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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 6: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research is trying to explain about Food and Agriculture Organisation role in India in trying to reduce the hungry population that exist in the country. FAO is an organisation that works on food and agriculture sector and one of many organisation under the wings of United Nations have the obligation to help India resolve the issues whereas India is one of UN and FAO member or as a human right obligations. This research is using Pluralism Perspective, pluralism is a perspective that put forward the necessity of non-state actor in international relations, this perspektif also set the human right issues as high regard that need to be resolved together. This research also use international organisation theory which explain the role of FAO in India itself. Hunger is a major issues of India since their independence. Hunger in India itself is affected by natural issues such as natural disaster, climate change, and drought. The issues also influenced by social aspect such as overpopulation, lack of knowledge in natural issues, and poverty. FAO enter India as an organization that try to facilitate and resolve this issues, whereas FAO try to build an infrastructure that satisfy the internasional standard and trying to give the knowledge to Indian farmer and agricultural investor to change their view on agricultural field and understanding the optimal ways in processing the harvested goods that can be marketed internationally.Keywords: Hunger in India, FAO, Facilitator
Gaya Berkendara dalam Iklan: Antara Representasi Ketangguhan dan Kecerobohan Ivan Kurniawan; Irma Rochmawati
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 11, No 1 (2018): (Accredited Sinta 3)
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v11i1.3154


Nowadays, transportation needs in urban area are increasing continuously. This certainly has an impact on the marketing policy of transportation producers, including the motorcycle industry. Among them, the series of television commercials ads distributed by Yamaha Motor Indonesia in 2016 are the most interesting; because of the way advertising through visuals have similarities. Despite the fact that these ads contain different product information and motorcycle genres, this condition has influenced the viewer’s perception of the company’s image through the products in the ads and how the products were treated. Visual representation studies of Yamaha ads are very important, especially related to the perception of motorcycle users in the context of the driving style that was presented in advertisements. This research uses descriptive research method by using visual and content analysis approach. The study will also reveal public perceptions involving respondents in the age of 18 to 30 years as the age range that dominate the purchase figure in Indonesia. The study concluded that Yamaha is trying to give an idea of the toughness of its engine technology, but is represented in advertisements through ‘aggressive’ and ‘fast’ driving styles. The perception of the driving force captured by society is an aggressive and arrogant driving style.
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Majalah Ilmiah Unikom
Publisher : Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1116.769 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/miu.v16i2.1362


Development of computer graphics technology has been able to bring virtual reality to society. Games as part of virtual reality having high potential in changing the order of the people living in a visual culture. Phenomena and discourse in everyday life are often used as reference in making games. In line with that contained in the public discourse, the current game with the theme of the war against terrorism have high enthusiasm. But in addition to the similarity of the many outstanding game storylines, it is interesting to observe the use of the keffiyeh as the property of U.S. and NATO soldiers. Given the meaning of keffiyeh as a symbol of Palestinian resistance and opposing American politics coexist. This paper will review the kaffiyeh as a deconstruction of the elements in the discourse of 'war on terror' and first person shooters games with the theme of the war on terror, through a design standpoint and social impacts caused by the theory of deconstruction by Derrida.
Studi Analisis Isi: Representasi Kritik Politik dan Ideologi Komunis pada Lukisan Karya Hendra Gunawan Ivan Kurniawan; Muhammad Lutfi Aris
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Majalah Ilmiah Unikom
Publisher : Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/miu.v19i2.6390


