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All Journal Jurnal KALAM Al-Ulum
Naupal Naupal
Faculty Of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia

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Al-Ulum Vol 14, No 2 (2014): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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After the end of Soeharto’s regime, in 52  districts produced 78 regulations (perda) influenced  by sharia to purify Islam from secular institutions. Because of that, Islam in Indonesia now is criticized as having a tendency to be close to status quo, and resulting so many problems, such as being injustice and dehumanize. Islam as a prophetic religion, as a religion not only for faith to Allah, is  also a religion that liberating people from violence and injustice, as Prophet Muhammad  brought it. This academic writing , using the hermeneuticmethod  fromPaul Ricoeur, analizes the situation, by proposing three ways outthrough the theory of critical ideology,  and  the deconstruction, and  offering to accept plurality, to overcome the problems of complicated situation. Propethic religion might be the proper solution for the problems of Islam in Indonesia than priestly/institutional religion, in order to acheive the better Indonesian society, by practising tolerance, openess in mind, egaliter and democatic. ----------Setelah berakhirnya Rezim Suharto 52 wilayah di Indonesia membuat 78 Perda yang menginginkan pelaksanaan Islam secara kaffah. Oleh karena itu Islam di Indonesia  dikritik sebagai agama yang cenderung berada dalam status quo dan menyebabkan banyak masalah, seperti ketidakadilan dan tidak berperikemanusian. Islam sebagai sebuah agama kenabian tidak hanya berbicara tentang ketaatan kepada Allah, tetapi juga membahas tentang pembebasan manusia dari kekerasan dan ketidakadilan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode Hermeunetik dari Paul Ricoeur  yang menganalisis dengan mengajukan tiga teori yaitu kritik ideologi, dekonstruksi dan pluralism. Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji peran Islam sebagai agama kenabian di Indonesia yang menci-citakan terwujudnya masyarakat Indonesia yang ideal, masyarakat toleran terbuka dan demokratis.
KLAIM KEBENARAN TEOLOGI DAN TUNTUTAN ZAMAN: Refleksi Kritis atas Etika Beragama Naupal, Naupal
KALAM Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Islam dan Kekerasan Dalam Agama

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AbstrakArtikel ini mendiskusikan klaim kebenaran teologi dan pengaruhnya sejak era pra-modern hingga post-modern. Klaim kebenaran teologi era pra modern, yang dipusatkan pada lembaga keagamaan dengan dimensi spiritualitas rendah yang menyebabkan terjadinya dehumanisasi, akibat dari kekuatan materialisme dalam sains dan kekosongan nilai moral. Bahaya terbesar dari kekosongan nilai moral adalah kemunculan persaingan abadi sebagai etika satu-satunya dalam hubungan antar manusia. Berangkat dari pengalaman masa lalu, saat ini teologi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dimensi spiritual yang mendorong nilai-nilai toleransi dengan landasan kedudukan semua yang ada adalah manifestasi kasih sayang, kekuatan dan perasaan yang dimiliki Tuhan.AbstactTHE THEOLOGICAL TRUTH CLAIMS AND THE FUTURE DEMANDS: CRITICAL REFLECTION TOWARD RELIGIOUS ETHICS. This article discusses the truth claims of theology and its influence on human civilization from the pre-modern to post-modern era. In fact, theological truth claims in pre-modern era that focused on religious institutions with a low spiritual dimension has resulted in the dehumanization, materialism in science, and void of moral values. The greatest danger of the void of moral values is the emergence of the eternal competition in human relations as a sole ethics. Departing from the past experience, the theology of the future should incorporate the spiritual dimensions of all existing position with the values of tolerance, which is a manifestation of God’s power and love.
KLAIM KEBENARAN TEOLOGI DAN TUNTUTAN ZAMAN: Refleksi Kritis atas Etika Beragama Naupal, Naupal
KALAM Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.734 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v8i2.303


