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EFEKTIVITAS Trichoderma sp. DAN Gliocladium sp. DALAM PENGENDALIAN LAYU FUSARIUM PADA TANAMAN KRISAN Hartal Hartal; Misnawaty Misnawaty; Indah Budi
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol 12, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/jipi.12.1.7-12


[THE EFFECTIVENESS OF Trichoderma sp. AND Gliocladium sp IN CONTROLLING FUSARIUM WILT ON CHRYSANTHEMUM]. Fusarium wilt is a major soil borne disease in chrysanthemum, which results in yellowing and permanent wilt on the plant. The disease has capability to remains intact in the soil for years so that preventive operation prior planting often fail to provide fusarium-free environment for the plant. The elaboration of use of antagonistic organisms as the biological agents may provide an effective solution for controlling the disease. Objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two species of fungi, Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp.,  as the antagonistic agents for controlling the development of fusarium wilt on chrysanthemum. Both fungi were applied singly or in combination onto the fusarium inoculated soil which were prepared as growing media for chrysanthemum plants. Results indicated that Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. were effective in controlling the development of fusarium wilt in krisan, where application of  combined antagonistic agents had produced the highest suppression to the fusarium development (70.1 %), followed by single application of Trichoderma sp. (56.4 %) and Gliocladium sp. (55.9 %).
PEMANFAATAN MIKROBA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL KEDELAI DI TANAH PESISIR Abimanyu Dipo Nusantara; Yudhy Harini Bertham; Ahmad Junedi; Hesti Pujiwati; Hartal Hartal
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol 21, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/jipi.21.1.37-43


[UTILIZATION OF MICROBE TO INCREASE GROWTH AND YIELDS OF SOYBEAN IN COASTAL LAND]. This study aims to obtain the precise combination of variety and biofertilizer to increase soybean productivity in Bengkulu coastal land. The research was conducted from March to July 2017, located at Beringin Raya Village, Muara Bangkahulu Sub-District, Bengkulu. The study was conducted using a split-plot design which was repeated three times. The main plot was two soybean varieties (Grobogan and Wilis). The subplots were two types of biofertilizers, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate solubilizing fungi. The result showed that the seed weight of the Grobogan variety (equivalent to 3.38 tons/ha) was significantly higher than the Wilis variety (equivalent to 2.72 tons/ha). However, the increment of the Wilis variety (equivalent to 1.12 tons/ha) was higher than the Grobogan variety (equivalent to 0.61 tons/ha) according to the description of each variety. The combination of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate solubilizing fungi showed superior performance than arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi or phosphate solubilizing fungi alone. The interaction of Grobogan varieties with a combination of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate solubilizing fungi produced the highest seed weight (equivalent to 3.52 tons/ha) which was statistically similar to the interaction of Grobogan varieties and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (equivalent to 3.45 tons/ha). In terms of economics of resources, the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is not required to be combined with phosphate solubilizing fungi.
Induksi Pertumbuhan dan Ketahanan Tanaman Cabai Terhadap Penyakit Antraknosa dengan Aplikasi Cendawan Endofit Tunjung Pamekas; Hartal Hartal; Sapnah Holiza
Proceedings Series on Physical & Formal Sciences Vol. 4 (2022): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian dan Perikanan
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pspfs.v4i.533


Penyakit antraknosa yang disebabkan oleh patogen Colletotrichum sp. menyebabkan gejala mati pucuk pada tanaman cabai dan selanjutnya pucuk menjadi kering berwarna coklat kehitam-hitaman. Patogenisitas Colletotrichum sangat kuat sehingga dapat menurunkan produksi cabai. Kehilangan hasil akibat penyakit antraknosa mencapai lebih dari 50% di seluruh dunia, terutama di wilayah tropis dan sub tropis. Penyakit ini juga ditemukan pada buah cabai pascapanen yang kerusakannnya dapat mencapai 50%, karena nilai estetika dari buah cabai menjadi rusak. Colletotrichum merupakan cendawan tular udara yang dapat menginfeksi bagian duan, batang dan buah. Pada saat serangan berat, seluruh bagian buah cabai akan mengering dan keriput. Tindakan budi daya yang tepat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga produksi hasil cabai tetap stabil bahkan meningkat, salah satunya dengan pemberian mikroba pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman salah satunya yaitu menggunakan cendawan endofit. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevalusi induksi pertumbuhan dan ketahanan tanaman cabai dengan aplikasi cendawan endofit. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Juli 2021 di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman dan greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan empat jenis cendawan endofit, yaitu A= belum teridentifikasi, B= Rhizoctonia sp. 1, C= Curvularia sp. dan D=Rhizoctonia sp. 2 serta E=tanpa cendawan endofit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi cendawan endofit memberikan pengaruh yang tidak nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai, namun aplikasi cendawan endofit mampu menurunkan keparahan penyakit antraknosa pada tanaman cabai. Aplikasi cendawan endofit mampu memacu pembentukan senyawa asam salisilat pada tanaman cabai.