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Peran Pendidikan Islam Dalam Mensiasati Khilafiyah Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Manajemen Penddiikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i1.622


Islamic education is the best strategy to resolve social conflicts ofkhilafiyah that occurred in the Muslim community. This paper aims toexplain how to address khilafiyah through Islamic Education. Study ofliterature with this a critical analysis method found that khilafiyah doesnot need to be removed because it is the sunnatullah, that is the consequencesof ijtihad. What needs to be carried out by Muslims is how to managekhilafiyah into something constructive in social life. Khilafiyah should beviewed as a wisely, tolerantly and full of brotherhood and peace. Thisperspective on khilafiyah can grow by developing social ethics, such asIslamic education. As a result, Islamic education must be willing to get areconstruction in its various aspects; such as the theological andphilosophical aspects, substantive aspects, methodological aspects, and theethical aspects of nation and state.
Integrasi Ilmu dan Agama: Perkembangan Konseptual di Indonesia Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 10, No 1 (2015): Pendidikan Akhlak
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v10i1.323


Pendidikan Islam diharapkan menjadi “tiang penyangga” perintisan peradaban Islam. Selain menyangkut kegiatan ritual keagamaan, Islam juga berbicara tentang ilmu pengetahuan, kualitas kehidupan manusia, keadilan, dan juga anjuran beramal saleh. Rasulullah SAW diutus ke dunia bukan hanya untuk menyempurnakan akhlak. Dengan kata lain, Islam tidak saja menyangkut agama tetapi juga peradaban. Namun sayangnya, ketika berbicara tentang Islam, imajinasi mayoritas orang hanya tertuju kepada persoalan ritual. Dalam dunia pendidikan terdapat fakta pembagian fakultas pada perguruan tinggi agama, yang hanya meliputi fakultas tarbiyah, ushuluddin, syari’ah, dan dakwah. Sedangkan fakultas ekonomi, sosial-politik, sains, dan sebagainya tidak disebut sebagai fakultas agama tapi fakultas umum. Di balik fenomena ini ada paradigma dikotomis. Di dalam paradigma ini, aspek kehidupan dipandang dengan dua sisi yang berlawanan, yang pada gilirannya berkembang dalam memandang aspek kehidupan dunia dan akhirat; sehingga pendidikan agama Islam hanya diletakkan pada aspek kehidupan akhirat atau kehidupan rohani saja. Melalui upaya analitis-kritis terhadap beberapa sumber, penulis menemukan bahwa ada perkembangan issue kaitan agama dan sains di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Paradigma dikotomis sudah ditinggalkan dari kalangan akademis saat ini. Paradigma mekanis tampaknya diikuti oleh UIN SYAHID Jakarta, UIN SUKA Yogyakarta dan UINSA Surabaya. Adapun paradigma organis tampaknya diikuti oleh UIN MALIKI Malang dan UNIDA Gontor.
Reading: The Needed Skills to Catch the Meaning Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 8, No 2 (2013): Urgensi Pendidikan Pesantren
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v8i2.501


Membaca bukanlah sekedar ketrampilan memecah simbol-simbol.Membaca sesungguhnya merupakan upaya untuk memahami apa danbagaimana pola pikir sang penulis. Bahkan, mengkritisinya atau berkreasidengannya. Karena itu, membaca sesungguhnya merupakan komunikasiantara penulis dan pembacanya.Membaca tentu membutuhkan kecerdasan dan ketrampilan tertentusecara memadai pada setiap tingkatannya. Topik ini membahas ketrampilanyang dibutuhkan pada setiap tingkatan membaca.Tingkatan pertama adalah membaca literal. Disebut juga membacaekstensif. Seorang pembaca pada tingkatan ini baru memiliki kemampuanmenangkap makna secara ekplisit. Kedua adalah membaca kritis ataumembaca intensif. Pada tingkatan ini seorang pembaca sudah mampumenangkap makna secara implisit. Dia telah memiliki satu set kemampuanintelektual untuk menganalisis bahan bacaan secara objektif, fair, dan bijaksesuai dengan sikap ilmiah. Tingkatan membaca tertinggi adalah membacakreatif. Seorang pembaca dalam tingkatan ini memiliki ketrampilan untukmenghubungkan dan menerapkan hasil bacaan dalam konteks kehidupanyang lebih luas.
Pendidikan Sains Berbasis Agama untuk Membangun Hidup Sehat Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.778