This study seeks to explore the political interests and ideology of communism which are considered to be represented in the paintings of Hendra Gunawan by the Orde Baru regime. Using the content analysis method, this study will review the intent that Hendra Gunawan was trying to convey in 10 paintings themed on people's lives from 1950 to 1968, a phase where political party intervention in art is suspected. The results showed that there was a match between the political interests of the communist group and the interpretation of the painting in the form of messages expressed by Hendra in his paintings. By looking at the compatibility between the message conveyed by Hendra in his painting, and the indicators designed based on the Prinsip Kesenian 1959, most of which contain the political interests of the communist group in the cultural realm. So it can be concluded that Hendra Gunawan's painting is a painting that is quite ideal for the interests of the communist group, by fulfilling 4 of 5 aspects, namely ideological aspects, class struggle, cultural values, and practical aspects. However, the non-fulfillment of 1 aspect in the form of describing the ideal conditions of the revolution resulted in the possibility of Hendra's idealism being maintained, a possibility that is also a weakness of this research, in addition to the focus of research which only raises 1 character. Apart from that, it is very important to reveal the facts about Hendra Gunawan, because at that time Hendra with his work was recognized as one of the widely known masters of painting. It is hoped that, even though his paintings contain the ideology of communism, this does not necessarily become the reason for the disappearance of Hendra's figure from history books. Because by eliminating the name Hendra Gunawan, it means you have removed an important part of the Indonesian art heritage. Key Words : representation, politics, communism, paintings, hendra gunawan
Buku Fotografi Tari Piring Maestro Syofyani Mega Jasmin; Ivan Kurniawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 2 No 1 (2022): DIVAGATRA #03
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v2i1.6695


Globalization is an acceleration that affects life. The current of globalization brings society to a universal culture. Universal culture is all cultural civilizations that exist on earth. The problem found is that universal culture can erode traditional culture as well as the lack of information on the theme of Tari Piring. The object of design in this final report is Tari Piring and teenager who are currently studying high school. The solution to solving this problem is to document local wisdom regarding the importance of undocumented intellectual work assets. You do this by using book media as a window to knowledge. Thus, teenager can get knowledge information about West Sumatra Plate Dance and can pass it on to the next generation of the nation.
Tinjauan Video Animasi Berjudul “Lagu Anak Islami - 25 Nabi” Karya Muffin Graphics Menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Saussure Edo Gavinda Ul Haq; Ivan Kurniawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 1 No 1 (2021): DIVAGATRA #01
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.718 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v1i1.4879


Animasi merupakan salah satu media audio visual yang betujuan memberikan informasi pada ruang publik. Animasi yang baik tentu memiliki konten, gambar, dan unsur visual yang mendukung sehingga pesan yang disampaikan akan mudah dipahami oleh khalayak. Animasi juga sering dijadikan media pendidikan pada anak usia dini, salah satunya adalah pendidikan agama. Adapun perusahaan yang membuat animasi dalam pendidikan agama pada anak adalah Muffin Graphics dengan salah satu karyanya yaitu video animasi yang berjudul “Lagu Anak Islami – 25 Nabi” yang terdapat tokoh bernama Annisa. Namun, dalam video tersebut terdapat beberapa visual yang menarik untuk dikaji, seperti adanya objek yang menyerupai piramida, perahu pada latar tempat berpasir, dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya visual yang ada pada video klip tersebut, maka hal ini menarik untuk dikaji lebih dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pesan visual yang digunakan dalam video tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dengan mengunduh video tersebut, memotong-motong setiap adegan berdasarkan latar tempat, dan mencari sumber yang valid dengan teori semiotika versi Saussure. Penyajian tulisan akan dilakukan dengan narasi atau analisis deskriptif.
Desain Ilustrasi Booklet Profesi Jamu Gendong Di Era Milenial Diki Diki; Ivan Kurniawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 1 No 2 (2021): DIVAGATRA #02
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.232 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v1i2.5710


Jamu gendong merupakan salah satu budaya suku Jawa yang telah ada pada zaman dahulu saat era Majapahit. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dari kemajuan teknologi dalam segi moda transportasi, kini banyak penjual jamu yang memakai kendaraan dan tidak menggendong jamunya. Identitas profesi jamu gendong juga sudah mulai bergeser dari nilai-nilai budaya karena tidak lagi memakai kebaya dan kain batik. Melalui kemudahan saat ini, penjual jamu gendong lebih melihat segi ekonomis dan kepraktisannya. Jadi, permasalahannya generasi milenial beranggapan bahwa ini hanya sebatas profesi biasa dan tidak memiliki nilai budaya apapun. Ditambah profesi jamu gendong sudah mulai langka pada beberapa wilayah pedesaan, hal itu menyulitkan milenial dalam berinteraksi langsung dengan profesi ini. Padahal jamu gendong merupakan salah satu bidang pekerjaan yang cukup membantu dalam perekonomian beberapa kalangan masyarakat. Sehingga perancangan ini penting dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi profesi jamu gendong pada generasi milenial. Booklet merupakan media yang akan digunakan pada perancangan dalam memberikan informasi eksistensi profesi jamu gendong.
Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Pengaruh Positif Hewan Peliharaan Pada Psikologi Anak Holly Natalyn Esahita Br Girsang; Ivan Kurniawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 2 No 2 (2022): DIVAGATRA #04
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v2i2.8315


