Rossa Turpuk Gabe
Department Of Architecture Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Published : 9 Documents Claim Missing Document
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NALARs Vol 17, No 2 (2018): NALARs Volume 17 Nomor 2 Juli 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.17.2.87-96


ABSTRAK. Makna rumah tidak hanya pada kehadiran bangunan fisiknya saja, tetapi juga kehadiran ruang yang membuat rasa aman, nyaman dan kepemilikan penghuninya. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk membahas proses Home-Making dengan mengangkat sebuah kasus relokasi warga kampung padat ke Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa). Perbedaan mendasar pada hunian sebelum dan sesudah relokasi adalah kemampuan ruang huni yang tersedia mewadahi interaksi sosial warga. Melalui kasus ini dapat terlihat pembentukan teritori di rusunawa yang dikontrol dan dikuasai kelompok-kelompok sosial bedasarkan kebutuhan setiap kelompok. Teritorialitas tersebut merupakan upaya kelompok sosial mengklaim suatu area geografis yang didasari dengan kebutuhan interaksi kelompoknya. Kebutuhan privasi dan elemen ruang memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan teritori. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan mengangkat Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat sebagai kasus. Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat dipilih karena rusun ini dikhususkan untuk warga relokasi Kampung Pulo yang telah rampung perpindahan seluruh warganya pada bulan Agustus 2015. Dalam rentang waktu huni tersebut, warga relokasi sudah menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan barunya. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembentukan teritori kelompok sosial warga di rusunawa merupakan proses home-making penghuni relokasi kampung padat untuk menghadirkan kembali suasana dan nilai-nilai ‘rumah’ yang mereka yakini. Proses home-making ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan rasa kepemilikan penghuni seiring tanggung jawab dalam menjaga dan memelihara lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Kata kunci: teritorialitas, home-making, kelompok sosial, rumah susun ABSTRACT. The Meaning of Home is not only about the existence of its physical building, but also the existence of a space where the owners feel safe, comfortable and belong to it. This paper addresses processes of Home-Making of a relocation case of crowded kampong’s residents to Rental Low-cost Apartments (Rusunawa). The basic difference between before and after settlements is the ability of housing space to accommodate social interaction of residents. The case explains the formation of territory in Rusunawa that controlled and owned by specific social groups based on their needs. The territoriallity factor is an effort of social groups to claim a particular geographic area based on their interaction needs. The needs of privacy and space elements are important roles to create their territory. This study used a qualitative method with the case at Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat was chosen because it has been devoted to Kampung Pulo’s people who was moved in August 2015. During the settlement period, the relocation residents have adapted to their new neighborhood. The findings of this study suggest that the formation of social groups resident in Rusunawa is a process of home-making of crowded kampong’s residents to represent their concept of the atmosphere and values of home. These processes of home-making are expected able to increase resident’s sense of belonging and increase their responsibility to maintain and preserve their neighborhood. Keywords: territoriality, home-making, social groups, low-cost apartment
Home-Based Enterprise and Its Impediment Factors to Self-Help House Improvement in Kampong Cikini, Jakarta Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 4, No 1 (2020): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.635 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.4.1.49-60


This research aims to embellish the existing literature on Home-Based Enterprise (HBE) to recuperate it as one of the effective solutions for self-help slum improvement programs in the future. Many experts have praised HBE as one of the plausible solutions for slum alleviation through income-generating activities that will enable the underprivileged to perform self-help house improvement. However, there is a vague establishment between HBE to self-help house improvement in Kampong Cikini, as one of the notable slum settlements in Central Jakarta. Through the employment of the case study method, this research established HBE’s contribution to self-help house improvement is less significant because of several impediments, which indicates the increment monthly income from HBE cannot automatically ignite the self-help house improvement. Both HBE and self-help house improvement are inseparable from socio-economy activities in the neighborhood and cannot be comprehended as an individual economy household’s activities. Therefore, specific solutions are required to overcome the mainly encountered impediments with considering the established interwoven domestic and economic activities, for increasing the impact of HBE to self-help house improvement.
Negotiation of Objects in Urban Kampong Street: A Case Study in Ampiun Alley, Cikini Winda Hutami Tatyana; Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 3, No 1 (2019): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.188 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.3.1.7-14


This paper aims to explore objects in the street of urban kampong, in order to understand the social system and the spatial mechanism of the objects. Existence of objects and their formation are physical trails of social activities. The role of object in social engagement can affect the street space and the behaviour of its users. In urban kampong street, objects engaging in social activities mainly in spatial negotiation. The case study was taken in Ampiun Alley of Kampong Cikini, one of the most dense settlement in Central Jakarta. It was studied through observations, documentations, mapping, and interviews. In Ampiun Alley, various objects from transportation to domestic tools exist on the alley, while many passer-bys going through it. They were able to be tolerated because it did not give disadvantages to the street community, did not being an obstacle in circulation, and did not give a slum-like image. We have discovered there are many different negotiation spaces produced following surrounding social condition and space needs. However, in general formation of objects was shaped through toleration and consensus activities, so it could avoid any possible conflict and maintain the main function of the alley itself.
The Practice of Architectural Design Competition in Indonesia: Whose Interests Are Served? Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 2, No 1 (2018): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.2.1.27-38


