Erna Mulyati
Program Studi Teknik Industri Politeknik Pos Indonesia, Jl. Sariasih No.54, Bandung

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J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 9, No.2, Mei 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.45 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.9.2.99-104


PT Goodrich Pindad Aeronautical Systems Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang perakitan dan penjualan komponen pesawat udara. Perusahaan sering mengalami pembelian material secara mendadak, sehingga pada akhirnya akan menimbulkan biaya yang besar karena pengiriman harus dilakukan melalui airfreight. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa produk yang dipesan tersebut terbagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu independent demand dan dependent demand. Berdasarkan analisis ABC maka kategori kelompok A ini yang harus diperhatikan penjadwalannya karena merupakan produk kritis. Produk tersebut berjumlah 8 produk dan menyerap dana yang cukup besar yaitu sebesar 79% dari total keseluruhan barang yang dipesan. Kata Kunci:  Analisis ABC, dependent demand, independent demand Abstract   PT Goodrich PINDAD Aeronautical Systems Indonesia is one of the manufacturing company, where the company engaged in the assembly and sale of aircraft components. The Company often experience a sudden the purchase of materials, which in turn will lead so huge costs because shipping must be done via airfreight. The results of study can be seen that the product  divided in two groups: independent demand and dependent demand. Based on the ABC analysis, the group category A  must scheduled because it is a critical product. Number of products of group A are available eight  and absorb substantial funds in the amount of 79% of the total goods ordered. Keywords: ABC Analysis, dependent demand, independent demand
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 9, No.1, Januari 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.282 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.9.1.69-76


Proses pemilihan vendor sangat penting untuk diperhatikan dan dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin dalam upaya memberikan dan meningkatkan pelayanan yang diberikan demi terciptanya kepuasan pelanggan secara maksimal. PT Damco Indonesia harus mampu menentukan dan memilih mitra kerja terbaik yang memiliki kualitas kinerja sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan, khususnya dalam memilih vendor. Kesalahan memilih Vendor dapat menyebabkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation merupakan suatu metode yang digunakan untuk menilai kinerja vendor yang memberi fleksibilitas  untuk  menampung  ketidakpastian  akibat  samarnya  informasi  yang dimiliki  maupun  unsur  preferensi  yang  subjektif  yang  dapat  digunakan  dalam masalah  pengambilan  keputusan. Metode ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan  Third Party Logistic (3PL) yang akan digunakan untuk mengalokasikan order ke pelanggan. Pengalokasi order dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan algoritma transportasi. Penulis menggunakan dua buah metode dalam algoritma ini yaitu Vogell’s Aproximation Method (VAM) untuk penentuan tabel awalnya dan Modified Distribution Method untuk melakukan pengujian terhadap tabel awal yang terbentuk untuk melihat keoptimalannya. Hasil urutan kriteria performansi berdasarkan kuesioner pembobotan yang telah ditentukan melalui tahapan wawancara dan studi lapangan di perusahaan yaitu harga/tarif, network coverage, office equipment, infratruktur  dan kualitas pelayanan, dimana terdapat sub kriteria untuk kualitas yang terdiri dari kualitas alat angkut beserta umur peralatan, asuransi, dan ability to provide Custome Delivery. Hasil perhitungan dengan Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation diperoleh hasil vendor PT Adi Sarana Armada  dan Muna Jaya Expres sama-sama memiliki  nilai keanggotaan  terbesar  yaitu  0,22  di kategori “baik” yang  berarti  bahwa  kedua vendor tersebut  memiliki  kinerja  yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan vendor trucking lainnya. Metode Vogell’s Aproximation Method (VAM) dan Modified Distribution Method yang digunakan untuk pengalokasiannya menghasilkan biaya distribusi yang telah optimal dengan total biaya Rp8.467.347, di mana PT Adi Sarana Armada terpilih sebagai vendor prioritas untuk wilayah kiriman Banten, Lampung, dan Tanggerang, sementara Muna Jaya Express terpilih sebagai vendor prioritas untuk wilayah kiriman Surabaya, Malang, dan Jember. Kata Kunci : vendor, trucking, fuzzy synthetic evaluation, vogell’s aproximation method, modified distribution method   Abstract Vendor selection process is very important to be considered and implemented as possible in an effort to provide and improve services provided for the creation of customer satisfaction to the fullest. Damco PT Indonesia must be able to pick and choose the best partner that has the quality of performance in accordance with standards set by the company, particularly in choosing a vendor. Vendors may choose errors cause harm to the company, so it is necessary to assess the performance of trucking vendors who have been cooperating with Damco PT Indonesia, so the company can continue to maintain the quality of service. Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation is a method used to assess the performance of vendors provide flexibility to accommodate the uncertainty due to information held vague and subjective elements of the preferences that can be used in decision-making problems. This method is expected to be able to effectively and efficiently enable the company to be able to take the best decision in selecting a vendor trucking so that earned Third Party Logistic (3PL) that will be used to allocate the order to the customer. Order allocator is done by applying the transport algorithm. The author uses two methods in this algorithm is Vogell's Aproximation Method (VAM) for determining the initial table and Modified Distribution Method for a test of the initial table is created to look optimalization. This method was chosen because it is relatively easy to be applied to companies in which to work on the calculations can be completed with excel solver which is now owned by perusaaan.The results of the performance criteria based on questionnaires sequence weighting has been determined through interviews and field work phases of the company ie prices / tariffs, network coverage, office equipment, infrastructure and quality of service, where there are sub criteria for quality of life and its quality of conveyance equipment, insurance, and the ability to provide custome delivery. The results of calculations with Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation obtained the vendor PT Adi Sarana Armada and Muna Jaya Expres both have the largest membership value is 0.22 in the category of "good" meaning that the vendor has better performance compared with other trucking vendors. Aproximation Vogell's method Method (VAM) and Modified Distribution Method used to generate allocation of distribution costs that have been optimized with a total cost of Rp8.467.347, where PT Adi Sarana Armada vendor was selected as a priority for the shipment Banten, Lampung, and Tangerang, while Muna Jaya Express was selected as a priority for the vendor submissions Surabaya, Malang, and Jember. These priorities are determined from the price of items supplied by each vendor for each shipment destination. Keywords : vendor, trucking, fuzzy synthetic evaluation, vogell's aproximation method, modified distribution method