can be used as a substitute thrombophop phlebitis therapy so that treatment costs are lighter. Keywords : extracts of aloe vera,  alcohol 70%, and phlebitis