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NALARs Vol 18, No 2 (2019): NALARs Volume 18 Nomor 2 Juli 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.18.2.93-98


ABSTRAK. Danau Picung merupakan objek wisata alam yang terletak di Muara Aman Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu yang memiliki potensi dan keindahan alam yang sangat menarik. Objek wisata alam danau Picung dilihat dari produk wisata ( atraksi, amenitas, aksesibilitas ) masih belum berkembang dengan baik. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari pola penataan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana belum tertata dengan baik serta jumlah nya masih sangat sedikit sehingga kunjungan wisatawan belum maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis SWOT (strenght, weakness, opportunity, theart). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi obyek wisata alam danau Picung ditinjau dari aspek produk wisata, menganalisis strategi pengembangan obyek wisata alam danau Picung terkait aspek produk wisata, dan mengetahui rencana  pengembangan dan arahan desain zonasi kawasan objek wisata alam Danau Picung. Potensi yang bisa dikembangkan di danau Picung adalah sebagai wisata alam dan rekreasi yang memiliki perbedaan keindahan dan keunikan dari objek wisata yang lainnya. Strategi pengembangan kawasan wisata alam danau Picung dengan peningkatan atraksi budaya, atraksi buatan, dan atraksi alam serta amenitas yang memiliki potensi keaslian dan keunikan yang menarik, serta peningkatan SDM di daerah sekitar kawasan objek wisata dengan memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan sehingga bisa meningkatkan kompetensi. Program pengembangan produk wisata adalah pengembangan atraksi wisata agro, wisata fauna (Kebun binatang, kolam pemancingan), outbond, waterpark, taman hiburan, taman bunga, atraksi kereta gantung, perahu bebek, festival budaya, kesenian dan kerajinan khas ( souvenir ). Pengembangan amenitas hotel/ resort terapung, restoran terapung, pusat informasi wisatawan, toilet, mushola, kios souvenir,  gazebo, loket.  Peningkatan kualitas aksesibilitas dengan menjaga kondisi jalan dan dibuat sarana transportasi umum. Kata kunci: Produk Wisata, Potensi Wisata Alam, Danau Picung ABSTRACT. Lake Picung is a natural tourist attraction located in Muara Aman Rejang Lebong District Province Bengkulu which has the potential and natural beauty that is very interesting. Lake Picung's natural attractions seen from tourism products (attractions, amenities, accessibility) are still not well developed. This condition can be seen from the arrangement of facilities and infrastructure facilities that have not been well organized, and the amount is still minimal so that tourist visits have not been maximum. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The analysis used in this research is a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat). This research aims to determine the potential of Lake Picung's natural attractions in terms of aspects of tourism products, analyzing the strategy of developing Lake Picung's natural attractions in terms of tourism products and find out about the development plan and direction of zoning design in the area of Lake Picung's natural tourism. The potential that can be developed in Lake Picung is as a natural and recreation tourism that has differences in the beauty and uniqueness of other tourist objects. The strategy for improving the natural tourist area of Lake Picung with the increase of cultural attractions, human-made attractions, and natural attractions and amenities that have the potential for authentic and exciting uniqueness, and increasing human resources in the area around the tourist attraction area by providing coaching and training so that it can improve competence. Tourism product development programs are the development of agro-tourism attractions, fauna tourism (zoos, fishing ponds), outbound, waterpark, recreation park, flower garden, attractions of cable cars, duck boats, cultural festivals, distinctive arts and crafts (souvenirs). Development of hotel/resort amenities, floating restaurants, tourist information centers, toilets, prayer rooms, gazebos, the place to buy an entrance ticket. They are improving accessibility quality by maintaining road conditions dan making public transportation facilities.Keywords: Tourism Product, Nature Tourism Potential, Lake Picung