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JURNAL ISTINBATH Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Edisi Mei 2014
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Kebutuhan akan adanya metode yang tepat untuk merumuskan hukum agar mampu merespon problematika kontemporer telah mendorong lahirnya banyak gagasan baru. Sejumlah pemikir telah  menawarkan  beberapa  konsep/metode  istinbath  yang baru, di antaranya Mahmud Muhamad Taha dan An-naim dengan konsep Nasakh-Mansukhnya, Hasan Hanafi dengan konsep turas tajdidnya dan masih banyak lagi pemikir lain yang melakukan hal serupa. Dari sekian banyak konsep yang ditawarkan, salah  satu  di  antaranya  yang  menarik  untuk dicermati adalah gagasan istinbath hukum model Syahrur. Syahrur adalah seorang pemikir fenomenal dalam dunia Islam kontemporer, yang menawarkan segenap gagasan pemikiran dekonstruktif sekaligus rekonstruktif yang unik. Keunikan ini tidak lepas dari background Syahrur yang merupakan seorang ahli ilmu alam khususnya matematika dan fisika. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mengetengahkan metode yang ditawarkan Syahrur  dan  menganalisis  format  aplikasinya.  Selain  dari itu, tulisan ini juga akan mencoba mengkritisinya dengan membandingkan sejumlah perspektif dari para pemikir yang tidak setuju dengan metode gagasannya. Kata  kunci:  Muhammad  Shahrur,  Teori  Limit,  Metodeistinbath konteporer
JURNAL ISTINBATH Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Metode yang tepat dalam perumusan hukum yang mampu merespon problematika kontemporer telah melahirkan banyak gagasan baru. Banyak pemikir yang memberi tawaran konsep, sebagai contoh mahmud Muhamad Taha dan An-naim dengan konsep Nasakh-Mansukhnya, hasan hanafi dengan konsep turas tajdidnya dan masih banyak lagi. Salahsatu yang menarik untuk dicermati dari sekian banyak konsep yang ditawarkan adalah gagasan istinbath hukum model syahrur. Ia merupakan seorang pemikir fenomenal dalam dunia Islam kontemporer, yang menawarkan segenap gagasan pemikiran dekonstruktif sekaligus rekonstruktif yang unik. Keunikan ini tidak lepas dari background Syahrur yang merupakan seorang ahli ilmu alam khususnya matematika dan fisika tidak seperti kebanyakan para pemikir islam pada umumnya. Tulisan ini akan berusaha memotret metode tarawan Syahrur dan melihat format aplikasinya. Selain itu juga akan mencoba mengkritisinya dari perspektif para pemikir yang tidak setuju dengan metode gagasannya. Kata kunci : Muhammad Shahrur, Teori Limit, Metode istinbath konteporer.
Sejarah Pergumulan Hukum Islam dan Budaya serta Implikasinya bagi Pembangunan Hukum Islam Khas Indonesia Najitama, Fikria
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 17 (2007): Menyikapi UU No. 3/2006 tentang Perubahan UU No. 7/1989 mengenai Peradilan Agama
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Historically, Islam law and the local culture do not always conflict each other. The local culture has a particular place in formulating Islamic law. This proves in adopting process of local culture of pra Islamic society either Prophetera or the generation after him, for instance era of companion and the founder of Islamic law school. In this sense, Imam Syafi’i has diffrencesopinion qaul qadim (old opinion of law) and qaul jadid (new opinion of law). This phenomenon describes the flexibility of Islamic law faces local cultures. Based on this, it need a new paradigm to Syari’ah enforcement in Indonesia in term of how to implement Syari’ah in Indonesia without abrogating the local culture. Kata kunci: hukum Islam, budaya, ‘urf, hukum Islam khas Indonesia.
FUNGSI SOSIAL ZIARAH PADA MASYARAKAT JAWA: Analisis Tradisi Ziarah di Wonoyoso Najitama, Fikria
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 15, No 2 (2013): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v15i2.539


AbstractFor Javanese people, pilgrimage (ziarah) is an important part of the ritual of life. Wonoyoso, as part of the Java, also has a strong tradition of pilgrimage. For Wonoyoso people, pilgrimage is not only based on ‘tradition’, but also includes aspects of rational and emotional value. Thus, pilgrimage is a complex behavior that is not enough to be seen from one aspect only. This study attempted to look at social functions of pilgrimage in Wonoyoso. Thus, this study attempts to understand pilgrimage undertaken by Wonoyoso people by focusing on socio- anthropological aspects. This study results that in the pilgrimage in Wonoyoso have important elements that sustain them: the leader and groups. Moreover, it turns out has a function pilgrimage group integration. This fact can be seen from a system of norms that bind individuals. There are three groups integration: the integration of religious groups (santri), the integration of children of the family (bani), and the integration of family groups. It proves that the ritual pilgrimage in addition to having a very strong personal implications, but also has a social function. Thus, indirectly pilgrimage is ‘tradition’ to bind the individual in a social group.Kata Kunci: ziarah, tradisi, ritual, fungsi sosial, integrasi kelompok
ZIARAH SUCI DAN ZIARAH RESMI (Makna Ziarah pada Makam Santri dan Makam Priyayi) Najitama, Fikria
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 11 No 1 (2013): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.099 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v11i1.65


This article studies the meaning of ziarah which is done by thepeople towards two cemetery in Kebumen, Syekh Anom Sidakarsa’s tomband Adipati Tumenggung Kolopaking’s tomb. Anthrophological approachis functioned as a method to get the belief dimensions, one’s belief, ritualand tradition that is followed by many people. It has been found that thepeople there has some beliefs, the rituals are identical, especially on theprayer and text they are almost the same. In general, the motivation ofthe people is to get barakah and the functions are as a prayer, problemsolver, a hope and a tour.
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 13 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2014.131.9-18


This article will discuss the thoughts of Muhammad Syahrur  on the hijab. For Muhammad Syahrur, the  veil is a matter of shame and embarrassment in custom, not a question of halal and haram. In his view, women should dress in accordance with the conditions, situations and local customs, so heavoided considering interference from either natural or social factors. This view is certainly different from that of the majority of commentators (mufassir) who think the veil is part of God’s commands associated with the issues of halal and haram. This study offers the thought of Muhammad Syahrur as an alternative in relation to the concept of the veil in the context of Indonesian society.
FUNGSI SOSIAL ZIARAH PADA MASYARAKAT JAWA: Analisis Tradisi Ziarah di Wonoyoso Najitama, Fikria
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 15, No 2 (2013): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v15i2.539


AbstractFor Javanese people, pilgrimage (ziarah) is an important part of the ritual of life. Wonoyoso, as part of the Java, also has a strong tradition of pilgrimage. For Wonoyoso people, pilgrimage is not only based on ‘tradition’, but also includes aspects of rational and emotional value. Thus, pilgrimage is a complex behavior that is not enough to be seen from one aspect only. This study attempted to look at social functions of pilgrimage in Wonoyoso. Thus, this study attempts to understand pilgrimage undertaken by Wonoyoso people by focusing on socio- anthropological aspects. This study results that in the pilgrimage in Wonoyoso have important elements that sustain them: the leader and groups. Moreover, it turns out has a function pilgrimage group integration. This fact can be seen from a system of norms that bind individuals. There are three groups integration: the integration of religious groups (santri), the integration of children of the family (bani), and the integration of family groups. It proves that the ritual pilgrimage in addition to having a very strong personal implications, but also has a social function. Thus, indirectly pilgrimage is ‘tradition’ to bind the individual in a social group.Kata Kunci: ziarah, tradisi, ritual, fungsi sosial, integrasi kelompok