Term of halalan in the religion means allowed, whereas in the sciencemeans healthy. Conservative aspect of faith-based on science educationprovide an explanation of the blood from the values of religion and science.From the religious point, blood (ad-dam) was haram consumed, while scienceexplains that the consumption of blood is harmful to health. The scientificinformation can help us understand the secret dimension (hikmah)prohibition of the blood, that the Lord of Maintaining His servants. Role ofscience education that based on religion is warning people to choose whichis lawful and what is not lawful; which thoyyib and which is not thoyyib.Eating liver and spleen in the perspective of religion is lawful, whereasfrom the perspective of science, it is allowed in limited quantities. Childrenshould consume these types innard, but parents should not. Finally, therole of creative-innovative science education based on religion is warningpeople to make food based on scientific and religious-minded as theembodiment of the values halalan-thayyiban in civilization. This articleaims to explore the role of science education based on religion in increasingawareness of scientific and religious, particularly those associated withblood in personal and social life. Through the methods of literature authorsconcluded the important of optimize the role of conservative criticismevaluative,and creative-innovative science education based on religion toimprove people’s attitudes and behaviors with the blood according to thevalue of halalan-thayyiban.
The Education of Mathematics Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v9i1.301


The objective of mathematics education is not only preparingmathematicians but making well-informed citizens. This is a broad generalterms for objective of the teaching of mathematics. And, this might beimplemented as “accurate thorough knowledge” or “original logicalthinking”. So, teaching mathematics is not the conversation andtransmission of mathematical knowledge, but on the aim of preparing wellinformedcitizens trained in independent, critical thinking.By the mathematics, sciences become simple, clearer, and easier to bedeveloped. The mathematics is often applied for solving any problem ofother field of sciences, either in the physics such as astronomy, chemistry,technique; or social sciences such as economy, demography, and assurance.Those all need an analysis reading ability.Mathematical skill, therefore, relates strongly with the analysisreading ability in the human intellectual structure. This study is about therelationship between them. And, result of the study shows us as below:Both Mathematical skill and analysis reading ability possess the “high type”of thinking operation. Both also involve the same content of the abstractintelligent, i.e. symbolic and semantic contents. Last but not least, both alsouse the same product of thinking, i.e. units, classes, relations, and systems.Both can be transformed and have an implication.
The Application of Random Text Active Learning Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Hadith Subjects at Class 1 of KMI Darussalam Modern Gontor Islamic Institution Nurul Azizah; Agus Budiman; Abu Darda; Lusi Lathifatul Qolbi
At-Ta'dib Vol 16, No 1 (2021): Mental, Character and Moral education
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v16i1.6329


The success of learning can be seen in terms of processes and results. Data on student learning outcomes at the beginning of the semester founded that only 13% of class 1E students had reached the KKM. One of the important components in the learning process is the learning strategy. The Random Text Active Learning Strategy, because the random text strategy makes students remember the surahs and text of hadits .The Random Text Active Learning Strategy increases the activeness and learning outcomes of grade 1E students on Hadith subject at KMI Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School. The aim of this study are: 1) to increase in a learning activity of class 1E in Hadith material through the Random Text Active Learning Strategy. 2) to the improvement of student learning outcomes 0f class 1E in Hadith material through the Random Text Active Learning Strategy. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Kemmis and Mc Taggart model. methods to data collection used tests and observations. The subject of this research is class 1E KMI as 39 students. Classroom action research was carried out in two cycles consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of this study are: 1) The implementation of Random Text Active Learning Strategy can increase the student's learning activity in the Hadith subject for class 1E at KMI Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School, reached 59% or 34 students in the first cycle and increased by 84% or 39 students. While the increase from the first cycle to the second cycle reached 25%. 2) The Random Text Active Learning Strategy is proven to be effective to increase student learning outcomes, reaching 26 students or 67% in the first cycle and increasing to 34 students or 87% in the second cycle.
Integrative Curriculum Management Model: The relation of Symbiosis-Mutualism Academic Subject Curriculum and Social Reconstruction in Modern Islamic boarding school of Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo Abu Darda
Educan : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Islamic learning methods
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.306 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/educan.v2i2.3267


Structure of the KMI (Kulliyyatul Muallallin al-Islamiyyah) curriculum includes the Islamic studies subjects group, Arabic studies subjects group, and the general sciences subjects group. KMI's curriculum tends to the model of subject academic and technologic curriculum.Guidance and Counseling for Santri who are responsible for non-formal education, its curriculum structure relates to the self expression or self-actualization for the development of life skills, both soft skills and hard skills. The Guidance and Counseling for Santri’s curriculum tends to the humanistic and social reconstruction curriculum model.The integrated management of the curriculum in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor is to conserve an equal balance of general education and religious education, active Arabic and English learning methods, and a disciplined boarding system; by using a holistic knowledge paradigm. All managerial functions of the KMI curriculum and Guidance and Counseling for Santri’s curriculum are intended to design the graduate as an ‘ulama and intellectuals, as the glue of ummah; as the intellectuals-‘ulama, not intellectuals who knows a little thing of religion; all graduate’s competencies are reflected in the mottoes: the noble character, sound body, broad knowledge, and independent mind.Management of curriculum integration of KMI and Guidance and Counseling for Santri design a beautiful configuration and symbiotic mutualism in reaching the goals of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor.
Madrasah, Quality and Strategic Plan Abu Darda
Educan : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Metode Pembelajaran Agama Islam
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (505.058 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/educan.v2i1.2441