Artikel ini mendiskusikan klaim kebenaran teologi dan pengaruhnya sejak era pra-modern hingga post-modern. Klaim kebenaran teologi era pra modern, yang dipusatkan pada lembaga keagamaan dengan dimensi spiritualitas rendah yang menyebabkan terjadinya dehumanisasi, akibat dari kekuatan materialisme dalam sains dan kekosongan nilai moral. Bahaya terbesar dari kekosongan nilai moral adalah kemunculan persaingan abadi sebagai etika satu-satunya dalam hubungan antar manusia. Berangkat dari pengalaman masa lalu, saat ini teologi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dimensi spiritual yang mendorong nilai-nilai toleransi dengan landasan kedudukan semua yang ada adalah manifestasi kasih sayang, kekuatan dan perasaan yang dimiliki Tuhan.
The Reconstruction Of Sufi’s Roles In Islamic Teaching In Indonesia: A Critical Reflection Over Religious Radicalism Romansjach, Aman; Naupal, Naupal
KALAM Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.199 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v12i2.2460


The phenomenon of religious radicalism has never stopped in the history of humankind up to now. This radicalism is different from the peaceful Islamic teaching that took place during the period that Islam entered Indonesia first time with the role of Sufi in it. This article is  an effort of reconstruction of Sufi’s role in Islamic teaching in Indonesia, a reflection over religious radicalism  with phenomenology approach, tassawuf can be categorized as factual life experience according to Heidegger’s concept.  The aim of this study is to analyize  that tassawuf is relevant in the life of plural society of Indonesia, and solution to human who is inherently homo religious to prevent religious radicalism.
The Reconstruction Of Sufi’s Roles In Islamic Teaching In Indonesia: A Critical Reflection Over Religious Radicalism Aman Romansjach; Naupal Naupal
KALAM Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.199 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v12i2.2460


The phenomenon of religious radicalism has never stopped in the history of humankind up to now. This radicalism is different from the peaceful Islamic teaching that took place during the period that Islam entered Indonesia first time with the role of Sufi in it. This article is  an effort of reconstruction of Sufi’s role in Islamic teaching in Indonesia, a reflection over religious radicalism  with phenomenology approach, tassawuf can be categorized as factual life experience according to Heidegger’s concept.  The aim of this study is to analyize  that tassawuf is relevant in the life of plural society of Indonesia, and solution to human who is inherently homo religious to prevent religious radicalism.
The Reconstruction of Islamic Education in Indonesia Through Maqāṣid Sharī‘ah of Jaseer Auda Naupal Naupal
Al-Ulum Vol. 17 No. 2 (2017): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1279.986 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/au.v17i2.202


Islamic education in Indonesia has a long history and started around the 13th century, but it faces many challenges. The first of challenge is the existence of logocentrism and the second of the challenge is the school of centrism (mazdhab-centrism). Logocentrism and school of centrism (mazdhab-centrism) in Islamic education has caused the rise of ghulat community and radicalism in Indonesia. For this reason, Islamic education as an implementation of maqāṣid sharī‘ah should be reconstructed. Islamic education systems have to change its strategy and operational method. It has to be open and inclusive to foreign resources of school environment as stated by Auda in maqāṣid sharī‘ah. By implementing the thought of Auda’s maqāṣid sharī‘ah in the Islamic education in Indonesia, it is expected that the competent, broad-minded, humanistic, tolerant, and democratic Muslim communities can be realized. Besides that, the reconstruction of Islamic education can give information to the society that Islam is not as rigid as radicalism claims, but Islam provides a lot of alternatives in solving the present problems.
The Reconstruction of The Role of Islam in Indonesia as A Propethic Religion Naupal Naupal
Al-Ulum Vol. 14 No. 2 (2014): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.117 KB)


After the end of Soeharto’s regime, in 52 districts produced 78 regulations (perda) influenced by sharia to purify Islam from secular institutions. Because of that, Islam in Indonesia now is criticized as having a tendency to be close to status quo, and resulting so many problems, such as being injustice and dehumanize. Islam as a prophetic religion, as a religion not only for faith to Allah, is also a religion that liberating people from violence and injustice, as Prophet Muhammad brought it. This academic writing , using the hermeneuticmethod fromPaul Ricoeur, analizes the situation, by proposing three ways outthrough the theory of critical ideology, and the deconstruction, and offering to accept plurality, to overcome the problems of complicated situation. Propethic religion might be the proper solution for the problems of Islam in Indonesia than priestly/institutional religion, in order to acheive the better Indonesian society, by practising tolerance, openess in mind, egaliter and democatic.