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Implementasi Kombinasi Algoritme Self-Organizing Map dan Fuzzy C-Means untuk Pengelompokan Performa Belajar Siswa pada Media Pembelajaran Digital Nabila Divanadia Luckyana; Ahmad Afif Supianto; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 3: Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021834402


Media pembelajaran digital mampu menyimpan data dalam bentuk log data yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat perbedaan performa siswa yang tentu saja berbeda-beda antara satu siswa dengan siswa yang lainnya. Perbedaan performa siswa tersebut menyebabkan dibutuhkannya sebuah tahapan yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah proses evaluasi dengan cara menempatkan siswa kedalam kelompok yang sesuai agar dapat membantu tenaga pengajar dalam menangani serta memberikan umpan balik yang tepat pada siswanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan log data dari sebuah media pembelajaran digital dengan menggunakan kombinasi dari algoritme Self-Organizing Map dan Fuzzy C-Means untuk mengelompokan siswa berdasarkan aktivitas mereka selama belajar dengan media tersebut. Data akan melalui sebuah proses reduksi dimensi dengan menggunakan algoritme SOM, lalu dikelompokkan dengan menggunakan algoritme FCM. Selanjutnya, data dievaluasi dengan menggunakan nilai silhouette coefficient dan dibandingkan dengan algoritme SOM clustering konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi yang telah dilakukan menggunakan 12 data assignment pada media pembelajaran Monsakun, dihasilkan parameter-parameter optimal seperti ukuran map atau jumlah output neuron sejumlah 25x25 dengan nilai learning rate yang berbeda-beda disetiap assignment. Selain itu, diperoleh pula 2 kelompok siswa pada setiap assignment berdasarkan nilai silhouette coefficient tertinggi yang mencapai lebih dari 0.8 di beberapa assignment. Melalui serangkaian pengujian yang telah dilakukan, penerapan kombinasi algoritme SOM dan FCM secara signifikan menghasilkan cluster yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritme SOM clustering konvensional. Abstract Digital learning media is able to store data in the form of log data that can be used to see differences in student performance. The difference in student performance causes the need for a stage that functions to simplify the evaluation process by placing students into appropriate groups in order to assist the teaching staff in handling and providing appropriate feedback to students. This study aims to utilize log data from a digital learning media using a combination of the Self-Organizing Map algorithm and Fuzzy C-Means to classify students based on their activities while learning with these media. The data will go through a dimensional reduction process using the SOM algorithm, then grouped using the FCM algorithm. Furthermore, the data were evaluated using the silhouette coefficient value and compared with the conventional SOM clustering algorithm. Based on the results of the implementation that has been carried out using 12 data assignments on the Monsakun learning media, optimal parameters such as map size or the number of neuron outputs are 25x25 with different learning rate values in each assignment. In addition, 2 groups of students were obtained for each assignment based on the highest silhouette coefficient score which reached more than 0.8 in several assignments. Through a series of tests that have been carried out, the implementation of a combination of the SOM and FCM algorithms has significantly better clusters than the conventional SOM clustering algorithm.
Implementasi Metode Fuzzy Pada Kualitas Air Kolam Bibit Lele Berdasarkan Suhu Dan Kekeruhan Muchammad Cholilulloh; Dahnial Syauqy; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 5 (2018): Mei 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (961.208 KB)


Improper pool water quality can cause fish health will be disturbed, fish growth will be slow and can threaten crop failure. Factors that may affect water quality include temperature and turbidity. Water temperature for catfish seed cultivators ranges from 23ËšC - 30ËšC and turbidity of water can be seen from the clarity of water based on the color. Cloudy color on the water causes the reflection of the sun can not get into the water. Whereas in the process of growth of catfish seedlings needed enough sunlight. In this research used fuzzy takagi-sugeno method to measure water quality at catfish seed pool based on temperature and turbidity. Parameters in use there are two temperature parameters and turbidity sensor. The output of this research is the pump control that serves to replace or fill the pond water. The pond water will be replaced when it has passed the turbidity range limit and fill it if it exceeds the range of cold or hot temperature that has been determined. Based on the results of testing this system can read the value of temperature with an average yield of 2.39% and turbidity value can measure the level of water concentration, and can control the quality of water well
Sistem Notifikasi Kondisi Angin Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy untuk Keselamatan Pelayaran Kresna Wiska Kafila; Dahnial Syauqy; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 5 (2018): Mei 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (858.39 KB)


A ship accident is an issue that happens every year. From the investigation data of cruise accident - KNKT 2010-2016 recorded 337 victims died and 474 wounded. The data does not include unregistered and unrecorded fishermen. Factors that cause the occurrence of cruise accidents is a strong wind conditions. The strong winds causes an increase in sea wave height. In this research using two parameters these are wind speed of the rotary encoder module and wind direction of dual axis module. The parameters are then processed using the fuzzy method. The output of the system is a safety level notification based on parameter readings these are safe, alert and dangerous. Based on testing, the system has an accuracy of 95.37% at wind speed, has an average difference of degree 4,29018o in wind direction, and has a match result between the fuzzy system output with the expected output.
Kontrol Ketinggian Air pada Budidaya Ikan dan Tanaman Yumina Bumina Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno Tegar Assyidiqi Nugroho; Tibyani Tibyani; Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 7 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.851 KB)