Humans have various views about pets. Pets are animals that have been tamed and live side by side with humans. Information about the influence of pets on the psychology of children is not widely disseminated. Psychology is an important thing in human life. However, people do not understand psychology. Pets have an influence on a child's psychology which includes social, mental, mental, and physical. Pets can help children practice various positive things through activities that are done together. Pets have no breed limit to keep. The types of pets in this design are dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, and fish. The number of people who do not care and understand about psychology is the basis of the problem. Illustrated books become media in the design that provide information about children's activities with pets and their effects on children.
Perancangan Company Profile Mycotech Melalui Media Booklet Mulyana Mulyana; Ivan Kurniawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 2 No 2 (2022): DIVAGATRA #04
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v2i2.8316


Global warming is a factor increasing the greenhouse effect gases. This is caused by human activities. One way to reduce this impact is to save energy in the construction sector by using environmentally friendly materials that can be recycled. Mycotech is a start-up that develops business from the mushroom biotechnology sector. Mycotech makes environmentally friendly building materials using mycelium as a natural adhesive. Therefore, Mycotech has an important role to continue to develop Mycotech products so that development industry players can switch to using environmentally friendly materials. By creating information media in the form of a Company Profile Booklet which contains information about Mycotech Company with the aim of attracting the interest of industry players to know more about the functions and benefits obtained.
Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Community Service and Empowerment Journal (IComSE)
Publisher : Divisi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DP2M) UNIKOM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/icomse.v4i1.8018


Jawa Barat memiliki potensi perkebunan yang sangat tinggi, diantaranya adalah komoditas kopi yang masuk dalam kategori komunitas pertanian strategis. Hal tersebut membuat Kabupaten Bandung menjadi daerah terbesar penghasil kopi di Jawa Barat. Salah satu kelompok tani yang bergerak dan konsisten dalam menghasilkan biji kopi di Kab. Bandung adalah Kelompok Tani Mandalawangi yang dipipmpin oleh Bustomi. Tiap tahunnya, Koptan Mandalawangi konsisten menghasilkan 200 ton/th yang dialokasikan untuk kebutuhan ekspor ke Amerika dan Belanda. Namun sayangnya, panjangnya mata rantai dari petani hingga ke tangan konsumen membuat kelompok tani ini rentan dengan penurunan nilai ekonomi produknya. Berdasarkan wawancara, Bustomi mengakui bahwa koptan tidak berdaya dalam hal menentukan harga jual. Hal ini membuat komoditas kopi dihargai rendah. Jika kondisi ini dibiarkan akan berdampak buruk terhadap sektor perkebunan kopi. Mengingat kebutuhan operasional makin hari makin meningkat. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan suatu usaha untuk memutus panjangnya mata rantai pemasaran yang ada, salah satunya dengan upaya pemahaman kepada Koptan Mandalawangi akan pentingnya identitas visual dalam pemasaran produk. Sehingga diharapkan Koptan Mandalawangi akan memiliki identitas yang legal dan sekaligus estetik guna memperkuat daya saing dan menyinngkat mata rantai pemasaran yang ada. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan membangun citra merek melalui penggalian data yang mendalam. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam untuk menggali sejarah, cara olah, kultur, dan proses yang dilakukan oleh kelompok tani dalam mengolah produk kopi. Sehingga kemudian akan dihasilkan resume berupa ciri khas Kelompok Tani Mandalawangi yang akan ditranslasikan dalam bentuk identitas visual berupa logo. Proses tersebut akan dilaksanakan selama 1 (satu) tahun, dimulai dari bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2022. Studi akan menghasilkan karya berupa logo, stationery dan legal matter yang diperlukan oleh Kelompok Tani Mandalawangi. Diharapkan melalui produk yang memiliki identitas, Koptan Mandalawangi dapat melakukan penjualan kepada konsumen akhir. Kata kunci: identitas visual,kelompok tani, kopi, mandalawangi