Architecture Design Competition (ADC) has been acknowledged as one of the prominent methods to serve the best of public interest. However, the spatial infringements frequently occur as the indication of the incompatibility between the best results and the needs of the users. A multi-stages qualitative research was done, in Jatinegara Vertical Rent Housing as a selected case study, and aimed to identify the incompatibility. The disproportion of the available time with the required outputs emerges as the scapegoat of the capitulation of criticality to overcome the incompatibility. Moreover, the exclusion of the designated users in the whole stages of ADC is the essential cause, as an embodied misconception of the definition client-user in the professional practice. The finding of this research addresses several recommendations to reclaim the criticality in ADC and save the practice of this profession from the mortifying failure to serve the best public interest.
A Self-Reinforcing Process on Sidewalk: A Case Study in Jatibaru Raya – Tanah Abang Sidewalk, Jakarta Sulistya Indriani; Rossa Turpuk Gabe; Joko Adianto
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 3, No 2 (2019): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.929 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.3.2.55-62


The focus of this study is to analyze a sidewalk as a pedestrian path, not only as a mean to reach or return from a destination but it can also produce activities such as a self-reinforcing process in a certain time. These activities are certainly triggered by the presence of various users and their perceptions based on the sidewalk context. The phenomenon can be seen along the sidewalk in Jalan Jatibaru Raya Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Indonesia. Its function as a transit and commercial area certainly influences the activities in the sidewalk. Thus, walking is not the only activity on the sidewalk. People do selling, buying, or waiting there. The methodology of this study is a detailed observation of the physical environment as the main factor of human gatherers. Then, pedestrians become the main reference for other actors to come and do activities on sidewalk of Jalan Jatibaru Raya, Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Indonesia. The result showed that the process of a self-reinforcing process in sidewalk happens when someone starts doing something, allowing a clear tendency for others to join, either participating or merely experience or see what others do. However, the interconnection between the actors is inseparable from activity, space and time.
Parental Support in the Process of Choosing a First House (Case Study: Batak Families in Jakarta) Rossa Turpuk Gabe; Adinda Christina; Angel Ecclesia Shiny; Joko Adianto
Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Departement of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jars.vol5.iss2.art9


First-time home buyers have many considerations to choose their house after leaving the parental house. One of the determinant roles is culture. Culture influences activities, the meaning of home perspectives, and parental support system. Indonesia has a strong family culture, one of which is the Batak tribe. As one of the largest populations in Jakarta, this study focuses on the next-generation Batak process of selecting the first house. This study using case studies and qualitative research with in-depth interviews. We found that culture influenced the moving stage and parental support role. The parents play two essential parts: they are mindset formers as well as providers of financial support. Although the housing preferences tend to be similar to the firsttime homebuyers in urban areas, culture influences the spatial arrangement process. The finding can contribute to how parental support affects the next generation of migrants while adapts to the housing market.Keywords: Batak family; culture; housing preferences; parental support
Gender Performance in the Kitchen of Indonesian Middle-Class Lale Garjita Kusumaring Puji; Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 7, No 1 (2023): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.7.1.61-74


This paper explores gender performance in Indonesia's middle-class’ kitchen. Gender mainstreaming and gender responsiveness have been on the Indonesian national development agenda since 2000, especially in vertical housing. However, gaps in the publication of the policy's implementation indicate the need for a basic understanding of gender to specify what should be accommodated to fulfil the agenda. Moreover, in previous studies, gender in Indonesia has not been discussed in the context of gender relations within the household. This research answers the question regarding the performance of daily activities that took place in the kitchen based on the actors’ gender. The performativity is influenced by the fulfilment of their preferences based on their household type; consisting of individual, traditional, and non-traditional household types. Each household has its own type of kitchen that will maintain the performativity of the gender. 
Use of Space for Work at Home in the Indonesian Household Context Della Ayu Siti Fathimah; Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 7, No 2 (2023): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.7.2.119-134


This paper explores how roles and values in Indonesian households are taken into consideration when determining the use of space to work at home. Along with socioeconomic and technological developments, working at home is increasingly becoming a common thing to find in Indonesia. Work activities must be carried out in accordance with the context of the household that has established its own conventions, roles, meanings, and values. However, taking the role and value factors of the household into consideration when exploring the reasons behind the spatial utilization for work at home still receives minimal attention. Using a qualitative research approach, this study explores which aspects of roles and values within the household are taken into consideration in determining how the space available at home is used for work. This study also answers the types of spatial utilization formed as the result of the aforementioned roles and values. The consideration factors found are different for each type of household so that the resulting form of space use is also different. The findings from this study found that consideration of certain household aspects can also give rise to its own form of spatial use.
The Interrelationships Between Marital and Housing Tenure Status of Female Adolescents and Adults in Jakarta Province Puan Jati Megawati; Joko Adianto; Rossa Turpuk Gabe
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 7, No 2 (2023): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.7.2.75-98


This study attempts to unveil the interrelationships between marital and housing tenure status of female adolescents and adults in Jakarta province. Although gender equality becomes one of the prioritized sustainable development goals, the housing tenure of female adolescents and adults, according to their current marital status, is rarely examined for ensuring their tenure security and improvement of well-being. The employed mixed-method research with sequential quantitative-qualitative methods delivers the crosstab analysis to identify the majority of types of housing tenure according to the marital status of 289 female respondents, and axial coding from interviews with the selected respondents to understand the interrelationship between their marital and housing status. The result highlights that life-course events such as entering marriage, parenthood, and marriage dissolution lead to housing mobility and tenure changes, which are driven by financial capacity for meeting physiological and psychological needs. It emphasizes the meaning of a house for women as a haven for physical and psychological refuge, rather than a mere representation of social status. It complements the academic conversation on the gender-related topic of housing and also enriches the housing policy, planning, and design to meet the objective of the gender equality program according to sustainable development goals.