The water level is less than ideal can lead to a lack of free areas and the lack of oxygen in the water that results in unhealthy and dying fish and damage plant roots. In addition to the pool water at open area also affected by the rain water can cause the water in the pond overflowed, the water becomes acid can also lead to impaired fish health. Based on the issue of his height control system of water on fish farming and plant yumina-bumina using fuzzy method of takagi-sugeno. This research uses 2 parameter i.e. altitude and rainfall as input that is controlled by the arduino and gives the output form control pumps to fill, reduce or replace the pool water. To define the output method using fuzzy takagi-sugeno. At the end of the study it can be concluded the system is able to control the height of the water in accordance with the initial draft.
Implementasi Metode K-Nearest Neighbor untuk Rekomendasi Keminatan Studi (Studi Kasus: Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Brawijaya) Luthfi Anshori; Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 7 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1404.471 KB)


The Informatics Engineering Programme in Brawijaya University has 5 (five) interests that should be taken by each students in their course period. Considering the importance of this interests to students' academic process which later will affect their final project until their graduation, therefore students are expected to choose their insterests based on their attentiveness and ability. Based on the Faculty of Computer Science Handbook Universitas Brawijaya 2016, there are 5 (five) interests existing in Informatics Programme, namely Software Engineering, Smart Computing, Mobile devices, Computer Networks and Games. In order for students to choose the right interest then they need a recommendation system for students so that students can choose interest that suites their talent, desire and scores of courses that have been taken. By implementing K-Nearest Neighbor method which aims to give recommendation of interests based on attribute of compulsory courses scores. Testing is done by comparing the results of the interests that has been verified by campus' academic with the results of the system. From the test of data train as much as 30 data of students which have chosen their interests hence gotten the result of accuracy as much 76.66% to trainned data with the most optimal K value, the K value 10, therefore can be concluded this recommendation of interest system can help student give recommendation of interest which will be chosen.
Optimasi Interval Fuzzy Time Series Menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization pada Peramalan Permintaan Darah : Studi Kasus Unit Transfusi Darah Cabang - PMI Kota Malang Angga Dwi Apria Rifandi; Budi Darma Setiawan; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 7 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1213.335 KB)


Blood is an important fluid that naturally produced in the human body. When a human lost a lot of blood, a blood transfusion is needed . Blood for the transfusion is provided by a blood storage center in charge of estimating blood demand to minimize the excessive amount of blood in storage or wasted blood. Lack of blood supply can affect to the increased death of the patient, while an oversupply of blood until passes it shelf life (35 days) should also be avoided. In order to minimize the loss, a method to forecast the blood demand is needed, that is fuzzy time series. To increase the accuracy, the method is optimized with particle swarm optimization to determine the best interval in fuzzy time series. Based on the results of a series of tests, the optimum solution with average of cost value (MSE) of 60435,685 is obtained on 40 particles, 30 dimensions, 1.5 and 1.5 for the combination of and value respectively, the weight of inertia of 0.3, and the maximum number of iterations of 950. By using 12 testing data, the error rate generated by this system (MAPE) is 7.50330%.
Implementasi Metode Backpropagation untuk Mengenali Teks pada Natural Scene Image Imam Ghozali; Tibyani Tibyani; Putra Pandu Adikara
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 8 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1219.475 KB)


Text in images contain useful information. Text detection in Natural Scene Image (NSI) becomes an important part of research on text information extraction (TIE). For getting information on the NSI there are various challenges, such as determining the text region in a complex background to recognize various kinds of text that has a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and others. The results of TIE can be implemented in many ways, one of them system can to help blind people to recognize product label or recognize text is around them. To recognize text on the NSI is a composite of two research topics, the first topic is determination of the text region or text detection and second topic is recognizing character of text or character recognition. In this research will focus on recognizing character using backpropagation method. Results of tests is 44.00%, this is influenced by the features extracted from the results of image binerization, many image data has a noise.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Ventilasi Vertikal Solar Adaptive pada Prototype Gedung Bertingkat Berbasis Mikrokontroler Yanuar Enfika Rafani; Tibyani Tibyani; Rizal Maulana
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 8 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.023 KB)