This paper aims to understand the the quality improvement of Madrasah as one of the Islamic education institutions of Indonesia, through the construction of strategic plan (renstra) for the development of Islamic education. Madrasah quality must be well managed so that it can realize the goals and noble values of Islamic education. Its missions are actually heavier than public schools because of the broader range of functions and tasks. Its goal as Islamic education institutions includes spiritual competence, religious character, in addition to social, personal, academic and vocational competencies. This paper finds out that managerial stages to improve the quality of madrasah are: inventory of main activities; strategy formulation; action plan and scheme of procedure for developing quality learning. According to the experience of KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor in the construction of the Science and Technology development strategic plan, it involves some actions, such as: To formulate a strategy; describe real challenges; goal achievement strategy; target and size for each strategy; SWOT analysis; alternative steps for solving; action plan and implementation program; and schedule of activities. The strategic objectives, including the following: curriculum and learning process; madrasah leadership and management; organization and institutions; workforce; financing and funding; learners; the role of the community; madrasah environment and culture.
The Effect of Using TAPPS (Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving) Method on Learning Outcomes of Class X Science Fiqh Material at Sabilillah High School Malang Taufik Rizki Sista; Abu Darda; Lusiana Hadi Febrianty
Educan : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Evaluation of Islamic Education Learning
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/educan.v7i1.9339


Less attractive learning practices always cause problems in student academic achievement results. Especially in religious studies, which in general are teachings with a pattern of delivering lectures. Fiqh subject matter  is one of the Islamic subjects that uses teacher creativity in learning to attract students' interest and attention. This study aims to determine the influence of the use of the TAPPS (Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving) method on the academic performance of class X  Fiqh  subject matter science at Sabilillah High School Malang. The research method used is quantitative with an experimental approach (True experimental design). The data analysis technique used is Mann Whitney's U-test because the data obtained is not qualified to be tested with a parametric approach. The results of the data analysis showed that the output on the Mann Whitney U Significance test was 0.000 < 0.05 which means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It can be concluded that the TAPPS (Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving) method has an effect on the academic performance of students of class X Fiqh subject matter at Sabilillah Malang High School.
Analisis Kurikulum Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al-Ihsan Randegan Losari Brebes Nurul Salis Amin; Abu Darda; Neri Wijayanti; Ajeng Yunda Isyana
Sustainable Jurnal Kajian Mutu Pendidikan Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Sustainable
Publisher : Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu, IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/kjmp.v6i1.3631


Madrasah Diniyah di Indonesia sebagai alternatif untuk penambah dan pelengkap dari pendidikan formal yang dirasa belum cukup dalam memberikan pendidikan agama dalam beberapa pertemuan saja. Maka dengan sedikitnya waktu pertemuan dan banyaknya materi yang seharusnya didapatkan secara luas, menjadikan peserta didik belum mampu menguasai dengan benar tentang pendidikan Agama Islam tersebut. Hingga dengan keresahan ini Madrasah Diniyah merancang sedemikian kurikulum yang dapat membantu peserta didik untuk merealisasikan pendidikan Agamanya menjadi sebuah hal yang patut dan melekat dalam hidupnya.Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah:(1) untuk menjelaskan tentang tujuan kurikulum yang diterapkan oleh Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al-Ihsan Randegan, Losari, Brebes. (2) untuk menjelaskan tentang materi, metode pembelajaran dan evaluasi di kurikulum yang diterapkan oleh Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al-Ihsan Randegan, Losari, Brebes.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriftif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah: Observasi, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kurikulum Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al-Ihsan Randega nmeliputi: tujuan yang sesuai dengan keputusan menteri Agama No.3 Tahun 1983 tentang kurikulum Madrasah Diniyah. Kurikulum tersebut meliputi Materi Al-Qur’an, Hadits, Tarikh Islam, Fiqh, Aqidah, Akhlak, dan bahasa Arab, yang disajikan dengan metode ceramah, Tanya jawab, suri tauladan, demonstrasi, dan hafalan juga praktek dalam proses pendidikan dan pembelajaranya. Adapun evaluasi yang digunakan Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Al-Ihsan Randegan secara sumatif dan formatif melalui ujian harian, ujian semester, serta ujian praktek.