Sunlight intensity of excess can causes problems apply temperature increase which resulted in inconvenience in the building. Therefore it takes a beam of sunlight in order to reduce or mitigate the heat and light from the Sun's entry into the building. By either using the arduino mega 2560 microcontroller and additional sensors LDR and DHT11 then vent can open or close a three-way, follow the direction of the Sun is high in the low sun and inside room temperature. Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller implanted fuzzy sugeno logic as the output decision maker based on fuzzy calculation. The test results indicate various conditions the vent move the incoming light close based on the input from the sensors and sensors DHT11, LDR on fuzzy testing also obtained accurate results. This indicates the system is running properly in determining the motion of ventilation based from light angle.
Sistem Deteksi Warna pada Quadcopter Ar.Drone Menggunakan Metode Color Filtering Hue Saturation and Value (HSV) Ayang Setiyo Putri; Gembong Edhi Setyawan; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 9 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Currently quadcopter is widely used as one of the objects of research method using image processing. With the applied image processing on quadcopter then quadcopter will have plenty of ability to perform the mission, such as tracking, landing, or detect certain objects. However, in most research image still captured by the external camera that additional cost prohibitive. To solve this problem, in this research used Parrot AR.Drone quadcopter that has a built in camera, so not needed an extra camera. Image processing is implemented on the platform that is used to connect the ROS and quadcopter with PC using OpenCV. The method used is color filtering on the HSV color space. The results of this research in the form of a system at AR.Drone are able to detect color with accuracy of 89,6%. Tests on the system is done by testing the performance of detection distance against quadcopter with objects and color detection performance testing with a certain speed. The results is the effective range of object detection is at a distance of 1 meter and the effective speed of quadcopter done dynamically detection is with the speed of 0.6 m/s.
Rancang Bangun Automatic Water Filling Tub System Menggunakan Algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani Siti Nafiah; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan; Tibyani Tibyani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 9 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1390.688 KB)


The water is very important things in human life. That role we can see from the level of human needs, especially when the human using the water in everyday life. But it is unfortunately if that water are waste every day because the human are negligence for himself. Today when the human charge their bathub home there are still use the principle of charging manually, it means still require the human power to operate it. Because those human still use the principle of charging manually it will be less efficient, less saving time, and less saving. In this research we made an Automatic Water Filling system which using the Fuzzy Mamdani logic method. The inputs in this system consists of 3, there are, the water level input from the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, the amount of water which released will calculated using the waterflow sensor G1 / 2, and then calculates the tube size volume obtained from user input using the 4x3 keypad. And then, it will be processes by Arduino Uno Microcontroller and the output system will be displayed on the LCD. The implementation of Fuzzy Mamdani logic in automatic filling bathub consists of four stages there are, Formation of fuzzy set, Application function implication, Composition rule, and Defuzzification. The output on this system is the duration time when filling the bathtub. The success rate of Fuzzy logic we can see by comparing the output value from the system with MATLAB. The average accuracy output system is 94.90%.
Co-Authors Abi Dwijo Sukma Adhitya Aryo Wibowo Adinugroho, Sigit Aditya Dwi Wicaksono Adlan Husein Malahella Adnan Mahfuzhon Agung Bachtiar Sukmaarta Agung Cahya Kurniawan Ahmad Afif Supianto Akhmad Rohim Ana Holifatun Nisa Andrew Adi Nugraha Angga Dwi Apria Rifandi Anindya Agustina Damayanti Anisa Dwi Novita Rika Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Aries Suprayogi Ayang Setiyo Putri Bagus Cakra Jati Kesuma Barlian Henryranu Prasetio Belqis Putri Himmatul Karimah Bilal Benefit Buce Trias Hanggara Budi Darma Setiawan Dahnial Syauqy Davriwan Dzaky Muttaqien Diah Priharsari Edwin Yosef Setiawan Sihombing Edy Santoso Fadhlillah Ikhsan Faizatul Amalia Fitriyah, Hurriyatul Galih Ariwanda Gembong Edhi Setyawan Hazal Kurniawan Putra Ians Adji Adhitama Imam Cholisoddin Imam Cholissodin Imam Ghozali Indah Riska Aulia Irvan Windy Prastyo Irwan Kurniawan Issa Arwani Ivarianti Sihaloho Joshua Arnold Tradanarova Kamal Irsyadillah Kevin Aditya Firmansyah Putra Kholif Beryl Gibran Kresna Wiska Kafila Lailil Muflikhah Lb Novendita Ariadana Linda Silvya Putri Luthfi Anshori M. Adib Fauzi Rahmana M. Ali Fauzi M. Rizzo Irfan Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Mochammad Izzuddin Moh. Ibnu Assayyis Muchammad Cholilulloh Muhammad Resna Muhammad Rizki Augusta Muhammad Sanzabi Libianto Muhammad Yusuf Ramadan Muria Naharul Hudan Najihul Ulum Nabila Divanadia Luckyana Nurul Hidayat Paul Manason Sahala Simanjuntak Pitoyo Peter Hartono Priscillia Pravina Putri Sugihartono Putra Pandu Adikara Ramadhan Anindya Guna Aniwara Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri, Rekyan Regasari Mardi Rich Juniadi Domitri Simamora Rizal Maulana Ryan Bayu Permadi Sarah Aditya Darmawan Siti Nafiah Sutrisno Sutrisno Tegar Assyidiqi Nugroho Tobing Setyawan Tri Putra Anggara Utaminingrum, Fitri Valensiyah Rozika Widhy Hayuhardhika Nugraha Putra Widhy Hayuhardika Nugraha Putra Yanuar Enfika Rafani Yogi Suwandy Yuita Arum Sari